The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 18, 1961, Image 1
3 tack aty tta Caj, "eak betu( y two {j(| Jnd they a in p t.W«4 15 feet | e possible, ’ team, tit credit, etj has dot i nay set» mark is 3:1} 1 the 22J 'exas’s bmi. m and la ible to co«. injuries, St ted in eit rn Method! e, Baylors •-yard rein ind 220, It Methodist:' rg of SoA ie two-rii, :• in the lip Pexas inh Swafford t( d jump, Johnson tl off for tit 100 and 1 is expectd ting at G RV HONOR GUARD German Chancellor Beams At Genuine Texas Welcome Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of Germany beamed with obvious'de light Monday morning in Austin as he watched a genuine American parade—Texas style. Adenauer rode in a car with Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson from the start of the parade route to the reviewing stand where he took his place to watch the parade in his honor. The Ross Volunteers, marching close behind the ears carrying Adenauer and Johnson and other dignataries, acted as official honor guard. It was a perfect day. The sun was bright, a slight breeze was blowing and the historic Capitol City paid tribute with bands, mil itary aplomb, pretty girls, an en thusiastic crowd and the added Texas blend—cowboys and hordes. State officials, businessmen, and students all took a brief holiday to catch a glimpse of the states man as he rode a gleaming cream- colored sports model down Con gress Ave. Rep. Homer Thornberry, D-Tex., sat next to Adenauer in the re viewing stand. Vice President Lyndon Johnson offered the seat to the Texas Congressman and took a seat behind him. State policemen kept watch on the crowd. German newsmen stood in the press section of the parade re viewing stand. They asked George Reedy, Johnson’s administrative aide, about parade i features they did not understand. One was apparently the drum majorettes. The newsmen scrib bled rapidly in their notebooks as Reedy spelled it out. The West German leader seem ed spry and cheerful. He carried a cowboy hat in his right hand World Wrap-Up By The Associated Press Anti-Castro Forces Invade Cuba CUBA—Anti-Castro forces struck their long-prepared invasion blow on Cuba Monday, predicting they and rising Cuban masses would quickly unseat the pro-Communist gov ernment. Landings by sea and air brought Cuban charges in the United Nations that a U. S. aircraft carrier and regular forces from the U. S. Naval Base at Guantanamo were sup porting the invasion. The United States denied these charges. ★ ★ ★ Congo Cease-Fire Signed BRUSSELS, Belgium—The Belgian radio said yesterday night a military cease-fire agreemen was signed Monday between military leaders of the Leopoldville and Stanleyville Gizenga governments in the Congo. The radio said the cease-fire was signed for “the whole Congo territory” and that Gizengist troops of Gen. Lundula bad “acknowledged Leopoldville’s authority on the Oriental Province armed forces.” ★ ★ ★ Laotian Rebels Launch New Attack VIENTIANE, Laos—Another successful attack by pro- Communist rebels was reported Monday in southern Laos, boosting their bargaining power in any negotiations on a tease-fire line. Informed sources said a Pathet Lao battalion backed by utillery swept soldiers of the pro-Western government from position dug in near the town of Nhommalath. -A' ^ Gov. Daniel To Offer New Tax Bill AUSTIN—Gov. Price Daniel is expected to offer soon a new tax program anchored to a 2 per cent tax on items cost ing $25 or more, Capitol sources informed The Associated Press yesterday night. The bill, a compromise of the sales tax forces and the selective tax advocates, would raise $260 million over the next two years. There were several reports today of prepara tions being made to give wide distribution to details of the tax proposal. ■A" 'At 'At Soviets Offers Help To Castro LONDON—The official Soviet news agency Tass said early Tuesday the Soviet Union and its allies are prepared to aid Cubans in their battle with anti-Castro revolutionaries. But the nature of such aid was not spelled out. The Soviet Union and its satellites have provided arms for the Castro regime. ★ ★ ★ Fire Rages Through Chemical Plant BORGER—Fire spread through a section of the Big Plains butadeiene plant of Phillips Chemical Co. near this Panhandle city late Monday. A company official said the fire started from a ruptured line. Two hours later, the fire was still burning but under control. and waved it to acknowledge the cheers. He stood up on several oc casions, to the passing of the American Flag and to see some of the parade’s highlights. Adenauer returned home Mon day afternoon after what he called “one big family reunion” with German descendants in Texas. From the time the big white German jet transport landed here Sunday noon until the takeoff the 85-year-old chief executive and U. S. Vice President Lyndon John son pledged international solidar ity over and over. Since his arrival, Adenuer has been whisked by helicopter and airplane from Austin 65 miles west to the LBJ Ranch on the banks of the Pedernales River, then on to Fredericksburg, one of Texas’ earliest German settle ments. He was feted at a river bank beer and barbecue party and a formal dinner where the main dish was breast of white guinea hen under glass. He carried home with him a gift 5-gallon