The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 11, 1960, Image 4

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The Aggie Bowling team are winners of the Parks Mahaney, Fort Worth ; A1 Rainosek,
Texas Intercollegiate Bowling Conference. El Campo and Frank Pearce, Corpus Christi.
Members are, left to right, Milt Rasmussen, They are shown with the championship
College Station; Larry Dantzler, Dallas; trophy.
Here are the facts: The Rambler American is
lowest priced of all U. S. cars by a wide margin
based on manufacturers’ suggested advertised
delivered prices at factory. Save more on gas,
upkeep. Get highest resale. Easiest parking,
full family room. High, wide doors for easier
entry. Go Rambler.
See the New Standard of Basic Excellence at Your Rambler Dealer’s
Myers Signs
Eight Players
Coach Jim Myers has announ
ced the signing of eight Texas
schoolboy grid stars to A&M let
ters of intent.
Assistant Coach* Elmer Smith
signed Terry McLeod and James
Craig, linemen from Jasper and
Jimmy Clark, halfback from
Whitewright; Willie Zapalac has
signed Jerry Rice, Kenedy half
back and Johnny Kolacek and
Larry Holm, linesmen from
George West while Travis
Hughes signed two West line
men, Raymond Kubala, center-
linebacker and Ray Barton, an
Myers has already had the
promises of two more outstand
ing football players in addition
to these most recently signed.
Jim Linnstaeder, Brenham’s
all-around athlete, and Travis
Reagan, Wichita Falls back, both
have said they will attend A&M.
Tennis, Golf Teams Entered
In SWC Meet At Fort Worth
Three' tennis players and four
golfers will represent A&M in the
individual championships of these
two sports at the Southwest Con
ference spring meeting in Fort
Worth this week.
Richard Halter, Baytown sopho
more, and Tommy Morris, Waco
sophomore, will play in the tennis
singles division while Halter will
team with Capt. Robert Jones,
Garland senior, in the doubles.
SWC tennis begins Wednesday at
the Rivercrest Country Club courts
and continues through Friday.
Coach Omar Smith’s team fin
ished fifth in team round-robin
play with 12 wins and 24 losses.
The Aggies won two conference
matches, lost three and tied one.
Barber Takes Lead In Home Runs
Leading the home run depart
ment in Southwest Conference
baseball this year is A&M’s left
fielder, Byron Barber, who has col
lected five four-baggers for the
season. Barber is presently bat
ting a .316 average and has driven
in nine runs.
Batting a very respectable .367
average, which is fifth highest in
conference standings, is third base-
man John Burton. 1 Burton has
five runs batted in to his credit.
As a team, the Aggies have col
lected 81 hits, nine doubles, two
triples and seven home runs for
the season for a team batting av
erage of .222 in SWC games. They
have 43 RBI’s and a fielding aver
age of .927.
As conference champions, Coach
Henry Ransom’s Aggie golfers
place four men in the 72-hole
medal play for individual honors
Thursday and Friday at the Glen
Garden Country Club.
The Aggies, winning their first
team title since 1948, will be led
by Capt. A1 Jones of Harlingen,
only senior on the team; Billy
Martindale, Jacksonville junior and
two sophomores, John Lively Jr.,
of Athens and Duckie Duble of
Galveston. Jones recently set a
new A&M course record with a
seven-under par 63.
Lively led A&M’s winning team
this spring winning six matches
and tying one. He also teamed
with Martindale to post five best-
ball wins against one loss.
Others who have competed for
A&M this spring who will not be
playing at Fort Worth are Johnny
Johnson of Harlingen and Jim
Fetters of Port Arthur, both soph
Others on the team who did not
part in matches this spring in
clude Wayne Stroman, Mission
sophomore; Jerry Holland, College
Station sophomore and Ed Trip
lett Jr., Conroe junior.
Fort Worth Bound
Members of the Aggie golf team line up for some instruc
tions from Coach Henry Ransom. Four members of this
group will represent the Aggies at the conference meet in
Fort Worth this weekend.
Consolidated Junior High
Places First At Cameron
Baylor Threatens Champion
Steers In Conference Meet
FORT WORTH 6S>) —Texas’ 6-
year streak may be snapped next
weekend in the Southwest Confer
ence track meet here—and Baylor
could be the team to do it.
The Bears, terrific in the sprints,
relays, weights and high jump, ap
pear capable of removing the Tex
as domination and winning their
first title in history.
At least four records are likely
to fall when the eight conference
schools meet Friday and Saturday.
John Fry of Baylor has already
eclipsed the shot put mark of 55
feet 5% inches. Ray Dyck of Ar
kansas has done 1:49.0 in the half-
mile against the record of 1:51.6.
Dexter Elkins of SMU and Baylus
Bennett of Texas have gone over
vaulted 13 feet 6 inches and the i
record is 13-4%, Texas has equaled
the mile relay record of 3:12.0,
Baylor has bettered the 440-yard
relay record of 41.7 by a full sec
ond and Bob Johnson of SMU has
run the high hurdles in 14.4 against
the record of 14.7.
Baylor’s top opponent in the
freshman division could come from
A&M where coach Charlies Thom
as has one of the best fish squads
the school has seen in years.
Sparking the Aggie freshman
squad are a couple of sprinters, Ed
Williams and Curtis Roberts who
swept to first places in a triangu
lar meet at Austin Thursday night
with 9.6 and 9.7 times.
