The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 30, 1960, Image 3
THE BATTALION Thursday, June 30, 1960 College Station, Texas Page 3 Checking Bass Fry Size Dr. Kirk Strawn, left, and Dr. Richard J. Game and Fish Commission. The results Baldaug, both of the Department of Wild- of their experiments will be to allow re life Management, check on bass fry size at searchers to identify fish hatched under the State Fish Hatchery in San Marcos, the temperature conditions when they grow The A&M professors are doing work at the older by the number of their bones. Up San Marcos hatchery this summer on the ef- until now no suitable method of marking feet of temperature during hatching on the young fish has been found. (Photo Cour- number of bones of fish. They are doing tesy of The San Marcos Record.) the work under contract with the Texas Little League by Russell Brown Rain stalled action in American League South play last week as the league opened its second half of play. Again, as in the first half, two quick victories by the Orioles have boosted the Birds into the first place slot in the loop. Thursday’s action found the first-half cellar-dwelling White Sox rise up and slap down the high-riding Senators, 13-9, on the strength of a six-run sixth inning. John Skrabanek weathered the Senator storm to take his initial win of fire campaign against two losses although he was rocked for 10 hits while walking four and striking out nine. Joe Williams took his third straight defeat as the Sox unloaded eight hits in the final inning, 14 during the con test. Williams also walked four and whiffed two. Skrabanek took hit ting honors with three hits, two doubles, in four trips, driving in four teammates. Every Sox player- hit safely except shortstop Jim Monday the Senators rebounded from the licking and bounced the Red Sox, 7-3 behind Walter Var- vel. Jimbo Robison absorbed the loss but six errors in the first three innings netted the Senators seven unearned runs and the vic tory. The first big threat by the Sox same in the sixth when they picked up three runs on two hits and two errors but Varvel settled down to whiff the final two foes for the victory. Varvel’s two singles led the Senator attack while the Sox were only able to manage four singles off Varvel. Orioles Win Tuesday the Orioles began their second half play with a bang, slapping the White Sox, 12-2, with Willie Edmonds picking up the win. The winners picked up a run in the first before exploding for eight runs on six hits and one Sox miscue in the second to ice the win. The Birds completed the rout against Duke Butler with three more tallies in the third. Edmonds pitched runless ball until Intramural Golf Tourney Set Registration is now under way for the Intramural Golf Tourna ment to be held on the A&M Golf Course July 9-10, according to W. L. Penberthy, summer intramurals director. The medal play tournament is open to all summer school students and will consist of two 18-hole rounds, one for qualifying on Sat urday, July 9, and the medal play, Sunday, July 10, said Penberthy. After the qualifying rounds shot Saturday, July 9, the entrants will be formed into flights for Sun day’s competition, said Penberthy. Winners in each flight will re ceive an intramural medal. To enter dormitory students may register with their intramural manager and students not living- in college-owned housing can en ter at the pro shop at the course, Penberthy said. Students may enter as late as Saturday, July. 9, when they must shoot their qual ifying round. The Intramural Department will pay the green fees for both the medal and the qualifying round. Joe Fagan, manager of the course, will serve as tournament manager, according to Penberthy. Butler. Milton Moore crashed his first homer and Walter Varvel crossed up an intentional walk by slamming a triple from the left- hand batter’s box to lead the losers. Rained Out Tilts Friday and Saturday action scheduled between the Red Sox- Senators and White Sox-Orioles were canceled by the deluges of rain in Central Texas. The tilts will be played at a later date if they have a bearing on the stand ings. tei? WM saw IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Firestone, America’s leading producer of quality tires, makes this important announcement which will be of great interest to every motorist in America: "Every line of Firestone Tires is Speedway-Proved for Your Turnpike Safety!" 7-60 FIRESTONE BUILDS AMERICA’S SAFEST TIRES AT ANY PRICE i The FIRESTONE CHAMPION r RAYON 6.70-15 Black Tube-type NYLON CHAMPION 1 2 95 SIZE 6.70-15, Black, Tube-type *Plus tax and recappable tire THE FIRESTONE SAFETY CHAMPION I* An economy tire with the same tread design as the Firestone tires 14®,® SIZE 6.70-15, Black, Tube-type ♦Plus tax and recappable tire used on new 1960 cars NYLON.. 