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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1961)
Cadets Face Arrogant Owls In Coliseum Tonight. At 8 Enrollment Near 7,000 nn The BattaliOim Volume 59 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1961 Number 62 reject On Way ssiiiii 7! 5f 4! Tiring Even For Dates The long registration lines that formed Friday and Satur- jlday had a profound effect on dates as well as the students i, who weathered the mass confusion to register for the new , semester. Here Patricia Parkman of Houston shows the ef fects as she waits for Gary Lee Doerre of Spring to finish registering. ★ ★ ★ Lines. Wait. Stand. More lines. E That was the general opinion most Aggies had of registration last Friday and Saturday in Sbisa Dining Hall. IH And the Registrar’s office con tinued to work at full tilt as late registration continues. The dead line for registrants is Saturday. - Although enrollment figures will Grad Notice iale Beg ms ll Spring graduation announce- ments went on sale today and will remain on sale through Feb. 28, it has been announced. Announcements may be ordered at the Cashier’s Window in the Memorial Student Center between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. not be released until registration closes, it is expected that the total enrolled will hover around the 7,000 mark. H. L. Heaton, registrar and di rector of admissions, said that it had been his office’s policy in the past not to release incomplete fig ures. It has been pointed out that the student enrollment figure or “count” is not necessarily a de pendable indicator of the role be ing played by a particular institu tion in the state’s program of high er education. Such figures, particularly in metropolitan areas, may be heav ily weighed with students enrolled for only one or a few courses of study. With few exceptions, those en rolled in A&M are full time stu dents carrying a full academic load of studies. [0N$ World Wrap-Up By The Associated Press Missile Explodes On Canaveral Pad CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.—The second stage of a Po laris missile flew wildly out of control and smashed back onto the cape yesterday. The first stage, shooting flames high into the air, was left on the pad. No injuries were re ported. 'fc 'fa North Korea Critical Of U. S. Films TOKYO—Communist North Korea in a Pyingyang ra dio broadcast gave this report of 295 movies shown in Pusan, South Korea, last year: “186 were decadent American films and the rest were vulgar films of France, Italy and West Germany and South Korean films patterned after them.” ★ ★ ★ Senate Gives Kennedy New Powers WASHINGTON—The Senate' Monday passed a bill to give President Kennedy wide authority to create new Cabinet- level departments and to reorganize any branch of govern ment. The bill, approved by voice vote, was the first major legislation to get through the Senate this session. ★ ★ ★ Woman Skydiver Dies In Exhibition LIMA, Peru—The body of an Argentine woman para chutist was washed ashore at Ancon yesterday, the day after she made an exhibition jump at the Pacific beach resort of Santa Rosa. Miss Maria del Rosario Carrizo apparently was pulled under the surface when a strong wind caught her chute after alighting. ★ ★ ★ New School For Retarded Planned AUSTIN— A Senate committee Monday endorsed a bill providing for a new state school for mentally retarded young sters in the upper gulf coast area. Committee approval came quickly after Raymond Vowell, executive director of the State Hospital Board, reported there are now 1,200 exceptional children, mostly five to 15, on the waiting list. A&M Centers New Aggie Exes Chemistry Studies Name Aston Two nationally known research groups plan to move an important joint research project to A&M early in April, President Earl Rudder announced Sunday. The ‘groups, the American Petroleum Institute and the Manufacturing Chemists Association. Inc., are moving their research projects on physical and thermodynamic properties of hydrocarbon and other chemical compounds from Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa. Findings of the new research center will be published every six months and distributed free to colleges, universities, libraries, non-profit research organizations and governmental agencies throughout the free world. Mothers Hear Executives View College The Mid-Season Executive Board meeting of the Federation of Tex as A&M Mother’s Clubs met Sat urday in the Memorial Student Center. Mrs. Earl Rudder and Mrs. M. T. Harrington, honorary presidents of the federation, attended the as- [ sembly. E. L. Angel!, Vice Chancellor of Texas A&M System discussed the history and purposes of the Com mittee of Governing Boards of the state colleges and universities. “Fifty per cent of the courses taught in Texas A&M System are high cost courses, which is the greatest percentage of such course in any of the state schools,” said Angell. “When the mothers of this state enthusiastically support efforts to fill the needs of higher education there is no