The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 07, 1961, Image 1

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The Battalion
Volum® 59
Number 93
Only 1,825
Cast Ballots
In Elections
A field of 177 candidates was narrowed down consider
ably yesterday as students voted in the preliminary class
officer elections. The runoff will be held next Thursday with
a total of 38 names on the voting machines.
Most students were evidently un-
concerned about the elections, since
only 1,825 were registered as hav-
ing voted. The Class of ’fit led
in the apathy with a mere 98 votes
received in the race for class agent.
Results of the election are:
Class of 1961
Srnest E. Figari elected class
Class of 1962
Roque C. Rodriquez and John
(Waddle) Waddell in a runoff race
for president.
Chuck Cochran and Cecil Baily
will have a runoff contest for vice-
Jan F. Ahart and Charlie W.
I2th Man Bowl
Grid Contest
Slated May 13
The 12th Man Bowl football
game will be played on Kyle Field
(iie night of May 13, it was an
nounced last night by Roger Rat
cliff, chairman of the Student Sen
ate Issues Committee.
Workouts for the game will be
gin next Wednesday afternoon and
will be held from 5-6 p.m. five
Jays per week until the day of the
game. The gridsters will work the
first two and a half weeks in
shorts and the final two weeks in
All interested applicants for pe
titions must submit their names to
their respective commanding offi
cers by 5 p.m. Tuesday. Civilians
Must submit their applications to
their dorm presidents by the same
Qualifications include student in
surance or the willingness to sign
a waiver for injury, high school
experience and furnishing tennis
shoes, shorts, socks and support
All applicants will be notified
immediately after they submit
their applications as to their stat-
Moore in a runoff for secretary-
Johnny M. Martinez and “Shak-
ey” Powell in a runoff race for
social secretary.
Bob D. Bates and Donald L. Dod-
gen in a runoff for historian.
Gary R. Anderson elected stu
dent entertainment manager.
David Halm and Jeff Went
worth in a race for Memorial Stu
dent Center councilman.
Bill C. McClain, Jim T. Davis
and Tom H. Ralph in a runoff for
yell leaders. Two will be elected.
Class of 1963
Roger John and Paul Bai’rett
named to a runoff for president.
Scottie Brown and Charles
Blaschke in a runoff contest for
Bob Garrett and A1 L. Weaver
in a runoff for secretary-treasurer.
Don (Ollie Owl) Brister and
Shelby Traylor in a runoff for
social secretary.
Paul Smith and Mundo Riojas
in a runoff race for MSG council
Bill Brashears, Tom (Doc) Nel
son and Dudley Griggs in a runoff
for yell leaders. Two are to be
Class of 1964
Mike C. Dodge and Bill Rector
in a runoff for president
“Butch” Johnson and George W.
Reynolds in a runoff for vice-
Joel B. Goldman and Lee J.
Grant in a runoff for secretary-
Paul Dresser and Macky Brit
tain in a runoff contest for social
Harry D. Christian and Eddie
Duncan in a race for MSG council
Here is a breakdown by classes,
of the votes cast:
Class of 1961—98 votes.
Class of 1962—511 votes.
Class of 1963—577 votes.
Class of 1984—639 votes.
Latin Students
Plan Observance
Pan American Week will be observed April 9-15.
Sponsored by the Pan American Club in conjunction with
tte Memorial Student Center, the annual observance will in
clude discussions on Latin American affairs, a soccer meet,
•ft from Latin America, music and't
a special exhibition in the MSC
°f objects from the different Latin
■hnerican countries.
At 7:30 p.m. Monday, April 10,
there will be a discussion in the
USC Assembly Room on “Neigh-
hrs in Need-or-Needed Neigh-
W” Moderator will be Bob
honipson of the Division of Archi-
®cture, and the commentary will
t* presented by students from
Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Ar-
Mina and Ecuador.
Following the discussion will be
• special program of music given
V students from Latin America
a »d the United States.
Films will be shown Tuesday,
April 11, depicting different sports
rj f the Latin American countries,
be free films will begin at 7:30
htti. in the MSC Ballroom.
Documentary color films about
htin America will be shown in
the MSC Main Lounge Wednes-
%, April 12, from 7 p.m. until
^ p.m. The public will also be ad
mitted to these films free.
A special three-act play, written
and produced by students from
Latin America will be presented
at ‘7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 13,
in the MSC Ballroom. The play
entitled “The Browns Go South of
the Border,” will feature special
sound effects and music.
Beginning at 6 p.m. Friday there
will be a “Latin American Smor-
(See PAN AMERICAN on Page 3)
An article calling attention to
new hospitalization insurance
plan for A&M System employees
that appeared in Thursday’s Bat
talion was in error.
