The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 17, 1960, Image 4
Page 4 College Station, Texas Tuesday, May 17,19C0 THE BATTALION Second Fastest This is the Fish 440 relay team that placed by .7 of a second. Left to right is Curt second behind the champion Baylor Cubs in Roberts, John Kent, George Tedford and the SWC meet. The Cubs set a new record Ed Williams, with 41.0 seconds, breaking the old record Aggies- Have You Tried YOUNGBLOOD’S y 2 Fried Chicken (4 Pcs.) With All The Trimmings $1.00 BARBECUE—STEAKS—SEAFOODS Rock Building Midway Between South College Bryan & College Baylor Captures SWC Track Crown As Farmers Drop To Fifth Place The Aggie track team found themselves wanting for points in fifth place at the annual South west Conference track meet in Fort Worth over the weekend as the Baylor Bears broke Texas University’s six-year reign as champion. Owen Hill, last year’s discus champion, was the only first place winner for the Cadets as he threw 160-10V2. Newton Lamb placed second in the javelin, Thad Crooks was second in the 880-yard run and Henry Bonorden was nudged out of first place in the shot put by a quarter of an inch. The Bears unseated the Texas Longhorns by scoring heavily in the relays, dashes and field events, piling up 79 points to 56 for Texas. Baylor also won the freshman division, nosing out the Texas Shorthorns by winning the mile relay, 69 points to 67. The Longhorns stayed close in the varsity division until sprinter Ralph Alspaugh pulled a muscle at the 150-yard mark in the 220- yard and pulled pp. He was ahead by three yards when the injury struck. Alspaugh, who had set a new conference record of 9.4 in winning - the 100-dash, also was unable to compete in the mile relay and the favored Longhorns fell to fourth in that event. Even with him, however, the Longhorns would have been out distanced by Jack Patterson’s Bears, who won first places in both relays, the shot, javelin and broad jump and tied for first in the 220. : Behind Texas, these were the point totals in the varsity divi sion: SMU 33; Texas Tech 27 3 /3; Rice 25 1 /l2; A&M 21; Arkansas 14 5/6; and TCU 13 y 3 . Dill, Duble, Lively Finish In Tie For Loop Links Title CONTINENTAL AI^^SS DALLAS Quick connections there to LUBBOCK AMARILLO MIDLAND-ODESSA M JETPOWER Call your Travel Agent, or Continental at VI 6-4789 FORT WORTH—Terry Dill of the Texas Longhorns and two Ag gies, Dickie Duble and John Lively, finished in a 3-way tie for the Southwest Conference Golf cham pionship at Glen Garden Country Club here Saturday. All posted two-under par scores of 282 and shared in the first three-way tie for the 72-hole medal title in conference history. They were declared tri-champions with no play-off. All three of the titlists had final rounds of one under par 70’s Sat urday. A&M’s Billy Martindale, who shared a four-way tie with the three winners at the end of 54 holes, came in with a 74 Sat urday evening and took fourth place with a 286 total. Gene Teter, SMU, who shared the 1959 championship with Texas Tech’s John Farquhar, had a 289 good for a 3-way tie for 7th. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES day 34 per word 24 per word ea«h additional day Minimum charge—M4 DEADUNES ■ pjn. day before publication Classified Display 8O4 per column Inch each Insertion PHONE VI 8-0418 FOR RENT One furnished apartment and one partly Arnished apartment. Two blocks North Gate, Campus. Phone TA 3-G524. 116tfn Two bedroom furnished house. Attic fan. $60.00 per month. TA 2-7809. 116t4 Unfurnished two bedroom house near campus. Fenced yard. Attached garage. VI 0-4677. 116t5 ?d apart: garage. 300 A Second St., College. VI 0- 6481. 113t8 Furnished room in home, one block south of drill field. Also large room, over double garage equipped for light house keeping. VI 0-6038. 113tfn im house, 220 ation, VI 0-6030 lOStfn Choice : Hills. Co: Drive. A only. 860.00 and $55.00 Call Sidney Parker, TA 2-3781. after 6 and weekends. : utilities. VI 0-5031 lOStfn Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment, feO wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett Ichool. Phone VI 6-6600 after ,6:00 p. m. 72tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn tf/00ON? ■use the xmm FOR SALE BETTER THAN RENTING! $65.00 a month and low down payment buys a two bedroom home, tile bath, Youngs town kitchen, panel heating, attic fan, 220 wiring, washer-dryer connections, ■ fenced yard, large closets. Near Col lege. No closing costs. FHA. VI 6-7660 or VI 6-8368. • 115t4 Television antenna with rotor, fifty foot mast, receives eight channels in this area. VI 6-G136. 115tfn Kitchen table with four chairs, $8.00. Adjustable drafting table, $10.00. VI 6- 4577. 115t4 Nearly new Austin Healy Sprite. Only 9000 miles. Owner going over seas. VI 6- '4102. Ult3 Cushman Eagle Scooter, good condition. Phone VI 6-7176 after 5:00, 103 Francis, College Station. 113t7 Senior boots, size 9, and boot pants, size 29. See Elliott Craig, Room 307, Hender son Hall. llltfn Officer Air Force uniforms, summer serge, winter blues, Coat size 42, pants 36-32. TA 2-8889 after 6. 112t4 1958 Hillman Delux Sedan. Heater, w/w tires. Excellent condition. 707 East 24th St, Bryan. Illt6 About 29.9 million tons of fish wer caught by commercial fisher men of the world’s 12 leading fish producing countries in 1957. TYPEWRITERS Rental - Sales • Service - Term! Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machine* CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 | UotarJ 6 Cafeteria Cooldn# ^NotLost | F TRADE WITH LOU... MOST AGGIES DO ... SPECIAL NOTICE TOM THUMB NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 2%-5 years. Storytelling, Singing, Drawing, Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo anne Mjiller. Close to College. VI 6-4841. Reference when requested. lOOtfn Put luets. Accomodate up 1362. Triangle Restaurant. your reser Accomodat vations in now for hau te up to 250 people. TA 2- 12tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. SVllllama. TA 3-6600. o. a BOtfr DAY NURSERY by the week, day m hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 603 Boyett VI6-4006. 120tfi WORK WANTED Term paper typing. Fast, accurate serv ice. Mrs. Smith, TA 2-0536. llltfn Attention Working Mothers: Ail day nursery, 8 to 5. Have had ith, ing. $25.00 per mon 6140 per nurse’s train- child. VI 6- 108tfn Day nursery for ages 1-4 years. Limited enrollment (3). Balanced lunch with milk. Family style activities. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892, 1104 Milner. 107tfn printing, negatives and metal plates made. 54 08 Texas Ave. VI 6-6786. 87tfn TV-Radio-HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland Your Bryan Dealer for FRIEDRICH Air Conditioners Window or Central Type FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan 1300 Texas • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUM PRINTS • PHOTOSTAW SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Spring! BmM BRYAN, TEXAS OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed Dr telephoned so as to arrive in the Office »f Student Publications (Ground Flool VMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 of the day preeeeding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. Regalia For The May Commencement Exercis All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re. quired to order hoods as well as the doc tor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be :isti accomplished by a, representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the master’s cap and gown; those who are candidates for the Bachelor’s De gree, except Military students, will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. All Military students who are candidates for degrees will wear appropriate military uniforms. Rental of caps and gowns may be ar ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8:00 a. m. Monday, May 18. May 2 and 12 :00 noon, Wednesday, The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 103tl2 WANTED TO BUY WANTED: old coins in any con odern coins in fine or uncirculatt ition. Any quantity. Call VI dition. after 5 p. dition: ited con- 6-6265 114t5 Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village SOSOLIK’S TV - RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2-1941 Results Terry Dill, Texas 70-70-72-70—282 Dickie Duble, A&M 72-69-71-70—282 John Lively, Jr., A&M 72-70-70-70—282 Billy Martindale, A&M 71-70-71-74—286 Johnny Arreaga, Baylor 75-69-72-72—288 Gene Teter, SMU 74-71-71-73—289 Frank Mackey, TCU 76-69-71-73—289 Chris Blocker, Texas Tech 77-68-72-72—289 Dave Larson, Rice 75-71-74-74—294 Ross Teter, SMU 69-72-75-79—295 Jimmie Johnson, Texas Tech 72-74-74-75—295 A1 Jones, A&M 73-74-74-76—297 Mike Walling, TCU 77-76-75-70—298 Jerry Johnson, TCU 78-73-79-75—305 Donn Kirbv, Arkansas 75-83-80-76—314 Friday afternoon James Tom-1 freshman pole vault mark of 14 linson of the Colts had set a new feet. ; — • ' , r r **■''"*% BOOKS SLffer’s Fool Si North Gate ore College Station Open Until 5:30 Every Day retirement... from? or to? In this day of technical progress and medical re search, science tells us that each of us will live longer ... yet RETIRE sooner. What of those lengthening retirement years? Will they be merely years of retirement from activity or will they be years of retirement devoted to creativity ? Certainly everyone looks toward retiring— ® TO a Place of Comfort ® TO a Time of Peace • To a Way of Life That Is Relaxing and Creative. This is retirement to the Golden Years of Life. This is CRESTVIEW. This splendid retirement facility for our Senior Citizens can be built in OUR community — NOW! You are privileged to share the responsibility for the future well-being of your community, yourself and your family. Invest your share in establishing CRESTVIEW today. Ctestview — ®=iJ — I pledge $ as my part in establishing CRESTVIEW, “A Community for Senior Citizens,” and will pay $ cash now with the balance to be paid in regular installments for a period of 30 months beginning on the day of (Check One Below) □ Monthly □ Quarterly □ Semi-Annually □ Annually Payment must be completed by January 1, 1963. I make this pledge with the understanding that the full amount of my con tributing is tax deductible and in the event the proposed plans by CRESTVIEW should not materialize my contribution will be returned to me by December i 31, 1960 I NAME.. (Please Print) MAILING ADDRESS.. “The Key to the Age of Fulfillment” Make checks payable to : ; TRUSTEES, CRESTVIEW FUND, BRYAN DISTRICT, THE METHODIST 1 CHURCH. ■USED BOOKS WANTED 5,000 AGGIES CAN'T BE WRONG TRADE WITH LOU MOST AGGIES DO