The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 02, 1961, Image 1

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• \[ ' •! | ? ' *. i. f ' ' j
Cadets Swamp Pacific; Meeti SMU Here Saturday
Volume 59
NumN-r 61
World Wrap
By The Associated Press
, i,, , ! JL ■ i 1
Registra tion Opens
Friday In Sbisa
Brazil's Financial Situation Poor
BRASILIA, Brazil—Brazil’s news president. Janio Oi'ad- The new student program at A&M jfcJt under way with
ros, says his nation is in a “terrible financial situation" but housinx Isaixnment and payment of fees. The prdgrajm com-
that he will x«in fiscal stability by fixhtinx “curruption, menced ft 8 a.m.
Dr. F. C. Bolton
... dies at axe 77
Services Held
For ‘Grand Old
Man Of A&M’
bureaucracy and official scandals
O'tad ros said in his inauxural address Tuesday nixht
that Brazilians will have to make ’’sacrifices with every
penny” to pay off the nation’s debts* Brazil’s foreixn debt
alone amounts to &L8 billion, he said.
* * 'a. 'll
Odessa Editor Due Ubel Term
AUSTIN-The editor of an Odessa newsletter today ap- Bioloxicll,Sciences Lecture Room.
parently lost ms final chance to esfape a nine-month jail hp j n chanre. Civilian students wi
The general assembly at which Dr. C. H. Ramalelj, chair
man of the New Student Committee, yave the welcome ad
dress, w»s held at 1 p.m. in the Lecture Room of the Bioloy-
ical Sciepjces Buildinx. Testing, in c-harye of S. A. Kerley, di
rector of,the Counseling and Testing Center^ followed at 1:15-
Totforrow at 8 a.m., ROTC students will report to the
Col. Frank Yaden will
will meet at 8 a.m. in the
YMCA with Bennie Zinn in* -
lanlit for 24 hour* before being
picked up by a helicopter. Then
he spent the night aboard a Navy
Funeral services were held yesterday for Dr. Frank ‘*u«. brown eye« but uttering not
Cleveland Bolton. 77, at the A&M PresbyteriarfChurch. a |i0Und '*» h ** scuttled about in
“The Grand Old Man of A&M" died Tuesday in a Hous- an aluminum cage, Ham arrived
ton hospital after an illness of several months. V at l; D P- m - KST •* * s«ntle touch-
A native of Miaamippi. Dr * • down of a C-131 Air Force plane
Bolton came to Texas A&M in 1909 rarw>r jn the o{ on * “Un-bathed airatrip.
to hea.l the Department of Elec- jntdmiion f r om Miasiaaippij A bit more than 25 hours earlier
tncal Engineering. He retire*! College in 1905 he accepted ha kaii loomed up from Cape Cana-
Auruat 31, 1956, after aerving aa a poaition on the ataiff of that cot- veral In a Redatone rocket and
head of the Department of Flee- | ejte #1| a teacher of electrical engi-1 bobbed around in the South At-
trical Engineering, deai\ of engi- H e held that poat until
peering, dean of the College. came to AAM
executive vice.prea.dent and preai- ( Continuing hia academic train-
dem of Jhe ( ollege. in|r at i ntena i s between aasaiona ship, rode a helicopter to Grand
“Dean Bolton, as he is more teaching, Dr. Bolton did gradu- Bahama (aland for more medical
familiarly Jtnowm, apent hia entire at e work at Cornell University, the cherkupa, and took an hour’s
University of Chicago and Ohio flight home
State University.
j An electrical engineer of note,
he was active in various engineer
ing societies and served as a con
sultant and director of various
state programs for the application
j of electrical engineering to the
needs of agriculture.
During World War I Dr. Bolton
was director of military education
AUSTIN — Gen. ..Isaac “Ike” at the College and in World War
Ashburn. 71, former head of the II was acting head and leader of
Texas Good Roads Assn, apd dep- j the vast programs of war training
uty commandgr of the Texas Na-1 at the College in which several
tipnal Guard, died Wednesday in thousand young men were trained
a Temple hospital, v in courses vital to the prosecutioa
Hospitalised almost three year# of the war.
ago with a heart condition, Gen. “No man contributed morei w
Ashburn had had several strokes, the war effort during World War
A native of Farmersville in Col- i II at any college than did Dead
lin County, Ashburn grew up near Bolton at A&M." Gib Gilchrist,
Greenville. He attended old I’oly-j chancellor emeritus of th# A&M
technic College at Ft. Worth. College System, said today.
