The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 09, 1960, Image 1
Plan World Trips Daniel Russell, standing, chairman of the rural sociology division, and Dan R. Davis, associate professor of rural sociology, both of the Department of Agricultural Econo mics and Rural Sociology, discuss areas they will visit this summer when they travel around the world on foreign service programs. Russell will be field program officer of the International Voluntary Services on contract with the International Co-Operation Association. The trip will be his eighth consecutive one in foreign service. Davis will work under the direction of the A&M College System’s Of fice of Foreign Programs in conjunction with a recent five- year grant by the Ford Foundation. Sociology Profs Plan World Tours Two professors in the Depart ment of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology will make aronnd-the-world trips this summer as participants in foreign service programs. They are Daniel Russell, chair man of the rural sociology division, and Dan R. Davis, associate pro fessor of rural sociology. Russell left June 1 for his eighth consecutive summer in foreign service. His first tour was to Europe with a load of dairy cattle, food and clothing for refugees in West Germany, a trip sponsored by the Texas Christian Rural Over- •jeas Program. The next two summers were spent as an International Co- Operation Association technician and acting country director in Haiti. ICA is an aid program for underdeveloped areas in foreign lands. Worked With ICA During the following two sum mers, Russell served as ICA com munity development consultant in El Salvador. And this summer, as he has for the past tWo summers, he will travel around the world as field program officer of the Inter national Voluntary Services of Washington, D. C., on contract with ICA. I VS is a group supported by various religious and civic organiza tions whose purpose is to recruit and service groups of young col lege graduates to work as tech nicians in underdeveloped coun tries. Russell plans to work in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Pakis tan, Lebanon, Jordan and other areas where teams are requested Davis left Tuesday for three months of study in Pakistan, Cey lon, India and the Philippines and will then continue around the world. He will be under the direction of the A&M College System’s Office of Foreign Programs in conjunc tion with a recent five-year grant by the Ford Foundation. Study Problems The professor will study prob lems of adjustment of American technicians to foreign cultures and collect additional information in underdeveloped areas for a course in cultural anthropology offered by the Department of Agricultural Economics and Sociology. Returns in September He will return in September to assist in orienting new staff mem bers and families before they de part for foreign service in the Intercollege Exchange Program. Dr. Tyrus R. Timm, head of the Department of Agricultural Eco nomics and Rural Sociology De partment, said the experience gained by the professors will en able the department to offer to undergraduate and graduate stu dents strong courses in the fields of community development and social anthropology. The Battalion Volume 59 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1960 Number 121 4 - H Club Members Close Annual Roundup Here Today 1,300 Boys, Girls Physicist Wins Scholarship For MIT Study Matthew A. Nowak, assistant research physicist with the archi tectural research group of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station, has been granted a schol arship by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to attend a special summer program on noise control, Aug. 22-Sept. 2. Analyses of noise problems, measurement of noise, and appli cation of modern techniques and materials to noise reduction will be studied. The program has been planned for teachers, researchers and engineers concerned with problems of controlling noises. The techniques of instruction will be group problem-solving. Lectures in the conventional sense will not be presented. Student will work on an individual basis to analyze the given problem and then will join together as a group to compare notes and arrive at the best combined solution. Of major interest will be prob lems involving the behavior of sound in buildings and the per formance of sound absorbing and reflecting materials. The inter fering of hearing, speech and com fort due to excessive noise levels will also be considered. The program will be under the direction of Dr. Leo L. Beranek, lecturer on acoustics at M.I.T. Many other noted people in the field of acoustics will participate. Nowak is author of Research Report No. 64 entitled “A Sound Survey of the Geometric School,” developed from architectural re search by the Texas Engineering Experiment Station on the envir onmental factors—light, air, and sound. SA College Takes TJCPA Awards San Antonio College was the sweepstakes winner in 1960 Texas Junior College Press Assn, school paper