r.u*4 Co]1#jr«> Stntlnn, Tlinrwlay, f 1 * F t, -a-l.l ■ rfj 1 THE BATTALION 1 B 1 ~7-\ CB Swimmeri Statli.n Swi>nminjr! r*-lay t^aru oif Elfcnor.™.- ley. R«rky Kahn, F*»m Hav*4 m Ro*«mr.ry Thonp*>oh *%a(m to a Th* dotlaf* Team .Senior Girl* ropped firtt plare in their diviaion at the Gulf* ‘ rreet (Country Club j^tnminir . ne«t laat Friday ahd Saturday )n Houeton. The f«-ur Tne»nb#r« of the ae*- V »«r girln diriaion racked tip 47 points for* their trophy. _ Forty members of the Colletre Station r SWnimiaii Team eompetedlin the waet.' f * first place finish inj the; ffeetstyle relay and placed third in vwlnad* ley relay. Miss Kahan ibred second in the lOO-mat^r hark stroke and . the 200-mit^r ftie- style. Miss Hayes planed second in the 2W)-meter breast UtoMe fcr.d third in the 100. meter iTy. I Ifisn Worh y placed fourth ih bifti the ■■■'in Li; l j JJ ■ • ; L . IbO-meter hack; stroke and the' placed secnm | bO-meujr f^fMtyle. free-st^le re! j The senior bnys relay team— Joe Bru-se, lirl Carls, Leslie l!ru--e n’si .'v-ott ManninK—took iwo fourth places. Rrusse placed ^hird in th.- 2"f' meter free-style Lnd fifth ih 0>e 100-meter fly ■ j Kathy Myers, Li nda Gruber, Kay Fisher Sod Martha Lawrence 4—the junior jirls relay team-^ Meet In the IlSH-meter iy. Virjfinia Patter son and Kann Thomp»on replaced Miss - la wrerjce and Mias Gruber in the medley relay race and the tyam flopped a fourth place. The boys p-am of Dudley Hart, Mac fiolconjb, James Don* and Scott Herven placed sixth in the free-style ana medley relays. .Shan n <'|»vey, Susan Myers, Thmna D< ii- f and Susnnne Galla- way placed tyiird in-the intermed iate idrls njedley and free-style relays (Juidie Doibn replaced Misa De tier iri the free-style relay K.-n Kisheit. Bruce Riirys, Randy Ransdyll anA Jared Hitch took third in the intermediate boys free-s^yle and medley relays. Lar ry knfoles replaced fisher in the free-style reliiy. Hit^cock, I Kiftir-s, Doran, Covey and tihllawuy each scored in indi vidual events, In the m)df;et division, Gerry Lowe, Stephfn Henry, Allen Lee and Jerry i|art placet! third in the fijee-stylA relay. Dickey Her- vey wus thirjl in the breast stroke and iienry ^as third in the free style. i I • The jrirls jteam of Nancy Nel- son, Carol Myers, Kny Callahan and Kerry fiaher finished fifth in the nndfcjet. diviaion free-style. LEIMEBER (Continued from Ptye 1) Swimmers Practice Some of the |Tieinl>eii! eff the ColleRe Station Swimming (lub are Rating in some practice 4. at P. L. Downs Jr. Hhtatorium. Cnaihed l>v •4 i i Aggie Swimming Coach Art Adamson, the club has entered several meets this summer and has won several honors. (or his doctorate in IfWWi, ' J.t-inweber’s appointnumt W; i announced by Dr. R. E. Pdtte jdean < f aknculture. “We Tonsider Dr. Lein we her •I outstandW atTricultural acientisl. | He will be « reai asset to the agrii; j cultural progenms of AAM in proi j vidinu lead* r-Vp in r> seiurrh an| education in thy important field I of range management," FVttersod •aidk \ "His background of (raising and expetienc* fits him well into tH^ position which he will occupy in developing funKer services to Te» as farmers and ranch-rs." , Three Sons * Lcinweber and his wile, Jei^. live at 1002 Hereford In Colleg»\ Station, They have thnec sonf, Charles Jr.,’ II; Louis L, 7; anp Gregg, Si j The Lelnwehers are members Qf : the Presbyterian Church. 1 ' l-emwebei's j»ar»nts lire ML j and Mrs, C. L. Leinweber Qf Mountain Home, and his wife '{a » the daughter of Mrs. L. O. Cun ningham of Ke|CV$le. NUCLEAR >hone is a problem with a handy extension telephone close-by iji ' i* j 1 iJ [{Ki j 1 . -i 4 If you are constantly running to answer a Hoping telephone—you need the help of an extension telephone It’s quick, easy and inexpensive to xtL i M.L HI F r ■ \ || Call our business office today for information on this colorful, low-cost com (Continttd from Page 1) In its final stages the center’s reacthr will!be capable of operat ing at five megawatt power. The first iunit of the equipment for the ceijter, which should be in n he ration by February, is to be capable of |andling a wide rangei, of research! projects, with power! limited to 100 kilowatts. The facilities will be used not! only for teaching and research here^ but Will aM be available for work] for *11 part* of the A4M College System, fori other colleges and uni versities throughout the Southwest; and for ba*ic research sponsored by ihdustrji Experimental