The story said meetings to ex
plain the new plan would be held
at 2 p.m. Monday, April 10 and
4 p.m. Thursday, April 13.
The article should have said the
meetings will be held at 2 p.m.
and again at 4 p.m. Monday, April
10 and Thursday, April 13.
Bob Elmore, Noble Etherington
... among the few that voted
World Wrap-Up
By The Associated Press
Algerians Attack Paris Hospital
PARIS—A band of Algerian executioners raided a Paris
hospital Thursday, shooting Up bed-ridden patients, visitors
and police guards. Two persons were killed and 14 wounded.
The bloody attack coincided with the bombing of the
vacant U. S. consulate in Algiers, apparently by French
rightists who resented encouragement to both France and
the nationalist rebels to get together for negotiations.
★ ★ ★
U. S. To Send Additional Troops Abroad
WASHINGTON—Army leaders said yesterday they plan
to send additional U. S. combat troops into both the Pacific
and European areas in the next year to counter Communist
threats and guerrilla tactics.
“Any of the world’s trouble spots can become the scene
of violent action overnight,” Gen. George H. Decker, Army
chief of staff, told the Senate Armed Services Committee.
★ ★ ★
Cuban Fears Expressed Against Army Camp
HAVANA—Cuban newspapers and radios charged
Thursday the U. S. decision to open a guerrilla training camp
in the Panama Canal Zone constitutes “undeclared war”
against Cuba.
The U. S. Army announced Wednesday a training center
would be set up at Ft. Gulick to train military personnel
from Latin American countries in anti-guerrilla warfare. It
emphasized the training will be designed for no specific
country, apparently to quiet Cuban fears.
★ ★ ★
Arms Increase Asked By Viet Nam
SAIGON, South Viet Nam—President Ngo Dinh Diem
wants an increase in the $150 million a year he gets from the
United States, believing more money is needed to crush the
Communist rebels.
He would like to enlarge the 150,000-man army now
arrayed against the Viet Cong guerrillas. Washington is said
to have approved a 20,000-man increase recently on condition
it would mean no rise in total U. S. aid. Diem opposes this
T<r ★ ★
French Officer Makes Impression
REIMS, France—Rene Segut, 60. retired artillery officer,
got three months in jail for trying to steal crucifixes from
Reims Cathedral.
His defense was that he wanted to cite the disappearance
of the crucifixes as a miracle in order to impress fellow
lodgers at an old folks home with the benefits of religion.
★ ★ ★
Bomb Explodes In Havana Store
HAVANA—A powerful bomb exploded yesterday night
in Cuba’s largest department store, El Encanto.
The explosion occurred in the nationalized store shortly
after most of its 600 employes had left for the day. There
were no injuries reported.
★ ★ ★
Sharecropper Eviction Battle Rages
CINCINNATI, Ohio—The U. S. Department of Justice
won another round Thursday in its fight to prevent eviction
of Negro sharecroppers from farms in Haywood County,
The 6th Circuit U. S. Court of Appeals directed U. S.
Dist. Judge Marion S. Boyd of Memphis to grant a prelimi
nary injunction to prevent landowners from evicting the
Texas Relays Open In Austin—Page 6
Constitution Could
Amendment Vote
By Citizens Needed'
A road-block that might prevent any changing of the
name of A&M in the near.future was disclosed last night
by Student Senate President Roland Dommert.
Dommert said he had learned from sources at the state
capital in Austin that since the name “The Agricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas” is contained in the state con
stitution, an amendment must be approved before the State
Senate can vote on a name-change.
This amendment will necessitate the approval of the
people of the sLote in a general election, Dommert added.
The constitutional mention, found in Article VII, Section
13. says:
“The Agricultural and Me-*
chanical College of Texas,
established by an act of the
Legislature passed April 17,
1871, located in the County
of Brazos, is hereby made and con
stituted a branch of the Univer
sity of Texas, for instruction in
agriculture, the mechanical arts
and the natural sciences contained
Dommert said this article in the
constitution was one of the rea
sons the measure has been allow
ed “to simmer down” by its spon
sor, Sen. W. T. (Bill) Moore of
The Senate president also re
ported response “has been much
better than we ever anticipated”
following the sending of letters to
all members of the State Senate.
The letters, approved by the
Student Senate, advocated the
name “Agricultural and Mechani
cal University of Texas” if a
change was to be enacted. This
same proposal had been presented
by the A&M System Board of Di
rectors and the College Academic
Dommert added that he felt the
letters were more productive than
the proposed visit of the Student
Senate Executive Council would
have been. This trip was called
off due to numerous conflicts and
the new constitutional angle.
