The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 20, 1961, Image 6
Priffe 6 Collog'o Station, Texas Thursday, April 20, 1061 THE BATTALION Fish, Varsity Invade Houston For Meet With Rice, SMU Both the varsity and the fresh man traek teams journey to Hous ton this weekend for a triangular affair with SMU and Rice. After a mid-season slump, the varsity squad is expected to put on one of their best performances of the spring. Ed Williams, star sprinter from Jena, La., has just about recovered from a leg’ injury sustained in the Texas Relays. Last weekend at the Dallas In vitational, one Cadet broke the school record in the mile run even though he ran third. E. L. Ener scooted to a 4:14.6 mile, breaking the old record of 4:,17.2 set by J. D. Hampton in 1949 at the SWC meet. High jumper Donnie Deaver reached his best jump of the year last weekend in Dallas as he bounded over the bar at 6-6. Malcolm Hardee, the two miler, ran his best time of the spring at Dallas with a clocking of 9:38.5. Running on the varsity sprint relay team this weekend will be Curtis Roberts, Gene Dornak, George Tedford and Williams. The best time for Cadet 440-yard re layers this spring has been 41.4 at the Border Olympics. Bob Clark, who is now out with a pulled muscle, ran in • place of Tedford at Laredo. the freshman division title at the Texas Relays. Top sprinters for the Fish are Robert Martin, R. E. Merritt, Jerry Anderson, and Pat Mitchell who also make up the 440-yard relay team. Their best time this year was a 41.9 in Austin. Danny Roberts will be the man to beat in the weights. His best The Fish tracksters will seek their second meet win of their young season. The ran away with Fishing Has Been Good For Rogers Angling has been good for Conference school except Arkansas. Coach Bob Rogers this spring as he landed his sixth future “Fish” in the past five days. The latest high school cage star to sign was Tim Timmerman, who led Austin High of Houston to the state 4t-A basketball championship last season. The 6-6, 195-pounder joined Jay Baker of Aldine, Larry Johnson of South Houston, Paul Timmins of Clear Creek, David Stiles of Midlothian and Sonny Sandell of Hamilton. Timmerman was sought by at least 12 major colleges that in cluded Kansas State, North Caro lina, Houston and every Southwest One thing that he admitted in fluenced his choice of schools was the fact that his father is a 1939 graduate of A&M. With the signing of Timmerman, who is probably the biggest name to sign a pre-enrollment application in the SWC, Coach Rogers has made a near clean sweep of the Gulf Coast’s top basketball talent. As Timmerman carried the Aus tin Mustangs to the state cham pionship, he averaged over 24 points a game and was named to the all-tournament team. Timmerman plans to major in engineering when he comes to A&M next fall. Intramurals Thirteen games were played yes terday in intramural sports in five leagues. In Class B Tennis, Sq. 1 downed C-2 by the score of 3-0; Sq. 10 blanked C-l to win; 2-0; Sq. 3 shutout A-2, 3-0; F-2 edged the boys from G-3, 2-1; Sq. 8 halted A-l for a 3-0 victory. In the only game played in Class A Softball, M-2 blasted D-2 by the score of 11-5. In Class C Softball, Hart Hall out-fought Walton Hall, 7-3; Pur- year Hall whitewashed Mitchell Hall, for a 7-0 victory; Milner Hall defeated Leggett Hall, 6-4; and Pan American routed Law Hall to win 13-4. In the championship game in Class A Tennis, Sq. looms as king by blanking F-l, 2-0. In the only game scheduled in Class B Softball, E-2 out-scored H-l in a hitter’s battle, 13.10. smarT ^people are* want' #0 in a series of polls conduct ed by TAM student 9 representatives in over 100 colleges throughout the nation. isatap Llgllt lip ail RM, and answer these questions. Then compare your answers with those of 1,383 other college students (at bottom of page). MVERS TOBACCO Pack or Box Question #1: Answer:! Question #2: Do you feel working wives can really have a happy, well- adjusted family life? Yes No How big a help to a college man is a car in building a success ful social life? Answers The biggest- Not so big— Pretty big- No help at all. Question #3: Which of these fields do you believe provides the greatest opportunity for success, within ten years after entry into the field? (check one) Answer:] Electronics- Politics Solid state physics- Advertising Law_ Business administration. Medicine . Sales- .) Chemical engineering Industrial design Architecture Mathematics- Psychiatry College teaching Biochemistry- Question #4: Answer: Do you prefer a filter or a non-filter cigarette?, Filter. Non-filter- m DSJDSC® mmm MW ... Flavor that never dries out your taste. Get the flavor only L^M unlocks ... in pack or box IfM £ am P us Opinion Answers: Answer, Question #1: Yes 61% - No 39% Answer, Question #2: The biggest 7% — Pretty big 55% Not so big 32% — No help at all 6% Answer, Question #3: Electronics 14% — Solid state physics 