Williams and Roberts both run
on the Aggie freshman quarter
mile relay which toured the oval
in Memorial stadium in the very
fine time of 41.7.
Marilyn Odom, Jim Mills, Rus
sel Hana and a team composed
of Randy Hall, Bobby Wrgiht, Hu
bert Hearne and Allen Linton all
placed first in their respective
events at the Cameron Junior High
School Invitational Meet Friday in
Cameron, according to Mrs. Eu
gene Rush, teacher at A&M Con
solidated Junior High School.
The College Station students
competed against 10 other junior
high schools in literary, play
ground and track and field events.
Hanna won first place in the
high jump with a 5-6 leap. The
Consolidated 440 relay team,
made up of Hall, Wright, Hearne
and Linton won first place in that
In the playground division, Jim
Mills won first in boys’ singles
Marilyn Odom won the top hon
ors in girls’ declamation in the
literary division and Suzan Timm
placed second in the ready writing
Have You Tried
1/2 Fried Chicken (4 Pcs.) With All The Trimmings
Rock Building Midway Between
South College Bryan & College
flay 34 per v
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ay before pu
Classified Dlsplt
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each Insertion
PHONE VI 6-6415
Nice clean one bed:
apartment. Utilities paii
VI 6-4657 or VI 6-4531.
only. S50.00 and $5
Call Sidney Parker, '
after 6 and weekend:
ack ;
yard with trees, • 202 Academy, TA 2-,
Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Sho
not required. Desirable working con-
A&M College.
Dr. George W. Buchanan
304 E 27th Bryan, Texaf
Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988
Res. TA 2-4981
713 S Main TA 2-1941
Senior boots, size 9, and boot pants, size
29. See Elliott Craig, Room 307, Hender
son Hall. llltfn
Cushman motorscooter with windshield.
Excellent condition. VI 6-6763 after 5.
Complete set of army uniforms for sale.
Perfect for the two year officer. Size “44”.
Will pay alterations. $250.00. Contact
Wayland Simmons, Phone VI 6-998L 112tl
Officer Air Force uniforms, summer
serge, winter blues, Coat size 42, pants
36-32. TA 2-8889 after 6. 112t4
1958 Hillman Delux Sedan. Heater, w/w
tires. Excellent condition. 707 East 24th
St., Bryan. Hlt6
Two white chests and natural baby bed,
separate or together. VI 6-6136. llltfn
AKC Registered Dashund puppies. 408
B Second St. College Station 110t3
One wheel luggage trailer. Slightly
used. New tire. See at C-8-W College
View. 109t4
1957 Ford Fairlane, Radio, heater, by
• only owner. Extremely clean. Will con-
lider trade. TA 2-1806. lOOtfn
Experienced maid will care for child and
do housework, Monday - Friday. Call after
0, TA 3-3932. Illt4
Attention Working Mothers: All day
nursery. 8 to 5. Have had nurse’s train-
ing. $25.00 per month, per child. VI 6-
6146. 108tfn
Day nursery forages 1-4 years. Limited
enrollment (3). Balanced lunch with milk.
Family style activities. Call Mrs. Redding,
VI 6-4892, 1104 Milner. 107tfn
Why wait until last minute to get your
Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial
service? Electric typewriters. offset
Printing, negatives and metal plates made.
*408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. 87tfn
Good used Gym Set. Call TA 3-3000,
Ask for Mrs. Pettit. 11H2
Smallest U. S. territory is King
man’s Reef, south of Hawaii. It
is 150 feet long and 120 feet wide.
Your Bryan Dealer for
Air Conditioners
Window or Central Type
214 N. Bryan 1300 Texas
M3 Old Sulphur Spring* R»a4
1UL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M
College Station, Texas
Stated meeting Thursday,
May 12 at -7:00 p. m.
C. J. Keese, WM
Joe Woolket, Secr’y
Ageg 214-5 years. Storytelling, Singing,
Drawing, Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo
anne Mailer. Close to Co"
Ueferehce when requested.
lege. y VI 6-4841.
Put your reservations in now for ban-
mets. Accomodate op to 250 people. TA 2.
1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfn
Electrolux Sales and Service.
Williams TA 3-6600.
G. O
DAY NURSERY by the week, day oi
>iour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Boyett
VI6-4005. 120tfl
Official notices must be brought, mailed
sr telephoned so as to arrive in the Office
if Student Publications (Ground Floor
rMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dailj
Monday through Friday) at or before the
deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding
publication — Director of Student Publica
tions. 1
Regalia For The May Commencement
All students who are candidates for the
degree of Doctor of Philosophy
egree ot Doctor ot Philosophy are
quired to order hoods as well as the doc
tor’s cap and gown. The ho
left at the Registrar’s Office
iwn. The hoods are to be
Registrar’s Office no later than
1:00 p. m. t Tuesday, May 24 (this will be
accomplished by a representative of the
College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods
will not be worn in the procession since
all such candidates will be hooded on the
stage as a part of the ceremonies.
Candidates for the Master’s Degree will
wear the master’s cap and gown; those
who are candidates for the Bachelor’s De
gree, except Military students, will wear
the bachelor’s cap and gown. All Military
students who are candidates for degrees
will wear appropriate military uniforms.
Rental of caps and gowns may be ar
ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders
may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Monday,
May 2 and 12:00 noon, Wednesday, May 18.
The rental is as follows: Doctor's cap and
gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown S4.75,
Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood
rental is the same as that for cap and
C. E. