The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 06, 1961, Image 1

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    Volume §•
Number 92
Hospitalization Plan
To Be Explained
A new hospitalization insurance
plan for A&M System employees
has been approved by the Board
of Directors.- The new plan pro
vides insurance coverage for ex
tremely large hospital and medical
service charges up to a maximum
of $10,000.
Meetings to explain in detail
the new “major medical” insurance
plan will be held at 2 p.m. Monday,
Apr. 10 and 4 p.m. Thursday, Apr.
13 in the Biology Lecture Room.
Representatives from the Pan
American Life Insurance Co. will
be present at the meetings to ex
plain the plan to interested em-
| ployees and answer questions.
Additional information may also
be had by contacting Personal In-
; surance and Safety Director John
W. Hill in the System Comptrol
ler’s Office.
500 Must Sign
i The new insurance plan cannot
[become effective until at least 500
System employees, who are cur
rently insured in one of the three
i existing hospitalization plans,
agree to accept the new service.
If adopted, the additional cov
erage will be designated “Plan
!IV.” Present plans I, II, and III
! will remain in effect at their pres
ent rates. Plan IV, if adopted,
will be strictly an additional op
tional plan.
i Right now, there are 735 Sys
tem employees with Plan I in-
suance, 802 with Plan II, and 505
with Plan III—a total of 2,042
persons with some type of Sys
tem sponsored hospitalization in
The current Plan III insurance
offers the most protection now
Plan IV would provide its sub
scribers with coverage up to
$10,000 in the event of a major
health disaster. The amount that
would be paid would first be sub
jected to a $100 “corridor,” which
is deducted from the amount left
over in a total bill after “base”
expenses (room, special charges,
and medical and surgical expenses)
have been paid by the insuring
80 Per Cent Paid
Of this remaining amount, 80
per cent would then be paid by
the company and 20 per cent by
the insured member.
For example, let’s assume a man
has a bill for medical and hospital
care that amounts to $5,817.75.
Let’s further assume his incur
red expenses amount to $754 for
his hospital room, $1,414.75 for
special charges and $633 for med
ical and surgical expenses, or a
total of $2,801.75 base expenses.
Under Plan IV he would receive
$406 for his room, $405 for spe
cial charges and $200 for the med
ical and surgical expenses—a total
“base” of $1,011.
If other expenses (special nurs
es, office calls, drugs, etc.) amount
to $3,016, the total bill would be
Deduct the base amount ($1,011)
from the total and take out the
$100 “corridor.” The remaining
amount is $4,706.75.
The insured person would be re
imbursed for 80 per cent of this
remaining amount—$3,765.40. His
personal expense is what is left—
$941.35. •
The new Plan IV is aimed at
No Backlog
providing more protection for long
sieges of sickness due to accidents
or illness—against which most
people have no sufficient backlog
of savings.
World Wrap-Up
By The Associated Press
Soviets Withdraw TT.N. Charges
UNITED NATIONS, N. Y.—The Soviet Union Wednes
day withdrew its U.N. comnlaint avainst the United States
stemming: from last year’s U2 and RB47 plane incidents.
But the action, taken with the avowed intention of easing:
international tension, failed to win United States agreement
to drooping Hungarv and Tibet from the list of issues still
listed for debate by the General Assembly.
★ ★ ★
Life Imnrisonment Ruled For Murderers
LOS ANGELES—Dr. R. Bernard Finch and his sweet-
heart, Carole Tregoff, yesterday were sentenced to life im
prisonment for the murder of his socialite wife.
The same jurv of 10 men and 2 women that convicted
tliem last week thus spared the wealthy surgeon and his
ex-mistress from death in California’s gas chamber.
Ar Ar ir
Kennedy, Macmillan Talks Open
WASHINGTON — President Kennedy and Britain’s
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan started probing discussions
Wednesday aimed at strengthening Allied unity for a long
time to come.
The most inflammable crisis of the moment, Laos, was
M) both American and British minds as the two leaders met
at the White House in the first of three days of intensive
I * ★ ★ ^
Pre-F>ctmn Fisditm?? Flares In Viet Nam
SAIGON, Viet Nam—Months of Communist terrorism
have mushroomed into open warfare as this Sundav’s presi
dential election approaches, government sources said vester-
dav night. They estimated the Reds have suffered 530 cas
ualties in the past eight days.
Communist Viet Cong rebels now are operating in bat
talion strength and are reported to have lost 200 killed and
"minded in one battle alone, informants said.