5% Advertising 8% —Politics 1% —Law 7% Business administration 12% Chemical engineering 8% Medicine 26% — Sales 4% Industrial design 1% — Architecture 3% Mathematics 2% — Psychiatry 5% College teaching 3% —Biochemistry 1% Answer, Question #4: Filter 73% — Non-filter 27% 1 i 1 I With almost three out of four college students now in the filter camp, you owe it to yourself to try L*M, the filter cigarette that promises — and delivers — flavor. The friendly flavor of ripe, golden tobaccos ... flavor that never dries out your taste. t '3 II1 The L&M Campus Opinion Poll was taken at over 100 colleges where L&M has student representatives, and may not be a statistically random selection of all undergraduate schools. i. ©1961 UggetE & Myers Tobacco Co. distances so far this spring have been 53-6% in the shot put, 148-11 in the discus throw and 187-5 in the javelin throw. Roberts has yet to be beaten this season in any of these events. The Fish mile relay team made up of Anderson, Carl Lee, James King and Merritt have a better time than the varsity. Their best clocking so far has been a 3:18.2 compared to a 3:20.5 for the var sity. Next weekend, Apr. 28-29, the varsity takes their longest trip of the season as they travel to Des Moines, Iowa, for the Drake Re lays. The Fish go back into ac tion the weekend of May 4 in a tri-meet with Rice and Texas in Austin. Injury Jinx Has Already Struck Baseball Circuits By Associated Press NEW YORK—The baseball sea son is only 10 days old but the injury jinx already has sent big names like Duke Snider, Harmon Killebrew and Charley Neal to the sidelines. Snider was put out of action for a month or so when he was struck by a pitch Monday night and suf fered a cracked bone above his right elbow. The fact that Snider was hit by the first pitch of his next at bat after hitting a home run prompted the Los Angeles brass to complain to league head quarters. Neal, also of the Dodgers, also was put out of action in Monday’s game whe he aggravated an old knee injury. Killebrew of the Minnesota Twins pulled a hamstring muscle in his left thigh while running to first base in a game last Saturday. Don Lee, who figured to be one of the Twins’ starting pitchers, suffered a broken finger on his right hand when hit by a line drive in an exhibition game. He still is out of action. Boston has been struggling along without Frank Malzone at A Hole In One The Hard Way! By The Associated Press SUMTER, S.C.—Paul Alderman teed off on the 130-yard No. 5 hole with a putter Wednesday. The ball traveled down the fair way, bounced into a sand trap, rolled out onto the green, and dropped into the hole. Alderman, a Sumter lumberman, made the hole-in-one at the Po- calo Springs course near here. third base. Malzone’s riglj was injured before the opener. Cleveland has Dick Stigul" the disabled list and Baltii Hank Foiles is just comingj after a finger was brokenim training. j The Dors’ Ed Roebuck, eij A to be the master of their h came up with a sore am a to be placed on the disabled Disaster struck St. Lo*" Florida when Larry Jacksu K Cards’ 18-game winner, sufi broken jaw when hit by a a Snider’s bat in an exhibitioi right-hander hopes to get bad | action late this month. Julian Javier, the Cards'll second baseman, had to leave 1^7 day night’s game in Los A after he was stunned andi a headlong dive when fce ^ picked off first base. VAN CAMPS Pork Beans < A Delicious Source of Protein 2 No. 300 Cans GOLD MEDAL Flour KITCHEN TESTED' 5 Lb. Bag BETTY CROCKER SUPREME Cake Mixes “Most Complete Dessert Mix-Line’’ 3 Pkgs. ARROW BRIQUETTES Charcoal mo 10 S 5? SNOBRITE Rice 28-Oz. Pkg. 19 2 At 59c CHEESE FOODoer, Hamburger DILL PICKLES A II; 25c Shoestring POTATOES Kobey “ I0c MODESS ’v B ;lr r 2 b T 2 ; 8 65c ALKA SELTZER Regular Bottle 54c Value of 25’s 39c SWINDLER'S GRADE A Eggs Large Dozen 45 FIRST Pick MUSTARD Powie Salad OLIVES WITH PIMIENTOS Towie Thrown Stuffed MANZANILLA OLIVES 9-0z. Jars 4%-Oz- Jar Ui 0 The las is High ' a $72' Highw Jcorner l) Earlier structi certain *hen th' Jecessar 6-0z. "Now •L, First Pick—Strawberry PRESERVES Northern White or Assorted LUNCH NAPKINS jar id ad With sbecaus 2 of 80 i Brazos Valley WHOLE FAT TENDER 18-Oz. o 1 'testim; • yi I Jar 1 McLa BRAZOS VALLEY FRYERS Cut - Up iOFUE EN STAMPS TV - Shank Portion HAMS 35 Some Center Slices Removed 'rove thi structu re traf sectior Approj rne b uri P, will l said. The b; iired B s ,and t lire ^ add theDi .of -w fts Of ( well w Engin “her of SPECIALS THUR. - FRI. - SAT. APR. 20-21-22—We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantiti GOLDEN RIPE »tD. ( toceed “rated Since “has r ts , that “sing n- WUfcvyi? BANANAS m j k»:*i V.-.’.’J ORrS ?•*•*•*•* m: :::: vlv* FRESH ARTICHOKES Each .. YELLOW ONIONS 3 Lbs 2 SUNKIST LEMONS Do/, ill TOMATOES Fresh Firm . . Cello 1 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th Street 3516 Texas Avenue Downtown Ridgecrest T-V Frozen ORANGE JUICE 5 6-Oz. Cans