The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 04, 1961, Image 4
Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, May 4, 1961 THE BATTALION Plaque Honors Dr. Humbert As Scientist, Educator The late Dr. Eugene P. Hum-1 of the Department of Genetics bert, who was professor and head I from 1922 to 1946, has been hon- 1958 Booneville Coupe A/C Fuel Power Radio and Heater $1895.00 1957 Cadillac BeYille 4 Boor Power and Air $1995.00 1958 Ford Ccnpe, Radio and Heater Fordomatie , $1295.00 1957 Ford Country Sedan Wagon Radio, Heater and Overdrive .... $1095.00 1957 Chevrolet, 2 Boor, Real Clean Radio and Heater, New Tires, Standard Transmission $895.00 for Co. USED CAR LOT 1405 Texas Avenue Bryan, Texas ored posthumously as a scientist and educator with the presentation of a large bronze plaque to the college. The presentation took place April 28 in President Earl Rud der’s office. President Rudder and Mrs. E. P. Humbert of Bryan, the profes sor’s widow, accepted the plaque in behalf of the college from the Texas Certified Seed Producers, 'Inc., of Waco. Making the presen tation was John S. Rogers of Col lege Station, president of the TCSP. “We are here to honor a per son, who in our opinion, through his devotion to his chosen profes sion, contributed much to the wel fare of man. The benefits of his work will serve many future gen erations,” Rogers said at the bx-ief ceremony. He described Humbert as an outstanding educator and scien tist. “Perhaps ranking highest among his many activities, other than serving his family and A&M, was serving the seed industry of Tex as,” Rogers said. “Humbert served the seed trade for almost 40 years, first as a member of the original State Seed and Plant Board, and secondly as secretary-treasurer of the Texas Certified Seed Producers Inc.” Other persons attending the ceremony were Dr. R. E. Patter son, Dean of Agriculture; C. B. Godbey, head of the Department of Genetics; Dr. W. O. Trogdon, Head of the Department of Agronomy; Othel Neely of Waco, executive vice president of the- TCSP, and Miss Frances Humbert of Bryan, Humbert’s granddaughter. Humbert was born in Iowa in 1881 and was educated at Iowa State College and Cornell Univer sity. Dr. Humbert Honored . . . widow accepts plaque posthumously Congress Adds $88 Million To Kennedy Space Program By The Associated Press WASHINGTON—Spurred by the Soviet man-in-orbit feat, the House Space Committee Wednesday added $88.7 million to the Kennedy ad ministration’s 1962 space program. Chairman Overton Brooks, D.- La., said there is more to come. At the same time, the House Armed Services committee added $337 million to an administration defense measure for continued pro duction of B-58 medium and B-52 heavy jet bombers. Armed Services jCommittee Chairman Carl Vinson, D.-Ga., said “the time has not come yet” when principal reliance can be placed on the intercontinental ballistic mis sile. Vinson’s committee accepted the administration decision to cut back funds for the B-70 intercontinental bomber, however, in approving a $12.37-billion defense authorization bill. The Space Committee’s tenta tive approval of an $88.7-million increase in funds for the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis tration covered three major pro jects Apollo, which aims at a three- man space laboratory orbiting the earth and then the moon; Rover, a radical new nuclear rocket en gine; Solid-fuel space boosters, which many committee members think offer a hope of getting ahead of the Soviet Union in space. zypmmmx § a cl . :... ATii Slavics At WE KEEP PRICES DOWN YOU SAVE MORE WHILE YOU GET MORE AT YOUR FRIENDLY WEINGARTENS STORE THIS WEEKEND . . . . AND YOU GET BIG BONUS STAMPS TOO! These prices good thru Saturday May 6. We reserve right to limit quantities. Young'n Tender — Lean'n Tasty The Family Favorite! AL^/ ROAST Crown or Square Cut € ROUND STEAK m SIRLOIN STEAK 75 T-BONE STEAK 85^ RUMP ROAST 69 Shoulder Chops 49' ROLL ROAST ^ 59 0 MPERiAL SUGAR Pure Can 5 / : ; . Salad Dressing Quart Jar LESULU FROZEN—Sliced Strawberries ... 10-Oz. Pkg. 19c FOOD CLUB Catsup 14-Oz. Bottle 13c RED RIPE—FLORIDA Watermelon Lb. 5c RATH BLACK HAWK or MOHAWK Franks 12-Oz. Pkg. 39c CONTADINA CALIFORNIA Whole Tomatoes 2 No. 303 Cans 29c CREAM STYLE—ELNA Corn 2 No. 303 Cans 29c STALEY’S Corn Oil Qt. 57c DINING INN BEEF CHICKEN Frozen Pies OR TURKEY 4 - 8-Oz. Pkg. 75c SWEET CREAM Ice Cream y 2 Gal. 79c FOOD CLUB Sweet Gherkins ... 