The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 16, 1960, Image 1

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The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 122
Educators Must Take Lead
In TV Use. Officials Told
A Year’s Collection
Campus Security Patrolman C. E. Bolton which was cleaned out and disposed of were
examines some of the collection made by numerous highway signs, gasoline cans and
members of the Campus Security force dur- highway flares,
ing the past year. Included in the junk
College, Community Talent in Show
‘Oklahoma!’ Presentation
Set July 12 -13 in Grove
Rehearsals are now under way
lor the production of the famous
Broadwey musical and motion pic
ture “Oklahoma!”, according to Di\
William Turner, Memorial Student
Center music'activities coordinator
and producer and musical director
of the show.
“Oklahoma!” will be produced
by community and college talent
in The Grove at 8 p.m. Tuesday
and Wednesday, July 12 and 13.
Set at 2,512;
3-Year Low
First session summer school en-
?ollment dropped to a three-year
low, according to figures revealed
Wednesday by Registrar H. L.
Heaton. Total enrollment for this
term is 2,512.
Last summer ther were 2,596 en
rolled in the first summer session,
which was a record. In 1958, there
were 2,526, which was the high up
until the 1958 figure, and in 1957
there were 2,381.
The 1960 figure includes 130
female students and 184 students
at Junction—12 geology students.
52 civil engineering students and
120 entering freshmen.
Last summer there were 167
women and 186 students at Junc
tion— 121 freshmen and 65 geol
ogy and civil engineering students.
For the same period in 1958
there were 122 women students
and 202 students at Junction—119
freshmen and 83 geology and civil
engineering students.
There are 1,167 automobiles reg
istered to students on the campus
of which 757 are for day students
and 410 are registered to dormi
tory students, according to Cam
pus Security Chief Fred Hickman.
Last year there were 1,460 cars
registered on the campus.
Dormitory students are residing
in Puryear, Law, Mitchell, Milner,
Leggett and Hart halls.
Last Thursday was the deadline
for enrolling in the college for the
first summer term and Friday was
the last day for dropping courses.
Registration for the second
summer session will be held from
8 a.m. until 12 noon Monday, July
18. Classes will begin Tuesday,
July 19.
As in the past, a few courses are
being taught in the Memorial Stu
dent Center. Few courses are be
ing taught in the Academic Build
ing, which is being air-conditioned.
The building will be completely
air-conditioned by next session
and will be used.
The production has a cast of ap
proximately 30 and an orchestra
of 20, Turner said.
Casting Completed
Casting was completed last week
and rehearsals have been going
on nightly in the MSC and will
continue until the production is
staged, Turner said.
“Oklahoma!”, a musical version
of Lynn Rigg’s play, “Green Grow
the Lilacs,” was written in 1943
by Richard Rodgers and Oscar
Hammerstein II. With its simple
and graceful music modeled after
the patterns of American folk
songs, the operetta marked a new
advance in the development of the
American musical theater.
Introduced Ballet
The production of “Oklahoma!”
introduced the use of ballet in
Broadway musicals and generally
violated many of the then-accepted
rules of the musical stage. Its
unusual style earned it a special
award from the Pulitzer Prize
Committee in 1944. One of the
greatest Broadway hits during
World War II, “Oklahoma!” was
also made into a motion picture.
Cast Announced
Doris Allison has the role of
Aunt Heller; Charles Mitchell
plays Curly; Barbara Gibbs is
Laui’ey; Lane Lynch is Ike; John
Paxson is Will Parker; Bill Dans-
by is Jud Fry; Ado Annie is played
by Janie Rae Fasket; Richard
Moore and Justin Kidd alternate
in playing Ali Hokim; Charles
Arnold plays Andrew Carnes; and
Carolyn Barnett plays Gertie
Ann Elkins, Lynda Chalk, Pat
McEwen, Trudie Adam, Sandra
Bell, Patsy Varvel, Miriam Chumb-
ley, Dorothy Crim and Julia Mc-
Culley are members of the girls’
Jim Pat Hudson, Carroll Brun
son, Bob Blakewood and Alex
Quisenberry are members of the
men’s chorus.
Ballet Group
Vera Sorg, Kathy Mohr, Su
zanne Sorenson and Mary Ellen
Scoates are the ballet group for
the production.
Mrs. Billie Jean Barron is di
rector of the show. Stage and
lighting is being done by Charles
Hearn, Marcia Ransom and Pat
Admission will be 75 cents for
adults and 25 cents for children.
Texas School Men
Close Annual Meet
A nationally known educator said Tuesday that “educa
tors must take the lead in considering the imaginative use
of television.”
Speaking at the conferences of the Texas Assn, of Coun
ty Superintendents, Texas School Administration and the
Texas Assn, for Instructional Supervisors, which closed ! f.'':
Wednesday. Margaret 'Gill declared that “since the first
educational television station was opened about 10 years
ago, the television experts have produced the literature about
uses of educational television and have been impressive in
the urgency of their claims.”
Margaret Gill is executive secretary, Assn, for Super
vision and Curriculum De-*
velopment, Washington, D. C.
. . . put foremost . . .
“We must put foremost
what we know about teaching-
arid learning. We must renew ef
forts to involve teachers in plann
ing for the use of television by
’making the best use of what they
know about children and how they
She said that “in spite of all that
is new, confusion, excitement and
turmoil, one truth about education
remains unchanged: The only pur
pose for school is to provide the
right kind of learning experiences
for boys and girls of America.”
Conner Speaks
Forrest E. Conner, president of
the American Assn, of School Ad
ministrators, a speaker at the
opening session, said “that pres
sure from special interest groups,
certain parent groups, business and
industrial groups and the grandiose
theories of the so-called classicists,
do not determine the function of
today’s school.”
The speaker who also, is superin
tendent of the St. Paul, Minn., Pub
lic Schools declared that “if the
modern school is to meet its res
ponsibility, it must take fully into
account the total range of ability,
interest and cultural background
of the student body it is called up
on to serve.
‘. . . accomplishment seen . . .’
“In schools where excellence is
respected and consequently taught,
worthy accomplishment will be
seen in varied forms. Students of
limited ability should be recog
nized when they accomplish what
is properly expected of them.
“Honest effort is to be respected
wherever it is found. “Whether or
not anyone approves of the fact,
(See EDUCATORS on Page 2)
Fire Destroys
College Station
Chemical Plant m
An explosion, described by a
College Station policeman as
sounding like a 12-inch shell,
rocked south College Station about
11:45 Wednesday night.
The explosion started a fire
that destroyed a building owned
by the Agriculture Chemicals Co.,
located on Wellboim Road south of
the A&M campus, and started nu
merous grass fires in the area.
At 8 a.m. this morning no cas
ualties had been reported.
The employes of the firm were
mixing a liquid cotton poison just
prior to the blaze when, according
to one of the employes, they looked
up and saw flames covering one
room of the building. The em
ploye said he tried to report the
fire on the company’s telephone,
but it was not working and he had
to run to a neighboring house 300
feet away to report the blaze to
the college fire department.
A&M and Bryan firemen re
sponded to the blaze, but the in
tense heat and acrid smoke held
them back until almost 2 a.m.
They put out the blaze soon after
ward, but smoke continued to pour
from the ruins this morning.
North bound trains were held up
at Navasota because of the near
ness of the blaze to the railroad
tracks until the fire had been ex
Sparks from the fire set ablaze
the roof of a nearby house, but
firemen quickly extinguished the
fire before much damage could be
15th Annual Session for Group
Church Meet Opens Monday
Approximately 150 rural church
workers from across the state are
expected to attend the 15th annual
Rural Church Conference to be
held here Monday through Wed
Included on the program will be
talks by nationally known agri
cure and religious leaders, the an
nouncement of the Rural Minister
of the year, and several panel
discussions and talks.
Dr. Joseph Ackerman, managing
director of the Farm Foundation
of Chicago, 111., will be the fea
tured speaker at the conference to
be held in the Memorial Student
The conference is sponsored by
A&M, the Texas Agricultural Ex
tension Service, the Texas Agri
cultural Experiment Station and
the Texas Rural Church Confer
Welcome By Patterson
The first session of the confer
ence will be held Monday after
noon. Vice Chancellor for Agri
culture R. E. Patterson will wel
come the group. The Rev. Jesse
W. Roberson, president of the Tex
as Rural Church Conference, will
give the response’and presidential
address to be followed by a talk,
“Analysis of the Rural Economy,”
by Dr. R. J. Hildreth, assistant
director of the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station.
Later Monday afternoon at 3 Dr.
Ackerman will speak on “Family
Farm Policy” and J. Lloyd Evans,
associate director of the National
Conference of Christians and Jews
of Dallas, will speak on “Moral
Responsibility and Traffic Safety.”
Father Elmer To Speak
The Rev. Charles W. Elmer,
chaplain to A&M Catholic stu
dents, will open the Monday even
ing session at 7. A panel com
posed of Dr. Bardin H. Nelson,
professor in the Department of
Agricultural Economies and Rural
Sociology; Robert A. Toland Jr.,
Director of the Brazos County
Youth Counseling Service; Walter
R. Delamarter, secretary of the
Human Welfare Commission of
the Baptist General Convention of
Texas; and S. A. Kerley, director
of group work and counseling for
the A&M College System; will con
clude the Monday night progx’am.
Tuesday morning at 8 Dr. Fred
erick H. Kasten, assistant profes
sor in the Department of Biology,
will conduct a session for the con
ferees in the Department of Biol
Later Tuesday morning at 10
Director of the Agricultural Ex
tension Service John E. Hutchison
will speak on “Changing Role of
Agircultural Extension Service.”
Ackerman Talks ’Again
“The Rural Church Adjusting to
the Changing Rural Life” will be
the topic of an address given Tues
day morning at 10:35 by Dr. Ack
At noon Tuesday the annual
Honor Luncheon will be held at
which time the Rural Minister of
the Year will be presented. Eu
gene Butler, editor of The Pro
gressive Farmer, will make pre
sentation at the luncheon.
Tuesday afternoon at 2 Mrs. A.
J. Mohr, wife of the Rev. A. J.
Mohr, pastor of the Bellville St.
John’s Lutheran Church, will lead
a panel discussion on “Role of the
Rural Minister’s Wife.”
At 3 Tuesday afternoon W. A.
(Doc) Ruhmann, associate director
of the Broadway Plan of Church
Finance of Houston, will speak on
“Church Financing.” At 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday Dr. Vance W. Edmond
son, associate professor in the De
partment of Agricultural Econom
ics and Rural Sociology, will speak
of “Rural Resource Development:
Economic” and Frank W. Shep
pard, agent in rural development
for the Agricultural Extension
Service, will follow Edmondsoh
with a talk on “Rural Resource
Development: Human.”
Address By Skrabanek
The final day of the conference
will have an address by Dr. R. L.
Skrabanek, professor in the De
partment of Agricultural Econom
ics and Rural Sociology, on “Prob
lems of the Aging” at 8:10 a.m.
Wednesday. At 8:45 Wednesday
morning R. E. Burns, deputy re
gional executive for the Boy Scouts
.of America, will speak on “The
Boy Scout Program and the Rural
Dr. M. Wendell Belew, secretary
of the department of Associational
Meetings for the Southern Baptist
Convention, will speak on “Current
In-Service Training Program for
Rural Ministers” at 9:15 a.m. Wed
After a business meeting, E. N.
Holmgreen, former director of the
Food and Agriculture Organiza
tion of the International Coopera
tion, will deliver the final address,
“Special World Challenges Today.”
Commissioner Addresses Conference
J. W. Edgar, commissioner of education for here Wednesday. More than 500 attended
the Texas Education Agency, was one of the the meetings. Dr. Grady P. Parker, head of
featured speakers during the conferences the Department of Education and Psychol-
of Texas schoolmen and women which closed ogy, was in charge of the meeting.
‘Giants of Jazz 9 To Play
Tuesday Night at 8 in MSC
A Tuesday evening concert by
“The Gulf Coast Giants of Jazz”,
a fifteen-piece band styled in the
vein of Count Basie and other pop
ular jazz groups, will highlight
next week’s Memorial Student Cen
ter Summer Entertainment Pro
gram, which will also feature its
regular Sunday afternoon films
and a dance in the Ballroom Mon
day night.
The jazz band, to play in the
Bollroom at 8 p. m. Tuesday, is
composed of outstanding musicians
from the Houston area, most of
whom have played with the na
tion’s top bands—including the or
chestras of Stan Kenton, Woody
Herman, Jimmy Dorsey and Hal
Mclntire. Instrumentation fea
tures five saxaphones, four trum
pets, three trombones, a piano, bass
and drums. Lois Wales, a singer
well-known in the Gulf Coast area,
travels with the group.
According to Herb Brockstein,
“Giants” drummer, the special ar
rangements making up the library
of the band include arrangements
from the bands of Basie, Kenton,
Herman, Harry James and Bill
Holman. New additions to the
repertoire are some original Basie
arrangements by Howard Williams
and specialties by Bill Gannon,
“Giants” pianist.
Organized in January 1959, the
“Giants” have performed periodi
cally in Houston and have been
featured on KPRC-TV. Featured
players are Coton Davidson, trom
bone; Bill Patterson, trumpet; Art
Boyd, Jerry Coker and Ed Ger-
lach, saxophones; Pianist Gannon
and Drummer Brockstein. ,
Speaking of the group, MSC
Special Programs Chairman Pat
Cockburn said, “In the jazz con
certs the ‘Giants’ have played in
Houston and the surrounding area,
they have had overflow audiences.
Some music lovers have driven all
the way from cities in Louisiana
to attend a ‘Giants’ session.”
The Aggieland Combd, led by
Dr. William Turner, will play for
the dance to be in the Ballroom
from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Monday.
Tomy Thomas, a member of the
Decorations Committee, has indi
cated that a special surprise theme
is planned for the affair. Admis
sion will be 75 cents a couple or
50 cents stag.
A “20th Century” documentary
film, “Suicide Run to Murmansk”,
tops the list of films to be shown
in Sunday’s “Afternoon of Free
Films”, to begin at 2 p.m. in Rooms
Other films to be shown Sunday
will be “The World’s Most Beau
tiful Girls”, a color film of the
Miss Universe contest; “Marc An
tony of Rome”, a short portrayal
of the famous love story of Marc
Antony and Cleopatra; and a
travel film on our 49th state, “The
Great Land—Alaska.”
Herb Brockstein
... drummer for ‘Giants of Jazz’