The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1960, Image 6
Coiicii'e ►Station, Texas Thursday, May 26,1060 THE BATTALION Bowling Committee Awards Top Members Completing the most successful season in its history, the Bowling Committee of the Memorial Stu dent Center held its final meeting Monday and awarded trophies to members with the best perform ances of the 1959-60 school year. A1 Rainosek and Jeff Thompson tied for high game trophy in the Early Monday League with a score of 256. Eddie Autry, with 665, won the high series trophy and Larry Dantzler, with 192, took the high average trophy. In the Late Monday League, Jerry Reynolds, 174, A1 Junek, 619, and William Crockett, 231, received respectively the high av erage, high series and high game trophies. Championship team awards, chevrons, were awarded to Bill Gavitt, John Miller, John Myres and Bill Shepherd. Clar ence Council received “the most improved bowler” award. With a 580 record, John Tinney won the high series trophy in the Thursday League. Ronnie Hogan, with 171, received the high aver age trophy and Thomas Bacon, 226, took home the high game trophy. Most improved bowler awards went to Glenn Watts. Championship team chevrons were presented to Don Segars, Adrian Huggins, Larry Winkle and Ron nie Hogan. Bowling letters were also pre- Coaches WantMore Mon ey For A wards By HAROLD RATLIFF Associated Press Sports Writer Texas high school coaches are making another effort to raise the amount that can be spent on a boy in rewarding him for athletic endeavor. For some time now, the amount has been $15 for the year. There were subterfuges, like giving a hoy an award and then keeping it until he finished school. But the Interscholastic League plugged up all the loopholes—or thought it had. The latest subterfuge, according to the coaches and the League, is buying an award for $13 when the price is supposed to be high er, and making up the difference by buying some other athletic equipment and taking only part of it. For instance: the sporting goods company sells the school an athletic jacket that’s worth $18 for $13 but only delivers 20 pairs of shoes when 30 pairs have been paid for. The coaches and the schools that adhered to the rule and boughts only jackets having a price of $13 see athletes from the schools using the subterfuge wear ing jackets they know cost $18. It causes dissatisfaction among the athletes, as well as the schools that would like for their athletes to look as well as the others. So the Texas High School Coaches Assn, asked to League to raise the amount that can be paid for an award. The League took it under advisement but there’s small chance of the request being granted. Rhea Williams, athletic director of the League, says this situation can be handled without resort to rule changing. “We knew of'one place that was doing this,” Williams related. “We just got the word to all the schools in that area that the concern was selling the jackets for $13 and suggested they buy there. The sporting goods company was flood ed with orders and had to sell at the lower price. It quit that kind of business immediately.” The Texas Interscholastic League is doing everything it can to keep the high schools amateur— it has the amateur rule, the awards rule, the 1-year transfer rule, etc. It doesn’t want to open any avenue that will permit anybody giving a boy something of value and thus bring the taint of professionalism. A simple jacket or medal or a nu meral to go on the sweater won’t be cashed in. sented to the following, who rep resented A&M in intercollegiate bowling matches: Larry Dantzler, Jerry Reynolds, John Pocina, Ed die Autry, Milt Rasmussen, Alvin Rainosek, Parks Mahaney, David Adams, Frank Pearce, Larry Pea body and Scotty Harris. In an, unusual departure from custom, special recognition was given members of the champion ship team which won the inter collegiate bowling tournament and finished first in the Texas Inter collegiate Bowling Conference. Members of the team were Dantz ler, Mahaney, Rasmussen, Pearce and Rainosek. MSC Keys were awarded to Po cina, retiring chairman of the Bowling Committee, Peabody, Rey nolds and Francis Nivers. The largest MSC sponsored ac tivity, the bowling committee had 96 members this year. Mahaney will head the bowling program next year. Cotton Bowl Films Can Be Ordered Movies of the 1960 Cotton Bowl Football Classic in which Syra cuse defeated Texas 23-14 last New Year’s Day are now available for loan without charge to inter ested groups. The 28-minute film includes every play of the exciting clash between the undefeated national champion Orangemen of Syracuse University and the University of Texas Longhorns, tri-champions of the Southwest Conference. Syra cuse was ranked as the No. 1 team in the nation last year and Texas ended the season ranked No. 4. Films of five other Cotton Bowls New Year’s Day games of prior years are also available for loan. WANTED Old Established firm needs a part - time bookkeeper who is not