competition, according to Donald D. Burchard, head of the Department of Journalism and TJCPA advisor. Amarillo Junior College came in second and Odessa Junior College in third place. Trophies will be awarded to sweepstakes winners, and certificates to individual win ners, at the annual TJCPA confer ence on the A&M campus in No vember. Yearbook winners will compete in an additional contest in the fall. Attend Meeting Some 2,000 4-H club members, adult leaders and county extension agents closed out their annual State 4-H Roundup this morning on the campus after three days of education, recreation and competition. Approximately 1,300 boys and girls, all members of 4-H clubs across the state, took part in the Roundup, one of the oldest annual state 4-H meetings in the nation. The Roundup got under way Tuesday with registration during the day, an orientation meeting late Tuesday after noon and a chuck wagon barbecue Tuesday night. The bar becue was snonsored by the Texas 4-H Recognition Commit tee. H. E. Burgess, College Station insuranceman, is chair man of the committee. The+‘ 4-H club members also heard . m 4-H Club Registration Lonnie Cole, farm management agent for their Roundup on the campus this morning, the Agricultural Extension Service, seated, Shown registering are, left to right, Julia registers four of the more than 1,300 4-H Wendel, Adrew Kunze ajid Johnny Honea, boys and girls who registered Tuesday for all of Kerrville, and Shirley Secor of Ingram, their annual Roundup. The group concluded Films Sunday; Dancer Tuesday Hawaiian Dancer, Films Begin MSC Activities The first special entertainment program of the season, the first “Afternoon of Free Films” and the second summer dance are on the agenda for next week in the Me morial Student Center, topping a long list of attractions scheduled for the MSC’s 1960 Summer En tertainment rogram. The dance, tentatively set for the Starlight Terrace, will begin at 8:30 p.m. Monday and will feature music by a combo,' according to David Adams, summer dance chair man. Mrs. J. L. Thurman, Hawaiian dance instructor, will open a series of six special entertainment pro grams planned for the summer, with a presentation of Hawaiian song and dance Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Main Lounge. Assisted by her daughter, Dee, Mrs Thurman will explain and give demonstra tions of the dances, using authen tic costumes and pi’ops. A graduate of North Texas State College, Mrs. Thurman attended the Kahelelani Hawaiian Studio in Honolulu, Hawaii, while her hus- The Long, Long, Long Line Photographer Jim Reed tered were in this shot. Official figures on final enrollment are expected next week. Final day for enrolling is today and students have until Friday to drop courses. Battalion Staff snapped this picture early Monday morning of the long line of students wating to regis ter for summer school at Sibisa Hall. Only a portion of the more than 2,000 who regis- Methodist Church Gets New Associate, New Wesley Head Two new men have been added to the A&M Methodist Church. The Rev. C. E. Isom, former pas tor of the Thorndale Methodist Church, has been named associate pastor of the A&M Methodist Church. The Rev. Mr. Isom was appointed to the new post at the Texas Con ference of the Methodist Church meeting Friday in Houston. The Rev. James Argue, pastor of the A&M Methodist Church, was re-appointed to his post by Bishop i A. Frank Smith. I The Rev. John Comb, present di rector of the Wesley Foundation at Oklahoma State University, was named to replace the Rev. Bob Cooper as director of the A&M Wesley Foundation, effective July 1. The Rev. Mr. Cooper has been granted a leave for study at Drew University at Madison, N. J. The Rev. Mr. Isom is the first associate pastor of the A&M Meth odist Church. band was stationed in Honolulu from 1952-1955. She received her teacher’s certificate for the in struction of Hawaiian dancing there, and was president of the Kahelelani Language Club. The “Afternoon of Free Films” to begin at 2 p. m. Sunday in Rooms 2A-B-C, is the first of nine to be shown on Sundays through out the summer. Featured this Sunday will be “Brainwashing”, a documentary film made for “The Twentieth Century” television pro gram; “Grizzly Golfer”, a cartoon starring Mr. Magoo; and “Hon duras”, a travel film. There is no admission charge for these pre sentations. Following Mrs. Thurman in the list of special entertainment pro grams will be a number of out standing local artists, as well as some well-known Texas and na tional attractions. At 8 p.m. Tuesday, June 21, “The Gulf Coast Giants of Jazz”, a fif teen-piece band styled in the vein of Count Basie, Stan Kenton and other popular jazz bands, will give a concert in the MSC Ballroom. A duo-piano concert, presenting Mrs. A. B. Medlen and Mrs. H. A. Luther, is scheduled for the Main Lounge of the MSC at 8 p.m. Tues day, June 28. Frances Carr, mezzo-contralto from Austin will sing a program of light and semi-classical music Mrs. Mary Thurman . . . dances Tuesday at 8 p.m. Thursday, July 7, in the Main Lounge; and Sarah Watts, Bryan piano teacher, will be the featured artist at the same hour and place on Tuesday, July 19. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Routt, exper ienced in drama, will present dra matic readings and a short, one- act play in the Main Lounge Tues day, July 26, at 8 p.m. Combining a thorough musical background with a talent for com edy, Marshall Izen, pianist-humor ist, will perform in the Ballroom at 8 p. m. Tuesday, Aug. 2, and concluding the summer’s special programs will be a film lecture on Russia by Neil Douglas, author- explorer-lecturer, in the Ballroom at 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11. In addition to the special enter tainment programs and free films, the MSC summer entertainment agenda will include nine more dances, to be staged in the Ball room, Lower Level .or terrace on Monday or Tuesday nights; week night films in The Grove; andjfree art lessons for A&M students. Biology Prof Gets Grant For $1,710 Dr. William J. Clark, assistant professor in the .Department of Biology, has received a research grant totaling $1,710, to enable him to continue researches already under way, Dr. C. C. Doak, head of the department, has announced. The grant is from the A&M organized research fund. At present Clark is carrying on experiments to ascertain the ef fects of low level radiation on the growth of algal cultures, “very little being known about the radia tion effects on lower plants,” Doak says. As his source of radiation Clark will employ the cobalt 60 instal lation of the radiation biology laboratory operated under the En gineering Experiment Station. Later when the Nuclear Science Center, now under construction, has been completed, Clark’s experi ments in this field will be extended to include other types of radiation and higher levels of intensity. welcomes from Agricultural Extension Service Director John E. Hutchison. Hutchi son also introduced members of Burgess’ committee, members of the A&M College System Board of Directors and other officials of the A&M College System. Tuesday night just prior to “lights out” in the college dorms in which the 4-H members were staying, Aggie Football Captain Gale Oliver spoke to the group and Stephen F. Austin Choir Director Jim Austin led the group in sing ing. The same program was held Wednesday night. Wednesday morning 25 different subject matter contests started. Each contest was held under the supervision of one or more of the specialists in agriculture or home economics at the Roundup. The contests included all types of competition involving agricul ture and home economics skills. Contest winners in the contests were ahnounced Wednesday after noon. Wednesday afternoon programs were presented by the Department of Physics, the School of Veteri nary Medicine, the School of Agri culture and the School of Engi neering for conference attendees who were not taking part in the contests. The Texas 4-H Recognition Com mittee sponsored an entertainment night Wednesday in Guion Hall. Activities this morning included meetings of the Texas 4-H council Roundup Committee and the direc tors of the Texas 4-H Club Recog nition Committee, the executive committee and district agents of the Texas Agricultural Extension Service. Army Colonel To Give Talk Here Monday “Functionalism of Color” will be discussed Monday in Room 231, Chemistry Building, at 8 p.m. The public is invited. The National Science Foundation lecture will be given by Lt. Col. Vincent I. Hack, chief, training aids branch, Army Medical Serv ice School, Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston. Col. Hack graduated with an M.A. and a B.A. degree (major in fine arts) at the University of Wisconson. ' He has done portrait painting, oils, etching, pencil sketching and medical photog raphy. Two of his works are in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Museum. He is one of the only three occidentals to learn designing cutting and print ing, the fine art of Japanese wood block printing. In civilian status he taught art and worked for the U. S. Department of Interior in Montana. During World War II, Col. Hack served in the Office of the Surgeon General, Washington, D. C., de signing and illustrating for Army Medical Publications. Following his tour of duty in the Medical Section, General Head quarters, Far East Command, in Japan from 1947 to 1951, he was Medical Training Aids Officer at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, where he successfully completed a course in Medical Illustration and Medical Photography. First MSC Summer Dance These students seemed to be enjoying themselves Tuesday night as the first of a series of weekly dances were held in the Memorial Student Center Lower Level. The dances will be held in the Lower Level, the MSC Ballroom and on the Starlight Terrace of the MSC. Gates Whiteley, Bryan junior, is chairman of the MSC Summer Directorate, which sponsors the dances. The dances will be held on Monday nights normally, with the exception of July 4, said White- ley.