Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1960)
Rampaging Steers Stop Cadets In Twin Bill The Cadet baseball team failed to stun the rampaging Texas Long horns in a twin bill affair in Aus tin over the weekend at the Steers Cut your moving costs in half... RENT A HERTZiJRUCK Move it yourself in a Chevrolet or other modern Hertz truck. All types. Pads and dollies available, too. Low fates—by the hour, day or longer—in clude all gasoline, oil and proper insurance. CallHertz anytime you, need a clean, easy-to-drive truck—fast! HERTZ Truck Rental Licensee 500 S. College Bryan, Texas TA 2-1223 TA 2-1376 downed the Ags, 5-2 and 8-3 to boast their best season since 1924. Friday’s contest was fairly close with the runs being spread out in all but two innings with Texas’ Wayne McDonald collecting the only pair of hits. Texas’ pitching ace, Tom Belch er, racked up his sixth conference Be well groomed for success That “like new” look we give your clothes is sure to make the right impressions whether you’re on the job or on the town. CAMPUS CLEANERS ATTENTION JUNIORS 20 Pr. Senior Boots $15 - $25. 20 Pr. Serge Boot Pants and 20 Pr. Pink Boot Pants $5 - $9.95 SOME SERGE SHIRTS AVAILABLE. A Few Sabers In All Lengths LOUPOTS win Friday while Don Costlow was the Aggie loser. Saturday’s game could have be longed to either team until the fifth inning when McDonald broke open the scoring with a homer over the left field fence to score Pat Rigby and Roy Menge. The Aggies had scored their first run on a round tripper by Dick Hickerson in the first inning. The Ags’ other two runs came in the bottom of the seventh. Olen Jordan started on the mound for the Farmers Saturday, and until the fifth inning held the Steers to one run. Jordan was re lieved by David Pitcock who fin ished the game, allowing only one run. J. B. Carroll, Aggie shortstop and captain, led the Cadet hitting attack in the two games with his three hits. The next outing for the Cham pion Longhorns will be the Dis trict 6 Tourney with Houston and Arizona. THE BATTALION Tuesday, May 17, 1960 College Station, Texas Page 3 Out Jerry Carter, Fish second sacker, is caught the Shorthorn catcher, but the backstopper heading for home plate in Saturday’s game still held on to the ball, with the Texas Shorthprns. Carter toppled Freshman Defeat Texas 9-8, In Last Encounter Shorthorns, Of Season The Aggie Fish, behind the pitching of Ed Singley and the hitting of Terry Cobb and Jack Singley, defeated the Texas Short horns 9-8 in a game 'which showed the Fish come from behind and score five big runs in the eighth inning. The win gave Coach Gary Her rington’s freshmen a season’s rec ord of 10 wins against one loss, that being to the Shorthorns ear lier in the season at a game played in Austin. Singley stepped in to relieve pitcher Jerry Warren after three and one-third innings and record ed his first win as a relief pitcher. HAIR AND SHAKESPEARE 331 Essentials of Good Grooming Prof. Tonsorial 1111 He had previously pitched a per fect game against the Baylor Cubs, and with his win Saturday fin ished the season with a 4-1 won- lost record. His only loss was against the Shorthorns earlier in the season. The freshmen, who up to the fifth inning had been held hitless by Texas pitcher Ken Grenewald, started things rolling as Cobb blooped an easy fly to short right field and got all the way to sec ond base when the first baseman, the right fielder and the second baseman collided in pursuit of the ball. Bill Musemeche then hit a grounder which went by Texas shortstop Billy Bethea and per mitted Cobb to score. The big inning for the Fish was in the eighth when five winning runs were scored. Cobb was the big-gun as he hit a home run with a man on second and two outs, on the first pitch thrown by Texas relief pitcher Wesley Banner. Both teams did some heavy hit ting as seven doubles,, one triple and one home run were recorded Introspective reading of the Bard’s works to prove that grooming was a motivating factor. Close observation indicating that Shakespeare’s heroines were disillusioned by bad grooming: Lady Macbeth by Macbeth’s hair that went witchever way (alcohol tonics, obviously). Ophelia by Hamlet’s “melancholy mane” (hair creams, no doubt)* Classroom lecture on how to present the perfect image by grooming with ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic. Proof beyond an ibid of a doubt that you can use all the water you want with ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic. ‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic replaces oil that water removes. Keeps hair neater longer and attracts the op. cit. sex as Romeo did Juliet. Materials: one 4 oz. bottle of‘Vaseline’ Hair Tonic TONIC attd Conditions r r i iT?5r 1111 TRACE MA I In the bottle and on your hair the difference is clearly there! !IHBSBRPHMp!! > > fti ‘VASELINE' IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF CHE5EBROUGH-POND'S INC. m Your Vaseline Hair Tonic May Be Purchased At AGGIELAND MAIN Id Oft RIDGECREST HOSPITAL pi annacif Summer Ease in a dtareer mM . ■l m i Crystal Check Truval $4.00 by mm ] .. I ku-V... iirtiwAiiA-.vvsi A.V. ..i A touch of Ivy gives this superb Career Club sport- shirt the right fashion look. Button-down collar, smoky-tone buttons and tapered fit Put them all to-, gether in a 100% Wash and Wear cotton ... and, you’ve got a shirt that's sure to please !/ THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” in the game which ended the sea son for both teams. Bethea led the Shorthorns in hitting as he got three hits in four trips to the plate. Musemeche, who went into Sat urday’s game batting a whopping .455, went hitless for the first time this year. FLAP-POCKET IVYS BY DICKIES And you’ll f[\P over our low price! m '(SET FABRIC NAME) only $4.95 (SET COLORS HERE) These are the popular Dickies slacks, proportion-tailored in famous-name fabrics. With the exclusive Easy-Alter Outlet, waist expands 11/2" easily, without cost. Dickies are fully washable and they're shrunk to fit permanently! Waist Sizes: 28, 29; 30,31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40 ,42 washable*, naturally THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” In teen-age talk this means that her home has a line where everyone gets an equal chance to make and receive calls. All it takes to have a “smooth 1 */ I party line is common sense and a little courtesy. By using the tele phone sharingly, keeping your calls brief and by giving up the line in case of an emergency, everyone on the party line gets better service, including you. The Soiifhiiiestern States Telephone Company USED BOOKS WANTED 5,000 AGGIES CAN'T BE'WRONG TRADE WITH LOU MOST AGGIES DO