limit to what can be accomplished,” he added. Later in the business session members of the board pledged the aid of the Mothers’ Club Federa tion in a general educational cam paign among their own member ship of more than 2,000, and their efforts toward securing legislation which will provide adequate finan cing of all state supported schools. This means that important scientific research data origi nating at A&M will be dis tributed all over the world, thereby boosting the prestige of the college, explained Dr. Paul K. Calaway, head of the Depart ment of Chemistry. Housed In Chemistry Building Calaway said the research cen- cer will be housed in the Chem istry Building, and that right now a portion of the building is being remodeled for it. “We are both proud and happy the projects are coming here,” he said. The work of the new research center involves examination of world scientific literature for data on characteristics of hydrocarbon and other chemical compounds and critical evaluation of this informa tion to make readily accessible uni form data for laboratories in in dustry and science. The center will also set up theoretical values for compounds not yet measured by man, correlate existing infor mation and develop new and the oretical approaches to improving compounds. Project Involves. . . The API project involves prep aration of physcial and thermo dynamic tables relating to hydro carbons. The MCA work involves similar preparations on all other chemical compounds. Staffs to carry on the basic, re search for both projects will move here from the Chemical and Pe troleum Research Laboratory of the Carnegie Institute of Technol ogy. ’ The API’s project was begun in (See RESEARCH on Page 3) New Prexy James W. As(on, Class of ’31. will be installed as president of the Association of Former Stu dents at the annual meeting here Feb. 10-12. Aston, a Dallas banker, will succeed W. C. McGee, Class of ’31, of Houston. Election of officers for all posts will also be held at the meeting and along with President Aston they will take office immediately, J. B. (Dick) Hervey, Class of ’42, executive secretary of the Associ ation, announced today. There are 38,000 active members of the As sociation. Two hundred are due to attend the local meeting. Committee reports will be given by Tyree Bell, Class of ’13, of Dal las and Judge C. M. Gaines, Class of ’12, of San Antonio. Gaines will report on a study of the by laws of the Association. It will deal with suggested or proposed amendments. A report on a long range planning program, looking toward enhancement of the pro gram of the Association will be given by Bell. Barker Chapman, Class of ’49, Waco, will be chairman of the Club Officers conference, sponsored by the Association, to which officers of all A&M clubs have been in vited. There are 188 clubs through out the world. A high school relations seminar will be held at the Club Officers Conference with officials of the College providing information on the educational opportunities at A&M. This information will be made available to high school stu dents in the club officers areas. A public relations conference will also be held. The 10th annual Class Agents session will also be held with A. E. Denton, Class of ’45, College Sta tion, chairman. Sixty-three grad uated classes are due to have one or more representatives at the meeting. Kennedy Urges Curtailment Of U. S. Foreign Spending By The Associated Press W A S H I N G T O N — P r e s i- dent Kennedy told Congress Mon day that to help solve the gold problem American tourists should be discouraged from buying nu merous and costly souvenirs abroad. He asked Congress to place a $100 limit on the amount of forr eign goods which returning trav elers may bring into the country without paying customs duties. The present maximum is $500. Kennedy also proposed, in a 4,500-word special message, that American banks be permitted to pay foreign governments a higher rate of interest than Americans receive on savings accounts. He said this might encourage these governments to deposit their dol lars here rather than use them to buy gold. Measure Expansion For the most part, other items in the President’s program to deal with the worrisome gold drain rep ‘GREATPHALLIC SYMBOL’ A Nod For Leaping From TU Tower What appears to be an anonymous group on the A&M campus has sent a letter to The Daily Texan, the student newspaper at the University of Texas, suggesting that the sometimes observed tradition of jumping off the Tower at the University be retained. -♦ The group, whose letter appear ed in the letter-to-the-editor sec tion of The Texan, the “Firing Line,” calls itself the “Texas A&M Committee for Supporting the Tower-Jumping Tradition of Tex as University.” Evidently, the only persons on the A&M campus knowing any thing of the group are the mem bers themselves. This is what they had to say in the letter which appeared under the • title “Oh, Go Jump. . “To the Editor: “It has come to our attention that the narrow, bigoted, dicta torial authorities of your Great University have