He also said the replies indica
ted a big majority of state sen
ators were also in favor of the
name “Agricultural and Mechan
ical University of Texas.”
In other Senate activity a let
ter was drawn up to the Depart
ment of Student Publications that
advocated alternating pictures of
Corps and Civilian seniors in The
Aggieland. Next year’s Aggieland
will have Corps seniors first, with
the alternating pattern, if approv
ed, to begin the following year.
Clayton LaGrone, chairman of
the Student Welfare Committee,
reported everything in order for
next Wednesday’s commander’s
luncheon to publicize the Thursday
and Friday Campus Chest drive.
Bob Bower, chairman of the Pub
lic Relations Committee, remind
ed members of the April 19 dead
line for filing “Mother of the
Year” nominations and said his
Committee will present a candidate
(See NAME-CHANGE On Page 3)
Ekfelt Elected
Texas English
Teacher Prexy
Dr. Fred E. Ekfelt, professor in
the A&M Department of English,
has been elected president of the
College Conference of Teachers of
English of Texas.
The conference discusses prob
lems of English teaching and con
ducts scholarship sessions.
Dr. Ekfelt, who has been at A&M
since 1938, is the third faculty
member of the school to be named
president of the conference. The
others were George Summey, for
mer head of the Department of
English and now retired, and Dr.
John Q. Hays, professor of Eng
lish. **1!^
Campus Chest
Plans 2nd Drive
The year’s second Campus Chest Drive will be held
next Thursday and Friday in an effort to make up for the
poor showing of the fall.
Two reasons, poor response and poor timing, have been
given for the fall collection of only*
$293. The coming drive was set
up in hopes of- reaching the orig
inal goal of $3,000—50 cents per
Actually no goal has been set
up for this second drive, according
to Clayton LaGrone, chairman of
the Student Senate Student Wel
fare Committee.
LaGrone also announced person
nel to be in charge of the actual
collections in the two-day solicita
tion period.
Lee Griggs will be in charge of
civilian student collections, Ben
Johnston will handle day student
collections in tubs in the Memorial
Student Center, Roger Ratcliff will
be in charge in the west Cadet
area and LaGrone will handle col
lections in the east Cadet area.
Collections are gathered through
Corps of Cadets units, civilian dor
mitory presidents and the tubs in
the MSC.
The drive finances a fund on
campus that has been established
to aid students in cases of extra
ordinary hardship. All applicants
are carefully screened by members
of the Department of Student Ac
tivities before funds are distrib
Vanity Fair
Now Available
Applications are now available
for Vanity Fair in the Student
Publications Office, basement of
the YMCA Building, lasting
through Apr. 28.
Applicants, who must be escor
ted by seniors, must be able t<?
fulfill the following conditions if,
accepted as candidate for Vanity
Fair: she must be able to appear
on the campus Friday, May 19 if
accepted as a vanity fair candi
She must also be able to attend
the Senior Ring Dance on May 20,
and have a picture made at the
Aggieland Studio for the Aggie
land, ’61.
The application contains the.
girl’s name, address, age, weight,
height, color eyes, hair, bust, waist
and hips. It should be accompan
ied by two pictures, one full length
and a second head and shoulderSf
size 8 x 10.
Phi Eta Sigma Initiates
65 Into Honor Society
Sixty-five A&M freshmen have
been initiated into Phi Eta Sigma,
the national freshman honor fra
ternity, Dr. C. H. Ransdell, assist
ant to the dean of engineering,
announced today. The A&M chap
ter was founded in 1949 and is
advised by Ransdell and Dr. J. W.
Dobson, professor in the Depart
ment of Biology.
A candidate for membership into
the fraternity must have posted a
grade point ratio of 2.5 or better
in the first semester of his fresh
man year or have attained a 2.5
G.P.R. by the end of his first year
in school. Membership is for life
in this society which emphasizes
Taking part in the initiation of
the 65 students were President
Charles L. Blaschke, sophomore
liberal arts major of Skidmore;
Vice President Gene F. Brosman,
sophomore science major of Schu-
lenburg; Secretary Russell J.
Christie, sophomore pre-veterinary
medicine student of San Antonio;
Deadline Nearing
For Photo Contest
The deadline for entering the Texas A&M Review photo
contest is only one week away. All entries must be submitted
before 5 p. m., April 14.
To be eligible to enter the contest you must'be a student
and have an A&M ID card. The-*—
photo should be printed on 8 x 10
paper and must have been taken
in Texas; however, the subject and
type of paper used is optional.
