THE BATTALION Pag-e 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 26, 1961 Financial Reporting Interest Growing The editor of the editorial page of a Texas nawspappr said yester day that “more people than ever before are interested in financial reporting—because more people than ever before are literate and Wednesday — Thursday — Friday “THE MARRIAGE-GO- ROUND” with Susan Hayward plus “WILD RIVER” with Montgomery Clift 4 LAST DAY PETER SELLERS “I’M ALLRIGHT JACK” Starts Tomorrow FOR 1 ADULTS ONLY No One Under 18 /I Xt8ALO FHM CLASSIC JH GLORIOUS EASTMAN made, in HOLLYWOOD TH6 ^PICTURE ITALIAN FRENCH MOVIE MAKERS wouldn't DARE TO make/ SEE A PZEPMS TOMS/ DREAM OR /f , RAViSWNG 8EA0\ are shareholders shareholders. 1 ’ or potential The speaker, Frank Langston of the Dallas Times Herald, told the more than 150 persons at the Ac counting Conference in the Memo rial Student Center that “our readers want to know what hap pened in the company the past year. Did it make a profit ? How much ? HoW much per share ? How does that tally with the price of the stock ? What kind of divi dends did it pay? Has it any new products that may affect its value this year? Does the report reflect good, prudent management? Has the management shown itself to be aggressive ? “I believe a financial report should inform—not confuse or hide. “But from time to time we get fragmentary reports that deal in percentages only—‘sales were up 18 per cent last year.’ “Up 18 per cent from what? “Unless we know that ‘what’ the 18 per cent figure doesn’t mean very much,” Langston declared. Top - flight businessmen from throughout the U. S. attended the conference. Robert Zech of Arthur Anderson and Co., Dallas, was conference chairman. Walter S. Manning of the Division of Busi ness Administration was in charge of local arrangements. PALACE Bryan 2'SS79 NOW SHOWING . “GAN 'CAN” with Frank Sinatra QUEEN NOW SHOWING Walt Disney’s “101 DALMATIONS” Pakistanian Honored At A&M Dr. Abdul Haque, center, assistant director of Public Instruction for the government in East Pakistan, was honored recently at a luncheon at A&M. Attending the affair were Chancellor M. T. Harrington and Earl Rudder. Acting as education advisor to the government of East Pakistan, Haque has been studying the educational organization of A&M with the idea of setting up a similar system at the East Pakistan Agricultural University. The luncheon was sponsored by the Pakistani Students Association. Proposed Bill To Give Korean Vets Assistance Special to The Battalion Four million Cold War veterans will have the opportunity of re ceiving educational and job train ing assistance under a bill which is now before the Senate Subcom mittee on Veterans Affairs, accord ing to Ralph Yarborough, U. S. Senator from Texas and one of the chief sponsors of the bill, which was introduced in January. The bill would provide readjust ment assistance for post Korean vetefans. These are persons who have performed more than six months active duty in the armed forces since Jan. 31, 1955. The basic eligibility period extends to July 1, 1963, the present termina tion date of the compulsory draft law. A .veteran would receive one and one half days education or train ing for each day on active duty. The period' of education or train ing is limited, however, to 36 months. During a period of full time edu cation or training, a Cold War veteran, with no dependents, would receive a monthly allowance of $110. He would receive $135 a month with one dependent and $160 with more than one depend ent. In usihg these allowances, the veteran would be responsible for paying for his subsistence, fees, tuition, supplies, books and equip ment. Deadline provisions in the bill require the veteran to begin his training within three years from date of discharge or the date of enactment of the bill into law, whichever is later. He must com plete his education or training within eight years after discharge or enactment of the bill, whichever is later. There would be no retroactive allowances for the Cold War vet eran who was enrolled in school or a training program before Jan. 1, 1961, but those veterans enrolled since that time would be eligible. Vocational rehabilitation train ing for disabled veterans would be conditioned upon the need for training as determined by the Ad- LUCKY STRIKE PRESENTS D&R.DfcFRaoD dr. frood’s thought for the day: A lillle learning can be a dangerous thing—especially in a multiple-choice exam. DEAR DR. FROOD: I have been training our college mascot, a goat. He has learned how to open a pack of Luckies, take out a cigarette, light up and smoke. Do you think I can get him on a TV show? Animal Husbandry Major DEAR ANIMAL: I’m afraid not. To make TV now adays, you’ve got to have an act that’s really different. After all, there are millions of Lucky smokers. ministrator of Veterans Affairs. A disabled veteran’s training pro- grani could be at either college or below college level, depending upon his needs and capabilities. The bill would provide loan assistance for the purchase of homes, including homes on farms, livestock, etc. Widows of veterans, who died of a service-connected disability, would also be eligible for these loans. OBTAIN RIGHT TO FREE USE Board Approves Right To Machine The invention of a machine that can prepare a seed bed, lay down a plastic mulch and plant crops in one operation and an instru ment designed for use in prevent ing feed spoilage, were considered here Saturday by the Board of Directors of the A&M College System. The directors approved action that will allow the inventors to submit disclosures of their in ventions to the Research