white hat, saddle, spurs and a branding iron with his initials “KA.” Johnson promised a horse to go under the saddle and a gift white Hereford bull would be shipped to Germany later. “Overwhelming is the best word to use in describing Texas,” Aden auer said. “We are going home now greatly impressed.” The U. S. Vice President was in terrupted 13 times by applause as he introduced Adenauer to the joint session of the Texas Legislature. “The German people who have meant so much to Texas came here seeking freedom and seeking- peace,” Johnson said. The longest applause came when Johnson said that he spoke for the U. S. President “when I say that the United States will not hesitate to walk the last mile — go more than half way — to assure peace with honor for the world.” Adenauer replied, “We in Europe look upon your State of Texas as a symbol of vitality, of wealth, of generosity and broadmindedness.” The Chancellor, whose remarks in German were later translated by an interpreter, said he was “so moved” to find that the German descendants from the original Ger man settlers in the Frederickburg area maintained their old world traditions and inheritance. “This proves the United States has met its great task of uniting all people who come over here from many lands,” he said. “Now the United States must help European countries in their efforts to establish a similar sys tem which provides for certain or der but leaves enough leeway for each country’s traditions.” Adenauer called for “a streng thening of ties between our coun try and your country.” Johnson said he felt that “the partnership of the United States and the Federal Republic of Ger many has never been stronger, more effective, more fruitful than now.” Adenauer replied that he was “in full agreement” with the Vice President. The Battalion Volume 59 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1961 Number 98 ? iL . ft .»■ UMSt 9 ' /.■ ■Y ft* 4 I 4*k ■ I mk - • k fill "Ts “Yes, My Lady” ... Aggie Players Dress Rehearsal /FOR LIBRARY WEEK Corps Of Cadets Grades Reports S •oar To 1.3594 Mid-semester again is over and mid-semester grades by posting a A-l 1.3710 16 overall grades start at 1.3594. 1.67. D-2 1.3509 17 Reports are in and estimations Corps Scholastic Officer Clayton Sqd. 10 1.3432 18 show a general improvement in the LaGrone said yesterday that as far Sqd. 1 1.3430 19 overall Corps of Cadets grades. 2nd as his records show these are the E-l 1.3361 20 Brigade outfits maintained their highest grades ever posted by the H-l 1.3306 21 Bold on the top ten positions by Corps of Cadets. Sqd. 7 1.3291 22 taking six out of the ten, includ- Rankings are as follows: Sqd. 4 1.3187 23 ing the top three positions. Company G.P.R. Place G-3 1.3139 24 H-2 1.6756 1 Sqd.12 1.3124 25 In the final tabulations grades L-2 1.5317 2 Sqd. 3 1.3068 27 *ere scored as being .119 higher K-2 1.5264 3 Sqd. 1.3068 27 overall than those posted at the C-l 1.5021 4 E-2 1.2976 28 middle of the first semester. B-2 1.4880 5 Sqd. 5 1.2883 29 The trend of improvement may W. Band 1.4817 6 Sqd. 6 1.2881 30 Be easily shown by comparing the Sqd. 14 1.4624 7 Sqd. 17 1.2870 31 grade point ratios of the top out- C-2 1.4370 8 G-l 1.2756 32 Rt the middle of the fall semester D-l 1.4307 9 Sqd. 9 1.2483 33 ind the top outfit as tabulated for Sqd. 2 1.4280 10 G-2 1.2482 34 IMs semester. At the middle of the Sqd. 8 1.4051 11 F-2 1.2444 35 semester the top outfit was M.Band 1.4036 12 Sqd. 16 1.2323 36 K-2 with a grade point ratio of 1-2 1.3985 13 Sqd. IS 1.2114 37 U9. In contrast to this, H-2 held A-2 1.3941 14 M-2 1.1925 38 tBe top position down after spring B-l 1.3842 15 Sqd. 11 1.1577 39 ‘Notable Books’ Now On Display A display of the “Notable Books of 1960” selected by the Notable Books Council of the Adult Services Division, Ameri can Library Association, is highlighting the observance of National Library Week this week at Cushing Memorial Li brary. All 46 titles listed are in -f the Cushing Library . “The purpose of this special ■week is to call attention to the value of reading and the import ance of libraries in our modern day society,” Robert A. Houze, library director, says. All libraries on the campus are displaying posters, streamers, mobiles and similar items, and ’copies of the “Notable Books of 1960” as well as book marks are available for the ask ing. A new charging desk has just been installed on the second floor of Cushing Library. Three new levels of bookstacks with nearly 100 air-conditioned study carrels were placed in service during the year. The five A&M libraries contain 387,000 volumes. Cushing Library has a collection of more than 300,- 000 volumes; the Texas Engineers Librady, 65,000 volumes; Veteri nary Library, 9,000 volumes; Bus iness Administration Library, 3,- 300 volumes, and Architecture Li brary, 4,300 volumes. A total of more than 4,000 periodicals and other serials are subscribed to an nually by these libraries. Total circulation for all libraries last year was 154,000. The Col lege Archives Office under the di rection of Ernest Langford, Arch ivist, is located on the third floor of Cushing Library. All campus libraries are under the direction of Houze, and a staff of more than 80 people, part-time and full-time is required to staff these libraries 82 hours a week, and handle the