Prizes of $25, $15 and $10 will
be awarded for first, second and
third places.
Names of the winning photog
raphers as well as their entries
will appear in the pre-summer
issue of the Texas A&M Review.
Entries should be brought to
the Student Publications Office
in the basement of the YMCA
Building. Be sure to include your
name and mailing address and, if
you wish, a title for the print.
The judges will be looking for
good composition and originality.
Any photo which answers this
description can win.
Treasurer Dan M. Scarborough,
sophomore industrial engineering
major of San Antonio and His
torian John P. Krebs, sophomore
science major from Victoria.
Initiated into Phi Eta Sigma
were James M. Butler, journalism;
George E. Paul, electrical engi
neering, both from Amarillo;
Thomas M. Ashy, pre-medicine, of
Beaumont; Cyril J. Durrenberger,
mathematics, of Bellaire; Juan G.
Dominguez, physics, of Browns
ville; David S. Jernigan, physics,
of Bryan;
Ralph H. Mitchell, Jr., mechan
ical engineering; Bardin H. Nel
son, Jr., architecture, and Manning
D. Smith, electrical engineering,
all from College Station; David C.
Anderson, civil engineering, and
Gerald W. Siegelin, electrical en
gineering, both from Corpus
Christi; Sidney A. Cook, electrical
engineering, of Corsic&na; Bobby
L. Limmer, pre-veterinary medi
cine, of Coupland; Robert B. Eu
bank, pre-medicine, of Cross
Plains; Harlan E. Roberts, busi
ness administration, of Dale;
Thomas L. Ferguson, chemical
engineering; John C. Holliman, en
gineering; Ronald E. Rambin,
chemical engineering, and Robert
L. Ridley, pre-medicine, all from
Dallas; Charles E. Brandt, elec
trical engineering, of El Paso;
Stephen P. Hammack, animal hus
bandry, of Ferris; William T.
Shults, accounting, of Fort Worth;
Robert L. Cates, chemical engi
neering, of Freeport; Thomas D.
Easley, pre-dental, of Grand Prai
rie; Alan W. Myers, aeronautical
engineering, of Hearne;
James L. Barrilleaux, aeronau
tical engineering; Glyn M. Cook,
electrical engineering; Gayle D.
Dealy, electrical engineering; W T il-
liam H. Fisherman, pre-medicine;
Jeffrey C. Harp, electrical engi
neering; Gerald B. Kieschnick,
pre-veterinary medicine; Lawrence
L. Stewart, business administra
tion, and Don R. Veazey, chemical
engineering, all from Houston;
Theodore E. Bernard, electrical en
gineering, of Irving; William R.
Rector, pre-medicine, of KeiTville;
Thomas Hollis Meadows, Jr., me
chanical engineering, of Lake
Jackson; Donnie Rudd, chemical
engineering, of Liberty; Keith A.
Clark, chemical engineering, of
Marble Falls; Kenneth A. Radde,
animal science, of Meridian; John
M. Fitts, electrical engineering, of
Midland; John Hilliard, history, of
Newton; Roderick B. Hobbs, pre-
medicine, of Orange; William C.
Robinette, Jr., science, of Port
Arthur; Howard M. Head, pre-
veterinary medicine, of Richard
Paul A. Dresser, Jr., economies,
and Joseph L. Finch, physics, both
from San Antonio; William R.
Chaney, forestry, of Sherman;
Robert A, May, chemical engineer
ing, of Teague; Macky L. Brittain,
pre-veterinary medicine, of Terrell;
James A. Boatwright, physics, and
Larry G. Porter, civil engineering,
both from Texas City; Jerry B.
Lincecum, English, of Thornton;
Tommie H. Pearson, engineering,
of Victoria; Russell L. Keeling,
engineering, of Waco; William G.
Cox, pre-veterinary medicine, of
Waxahachie; Kindred P. Caskey,
Jr., agriculture, of Weslaco;
Daniel L. Galvin, pre-law, of
Whiteface; Barry R. Hopper, me
chanical engineering, of Manches
ter, Conn.; Robert C. Burk, aero
nautical engineering, of Leewood,
Kan.; Gilbert H. Forehand, elec
trical engineering, of Haynesville,
La.; James C. Carter’, pre-veteri
nary medicine, and Joel Goldman,
pre-veterinary medicine, both from
Shreveport, La.; Victor C. Tisdal,
Jr., pre-medicine, of Elk City,
Okla., and Miguel A. Salabarria,
petroleum engineering, of Havana,