The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 19, 1960, Image 6
I Three Class B, One Class A Champ Declared In Intramural Track Meet Ry AL VELA Battalion Staff Writer Intramural track was well un derway yesterday as champion ships were determined in Class B broad jump, Class A shotput, ClassA high jump and Class B pole vault. The order of events for the fi nals Friday will be the 440-yard dash, first; the 880-yard relay, second; the 880-yard run, third; the 100-yard dash, fourth; the 120- yard low hurdles, fifth; and the 440-yard relay last. Tuesday’s results in the Class A 440-yard relay showed seven out fits qualifying for the finals. The best time was recorded by Co. G-2 with :45.9, followed by Co. A-l, Sq. 3, Co. F-l, Co. E-2, Sq. 12 and Sq. 11, all qualifiers. In Class B 440-yard relay Co. A-l came in with the best time of :46.4. The six other outfits qualifying for the finals were Sq. 2, Sq. 12, Sq. 8, Co. E-2, Co. G-2 and Sq. 11. Winning the Class B broad jump was Wright of Sq. 12 with a leap IT ■ " ■ ■ ’ '' ' ' f ' ' ■ ' ' ' . , 1 THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” of 20-2!£. Second was Brice of Sq. 12, third was Wright from Co. H-2, fourth was Henderson from Sq. 2 and also tied for fourth was Deutrich representing Co. A-l. Earls of Sq. 1 won the Class A shotput with a toss of 52-11 and was followed by Oliver of Co. F-l in second place, Warlick of Co. H-2, McFarland of Co. F-2 in fourth place, Carr of Sq. 14 in fifth place and Shawver of Sq. 17 also tied for fifth. Berry of Sq. 4 won the Class A high jump with a leap of 6-1. Close behind was Price of Sq. 6 ■who jumped 6’ for second place. Pawlik of Co. G-l came in third. Parks of Sq. 12 was fourth and Klehm of Co. C-2 was in fifth place. In Class B pole vault Redd of Sq. 1 won the event with an 11-4% jump. Second in the event was Brod of Co. B-l, third was Nor wood representing Sq. 12, in fourth place was Roden of Co. A-l and in fifth place was McDaniel also of Co. A-l. The eight qualifiers in the Class A 880-yard run were Edgington of Mitchell, Gilbreath representing Co. C-2, Korth running for Co. Frosh Golf Team Downed By Texas The Texas Shorthorns nipped the Ag^ie Fish, 4-2, 'yesterday in a belated dual golf match in Aus tin. Paul Brandley of the Shorthorns shot a 69, one under par, to defeat Harry Hoskins 4-2. The Ags’ Ralph Johnson scored a 4-2 victory over Texas’ Harris Greenwood. Texas’ Tony Truex dropped the Fish’s Jerry Adams, 3-2 and Eu gene Byrd won over Shorthorn Perry Flackman, 3-2. WANTED! We are not looking for Law Breakers but we are want ing USED BOOKS. If you have one you are tired of, detest, or associate with an unpleasant memory, come into the BOOK DEPART MENT of THE EXCHANGE STORE and SURRENDER! Not yourself, of course, but the BOOK, for the REWARD we are offering. You won’t get rich off the REWARD but you will get gasoline money to go home to MOM’S cooking. After two or three of her cooked meals you’ll feel we overpaid you for that unwanted book. Next September one of your fellow Aggies will be tickled pink to save 25% on the re-purchase of your “ Surplus Rope.” At the same time your FRIENDLY COLLEGE EX CHANGE STORE will stash away a nickel or a dime for future Aggie Recreation and Welfare. The Exchange Store ‘Serving Texas Aggies Since 1907’ H-l, Chapa of Co. H-2, Powell of Co. F-l, Pope representing Co. F-l, Webb of Co. C-2 and Lindiesien running for Sq. 3. Those qualifying for the Class B 880-yard run were Jamail of Co. F-2, Townsend of Co. H-2, Shipp representing Co. A-2, McKien run ning for Co. G-l, Blakard of Co. A-l, Johnson, of Sq. 2, James run ning for Sq. 12, Davis of Co. G-2, Sq. 11. The best qualifying time for the Class A 100-yard dash was held Stewart of Co. C-l and Sneel of by Hale of Co. F-2 as he sprinted the distance in :10.4, Others qual ifying for the event were McGinty of Co.' G-2, Tew of Co. E-2, Bo- zardt running for the White Band, Brand representing Co. E-2, Cleary of Co. A-2 and Gremillion running for Sq. 12. In the Class B 100-yard dash event Cooksey of Sq. 12 ran the distance in a sizzling :10.2 for the best qualifying time. Also qual ifying were Newman of Co. F-2, Cobb of Sq. 10, Divine represent^ ing Co. C-l, Malcolm running for Co. F-l, Trahon of Sq. 8 and Jones representing Sq. 12. Athletic Barbecue Tonight The A&M Athletic Department and Brazos County A&M Club will sponsor the annual spring sports barbecue in The Grove tonight at 6:30. The spring barbecue honors all spring sport participants which includes baseball, track, golf and tennis. BATTAIM WANT AD RATES >e day 3<t per word per word eanh additional day Minimum ^ha.rpe— DEADLINES ■ p.m. day before publicatloa Classified Display 8<M Per coltimn Inch each Insertion PHONE VI 6-841B CMSSIFIED FOR SALE 10 cubic foot Westinghouse refrigerator and Western Holly gas stove. Both for $94.00. 1603 Armistead St.. VI 6-4437. 117tfn 1954 custom line Ford. 408 B Second Street, College Station. VI 6-8426. 116t3 FOR RENT One IBM electric typewriter, TFS No. 1240, serial No. 63429, 11-inch carriage; one flourescent desk lamp, TFS No. 1175; one seven-day wind wall clock, TFS No. 1040. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Texas Forest Service, Texas A&M College campus, College Station, Tex as until 10:00 a. m., Friday, June 10 on forms available upon request. Address the Director, Texas Forest Service, College Station, Texas or Telephone VI 6-4771 for further information. 116t2 414 room house, fenced back yard. Near College. 