The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 26, 1960, Image 3

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    Look your best at
formal affairs
Look your best on gala occa
sions in formal clothes cleaned
to perfection by us. Your
“audience” will applaud! Try
us soon.
Cawed gargoyles on Gothic ar
chitecture had a practical as well
as artistic purpose. Extending
several feet from the walls, they
served as water spouts to prevent
falling water from eroding stone
A New Policyholder
Every 22 Seconds
Let me show you why so
many are insured so often
by State Farm Mutual.
You’ll be glad you diet
f v C. M. Alexander, Jr., ’44
I' JSL I 215 S- Ma,n
I I Phone TA 3-3616
l Moma Q(Ac»—Bloomington, lllino’wj
To Better Activation Analysis
Measurements so accurate that
the weight of a thousandth of a
fingerprint (about a millionth of
a millionth of a gram) can be re
corded, figure in a new method
Get a flying start on Continental!
Convenient connections at Dallas and Houston with fast
4-engine non-stops east. For reservations, call your Travel
Agent or Continental at VI 6-4789.
i: |
Industrial Arts
Honors Taken
By Snyder
Snyder high school dominated
the first annual Texas Industrial
Arts Awards Program. May 21 at
A&M when it took top honors in
nine of 12 divisions.
Eddie White won the “Most In
genious Project” division when he
exhibited' his shop-built gkrden
tractor. He was awarded a plaque.
Another plaque went to De-
wayne Lee for showing the “Best
Creative Design,” a round table.
The program was sponsored by
the Industrial Education Depart
ment at A&M and the Texas In
dustrial Arts Assn.
Dr. Leslie Hawkins, professor
of industrial education at A&M,
said the winners will compete in
the Ford national contest to he
held this summer at Detroit,
Mich. Cash awards will be made.
Other top winners from Snyder
and their divisions were the fol
Architecture, Jimmy Spardlin;
ceramics, Betty Joe West; leather,
Rusty Rieger; machine shop, Ed
die White; open division, Tommy
Cooper; plastics, Karen Robinson,
and jewelry, Frank Younger.
Their teachers are Frank Miller,
W. E. Raborn and W. A. Mayfield.
We are not looking for Law Breakers but we are want
If yon have one you are tired of, detest, or associate
with an unpleasant memory, come into the BOOK DEPART
Not yourself, of course, but the BOOK, for the REWARD we
are offering.
You won’t get rich off the REWARD but you will get
gasoline money to go home to MOM’S cooking. After two or
three of her cooked meals you’ll feel we overpaid you for that
unwanted book.
Next September one of your fellow Aggies will be tickled
pink to save 25% on the re-purchase of your “ Surplus Rope.”
At the same time your FRIENDLY COLLEGE EX
CHANGE STORE will stash away a nickel or a dime for
future Aggie Recreation and Welfare.
The Exchange Store
“Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907’
of analysis improved for nuclear
scientists by a graduate electrical
engineering student.
The students is William E. Kuy
kendall, Jr., who will receive a
master’s degree in electrical en
gineering Saturday. His work is
in activation analysis, where he
has developed a method that ties
the use of spectrometers to high
speed computing equipment. It is
significant enough that the Kuy
kendall technique is to be de
scribed to the national meeting of
the American Nuclear Society, at
Chicago, on June 13. A descrip
tion of the work is scheduled for
the international gathering of nu
clear scientists that will be held
in Copenhagen, Denmark, this
coming fall.
‘Wonder’ Metals
Practical application of the work
is related to analysis of such sub
stances as the new “wonder” met
als, used in the nose cones of rock
ets, in space satellites, in jet en
gines and high-speed missile com
ponents. These metals are ex
tremely valuable, complex alloys
in may cases, and must be abso
lutely free of impurities that
might cause them to break up or
suffer metal fatigue under ex
treme heat, speed or altitude con
Because of the value of the met
als, and the need for their recov
ery, undamaged, analyses must be
done in a non-destructive manner.
Kuykendall’s research deals with
the use of irradiating the samples,
which are placed in a 256-channel
analyzer. Information on the
amount and type of materials in
the sample is fed back to the op
erator. In turn, this information
is put into the high-speed IBM-704
electronic computer at the A&M
System’s Data Processing Center,
and the answer can be typed out
in a matter of minutes. The
samples are recovered undamaged.
Can Be Traced
Minute amounts of an element
can be traced in this manner, ap
plicable at present to 68 of the
92 elements. Kuykendall’s pro
gramming for this type of cal
culation covers a range of sub
stances containing as many as 25
elements in combination, and re
searchers here expect to hit com
binations with 35 to 40 elements
within the near future.
Analysis for unknowns, using
the nuclear training reactor, and
the 256-channel analyzer (a $26,-
MSC Summer
Slate Released
Summer- social activities spon
sored by the Memorial Student
Center will be greatly improved
and expanded, according to Mrs.