facilities will be locates! aboLt the reactor pool oil the basement and first floors. Oh the basemen floor, the two big power reactor operating position^ (the tank end and the controlled irradiation cell end) will be sur» roubded by various ports providing high level Ndiation fluxes for ext periments ^utside the shield. The Southwestern States 1i h takes two to fill the bill TWO BY TWO CLASS Ik *7::' BATTAL _ and Aggie Wives Baptist Church College Station WANT AD RATES ka Say S« «s» vaaS p*v mmOI olkHtSoiBaJ 4aj MADUHil • was. tor totef* aeMeaWM naMMM Motor L SS, prt MtenalMa ewoM si asm FOR FOR RENT CiSnre Hi’l» n«*r CoUase. Srarieus no* hrdrtwa apartmenU. M.Oern famhurv, tfTtnnf vel«. me Hncrf, eAipte rl«*i »kk tMvea now only I4I5.0I; Wrmt nvV' iae ttereu with radio, tit5.04; Coelmpcrar* aeda. 1(4 M: four pier, bednawn .ui», 4*4.M; fire pieeo dinette. t^.*»; toUrhing hnv spring with mattreu tJSM.- kai-dl pillows, SIM a pair: Lane edar <*>eet, |reis. lines, feared h«rh yard with trees. XM Aradesar. TA t- 4MR ttnl WORK W — Avvie wife would like toail rhild foe working faedher. Celpdpper. VI MdM ' 1 ' Ppn'ished two 4 lead VI 4 7*44 •It Hieh- trtfn Two hsdroom duplet apartment with range and rwfrtirenter, washer mneseth-as. 221 wiring, carport. Ms MuatrMir. Cat- lego Station. Inquire *t 111 Montclair. VI i-4414. mti F-w »«rv>f< C* ecuties •all TA t-tm "i M fess onal typing done en a* I tn-rwriter and ios».msh,e n A t-4Mt. TA 4-47t3j*4»r I. 1212 Attention Working Mothers A| day ry. » to I. Hare had toesV. train- MSM per nsooth. per Mild. VI I- last miduta to get yoor t to Secretarial i tywepriptet. effset Why wait until rhsees reports, etc •tevice* Klsetrl* priaMug. aegatiem a Ml* Texas A«e. VI ' TV-Radio-HiFI Service 0 Repair OILS RADIO ft TV TA S-B82B 101 HighUad Early Bird Cirtaiaa — Ridgecrest VllUf. 4,110 *fm (rater rooter. • t It fug.Jd2A.il. See View W cqjj VI l-*m. Mi.M . courh and at C-lt-A College IMtt HELP WANTED Salqiladf experienre helpful hut not toeapnry. Personality and poise es sential Must like people aad want to ee|. Salary apea. Joyre’t, Ml S. College. IMtt sane Mlifer. C Referenre when ■ I MB NURSERT RCNOOL i*4 years. Storytelling. Singfen. Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo. Clone ta (MMgfc VI l-d$4U requested. Ign'-i Elect D hi* Seise and RrUUaasa.] TA M4M Couple to He* In hosne. Three bedroom home Without mother Roan aad board in rstipn for lady’s nsaanaace in buuee- keepmip P»w three glrla. ages 11, *. aad • months Ideal for Aggie couple. Phone TA 2-MM dr TA t-«lll. IMtl rtfs Inc M.UrJ’* C.f.t.rl. ZZ'tZlL ;,;CT i it Msskma waalid: Experieaeo not neces sary Must he neat in appepranee. Apply TRlANCLt RESTAURANT, MM S Cai- lege Avenue. TA 1-IU2. Itltfa Artist with free hand drawing ex per. we far pieman at position. Degrss la art or coagaerrial art school graduate de sirable. Same typing experfaacp MMtlal. Call or write Texas forest Seretse. VI I- by the M2 OAL NOTICI notices must he brought. *4 so as to arrive in the 0 , Publlrntione I Ground fUot 1-4415. hours 1-12, M. dull) Friday I at sr before the of the toy prcceedln* 1 p.m. of the — Director qf Problems art only op port uni tie* in work clothes*—Henry J. Kaiser an ■txai kTES TYPEWRITERS ■I • Rato • SerrVe . y Distributors Per: VIcMe Adding Maehlaeq EWRITER CO. TA 4-44M SOSOLIK'S TV - RADIO • PHONO SERVICE TB 8 MrIb •; ; TA MMl MEAT 12-Oz, Can Salad Howl GREEN "AMPS SALAD DRESSING I hi,] I r® 'I i ; - I i.H Creamland or Silvprtfal CREAM Quart 1 1 Half Gallon Square Carton MEDAL FLOUR Prenium Chuck DESERT SW6ET ? Lemonade FLYING JIB BREADED I TV Prolan PEAS or CORN. hf-V Fregen ORANGE JUICE Renown Cut A-OZ. CAN IO-OZ. ?KG. 5 89c 4 •£ m Lb. GREEN BEANS VErS DOC FOOD 12 FIELD PEAS K "' (i CREAM PEAS Th 3 Rutter ritih SHOESTRING POTATOES , J0c LUNCH NAPKINS 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Northern SPECIALS GOOD THCR-FRI.-SAT.—AC(L 11I4-13 BANANAS Ph. D l.sneesgs Eaaminetiea Exataii Uoua fog meeting the foreign language for the Ph. D. degrss will hr I iy. August 2*. 1 A. M. and 1* 00 A. M. di Room 121. Academic Building Using to lake thb examinat-ou I ee the material user which they 1 wish to he examined with the Rsrrrtdfy ta j the Drp|rtinenl uf Modem Languages nut 1 I to p. m. Wsdarsday. August *4. J. i». Woolkct. Head. Departmtot of! Nodem Languagas. '{)SRf GOLDEN RIPE CENTRAL AMERICAN FRESH JUI ,lf lb \ Head 2 CONVENIENT LOCATION! 200 E. 24th Street 3516 Texas Avenue