Corp., throught the A&M Research Foun dation. This will allow the in ventors to receive certain royalties if patents are obtained, and at the same time will secure to the A&M College System the right to free use of the new inventions. The machine, invented by Dr. Homer T. Blackhurst, Clyde Singletary and Antone Nemec, is a unit capable of being attached to any standard three-point trac tor hitch and one that will prepare the seed bed by shaping the soil to the desired contour; it then lays down a black plastic sheeting, per forates it at desired intervals, plants the seed and puts down fei’tilizer—‘all in a simultaneous operation. Blackhurst, a member of the fac ulty of the Department of Horti culture, says that trial runs with the machine have been highly suc cessful, and that the machine will function at the same rate of speed as the planter box being used. Ffom 12 to 14 acres per day have been shaper, seeded and protected with the plastic “mulch” in field trials, and it is believed that the units can be easily built in gangs where large-scale operations are necessary. Blackhurt says the new machine has functioned under extremely adverse field test conditions. “We put down that plastic out at Pecos with a 40-mile-an-hour wind blow ing and it went on just fine,” he says. He expects the method to find adaptation in areas where high high per-acre value crops are planted, and notes that using the plastic mulch significantly cuts water requirements as well as the amount of fertilizer needed for adequate plant growth. Co-inven tors of the machine, Singletary, a horticulturist with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, and Nemec, a mechanic in the De partment of Horticulture, say the machine has been used success fully in planting cucumbers, canta loupe, squash, okra, peas, pepper, tomatoes and cotton. The DEAR DR. FROOD: I have calculated that if the population explosion continues at its present rate, there will be a person for every square foot of earth by, the year 2088. What do you think of that? Statistics Major DEAR DR. FROOD: I am a full professor—and yet I stay awake nights worrying about my abil ity to teach today’s bright young college stu dents. They ask questions I can’t answer. They write essays I don’t understand. They use com plicated words that I’ve never heard before. How can I possibly hope to win the respect of students who are more learned than I am? Professor DEAR STATISTICS: Well, one thing’s sure, that will finish off the hufe- hoopers —once and for all. DEAR PROFESSOR: I always maintain that noth ing impresses a troublesome student like the sharp slap of a ruler across his outstretched palm. c; DEAR DR. FROOD: You can tell your readers for me that college is a waste of time. My friends who didn't go to college are making good money now. And me, with my new diploma? I’m making peanuts! Angry Grad DEAR ANGRY: Yes, but how many of your friends can do what you can do—instantly satisfy that overpowering craving for a peanut. DEAR DR. FROOD: Could you give a word of advice to a poor girl who, after four years at college, has failed to get herself invited on a single date? Miss Miserable DEAR MISS: Mask? THE RECRUITERS ARE COMING! THE RECRUITERS ARE COMING! And here’s Frood to tell you just how to handle them: These representatives of big business are, on the whole, alert fellows. They may be aware that college students smoke more Luckies than any other regular. Let them know that you know what's up—offer them a.Lucky, then tap your cranium knowingly. Remember—today’s Lucky smoker could be tomorrow’s Chairman of the Board. SPLACH DAY SPECIAL no shrink — no stretch — no iron! new wash CHANGE TO LUCKIES and get some tgstg for a change! P r oduct of o/rfe, J'/mefi/eon is our middle name vb !*.- CO Exclusive Patented Rib Insert for . % Free-Swinging I Motion \rBud Beam “Revolutionary” is the word for Bud Berma’s new “Action-Free!” Thanks to Norane-Permafresh® finish, here, at last, is a cotton knit sport shirt that comes out of the suds in perfect shape. Stain- and crease-resistant, too. Ingenious top-to-bottom rib insert allows complete freedom of motion with out binding. Ideal for all active sports. At this low price, you’ll Want several from our great color range. Get An “EXTRA BONUS" With Your Purchase! Imported Italia# sun glasses Windproof fighter- ideal for sports 3 long distance, liquid-center golf balls Buy this'garment and get your choice of any of these useful items — retail value up to $2.00! See details on tag of this and other featured Bud Berma Sportswear! LOUPOTS Wednesday invention of a device to measure interspace relative hu midity of feed ingi-edients, mixed feed and other porous media, was accomplished by Dr. L.-’R. Rich ardson, a professor in the Depart ment of Biochemistry and Nutri tion, and B. D. Webb, a research assistant and PhD candidate in the department. By T1 VIENTL [ire was a U, S.-back pro-Comnu but it app time for side propo the field ti The go' “await the nents to se tact with The Sov dispatch North Vie Lao leadei pledged to to cease fi try,” It m Britain who propc sending in conference negotiate pendent, n Both th iier Bour fated a ( sary even Foreign WA Due day , U per Mi ( p.m 8( 908 Fairv ud shower. Television, vacuum clea conditioners, W or moi loan, TA 405% Nor taom hoi Has, 855.00 iterations n Saturday Two bedre Ittic fan, if Unfurnish S wiring, Wett Sc hm. a one ai Md apar •itat ball Al Wne Strt . Hilltop Li V«! nines soon Electrolux "illiams. 1 Tour boyt Bents, wil ^ment. Waitress •1 o Exper South sc T ‘ v, I Trar "13 S. B ' 241 Wh WE Bl J Mil j H. L. ( J Metro] Vi n, G Uli »ai] Ch I 1 ] S 303 t A.