15 9S * DELUXE THE NYLON PREMIUM CHAMPION '‘SOO" QUALITY • America's favorite original equipment tire on new cars • The tire that was “born at Indianapolis'’ • The world’s first and only blowout-safe, puncture-safe tire TUBELESS 1Q95* 1 ^ BLACK 7.50-14 or 6.70-15 ♦Plus tax and recappable tire • America’s most wanted high-speed tires...built with ' safety-fortified nylon cord and Firestone Rubber-X-101 • A tire within a tire frees you from all concern of tire failure • Popularly Priced Every Firestone tire is built with quality materials and quality workmanship and will deliver thousands of safe, trouble-free, dependable miles in any kind of driving, on country roads, city streets, highways or turnpikes. BUY ON PAYDAY TERMS *1.00 DOWN * *1.00 A WEEK Geo. Shelton. Inc College Ave. at 33rd FREE PARKING TA 2-0139 - TA 2-0130 the sixth when three walks and a balk gave the losers their only two runs. Edmonds whiffed 14 while walking 10. Davis Homers Wednesday saw Oriole catcher Jerry Davis pound a fifth inning homer to give the Orioles a 6-5 win over the Senators. The cir cuit clout was Davis’ first since June 9 and his sixth of the season. The blast gave Dennis Chaney his third win against one loss and stopped loser Howard Nelson’s bid to pick up his fourth straight win. Walter Varvel cracked a third inning homer to cut the Oriole lead to 5-4. Four hits com bined with four Senator errors gave the Orioles five quick runs in the second inning and set the stage for Davis’ blast. The Sens had scored two in the first, and one each in the second, third and fourth to knot the count at 5-5 but couldn’t push across the tying marker in the sixth. Two double plays helped the Birds. Major League Standings W L PCT. GB Orioles. 2 0 1.000 — White Sox 1 1 .500 1 Senators 1 2 .333 iy 2 Red Sox 0 1 .000 iy a Senior Minor Standings W L PCT. GB First half final Pirates 8 1 .889 — Dodgers 4 5 .444 4 Indians 3 6 .333 5 Cubs 3 6 .333 5 Junior Minor Standings W L T PCT. GB Dodgers 6 2 1 .722 — Cubs 5 3 1 .611 1 Indians 4 3 2 .556 iy, Pirates 1 8 0 .111 5y. Leading Hitters (Thru 6-29) Varvel, Sens 600 Davis, Orioles 483 D. Butler, W S 480 Miller, R S 467 Edmonds, Orio 407 Skrabanek, W S 371 Prescott, R S 333 Robison, R S 333 Dozier, R S .320 Braddy, W S 313 Week’s Results White Sox 13, Senators 9 ; Senators 7, Red Sox 3; Orioles 12, White Sox, 2; Orioles 6, Senators 5. Week’s Schedule White Sox vs. Red Sox, Thursday; Ori oles vs. Red Sox, Friday; White Sox vs. Senators, Tuesday; Red Sox vs. Orioles, Wednesday. Church of Christ Services Slated Services for the A&M Church of Christ for the week will include Bible school Sunday at 9:45 a.m., followed by worship service at 10:45 when Minister Levi Gentry will deliver the sermon, “The Gos pel of the Roman Epistle.” Sunday night young people’s classes will meet at 6:15. The evening worship service will be at 7:15 and the sermon topic will be “A Search for the Lord’s Church.” Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. the Ladies’ Bible Class will meet. Prayer meeting will be held Wednesday night at 7:15. Look your best at formal affairs Look your best on gala occa sions in formal clothes cleaned to perfection by us. Your “audience” will applaud! Try us soon. Campus Cleaners Entomologist To Attend Meet In Austria Dr. Perryy Adkisson, A&M Col lege System entomologist, will at tend the 11th International Con gress of Entomology, in Vienne, Austria, in August. The congress meets every four years and is attended by entomolo gists from over the world. According to R. D. Lewis, di rector of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Adkisson will participate in a symposium on “Pest Status and Preventive Ento mology.” Adkisson will present a paper on the influence of irriga tion, fertilizer and insecticides on pest populations in the United States, Lewis said. Adkisson, a native of Blythes- ville, Ark., received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Uni versity of Arkansas and his doc torate from Kansas State Univer sity. The National Science Founda tion, through the Entomology So ciety of America, has provided a grant to cover air travel to and from Vienna for Adkisson and sev eral other American entomologists. WE KEEP PRICES DOWN mm Qsi ■— We reserve the right to limit. Prices good in Bryan only. PEPSI COLA Coca Cola KRAFT SALAD DRESSING Mayonnaise BTL. CTN. 12 K 37' QT. BTL. 39 c FOOD CLUB OR Snowdrift THE SUMMER REFRESHER Golden Age Shortening 3 s 55 Beverages 12-oz. Can 7 BANANAS CENTRAL AMERICAN GOLDEN RIPE... LEMONS 12 f„ r 35c * J ** \ LIMES 19c Can Picnics PATRICK LB. CUDAHY CAN 4 s 2” Armour Franks LB. PKG. 19 LEAN AND MEATY Pork Spare Ribs IDEAL FOR YOUR 4fh OF JULY BAR-B-CUE FARMER BROWN FRYERS 35c THESE PRICES GOOD THRU JULY 2