technical process ing work of acquisitions, catalog ing and bindery preparation! work. Forty six employees are full time, 20 are profesisonal librar ians and 26 non-professional as sistants. Off-campus service is given agricultural extension agents, registered professional en gineers and practicing veterinar ians in Texas. “All citizens of the community are invited to visit the A&M librar ies during this special week-long observance, in order, to become better acquainted with our facili ties and services,” Houze says. Ross Named Top Senior In Accounting Pat L. Ross of Waco, a senior accounting major in the Division of Business Administration, has been named the outstanding senior in the field of accounting. The selection was made by the account ing faculty. He was a guest of honor, along with students from other schools in Texas, at a recent meeting of the Ft. Worth Chapter of Petro- eum Accountants. Ross, who has a grade point average of 3.0 in accounting, is also a lab assistant in the Depart ment of Accounting. He is a mem ber of the Accounting Society and active in campus activities. 2nd Chest Drive Falling Short 1st Reports Show Only $324 Taken ‘The Rivals’ Opening Filled With Color Opening night for the Aggie Players’ “The Rivals” was marked by glistening costumes, superb acting talent and an audience of limited attendance. The 18th Century comedy, writ ten by the British playwright, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, was first performed in Covent Gardens, London, injecting its light humor poking fun at social and proper mannerisms of the day, upon the English stage for the first time. A uniqueness in presentation existed as the Players incorporated several unique elements designed and executed for consistent treat ment of the play during its open ing performance. Emphasis of the play was upon the wit and absurdity of the char acters and situations, with no ele ment of realism existing. The pompous formalities deemed so es sential for social acceptance in the 18th Century were ridiculed in excellent theatrical manner. Another unique feature of the play was the glamor of costumes hinted of 18th Century styles. All Were in brilliant colors of red, blue, purple, or combinations, and under proper lighting, the costumes fully reflected the elegance of the set ting. Performing “in the round,” with only the stage of Guion Hall being used as a theater, required a spe cial set. Under such circumstances, with those on stage surrounded by audience on all sides, the set could not restrict any person’s view or contact with the actors. “The Rivels” features a totally circular set of white and gold, giving the play somewhat of a “royal carnival” atmosphere. The base is round, with gold streamers draping down from a central point above. A replica of a gold chan delier hangs above the heads of the actors. “The Rivals” will be playing each night this week in Guion Hall, starting at 8 p.m., providing ex cellent entertainment for anyone who appreciates good theater per formance. First reports from the Campus Chest Drive show that the collections will fall considerably short of the desired $3,000 goal. The totals in the Campus Chest Drive are partly in and as of today only $324 has been collected. Clayton La Gbone, chairman of the drive and member of the Student Welfare Committee of the Student Senate, said that this total includes only the contributions in Dorm 1-12 and that the collections in the old area, the day student collections and the receptacles around the campus still must be tabulated. Squadron 11 has contributed more to the drive than any other unit with a total of^ * $49.42, and the collections range down to the $6.16 given by one individual unit. La Crone said that it was unlikely that the more than $500 will be collected in all, out of the original goal of $3,000. Last fall, the chest collected a total of only $293 out of a similar goal. The two-day drive was in- (See CHEST On Page 3) Crankcase Case Moves To A&M Notice to the fortunate Aggie who returned from TU and Round-Up weekend with a 150- pound Chevrolet crankcase in his trunk: Theye want it back. The Daily Texan, the Upiver- sity of Texas campus newspaper, reports that four University stu dents have initiated “a ritual that may put bed-pushing in the realm of the ancients.” To-wit: putting engine blocks in such unnatural place as under their roommate’s beds. The stunt took on new dimen sions Round-Up weekend at Tex as when the foursome put a block in the trunk of a visiting Aggie friend’s car. “The students would like to have their motor back,” the Daily Texan reports, “because they’ve come up with a scheme that is not as strenuous and just as fiendish as bed-pushing. “They want to paint the motor orange and white and send it col lect to another university.” MSC Banquet Set Thursday In Ballroom The Memorial Student Center Banquet will be held in the Ball room of the MSC at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Apr. 20. The banquet, social highlight of the year for the whole MSC pro gram, will be attended by mem bers of the College administration and the Board of Directors. The affair is on a Plynesian Theme this year, with Miss Gladys Black im charge of preparing a menu of “exotic Polynesion delicacies.” Decorations will be supervised by