Funeral services will be at i! A quiet, kindly gentleman. Df.
p.m. Friday in Weod-Corley Fu- Bolton was retiring by nature, but
neral Home, Austin. The Rev. underneath there was a strength
Marvin Vance, pastor of the First and bulldog determination which
Methodist Church, will officiate, carried him through any situation.
He had never been known to hav*
been unkind or officious in his
dealings with sti^dent* or staff
members, yet he maintained a
strict discipline based on ciose ob
servance of the rules of the in
stitution. ,
Dr. Bolton was ,a charter mens-
Ham Looks Happy,
Healthy At Home
CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla.—Ham’n home, he looks
healthy and happy, and la right back at work doing hia bit to
further man’a dream of voyaging in space.
But the 37-pound chimpanzee faces nothing *o spectacu
lar ami giddying as his 19-minute > - —
roller coaster ride into space Tues- for lhe n „ t two daya> „ ^i, as
detailed physical checks, the vet-
Insteadtj he’s again pushing lev ^rinurian sdid.
ers to see if he’s still as skilled Mosely disclosed Ham had been
a# before and to cheek his mental objected t* a force of l« times sentence for criminal libel.
reaction with his performance on gravity—not 12 as first indimted The Court cf Criminal Appeals upheld the conviction —;
his ride. by radioed data—a very heavy of John Aldriilge Dec. 27 and toda\j refufH a motion for a ^ H
That job was reported apparent- rehearing without writing art opinion. State’s attorney At 1 p.m. tomorrow, the
Leon Douglas faid this is the final step. new students will report ac-
* * * 'j cording to course of study as
Princess Margaret (iocs To Hubby’s Office follows: »
LONDON—Princess Margaret went down today to see All agricultural majors report
what her husband does at the office. * tp Dr. |. C. Potts. Room 2!fi.
| J .Her'husband. Antony Armstrong-Jones. went to work j nairy-Bii-hepiistry Building: all
nine days ago as an unpaid adviser to the government-sinm-; ..rchitecti-e major# report to T. R.
sored British Design Center. He showed her around and then Holh-manj, Room 412» Academic
they went to lunch. • Building;! all Arts and Sciences
★ ★ ★
Angus Judged Champion
FORT WORTH—An Angus owned by Kenneth Eitel. --
Green Castle, Mo., today was judged champion steer of the I report tfljjPan C. hove. Room 210.
Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show. - Husims* 1 Administration Building;
The reserve grand champion was a Hereford shown by M Engi|eering major* report to
Lile Lewter, 16, Lubbock; , Dr C. H
The champion and reserve champion will get top billing gii eerin
at the auction Friday. nahy M
The grand champion of the I960 show brought $6,100. Dr. E.
★ ★ W i .fVeterina
ly quite well done, despite crush
ing forces of increased gravity be
fore and after more than six min
ute* of freedom from gravity pull,
when Ham felt he had no weight
at all.
One concern has been whether
j men can think and react normally
under such stresses.
Peering about with lively, curi-
It came about because of a
slight error in the rate of fuel
consumption in the rocket, which
touched off reactions carrying the
rocket at « spe-d of 800 miles an
hour faster than intended, and
hurling Haim 1*>5 miles high and
420 miles down range. This meant
40 miles greater height a(td 130
miles more distance than planned.
NSF Grants
To A&M Total
$1534# ■ ■
Grant* totaling $15,340 from
the National Science Foundation
have been received by AIM. Pres
ident F.arl Rudder announced yes
majors rwxirt to DrJG. W. Sohles-
selman, loom 208, Tugle Hall; all
Business! Administration majors
Ling-Temco Claims 20 Per Cent
DALLAS—Ling-Temco Electronics, Inc., Dallas aero-
Uansdell, Room 114, En
Building; all Pr«s-Veteri-
tcine majors report to
McMurry, Room 119,
Medicine Building.
A general assembly w-ill be held
★ ★ ★
Former A&M
Dies In Temple
By The Associated Press
Burial will be in Austin Memorial
Survivors include his widow: a
son, Ike Ashburn Jr., three broth
er*. Haygood Ashburn and John
M. Ashburn of Houston and Jim
Ashburn of Austin; three sisters.
Mrs. J. M. Spurlock of Greenville.
Ham biased the way for a hu
man astronaut to attempt the same
type of trip, perhaps this spring.
Later would come rides in more
powerful rockets to send a chimp
and then a man into orbits around
ths globe.
But- this was Ham’s day, and
the word was “all’s well" from
highly pleased Maj. Dan Mosely,
heading the madical team which
trained and cares for him.
A couple of physical checkups
and even X-rays disclosed “nothing
to indicate any abnormality,'
Monely said.
