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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1960)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Thursday, May 19, 1960 THE BATTALION Eighty Top CHS Students Recognized By RUSSELL BROWN CHS Correspondent The Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, IBM Corporation of New York City and the faculty of A&M Con solidated High School recognized the outstanding students for 1959- 60 during the annual awards as sembly held in the school audi torium Tuesday afternoon. Over eighty students received plaques, pins, ribbons, trophies, certificates and other various awards during the hour-long as sembly. E. P. Ozment, principal of the high school; Dr. A. M. (Tony) Sorenson of the College Station Kiwanis Club; Dr. A. I. Flowers of the College Station Lions Club, and Jim E. Russell, Houston Branch Manager for the IBM Corporation presented the honors for outstanding achieve ment. Ozment saved the “most impor tant award in the high school” un til the closing of the assembly when he announced the introduc tion of a new honor. This award, for contribution to and working for the school, academic achieve ment, attendance, participation in school activities and overall repre sentation of the school was a let tered sweater. Molly Martin and Russell Brown, who “both have put in long hours and great ef fort,” were the initial recipients. In future years the sweater again Will be awarded to honored juniors so they will be able to wear them during their senior year. Dr. Sorenson presented the Ki- wanian awards as follows: Star Green Hand—FFA, Sidney Coufal; Star Chapter Farmer—FFA, Cal vin Schein; Club Work—FHA, Jan- elle Yeager; Homemaking Con struction—FHA, Anne Rudder; Oustanding Senior Homemaker and Outstanding Hqmemaking I awards, Charlene Matejka and Sal- lie Sheppard; Music-Band’s Out- ttanding Boy and Birl, Jay Pruitt imd Judy Rasmussen; Music-Chor al’s Outstanding Boy and Girl, Michael Gay and Anita Mowery. Miss Rasmussen for band and Dor othy Berry for choir also received the Arion Awards. High School FFA’s To Hear Dr. Gray Dr. Jarrell D. Gray of the De partment of Agricultural Educa tion, will be the speaker for the annual Future Farmers of Amer ica banquet at Troy High School Friday. His topic will be “You, Agriculture and the Next 25 Tears.” LEVIS THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” In lieu of the usual athletic ban quet sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, Dr. Sorenson awarded the athletic trophies and plaques. All- District Tackle Victor Clark was voted outstanding lineman in foot ball and most valuable player in baseball, while Condy Pugh was elected outstanding back in foot ball. Other most valuable honors went to center Joel Mills in foot ball, post man Thompson in bas ketball, discus thrower Jim Wright in track, James Baldauf in golf, and District champion Jody Rush in tennis. Russell recognized H o w a rd Mitchell for his outstanding work and was present to award him with his scholarship grant in connec tion with the National Merit Awards Committee. Russell com mented, “Only one in 2,000 grad uating seniors earn this record.” Bruce Thomposn was also rec ognized for his scholarship grant to Rice University under the Merit Scholarship Award, along with his first place in slide rule in state AA competition, Best All-Round Boy award, membership for two years in the National Honor So ciety, an honor roll student and the Basch-Lomb Science award. John Calhoun, the third finalist in the National Merit Scholarship testing, was honored as a member of the National Honor Society, the Lions Club Mathematics award and a top student in the National Mathematics Association’s state contest. Calhoun did not attempt to receive a scholarship grant from the Merit awards. Dr. Flowers awarded the Lions Club’s honors to the outstanding students in scholarship achieve ment: chemistry, Mitchell; biology, John Southern; English, David Howard; history, Pamela Sperry; mathematics, Calhoun; home eco nomics, Patsy Beckham and Jan ice Hall; Spanish, Neil Sperry; Latin, Howard