★ ★ ★
OU Probes Planned Foi< Ireland
HOUSTON—Three United States oil companies nlan to
conduct oil and natural gas exploration throughout the Re
public of Ireland.
J Continental Oil Co., Ohio Oil Co., and Ambassador Oil
^orp. Wednesday announced the plans under an exclusive
apreement Ambassador negotiated last year with the Irish
★ ★ ★
Laotian Rebels Ready For Negotiations
TOKYO—The Pathet Lao rebels are ready to negotiate
for a cease-fire in Laos, Peiping radio reported Thursday.
The broadcast quoted a statement by Prince Souphanou-
v ong, leader of the pro-Communist Pathet Lao military
forces and chairman of the Neo Lao Haksat party.
Costs for Plan IV for one em
ployee run $4.91 a month or $14.73
quarterly; for an employee and one
dependent, $9.35 a month or $28.05
quarterly; for an employee and.
two or more dependents, $12.64 a
month or $37.92 quarterly.
Decision to enroll in the new
plan is entirely voluntary, but 500
System employees now holding one
of the three current plans must
agree to accept Plan IV before it
can be put into action.
To protect those who have sup
ported the hospitalization plan in
the past, it will be required that
any new enrollees, who have never
had coverage under the plan, show
evidence of good health. How
ever, should 65 per cent of those
who have never participated choose
to enroll, then evidence of insur
ability will be waived.
For those persons to whom mon
ey is an object, it is recommended
that careful consideration be given
to the figures on actual costs to
members under each plan.
King Cotton 27th
senior John D. O’Connor of Petty
Initial Planning Undertaken
For Aggie Follies, 1961
The Aggie Follies of 1961 are
on the way! In the form of a
traveling medicine show, complete
with melodrama,, extra acts and
various other entertainment, the
show will take place during Par
ent’s Day Weekend, May 12-13 in
Guion Hall.
An initial planning meeting of
members of the cast of over 30
performers was held last night in
Guion, headed by Ray Simmons,
production manager for the Follies.
Simmons outlined a star-studded
agenda of acts for both night per
formances, based around a central
theme of a traveling medicine
show of a type that was once very
prominent in this part of the coun
The medicine show will revolve
around a melodrama, “She Was
Only A Farmer’s Daughter,” to be
performed by members of the
Aggie Players under the direction
of C. K. Esten.
The program for the Follies in
cludes a grand entrance by the
entire cast, with a backdrop of a
city or town in the back setting.
Entering from all sides, the show
poeple will get under way with
over two hours of entertainment.
Acts on the show will include a
hillbilly number, complete with
wash tub and jug; a female vocal
ist with smooth voice and style
and a famous comedy trampoline
acrobatic number, followed by a
girl dancer.
The Bengal Bells, famed girls’
drill team from Consolidated High
School will also perform with 16
lassies on stage, accompanied by
piano and drums.
Livestock Shipment
Leaving Tomorrow
A shipment of Texas livestock- for a Baptist orphanage
and agricultural school in Guayaguil, Ecuador, will leave
College Station by truck about 1 p. m. tomorrow.
At Miami, Fla., the livestock will be loaded on a Pan
American plane for the overseas ;
Livestock not donated were sold
at a special price by leading Texas
breeders for this mission project.
Included in the livestock ship
ment will be 100 Angora goats
from Mason, Tex., one young reg
istered Brahman bull from the
Luling Foundation Stock and two
registered young Santa Gertrudis
bulls from the Coulter Hoppess
Ranch near Bryan. Luther Cobb,
Bryan trucker, will haul (the cattle
to Miami.
The School of Veterinary Medi
cine is doing the final health
clearance work for overseas ship
ment. Veterinarians in Mason
and Seguin are also cooperating.
A brief dedication service will be
held at or near the Veterinary
3rd Installment
Fees Payable
Third installment fees are now
payable a tthe Fiscal Office. The
deadline for payment is next
large anmial pens at 1 p.m. to
Although the shipment is going
largely to the Baptist orphange
and school in Ecuador, a number
of denominational groups and in
dividuals have cooperated. Heifer
Projects, Inc., of Upper Darby,
Pa., which has. handled overseas
livestock shipments for church
groups for 25 years, is arranging
overseas shipment. The Evangel
ical Reform Churches of southern
Indiana and southern Illinois are
bearing a big share of the ex
Hugo O. Schulze, Methodist lay
man of Mason, took leadership in
getting the goats from leading
Mason ranchmen. A Methodist
layman made available the Santa
Gertrudis cattle.
