The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 1961, Image 3

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More Than 100 Attend
Annual JETS Conference
Approximately 100 students, faci
lity and industry sponsors at-
ended the second annual South-
rest Regional Junior Engineering
'echnical Society Conference here
The purpose of JETS, as it is
popularly known, is to stimulate
nterest in engineering and science
areers. The meeting also fea-
jired project displays of JETS
jub members.
One of the session’s main speak-
irs, Dr. John C. Calhoun Jr., vice
ihancellor for development of the
A&M College System and vice
president of JETS, Inc., presented
awards and scholarships.
The Gramercy JETS Scholar
ship went to Michael Walter Hyde
of Bryan. Eugene Paul Meier of
Needville received the A&M For
mer Students Association JETS
Calhoun said that JETS per
formed the unique function at the
high school level of motivating
high school students toward engi
neering careers.
He said 90 per cent of JETS
Kilian To Lecture Tonight
On Hazards Of Industries
Dr. D. J. Kilian, Head, Industrial
liedicine, The Dow Chemical Co.,
fill present an illustrated lecture
in industrial hazards in the petro-
Piaba Wins
Local ASCE
Paper Contest
The Brazos County Branch, Am
erican Society of Civil Engineers,
las announced the following win
ners of the student technical pa
per contest:
1st—Carl F. Raba, Jr., “Some
if the Forgotten Professional Re
sponsibilities of the Graduate En
2nd—James W. Cravens, “Selec
tion of Employment After Col-
3rd—John Minor, “A Case for
tie Metric System.”
In addition to cash awards, the
tinners were awarded certificates.
Raba will present his paper in
(lie finals to be held at the Texas
Section Meeting, ASCE, in Waco,
Apr. 20-22.
He will be accompanied by three
other delegates of the Student
Chapter, ASCE. They will be Phil
Evans, Minor and A. C. Johnson.
e Olde ^Jeasip
BY Eugene Rush, TU ’33
I try to give service. I don’t think
lip-service is what folks want from
their insurance agent.
A few months ago I received a
letter from an Aggie graduate of
stating in part as follows:
“Again I thank you for taking care
of my account. I have been paying
for uniforms and have overdrawn
my account at the bank.
“You will never know how much I
enjoy having my insurance with
ANIC0. I have discussed my
Policy with other officers and have
Jet to find a policy with as much
coverage as I. I’m really satisfied
"th your interest and encourage
“I'll really be glued to the TV
set Thanksgiving hoping to see
the ‘fighting Aggies’ beat Hell
out’a TU. Only wish it were pos-
sMe for me to be there.
“Well, if you ever need any testi
monials, just write and I’ll back
you 100%.”
chemical industry tonight at 7:30
in the Biological Sciences Lecture
Particular emphasis will be
placed on the dangers of caustics
and the precautions necessary for
protection against serious damage
to the eyes.
Kilian, a national authority on
eye injuries and laboratory precau
tions to prevent such injuries, has
appeared before the National Safe
ty Congress, Medical Societies,
and has for several years made a
definite contribution to the work
of Industrial Education classes in
Industrial Safety.
Peach To Lead
Faculty Meet
Maj. Robert Peach of the De
partment of Military Sciences will
lead the group in meditation at
the Faculty Christian Fellowship
meeting tomorrow at 6:57 a.m. in
the All Faiths Chapel.
Dr. Murray Brown will be at
the organ.
Coffee and doughnuts will be
served in the South Solarium of
the YMCA from 7:25 to 7:45 a.m.
Club members go to college and
67 per cent enter as engineering
The conference was opened by
welcoming addresses from Fred
Benson, Dean of Engineering, and
Donald Patton, president, A&M
Student Engineers Council.
Richard T. Fallon, executive di
rector of JETS, Inc., East Lan
sing, Mich, reported on activities
on the national level. He said
that JETS clubs numbered in ex
cess of 700 and that the number
was increasing each year.
He further said that JETS was
receiving increasing industry sup
port. JETS, Inc., is recognized
by the National Society of Pro
fessional Engineers and the Engi
neers Council for Professional De
velopment. The National Science
Foundation supports financially a
part of the work at the national
J. G. McGuire, Assistant Dean
of Engineering at A&M and chair
man of the Texas State Head
quarters Committee which spon
sored the conference, reported on
activities at the state level. He
said there were 35 active JETS
clubs in Texas with about 700
members. The state headquarters
is continuing to develop project
descriptions and other aids for the
local clubs.
The afternoon sessions featured
separate gVoup discussions for
adult leaders and for students.
Joel M. Johnson, teacher advisor,
Robert E. Lee High School, Bay-
town, presided over the meeting
of adults.
Among the items discussed
were: JETS club activities as an
incentive to better scholarship and
means of obtaining active coopera
tion of local industry and the en
gineering profession.
Michael Walter Hyde, JETS
club member, Stephen F. Austin
High School, Bryan, presided over
the student meeting which fea
tured discussions of how JETS
club activities support preparation
for an engineering or science ca
reer, and how to make JETS Clubs
more effective.
Cuba Hit By Sea, Air
By The Associated Press
Invading forces, moving into
Cuba by sea and air, clashed with
Castro forces Monday. The future
of the Communist-tinged regime
was at stake.
Prime Minister Fidel Castro,
reporting Sighting on southern
beached barely 100 miles from
Havana, exhorted his followers to
throw back the invasion forces.
The leader of Cuban exiles, in
a proclamation issued in the Uni
ted States, urged the invaders to
rid Cuba of Castro’s rule and end
“international communism’s cruel
Cuba told the United Nations
the operation was mounted from
Flordia and Guatemala. The Uni
ted States and Guatemala denied
any involvement.