Rosalie Johnson, MSC Student
Program Advisor. The summer
program is open to the public.
Three major musical presenta
tions will highlight the summer
months. The Gulf Coast Giants of
Jazz, a 15-piece band, will perform
in the MSC Ballroom at 8 p.m.,
June 21. “Oklahoma” will be pre
sented in the Grove at 8 p.m. on
July 12 and 13, under the direc
tion of Dr. William Turner. Mar
shall Izen, pianist-humorist who
has been featured on both the Ed
Sullivan and Steve Allen TV shows,
will entertain at 8 p.m., August 2,
in the MSC Ballroom.
On Thursday, August 11, author-
explorer Neil Douglas will narrate
a technicolor film he is currently
producing in Europe. Dougles is
well known for his documentary
film on Russia, said Mrs. Johnson.
To complete the summer calen
dar, Mrs. Johnson announced that
dances will be presented Monday
evenings at 8 o’clock throughout
the summer. Bands will play for
several of these functions to be
held on the MSC Terrace.
Movies will be shown in the
Grove Monday through Thursday
nights and will feature one techni
color film per week. A color-cine
mascope movie will be shown each
Friday night in the MSC Ball-
y *v»*‘ v M ft & £ & %
w w * y vx
only $4.35
$ Truval gives you soft, Spring tones In this luxurious
cotton and cupioni rayon shirt. The jacquard-like text*
ure is captured in eye-appealing fashion. Add to this,
the two pleated pockets, cuffed sleeves and sparkling
button decor. Get yours today!
“Serving Texas Aggies”
000 research aid given to the col
lege by the Robert A. Welch Foun
dation of Houston), has been fol
lowing similar techniques that
stopped just short of using high
speed computers to make analyses
faster and more automatic.
Dr. Richard E. Wainerdi, As
sistant to the Dean of Engineer
ing, and overall director of Kuy
kendall’s research, says the meth
od developed is unique in its use
of high-speed computers, and that
it makes for a much faster, more
precise method of analysis than
heretofore done. “As a matter
of fact, the method is so accurate
that right now there are very few
practical applications. In manu
facture of transistors, the method
is very important and, the future
potential is tremendous.”
Paper Being Accepted
“The fact that the American
Nuclear Society is accepting Kuy
kendall’s paper for presentation
is indication of the importance at
tached by scientists to more pre
cise activation analysis methods.
For a graduate student to present
a paper before the American Nu
clear Society is like the bat boy
hitting the winning home run in
the series.”
Kuykendall, to accomplish his
research studies, also built a spec-
ti'ometer, which feeds information
into the multi-channel analyzer,
“. . .providing better data than
that now being reported from
other spectrometers.”
Kuykendall is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Kuykendall, 956
North Davis, Sulphur Springs, and
a 1954 graduate of Sulphur
Springs High School. He received
his bachelor’s degree in electrical
engineering in 1958.
Thursday, May 26, 1960 College Station, Texas Page 3
Get The Biggest Return
On Your Used Books
If Taken In Merehandist
It Pays To Trade With Lou
Do hbuThinkforlrburself?
if you had to write the advertising for a small car, would you say,
(A) “Hard to get into? Man, you don’t get into it at all—you put it
on!” Or, (B) “You can park it on a dime—in fact, with most meters
you can park two on a dime.” Or, (C) “Gives you more miles to the
gallon because the gauge is set for Imperial gallons.”
A □ B □ C □
FOR A NEW frying pan,
would your advertising say,
(A) “Cooks pancakes in no
time flat!” Or, (B) “Made
of a new metal that dis
tributes the heat evenly all
over.” Or, (C) “Folks, it’s
made by us folks who love
t’ make folksy fryin’ pans
fer good ol’ folksy fried
aD bD cD
to ADVERTISE a filter cig
arette, would you tell cus
tomers, (A) “Pay no
attention to the filter, it’s
the strong taste that counts
—and it sure is strong!”
Or, (B) “Make up your own
mind about what you want
in a filter cigarette—then
choose the brand that gives
it to you.” Or, (C) “That
weak, thin taste you get
tells you our cigarette has
a tight, wadded-up filter.’’
aQ bD CD
around the world. Would
you say in your ads, (A)
“Get into orbit, man!” Or,
(B) “See people who look
as crazy to you as you do
to them.” Or, (C) “Go now
—Pop will pay later.”
AD B□ C □
Thinking men and women know Vicferoy
does the job of smoothing the smoke
without killing the taste—gives you a
scientific filter design for the smooth taste
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thinking man’s choice. Viceroy Filters...
has a smoking man’s taste. Find it out
for yourself. Try Viceroy!
*lf you have picked (B) in these questions—
you think for yourself!
A Thinking Man’s Choice—Viceroy Filters
© 1960, Brown & Williamson Tot/