The Rev. Gerald Cobb of Ben
Arnold, Tex., is Heifer Projects
representative in Texas. Daniel
Russell of College Station, who has
worked with Heifer Projects and
CROP in Texas for 15 years, has
charge of local arrangements and
arranging part of the state pro
Physicist Wins Scholarship — Page 3
Another featured performer will
be Dave Woodard, with his drums
and magic; also, another female
vocalist will follow Woodard’s
number. A grand finale will finish
out the show.
Another meeting of the cast is
set for April 24 in Guion Hall, at
which time the first major re
hearsal of the show will be held.
This coming Sunday afternoon,
all acts needing musical accom
paniment will meet in the piano
room of the Memorial Student
Center to work out problems and
begin to prepare for regular re
hearsals to come later in the
A second project of the Aggie
Players is “The Rivals,” a play
written by Richard Brinsley Sheri
dan in 1775, which has been
adapted for modern performance
and will begin playing April 17-22
in Guion Hall.
Under the direction of Vic Wein-
ing, the players have been rehears
ing “The Rivals” since January,
and will present the comedy “in
the round” in Guion.
The play is a comedy of man
ners, written as a light satirical
piece poking fun at manners of the
gentility; the script has been
adapted in some places for present
day presentation, according to
C. K. Esten, producer.
Featured in the cast are John
(See AG PLAYERS on Page 3) -
Animal Disease
Now Underway
Animal Disease Research Work
ers in Southern States are holding
their 14th annual meeting in the
College Memorial Student Center.
Dr. R. D. Turk, head of the
Department of Veterinary Para
sitology and president of the re
search workers, said the purpose
of the session is to stimulate in
terest in animal disease problems
and exchange information. Most
of the persons attending are veteri
Discussion subjects, which are
of a technical nature, vary from
liver lesions in cattle to bronchitis
in poultry.
Registration started at 8 a.m.
this morning, followed by an ad
dress of welcome by Dr. R. D.
Lewis, director of the Texas Agri
cultural Experiment Station.
A&M personnel participating in
the program are R. R. Bell, T. J.
Galvin, C. F. Hall, L. C. Grumbles,
A. I. Flowers, R. W. Moore and
H. E. Redmond, all of the School
of Veterinary Medicine.
170 Vie For
‘Queen Cotton’
Pageant, Ball
Slated Tomorrow
A group of 170 girls from throughout the state, spon
sored by colleges, high schools, A&M former student clubs,
A&M mother’s clubs, A&M campus clubs, women’s and civic
clubs and others, will compete Friday night for the coveted
title of Queen of the 27th Annual Cotton Pageant and Ball.
The Pageant will begin at 7:30 p. m. in Guion Hall with
the Ball following at 9:30 in Sbisa Hall.
The duchesses and their sponsoring organizations are
as follows:
Margie Avant, Dairy Science - *
Wives Club, A&M; Linda Gail
Bailey, Jasper A&M Mothers
Club; Barbara Banks, The Wo
mans Club, Bryan; Charlotte Ma
rie Ball, Dietetics Club, Texas Wo
man’s University; Mary Imelda
Barrera, Rio Grande Valley Re
gional Club; Kathy Beke, Houston
Area Hometown Club;
Mildred Belin, Phi Lambda Up-
silon; Sue Betts, Tyler-Smith
County Mothers Club; Marcella
Bienek, Blinn College—Freshman
Class; Judy Ann Blanton, North-
shore Area A&M Mothers Club
(Galena Park); Esther Forbes
Boarnet, A&M B’nai B’rith Hillel
Foundation; Billie Jane Botkin,
Music Therapy Club; Barbara
Brazier) Amarillo A&M Mothers
Elaine Brodnax, Agronomy
Wives Society; Nancy Ann Brown,
Stephens County A&M Mothers
Club; Barbara Sue Burnett, Kauf
man County A&M Mothers Club;
Betty Burnette, Pasadena Home
town Club; Bettie Gay Burton,
Southern Methodist University;
Martha E. Busey, Texas Woman’s
University Senior Class; Francis
Ann Caffey, Texas Woman’s Uni
versity Student Nurses Associa