Ham is eating normally with a
good appetite, keeping a partiality
for apple* and banana*, and “while
I won't 'say he’s happy, he looks
happy.” Mosely added, explaining
he can't lead Ham's thought*.
Trundled off in a white station
wagon to his old quarters. Ham
was to do a half-hour workout
slapping lever* at precise timings
to avoid* getting alight electric
He'll get more such workouts
„ .. ""“f Friday dt 10 a.m. in Rriom 107 «f
space firm, today said it owns in excess of 20 per cent of the h c 1 ^ d T *wing Cen-
outstanding shares .of Chance Voufht Carpi of Dallas and i ^ l-ffcw wm be in ch lt rg«-
confirmed that it intends to begin a proxy solicitation to ob- idenlifi( .L in p hl ,t„gra P hs win be
tain control of \ OUghC • | . , • taken alii a.m. in Sbisa Hall and
. w " . ! registration will get under way at
At Least 7 Die In Fire i’ iodIi
all believed !
The grants will be used to sup
port 15 undergraduate students as vi’* e'TTTV'SVr/'kv- ,, ,
.....rch p.rliripanl. 4.H* ,k, . W i«H!MJTO.S-At MVM. peiVOIM.
tk— *to o* elderly patients, died today m a fire in a nursing home. 1
The seven bodies were recovered from the fourth floor Feb. «.
one in the Department of Biology ? f a br ’ ck man«ion-style building housing the nursing home
ClaVM& begin at 8 alm», Monday,
and the other in the Department
of Biochemistry and Nutrition,
which supports six students.
Two of the grants will he used
by the Deportment of Chemistry
in a program under the direction
of Dr. A. F. Isbell; three grants
in northwest Washington.
★ ★ ★
Movie-Star Governor Candidate?
SACRAMENTO, Calif.—Republican State Chairman
John Krehbiel of Pasadena savs movie actor Ronald Reagan
is a possible GOP candidate for California governor in 1962.
At a news conference Tuesday he listed other possibili
ties including former Gov. Goodwin Knight and Mayor
A&M Mothers
Clubs Meet
Here Saturday
. Th** Mid-Reason Executive Board
Meeting of the Federation of A&M
Mothers Hubs will bo held in the
Birch Room of the Memorial Stu
dent Center, Saturday, Feb. 4, at
10 a m.
At this meetihg the thirteen
officer* of the Federation, who
comprise the Executive Board, jWrill
transact much of the planning nnd
the business of the Federation that
is made up of more than fifty clubs
and over two thousand member* in
all area^ of the State.
Mrs. Fred Cole of Corpus Christ,
president of the Federation, "ill
Since its beginning 32 y*ar* ago,
the Federation has had as its pur
pose “to contribute in every way
to the comfort and welfare of the
boys and to cooperat^ with (he
faculty of the college in maintain
ing a high standard of moral r«.n-
(See A&M MOTHERS on Pagr 4)‘
by the Department of Wildlife George Christopher of San Francisco.
Management, to be directed by
Dr. R. J. Baldauf; four ifi veteri
nary microbiology, under the di
rection of Dr. A. I. Flowers.
Six grants go to the Depart
ment of Oceanography and Me
teorology and are expected to at- 1
tract participants from* wide
section of the country. R. M.
Adams will direct the program.
“These programs are designed
to give undergraduate students
experience in research in the vari-
★ ★ ★
Former Patient Admits Crimes
FORT WORTH—An 18-year-old former mental patient,
recently declared sane, admitted today that he had molested
seven young girls since his release from the Rusk State.
John Carlton Ray. Fort W’orth, was arrested in Sherman
Tuesday night, soon after he was charged in Peace Justice
Whit Boyd’s court in abducting and fondling a 5-year-old
★ ★ ★
4 Senators Introduce Bill’
AUSTIN-4-Four senators today introduced a bill calling
mm fields for which th* griut* for creation of an econmoy commission in state government
»rc ricHiKmted " Coleman M. to fide herd on all state bureaus and departments.
’..... A 12-member commission, composed to two senators,
coordinator . * K>n*i two re p rewnta ^ ves an( j e jght private citizens, would be ap-
Scicncr Foundation grants pro.
31 Execs Attend
Course On Campus
Thirty-one executives representing a diversity of the
nation^ business and industrial organisations regist»-re<l here
last Sunday (Jan. 29) for three weeks of training at the
Ninth Annual Executive Development Course.
DuriiAf the course the executive#
will stijpy such problems as man-
ugemenft administration, account
ing andj finance, business measure
ments jjmd personnel administra
gram at A&M. said today.
pointed to & commission of the executive branch of govern
ment to promote economy, efficiency and improved services.