afraid of heights. Know ledge of Greek is helpful. Shaf fer’s buy all books in current edition. SHAFFEK’S FRIDAY & SATURDAY BENEDICT BOGEAUS pmsents jlKMfll! |SjLflNSf MiGHTy ADVENTURE •liaU' 1 1 Hear theme song. “ENCHANTED BY THE AUTHOR OF MIGHTY 'MOlBY DICK”! DISTRIBUUD BY WARNER BROS. Show Opens 6 p. m. Friday Saturday At 1 p. m. Cut your moving costs in half RENT A HERTZ @ TRUCK Move it yourself in a Chevrolet or other modern Hertz truck. All types. Pads and dollies available, too. Low rates—by the hour, day or longer—in clude all gasoline, oil and proper insurance. Call Hertz anytime you need a clean, easy-to-drive truck—fast! MostewnwetbyW HERTZ Truck Rental Licensee 500 S. College Bryan, Texas TA 2-1223 TA 2-1376 TODAY THRU SATURDAY “THE 3rd VOICE” Julie London Also “3 MURDERESSES” CIRCLE TONIGHT Susan Hayward “WOMAN OBSESSED” Also James Cagney Don Murray “SHAKE HANDS WITH THE DEVIL” FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Cornel Wilde “EDGE OF ETERNITY” Also Audie Murphy “CAST A LONG SHADOW” “WHERE-THE-BSST-PItTURU-l’U'n THURSDAY AND FRIDAY “JACK THE RIPPER” With Lee Patterson Plus “ALL MINE TO GIVE” With Glynis Johns FRIDAY NIGHT LATE SHOW “CURUCU, BEAST OF THE AMAZON” With John Bromfield Also “IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE” With Richard Carlson SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY Walt Disney’s “TOBY TYLER” Plus “MARACIABO” With Cornel Wilde 1 NEED USED BOOKS 301 Agric. Education 321 Education 335 Agric. Engineering 421 Education 301 Agronomy 425 Education 308 Agronomy 207 Psychology 107 Animal Husbandry 301 Psychology 303 Animal Husbandry 303 Psychology 253 Architecture 323 Psychology 327 Architecture 201 Electrical Engineering 331 Architecture 305 Electrical Engineering 335 Architecture 307 Electrical Engineering 101 Biology 315 Electrical Engineering 107 Biology 105 Engineering Drawing 115 Biology 106 Engineering Drawing 105 Business Administration 103 English 205 Business Administration 203 English 206 Business Administration 207 English 227 Business Administration 212 English 303 Business Administration 301 English 305 Business Administration 401-403 English 315 Business Administration 201 Entomology 322 Business Administration 301 Genetics 325 Business Administration 406 Genetics r 327 Business Administration 201 Geology 418 Business Administration 205 Geology 420 Business Administration 320 Geology 422 Business Administration 105 History 435 Business Administration 213 History 201 Civil Engineering 217 History 206 Civil Engineering 318 History 208 Civil Engineering 326 History 305 Civil Engineering 105 Industrial Education 345 Civil Engineering 107 Industrial Education 346 Civil Engineering 328 Industrial Education 401-402 Civil Engineering 201 Mechanical Engineering 407 Civil Engineering 212 Mechanical Engineering 408 Civil Engineering 344 Mechanical Engineering 473 Civil Engineering 101 Mathematics 465 Civil Engineering 102 Mathematics 203 Economics 103 Mathematics 311 Economics 303 Mathematics 318 Economics 307 Mathematics 121 Education HIGHEST PRICES POSSIBLE FOR CURRENT EDITIONS STUDENT Co-op STORE “Wonderful Dear, just wonderful” 4 'V pi It would be too, if they just had a kitchen extension No one wants to feed children or do their cooking from the living room. And yet, this is the everyday fate of many “one phone families.” Don’t misunderstand us, the living room is a fine place for a phone, but we also know that a kitchen extension is a “must” for modern families. With this handy extension, you can keep your eye on dinner, feed the children and still have the convenience of telephone service right at your finger tips) and at surprisingly small cost. The Southwestern States ■2 Telephone Company PEPSICOLA Gladiola BISCUITS Imperial SUGAR PINTO BEANS Uncle Williams HOMINY Plus Deposit 12 Bottles Limit 6 Cans Can With Purchase of 4 Light Bulbs 5-Lhs. 2 Lb. Bag Top Kick DOG FOOD FAB Limit 6 300 Can Can With Coupon 2 Lg. Boxes Southern Sun ORANGE JUICE Frozen 6 - 6-Qz. Cans 10-Oz. Pkg. 39c 2 - 104)z. Pkgs. 25c . 46»Oz. Can 25c . . . 3 Cans 25c Golden Brown Breaded Shrimp Silver Dale / Cut Corn or Chopped Broccoli . Hi-C Orange or Grape Drink , . Pork & Beans Uncle Williams . Rosedale Whole Kernel Corn 2 ■ 12-Oz. Cans 25c Delsey Quality Tissue 4 Rolls 49c Comstock Pie Apples . . . . . . . No. 2 Can 19c Libby’s Sliced Pineapple .... 3 No. 2 Cans $1.00 Maryland Club Instant Coffee . . . 10-Oz. Jar $1.29 Bits - Of- Sea Tuna 5 Flat Cans 99c Bama Red Plum Jam 20-Oz. Jar 25c Kraft's Miracle Whip SaladDressing . . Qt. Jar 49c Golden Ripe Lb. ^ PINEAPPLE -19 tj California White POTATOES . . . . 10-Lbs. 49c BEANS Valentine ... 2 Lbs. 19c LETTUCE Jumbo 2 For 25c BRAZOS VALLEY FRYERS ib. 29c Fresh Lean LSpHRlSv PORK RIBS Lb. 29c HORMEL DAIRY BACON Lb. 55c BABY BEEF ROUND STEAK . Lb. 79c SIRLOIN STEAK Lb. 79c PIKES PEAK ROAST Lb. 79c RUMP ROAST Lb. 79c FRESH GROUND MEAT 3 Lbs. $1.00 SPECIALS GOOD MAY 26-27-28, 1960 MILLER'S 3800 TEXAS AVENUE SUPER MARKET VI 6-6613