22-Oz. Jar 49c Freshman Snag; “Ladies’ Man” Title OK, Hollywood, hang on to your pants; there’s an Aggie in the running for the title of national “Ladies’ Man.” Larry Muehlstein, freshman from Avoca, collected a staggering total of 800 votes, to win the right to be known as the campus “Ladies’ Man,” and be en tered in the national phase of the coptest. The 18-year-old agriculture edu cation major in Company C-l won the contest being sponsored by The Battalion in conjunction with Jerry Lewis’ latest effort, “Ladies’ Man.” The national prize is a date with one of the flick’s 32 beautiful starlets and an all expense paid trip to Hollywood. The prize for winning the campus title won’t be announced in this relatively Victorian news paper, but, Muehlstein will be able to enjoy his award the year round. Over 1,700 votes were cast in the contest. As a side thought, this total is larger than the number of ballots cast in either of the last several campus-wide Student Sen ate and class officer elections. That shows where most Aggie’s thoughts dwell. Muehlstein’s favorite endorse ment-getting tactic was to stand in the post office in the Memorial Student Center and asking for votes as students checked their mail boxes. “Most people were more than glad to sign my list,” he said. “Only four persons refused to sign for no reason at all. General Order Lists Promotions The Office of the Commandant yesterday issued General Order No. 9, ordering promotion of cadet officers and non-commissioned of ficers in the Corps of Cadets. The order is. as follows: Co. E-l, Marvin Lim promoted to First Lieutenant; Third Group, David N. Loupot promoted to Lieu tenant Colonel (Commanding Offi cer); First Wing, Rudolph H. Stevens promoted to Master Ser geant (supply sergeant); Co. F-l, Richard Reiser promoted to First Lieutenant (platoon leader); Co. E-2, Edward D. Rigsby promoted to Captain (commanding officer); Third Battle Group, James E. Stubbs promoted to Major (execu tive officer), John M. McMullen promoted to Major (scholastic of ficer), Carlos S. Worley promoted to Major (adjutant and supply), and Tom P. Airhart promoted to T/Sgt. (supply sergeant). ► The following cadets were also promoted: Maroon Band, John C. Walker promoted to T/Sgt. (supply sergeant); Co. D-l, Robert L. Nolan promoted to First Lieuten ant (scholastic officer), Walter L. Heme promoted to First Lieutenant (platoon leader), Dock D. Burke promoted to T/Sgt. (platoon ser geant), Thomas M. Carpenter pro moted to T/Sgt. (platoon ser geant). and Charles D. Jocketz promoted to T/Sgt. (supply ser geant). Co. H-l, John S. Gordon pro moted to Staff Sgt. (squad leader), fake a lesson in comfort $rifeh5ahs shorts from • Distinctive beltless styling • New self-adjusting waistband with button tabs at the side for an exact fit • Easy-care, Wash and Wear fabrics. THE EXCHANGE STORE “SERVING TEXAS AGGIES” Phillip A. Ryan promoted to Cor poral (supply clerk) and John M. Hickman promoted to Corporal (company clerk); Co. C-2, Julius J. Klehm promoted to First Lieu tenant (executive officer), Ben B. Boyd promoted to Corporal (asst, squad leader), Robert J. Strange promoted to Corporal (asst, squad leader) and Michael S. George promote dto Corporal (asst, squad leader). In Co. D-2, Dale L. Sinor pro moted to Corporal (asst, squad leader), Edwin B. Ferrell pro moted to Corporal (asst, squad leader) and James L. Moore pro moted to Corporal (asst, squad leader); Co. H-2, these men pro moted to First Lieutenant: Tom L. Austin, Paul S. Baur; T/Sgt. pro motions to Charles F. Warlick and Charles G. Braseno; Staff Sgt. promotions to William L. Hutton, William M. Pederson, John L. Mog- ford, John L. Hall, George A. Kitchen and James Ruhmann; Corporal promotions to John H. Meyer, William D. Nix, John D. Burton, Howard C. Ham, William K. Mactavish, James E. McGregor, William K. Rundell and Pat Hart- sell. Co. K-2, Roger S. Terry pro moted to First Lieutenant and Howell A. Tompkins to T/Sgt.; First Wing, Marvin L. Schneider promoted to Major; Second Wing, Windell L. Irby promoted to T/Sgt.; Squadron 10, Robert F. Lindsay promoted to T/Sgt. 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