Mrs. Jerry Harwell of Ft Worth *** ot th * A&M Presbyterian
and Mrs. Raymond Uberman „f Chureh ot Colletd SUtion and an
Mancheoter. Tenn. “w* ite organization in 1921.
Ashburn left school to work as A devout church worker he was
a reporter on the Fort Worth •«*»*• «« *****"
Record and became city editor. He had an abiding faith in the
In 1913 he went to A&M as pub- young generation — holding that
licity director and secretary of the | they were and are capable of um-
board of directors. ing over the jobs which await - ^
Twice wounded and gassed in —and he was determined that thiy
France during World War I. Aah- he better prepared educationally
bum received the Distinguished than the generation* before thejn.
Service Cross for gallantry ia ac- The title of “grand old man of
tion and wa» made a lieutenant col- A&M" was not carelessly applied
onel. The French Government to Dr. Bolton,
awarded him the Croix de Guerre He ia survived by hia wife and
and the Legion of Honor. In th* three children, Frank Bdlton of
Army of Occupation. Aehburn was | New York, Preston Bolton of Hous-
regimental executive officer. ton and Mrs. Elam E. ErkJes of
(See FORMER COMMANDANT College Station and several graed-
on Pago 4) children.
m-A . v ' - UU.m
Wool Judging Team
Cops National Title
A&M’s Junior Wool Judging Team edged out 10 other
teams to win first place in the recent 1961 National Wool
Judging Contest at Denver, Colo.
The Aggies made up the first team from A&M to win
this particular collegiate wool ♦ ■■■ 1
judging contest, according to j individual in th* overall contest.
Charles F. Parker, instructor in the
Department of Animal Husbandry
and team coach.
Members of the group ar« Pete
Jameson of Ranger, Scotty Men-
nos of Menard, Don Beenrinkle of
Belton and Barrie Ward of Uano.
Jameoon was the highest scoring
with a tally of 533 points out of a
possible 600.
In the various clasaes, the Aggie
team was first ia Columbia breed
fleeces and first in grading and
fleece evaluation.
★ ★ ★
AtNinth Annual
Exec Course
Top national business ami indus
trial leaders are visaing farelty
for the Ninth Annual Executive
Development Course now in poog-
ress on campus.
Named as visiting ftmlty Were:
W. Oncken Jr., management do-
velopment. Richanlsob. Bellows,
Honry and Co.. Inc., Irving neither,
assistant superintendent of opera
tion* research division. Western
Electric Co., both ,of New York;
Theodore A. Smith, executive vice
president. Radio Corn, of America,
Camden. N. J.; E. C. Plowman, rice
president, U. S. Steel Corp„ Ed
ward G. preen, vice pre-ident, plan
ning and marketing. We*tinghonse
Air Brake Co., both of Pittsburgh.
F. J. Agnirh, vice president add
•C. J. Thomsen, vice president and
controller. Texas Instrument! Iac»
John V. James, controller. Dresser
Industries Inc.. Watrous H. Irons,
president. Federal Reserve Bank,
J. H. Cowdrey, Merrill, Lynch,
Mothers March On Disease — Page 5
Ward, Jameson, Parker, Menzies, Been*inkle
... national champions
Aiv|iiting faculty , of 30 top
busiue*! and industrial executive*
«i!l rndduct th* training sessions,
-(leaking on problems arjsing in
the up^ration of organizations in
today’ail charging economy.
The group was welcomed Sun
day by Earl Rudder, -president of
the ('ojlege.
y the group got down to
During the course, the
rd such men as T. A.
xecutive vice president of
G. Plowman, vice presi-
U. S. Steel, F. J. Agnirh,
nt of Texas Instru-
atrous H. Irons, president
of the Federal Reserve Rank of
Dallas, F. G. Macarow, vie* presi
dent of the Chesapeake and Poto
mac Telephone Companies, and
The Executive Development
Course^ in its ninth year, was the
outgrowth of requeat/from South-
| western firms for a training
course that would enable key men
to le^ni. more of the problems
which confront the modem busi
ness world.
I Executives who are attending the ' Pierre. Fenner and Smith Inc., all
course were nominated by their j of Dallas. ‘
F. M. Austin, viri* president,
Houston Lighting and Power Co.,
R. M. Chan, consultant, Transwett-
em Pipeline Co., W. 0. Walter,
vice president, Tennessee Gas
on Page S)
companies on th* basis of out-
standipg careers and readiness for
additional responsibilities.
The course is sponsored by th*
i Division of Business Administra-
| tion. W. E. Erkles, profes.-or in
i the Division, b course director.