Castro declared his forces had
engaged the invaders at all
points. In a broadcast he said
the invaders were supported by
warships and warplanes.
“Forward Cubans!” he declar
ed. “All to their posts of com
bat and work, forward Cubans!
The revolution is invincible!”
Castro, in a charge echoed by
Moscow, said the attack was
launched by “mercenaries organ
ized by the imperialistic govern
ment of the United States.”
Cagtro called on sister Latin-
American nations to aid Cuba.
The Soviet Union told the United
Nations it is the U. N. duty to
take collective action to suppress
the attacks on Cuba.
Dr. Jose Miro Cardona, presi
dent of the Cuban Revolutionary
Council, vanished from his new
York headquarters Sunday and
was reported ready to enter Cuba
once a beachhead was secure. Miro
Cardona, a former prime minis
ter under Castro, broke with him
over Communist influence in
New Commander Named
For Area Reservists
Special To The Battalion
New Commanding General for
8th U. S. Army Corps with head
quarters in Austin, will be a native
Texan, Maj. Gen. Edwin Anderson
Walker, it was announced today by
Secretary of the Army Elvis J.
Stahr, Jr.
(Continued from Page 4)
tended to put the chest back on
its feet because of the poor col
lections in the fall, but will evi
dently fail to do so.
Lee Griggs was in charge of ci
vilian student collections, Ben
Johnson was in charge of day stu
dent collections and Roger Rat
cliff handled collections in the old
Collections were handled through
cadet unit commanders, civilian
dormitory presidents and the re
ceptacles in the Memorial Student
The Campus Chest is a fund
that has been established to help
students in cases of unusual hard
ship. All applications are screen
ed carefully before funds are dis
Be well groomed
for success
That “like new” look we give
your clothes is sure to make the
right impressions whether
you’re on the job or on the
. .
; • - v
I / "
iSlfesr-- - ■
Gen. Walker, presently assigned
to the 24th Infantry Division, U. S.
Army, Europe will assume his new
duties in August.
A 1931 graduate of the U. S.
Military Academy at West Point,
Gen. Walker has spent most of
his thirty years in the Army in
the command field. During World
War II, he served in the Aleutians
and in Europe. He took part in
the Anzio attack, the battle for
Cassino, the attack on Southern
France, and the Rhineland and
Central European campaigns. He
commanded Task Force “A” which
accepted the surrender of the Ger
man Army in Norway.
During the Korean . War, Gen.
Walker commanded the 2nd In
fantry Division Artillery, and later
the 7th Infantry Regiment, .3rd
He started his present assign
ment in Germany in October, 1959,
and was Commanding General, Ar
kansas Military District, for the
two preceding years. In that as
signment, he commanded Reserve
units and was cited for the effec
tive reorganization of 77 Reserve
units in 54 along the lines of the
modern Pentomic Army.
As Commanding General, 8th
U. S. Army Corps, he will conr-
mand all Army Reserve activities
in Texas and New Mexico. This
involves some 110,000 Army Re
servists and nearly $9 million
worth of property and equipment
throughout the two-state area,
also management of a $6 million
His command also includes Re
serve units in the Bryan-College
Station area such as the 420th
Engineer Brigade, the 358th In
fantry Battle Group, and the 4th
F.A. Battalion. Many of these
local Reservists are students and
members of the faculty and staff
at A&M.
Tuesday, April 18, 1961 College Station, Texas
Page 3
Drilling Course
Ends Successfully
The Department of Petroleum
Engineering has just concluded its
fourth successful session of the
Advanced Drilling Engineering
Course offered for members of the
petroleum industry.
This was a two-weeks’ course
consisting of eight hours a day
lectures five days a week for the
two-week period. The lectures
were given by members of the fac
ulty of the Department of Petro
leum Engineering and by outstand
ing men of the oil industry itself.
The drilling school had an en
rollment of 19 men representing
drilling personnel from Europe,
South America, Canada, Indonesia
and the United States. For the
most part these men represented
oil producing companies, drilling
contractors and supply companies.
The last week of the school was
devoted to a study of the drilling
rig, optimum conditions for rock
penetration, factors affecting the
rate of penetration, formation
evaluation, drilling economics, to
tal well costs, statistical informa
tion, hydraulics and public-oil in
dustry relations.
On the afternoon of the last day
of the session, Friday, the men
attending the school were address
ed by a drilling panel who pre
sented for discussion their ideas
on methods of reducing drilling
costs from the viewpoint of the
drilling contractor, the supply
company and research.
The Advanced Drilling Engi
neering Course is a presentation
of the Department of Petroleum
Engineering in conjunction with
the American Association of Oil-
well Drilling Contractors, which
made the course possible by a cash
gift to the Department of some
$2,500 to initiate and implement
the setting up of such a training
“The course,” John Pedigo, of
the Department of Petroleum En
gineering, said today, “has been
well received by the petroleum in
dustry, as indicated by the enroll
ment, having a waiting list thus
far for each presentation of the
“Every effort is being made to
upgrade the course material, and
improve the instructors’ presenta
tion. The Department of Petro
leum Engineering is proud of its
industry courses and expects to
continue their presentation as long
as industry desires this class of
instruction,” Pedigo pointed out.
The enrollees were guests at a
smorgasbord on the final day of
the session. Attending were offi
cials of the American Association
of Oilwell Drilling Contractors,
outstanding men from the oil in
dustry and A&M officials.
The next session of the Ad
vanced Drilling Engineering
Course for Petroleum Industry
Personnel is tentatively scheduled
for October, 1961. This will be
the fifth session for this course.
Refreshing antiseptic action heats
razor nicks, helps keep your skin
in top condition. 1.00 plus i a *
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