107 Moss or call VI 6-6095. 117tfn Apartment two blocks from campus. New building:, nicely furnished, walk-in closets, hardwood floors, formica- drain- board, Venetian blinds, 220 wiring. VT 6- 7248. 117tfn Six. room upstairs unfurnished apart ment. Within walking distance of campus. Hardwood floors, tile bath with shower. 220 wiring, rent reasonable. VI 6-6731. 116t4 BETTER THAN RENTING! $66.00 a month and low down payment buys a two bedroom home, tile bath, Youngs town kitchen, panel heating, attic fan, 220 wiring, washer-dryer connections, fenced yard, large closets. Near Col lege. No closing costs. FHA. VI 6-7660 or VI 6-8368. 115t4 One furnished apartment and one partly furnished apartment. Two blocks North Gate, Campus. Phone TA 3-6524. 115tfn Two bedroom furnished house. Attic fan. $50.00 per month. TA 2-7869. 115t4 Kitchen table with four chairs, $8.00. Adjustable drafting table, $10.00. VI 6- 4577. 115t4 Unfurnished two bedroom house near campus. Fenced yard. Attached garage. VI 6-4677. 115t4 Cushman Eagle Scooter, good condition. Phone VI 6-7176 after 5:00, 103 Francis. College Station. 113t7 Furnished room in home, one block south of drill field. Also large room over double garage eouipped for light house keeping. VI 6-5638. 113tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Unfurnished two bedroom house, 220 wiring, 113 Kyle, College Station, VI 6-5036 or after 6, VI 6-5634. 108tfn Degrees framed while you wait. S2.50. Aggieland Studio. 117t3 Choice four room apartments in College Hills. Corner of Foster Ave. and Francis Drive. Very nicely furnished. Adults only. $50.00 and $55.00 without utilities. Call Sidney Parker, TA 2-3781. VI 6-5031 after 5 and weekends. 108tfn Desire to keep 4 or 5 year old hoy, week days, as companion to my son. VI 6-4651. 117t3 Rent a Nation Wide Ti-ailor and move cheaper. Rent it here and leave it there. Baker Tire Company. TA 2-8159. 117t4 Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment, 720 wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after 5:00 p. m. 72tfn TOM THUMB NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 21/.-5 yeaas. Storytelling, Singing, Drawing. Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo anne Miller. Close to College. VI 6-4841. Reference when requested. lOOtfn WORK WANTED Put your reservations in now for ban quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- 1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfn Term paper tyning. Fast, accurate serv ice. Mrs. Smith, TA 2-0536. llltfn Leave your last minute typing worries to us. Neat, accurate and economical rates. TA 2-4095. After 5, TA 2-0907. 116t3 Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C.. Williams. TA 3-6600 90tfn DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Povett. VI 6-4005. 120tfn Attention Working Mothers: All day nursery, 8 to 5. Have had nurse’s train ing. $25.00 per month, per child. VI 6- 6146. 108tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed jr telephoned so as to arrive in the Office if Student Publications (Ground Floor fMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student Publics' lions. Day nursery for ages 1-4 years. Limited enrollment 13). Balanced lunch with milk. Fatnily style activities. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892, 1104 Milner. 107tfn Why wait until last minute to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial service? Electric typewriters, offset printing, negatives and metal plates made. 3408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. 87tfn ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION The English Proficiency Examination for students majoring' in business admin istration will he given May 24 at 3 p. m. in room 202, Francis Hall. Students who plan to take this examination will register in the main office of the Division of Busi ness Administration prior to May 24. 117t2 Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn WANTED TO BUY WANTED: old coins in any condition; modern coins in fine or uncirculated con dition. Any quantity. Call VI 6-6265 after 5 p. m. 114t5 FEMALE HELP WANTED Maid. Monday thru Friday. Child care and light housekeeping. Furnish own transportation. References. VI 6-7493. nets Good clean used furniture. Will pav cash. TA 2-4826. 117t3 TV-Radio-HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland Your Bryan Dealer for FRIEDRICH Air Conditioners Window or Central Type FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan 1300 Texas TYPEWRITERS Eental - Sales - Service - Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines CATES TYPEWRITER CO. A09 S. Main TA 2-6000 Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS « PHOTOSTATf j SCOATES INDUSTRIES MI Old Sulphur Springs Rm4 BRIAN, TEXAS SOSOLIK’S TV - RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2-1941 | !4otard 6 Cafeteria Cooking h Not hLt\ TRADE WITH LOU... MOST AGGIES DO... Fresh White CORN / Ears O C O For ZO' Yellow ONIONS Cello Fresh TOMATOES Ctn. Fresh Yellow SQUASH 2 Lbs. "Fcr^n mmjj^ f New Lilly or Sanitary MELLORINE » 49 No. 303 Can Del Monte PEAS 2:35< Kraft SALAD OIL 39 Maryland Club COFFEE LB. 55< Beverage GOLDEN AGE Quart Plus Dep. Cook - Book POUND CAKE RATH'S BLACK HAWK SLICED 29c Value Special 10 25 LB. PKG SWIFT PREMIUM BEEF SHOULDER ROAST Fresh Pork STEAKS LB. 3 9c Toilet Tissue COMO ROLL 5 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th Street Downtown 3516 Texas Avenue Ridgecrest 1 B J E T