attempted to des troy one of your finest traditions— jumping from the Tower! For many years this has been a sacred privilege of those who flunk courses. “Each of you must look down into the depths of his soul for the answer to this question: “Am I going to stand idly by and see a great University of Texas tradi tion destroyed?” Of course there is always poison or slashing one’s wrists, but jumping alone has re mained through the years as the only honorable way for a Long horn to go. “In the interests of preserving your Great University’s tradition and privilege and to promote re lations between our two schools, we, the traditionalist students of Texas A&M, wish to humbly offer the use of our own Academic Building to to all Texas students who would carry on your jumping festivities. “We realize that our Academic Building does not reach the ma jestic height of your Great Phallic Symbol, but the concrete pavement below the Point of Departure is exti’emely hard and uncompromis ing. We cap therefore assure suc cess to any of your students who care to further your hallowed tra dition. The Texas A&M Committee for Supporting the Tower-Jumping Tradition of Texas University.” resented an expansion of measures initiated by former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Like Eisenhower, Kennedy also promised to promote exports, en courage visits by foreign tourists, restrict military and foreign spending abroad, and maintain the price of gold at $35 an ounce. He also said Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dillon will re port to him by April 1 on whether the tax laws should be changed to discourage certain kinds of private investment in Western Europe. And he said he will submit legis lation to block Americans from avoiding federal taxes through the use of foreign “tax havens.” Offi cials raid he referred to special tax breaks now available in such countries as Panama and Switzer land. Justifies Concern Kennedy asserted that the gold drain justifies concern but not panic or alarm. He said the United States has time in which to attack the problem calmly and deliber ately. Because of the wide range of subjects covered, the Senate took the unusual step of referring Ken nedy’s message to three different committees: Foreign Relations, Finance, and Banking. The President’s proposals gen erally found favov with Republi cans as well as Democrats in Con gress. Some members in both par ties said they thought even further steps will be needed. During the last six months, for eigners have bought a record $2 billion of U. S. gold, reducing the American supply, to a 22-year low of $17.4 billion. They were abl< to do this because the U. S. bal ance of payments deficit gave them a supply of extra dollbrs. For many years, the United States has been sending more dol lars abroad, through payments for imports, investments, tourism and government programs, than have been returning. This deficit has increased sharply in the last three years, leading to heavy gold sales and foreign fears that the dollar was being undermined. Tourposters’ Set To Open Tuesday By TOMMY HOLBEIN Comedy and humor will prevail next Tuesday night, as the Aggie Players perform “The Fourposter” in the lower level of the Memorial Student Center starting at 8 p. m. The three-act play is a late Broadway show recently going off stage in the past few>- A&M, Research Officials Confer (from left) Crass, Cullison, Webb, Calaway, Mattocks years, and its plot .deals with the trials and tribulations during 25 years of married life. Being performed “in the round,” the show features only two actors, the husband and wife. Michael is played by Harry Gooding, and Ag nes by Regie Lundergan. Gooding and C. K. Esten are directing the production, which started rehear sals again last night following the semester break. Being played “In the round” involves the audience’s surround ing the stage on three sides, Which means those on stage must handle their lines in a way to reach the entire audience in three different directions. This technique has been handled very effectively by the Players in past performances, including last year’s “A Night With George Bernard Shaw,” in which two of Shaw’s one-act plays were pre sented. The set props include, first of all, a bed (the fourposter) in the right rear of the stage. In front of the bed is a mirror and dresser, and across the room on the left is a divan or love-seat. In this setting, the audience will see 25 years of trials and tribula tions, humor blended with pathos, pass before them, as “Michael” and “Agnes” experience the vari ous pitfalls of marriage. Handling lights for the produc tion will Be Charles Hearn and George; Marlene Rushing, Betty Simmons, Dave Woodai’d, Marcus Edwards and Randall Yeargan compidse the set crew, and Jane Eisner is in charge of costumes. “The Fourposter” will be per formed next Tuesday through Fri day nights, Feb. 14-17, and ad mission charge is 75 cents per ticket. A second play also in progress will be performed April 17-21, en titled “The Rivals,” which will' (See PLAYERS on Page 3)