and Miss Sperry; commercial, Kay Duke; agricul ture, Coufal; FFA, Schein; art, Frank Duran; music, Barbara Beasley and Ann Elkins; crafts manship, Sidney Loveless; slide rule, Thompson; all-round boy, Thompson; all-round girl, Miss Sperry, and highest academic av erages: Southern, freshman; Janet Durst, sophomore; and Judith Mc- Corvey, junior. Many special awards were giver in these same fields, including cer tificates to 29 students for perfect attendance; certificates to 28 stu dents for honor roll; and the an nouncement of the National Hono Society: Mary Ann Harris, Misser Berry, McCorvey, Martin, Rasmus sen, Matejka, Rudder, and Sperry Dee Smith, Larry Gosch, Brown ; Mitchell, Pugh and Thompson. Miss Harris was recognized for second place regional showing in! girls’ extemporaneous speech and: Smith and Lyman Hardeman were! singled out for achievement in me chanical drawing. AGGIES- For That Week-End Picnic With Your Date —REMEMBER— Youngblood’s s i : H i 14 Fried Chicken $1.00 With French Fries In Our Special Foil-Lined Box —To Stay Warm— » Rock Building Midway Between South College Bryan & College register for Humble’s Hapfu/ Prize-o-Rama nothing to buv! •Happy Mofoftno” U 0 register^ Tradsmaris '•'StorflasW "Kodak" ore registered Tradeirafe 1000 Prizes 10 “Happy Motoring” vacations .. <, 20 “Happy Motoring” weekend trips . • 0 40 sets of American Tourister luggage 0 <» 80 travel baskets... 850 Starflash Kodak Camera kits. Humble on A ReKnina Gompang HUMBLE m: SIGN OF Happy THE HUMBLE SERVICE STATIONS & DEALERS IN THIS AREA ARE: L. M. BEAL 408 S. College Ave., Bryan, Texas FRANK A. BOWMAN 701 Sulphur Springs Rd., College Station, Texas RALPH DUNCAN 4311 Highway 6 N, Bryan, Texas HERMAN EIDSON’S SERVICE STATION Wellborn, Texas M. B. GOUGH SERVICE STATION 1111 S. College Ave., Bryan, Texas JACKSON’S SERVICE STATION 100 Old Highway 6 N., College Station, Texas JEAN’S SERVICE STATION 1911 S. College Ave., Bryan, Texas L. J. KIRKPATRICK Highway 6 S, College Station, Texas J. H. LOPEZ 106 San Jacinto Ave., Bryan, Texas L. E. McCALL 815 Highway 6 S., College Station, Texas CARL RAHNERT 700 N. College Ave., Bryan, Texas RICHARD’S SERVICE STATION 601 W. 25th St., Bryan, Texas EARNEST WALKER 19th & Highway 21 Cutoff, Bryan, Texas WALTON’S SERVICE STATION Highway 21 East, Bryan, Texas W. F. DAVIS, Bulk Agent Box 134, Bryan, Texas AYirk ^ Happy/Mofotituj. vvm vacation of a lifetime for your family BIGGER SAVINGS ON BETTER FOOD.. . FOOD SHOP HERE! Washing Powder FAB Gladiola With Coupon From Paper 2 Lg. Boxes BISCUITS Gladiola CAKE MIXES Limit 6 Cans Limit 4 Assorted Boxes Snowdrift SHORTENING 3-Lb. Can Mayfield’s EGGS Grade AA Medium Doz. Banquet MEAT PIES Beef, Chicken or Turkey 5 For 19 5< 19c 47c 38c $1oo Blue Seal Oleo Colored and Quartered 3 lbs. 40c Mellorine Lilly - Sanitary - Carnation x /% Gal. Sqr. 49c Southern Sun Orange Juice 6-Oz. Cans 3 For 4Sfe Gortens Ocean Perch Lb. 39c LIBBYS Pears 303 Can 4 For Fruit Cocktail 303 Can 4 For Crushed Pineapple ... No. 3 Can 4 For Peaches Hal vest or Sliced No. 2 Vs Can 4 For Pineapple - Grapefruit Juice Qt. Can 4 For Oraifge Juice No. 2 Can 7 For Pineapple Juice No. 2 Can 7 For Garden Peas ..: 303 Can 6 For Cream Style or Whole Kernel Corn 303 Can 6 For Cut Green Beans 303 Can 6 For Whole Green Beans 303 Can 4 For Lima Beans 303 Can 4 For Catsup 20-Oz. Bottle 4 For Tomato Sauce 8-Oz. Can 12 For Tomato Juice 29-Oz. Can 5 For Vienna Sausage Vs Size Can 5 For Potted Meat Lg. Vs Size Can 7 For Corned Beef Hash 16-Oz. 3 For California White C }POTATOES 49 FRESH GREEN ONIONS TOMATOES GRAPEFRUIT JUMBO LETTUCE bunch 5c cello carton 15c Ruby Red 5c 2 heads 25c Stock Your Freezer With MILLER’S Top Quality BABY BEEF Baby Beef \ ROUND STEAK lb CROWN ROAST ib 79c SIRLOIN STEAK Ib. 79c f-BONE STEAK Ib. 89c BEEF CHIPS Ib. 59c SHOULDER STEAK Ib. 49c RUMP OR PIKES PEAK ROAST lb. 79c BRISKIT STEW Ib. 39c FRESH GROUND MEAT 3 lbs. 1.00 HORMEL DAIRY SLICED BACON Ib. 55c FREE! Necchi Sewing Machine To Be Given Away At MILLER’S SUPER Mkt. May 28, 8 p. m. SPECIALS GOOD MAY 19 - 20 - 21, 1960 MILLER'S 3800 TEXAS AVENUE SUPER MARKET VI 6-6613