Britt Jones. Tickets to the banquet are now available and may be purchased at the Cashier’s window in the MSC. Prices are $1.50 for members of the MSC program and $3.00 for others. Tickets should be bought by Thursday at 5 p.m. at the la test so the food department can have enough food ready. In addition to being the high point of the year for the MSC pro gram socially, the banquet is the official installation ceremony of the new directorate officers and committee chairmen. Service awards will also be pre sented to certain committeemen and faculty advisors who have con tributed to the program far more than they have been asked. ONE PhD, TWO MAs Three Degrees Approved Wesley Group. Due Visitors African students from Liberia, Nigeria, Ghana, Ethopia, Tangan yika and Kenya are to be guests for the regular Wednesday even ing program of the Wesley Foun dation, tomorrow at 7:15. These students are presently at Prairie View A&M under the ICA- Liberia Contract. Rice Sweeps Two From Cadets—Page 4 The Texas Commission on High er Education has approved for A&M an advanced degree program of a Doctor of Education in In dustrial Education, Master of Arts in English and a Master of Arts in History. Dr. Wayne C. Hall, Dean of Graduate Studies, said the Com mission’s decision means another significant step forward for A&M in the field of higher education. One of the major reasons for the Doctor of Education degree being offered in industrial educa tion is that no institution in Texas or the Southwest has heretofore offered it. Hall said the program will draw students from a wide area. “A&M College is the best quali fied to offer this program, and the responsibility given A&M in tech nical and industrial training ob ligates the college to provide a doctoral program to meet the de mands and needs for it,” the dean said. Many representatives from in dustry, city supervisors, teachers and administrators have requested the program, he said. “The Department of Industrial Education is looked to for leader ship in the field,” Hall explained. “The department serves as the host of the annual conference of the Texas Industrial Arts Associa tion and the high school industrial arts clubs and’ societies.” No other college or university in Texas presently has the staff or facilities to administer such a de gree program in industrial educa tion, according to Hall. “We have capable supporting de partments in engineering, basic sciences, mathematics, economics and education to make a strong program,” he said. “Strong re search projects that relate to in dustrial education are already underway. Required research fa cilities are available. Library holdings are more than adequate.” He said three of the staff of seven hold doctoral degrees, and the others are working on their doctorates. Ten students will be working on their PhD’s, and the number is expected to climb to 20 to 25 in four years. In describing the reasons and need for an MA program in Eng lish, Hall said A&M has been the only state-supported senior college in Texas not offering the program. “But most students and others thought we offered it before now. We delayed requesting the pro gram until our staff and library could meet the most exacting re quirements,” he said. “We are not establishing a new function of the college but merely extending an existing function.” Other reasons for the MA in English, Hall said, are that it would permit training in English comparable to that found in lead ing technical and land-grant col leges; to educate male English teachers for high schools and col leges; to prepare men for writing in science, industry and profes sions; to make more effective the use of A&M’s staff and facilities, and to strengthen graduate pro grams in economics, history and education and round out and fill a gap in offerings in arts and sciences. He said A&M’s English staff has 16 members with doctorate de grees and many are nationally known and recognized scholars. Library holdings have been ex panded in anticipation of graduate programs. The dean said the English MA program would stimulate more re search by staff members and en able the department to recruit and hold top professors. An immediate enrollment of ten graduate students is expected by the dean, with that number rising to 20 to 25 in four years. A&M also has been the only senior college in Texas not offer ing an MA degree in history. The history MA program, Hall said, will permit a quality of train ing comparable to that found in leading technical and land-grant schools, such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute of Technology, Cornell University, University of Pennsyl vania, Iowa State and the Univer sity of Florida. “We need to train human engi neers as well as technical engi neers,” Hall said. Additional reasons for the MA degree in history are to meet the demands of students; to make more effective use of staff and facilities; to strengthen current undergrad uate programs, and to supplement and bolster graduate programs in economics, sociology, education and others. The dean said 15 of the 20 his tory staff members have their PhD degrees. The others have MA degrees and are working on their doctorates. Most are active researchers. The Department of History has one of the best library collections in the state, he said.