tion; Sandra Kay Campbell, Fort
Worth A&M Club;
Pam Cantwell, Austin Home
town Club; Carol Sue Carroll, Pi
Psi Chapter—Beta Sigma Phi;
Wallace Ann Chamblee, Bryan &
College Station Evening Lions;
Patricia Chatten, Chemistry Club,
Texas Woman’s University; Judith
Louise Chubb, Officers Wives Club
of College Station; Esta Earline
Clark, Stephen F. Austin, Jesse
Jones (Houston) Hometown Club;
Carole Clark, Dallas Hometown
Club; Mary Melanie Clark, Bryan-
College Station Pan-American
Round Table;
Kathy Coffey, Journalism Club;
el Foundation, Texas Woman’s
University; Linda Coldeway, La
vaca County and Yoakum A&M
Club; Nancy Conerly, Saddle and
Sirloin Club; Sara Sue Cool, Philo-
mathia Literary-Social Club; Betty
Copeland, Bell County A&M Moth
ers Club; Nancy Cordell, Insurance
Society; Charlene Cordts, Deep
East Texas Hometown Club; Mar
tha Coy, Rio Grande A&M Mothers
Judith Kay Cotton, Student
Council, Texas College of Arts &
Industries; Diana Croix, Texas
Woman’s University Campus Gov
ernment Association; Peggy
Crouse, Waco-McLennan County
A&M Club; Sharron Clifton, Fort
Worth Hometown Club; Donna
Dale, Bryan-College Station Texas
Woman’s University Alumnae;
Barbara Davis, Bellaire Hometown
Sandra Dietz, Hill Country
Hometown Club; Diane Dulaney,
Delta Kappa Gamma Society, Al
pha Xi Chapter; Novie Jo Dunlap,
Tau Beta Pi Engineering Frater
nity of A&M; Judith Anne Edman,
Houston A&M Mothers Club;
Gayle Margaret Ellender, A&M
Newman Club; Carolyn Ellison,
Quota Club of Bryan; Donna Marie
Fadal, Waco A&M Mothers Club;
Nancy Farquhar, San Patricio
Hometown Club; Dotty M. Farrar,
Corpus Christi Hometown Club;
Dona Gaye Fields, Orange A&M
Mothers Club; Jayne Flume, Co
mal County A&M Mothers Club;
Bonnie Jean Frame, Navarro
County Mothers Club; Jo Iris
Frank, A&M Aeronautical Engi
neering Wives Club; Carolyn
French, Refugio County Mothers
Club! Wanona Caroll Garrett, Bry
an-College Station Chapter, Na
tional Secretaries Association; Isa
bel Garza, Sigma Tau Delta—
Henrietta Cohen, B’nai B’rith Hill- English Fraternity; Deanna Lee
To Be Held
Here Saturday
The Bryan Teenage Safe Driv
ing Road-E-0 will be hold on the
A&M Campus this Saturday. It
is being sponsored by the Bryan
Junior Chamber of Commerce.
Open to area teenagers, the
driving contests will take place in
the parking lot south of Hender
son Hall;
Entrants in the Road-E-0 are
required to have no record of any
driving offense for the past six
Plans are also underway for the
State Teenage Safe Driving Road-
E-0 to be held here June 3-4. The
state contest will involve about 60
Jimmy Holland of Bryan and
Dick Haddox of College Station
are in charge of arrangements for
the event.
Gilmore, Health and Physical Edu
cation Club;
Mitzi Golden, A&M Consolidated
High School; Blanca Alicia Gon
zales, L’Allegro Literary Social',
Club; Dicksie Ann Grimes, Alpha
Beta Alpha (Library Science);
Sharon Grisham, College Station
Lions Club; Rita Guidry, Baytown
Hometown Club; Jacqueline Har
der, Texas Society, Children of the
American Revolution; Kathleen
Heaton, Brazos Valley Folklore
Carolyn Herdman, Brown Coun
ty A&M Mothers Club; Sarah Lu
Hardy, Sonora A&M Mothers
Club; Kay Hart, Bryan Lions Club;
Judy Hecht, A&M Mothers Club
of Junction; Luine Heizer, Erath
County A&M Club; Ann HoL
dredge, College Station Kiwanis
Club; Monna Homer, Aglaian Lit
erary Social Club; Toni Katherine
Horn, The Campus Study Club;
Ann Grace Hornsby, The Prepara
tory Law Society;
Paula Hudson, Society of Auto
motive Engineers; Lola Huitt,
Architectural Wives Society; Kay
Irvin, Galveston County Hometown
Club; Shirley Jamison, Brush
Country A&M Mothers Club; Mar
ilyn Cathleen Jenkins, A&M Stu
dent Chapter, American Meteoro
logical Society; Jo Ann Johnson,
(See DUCHESSES On Page 5)
HR Utiw 1
III ill
Arkansas Vocalist Dorothy Nelon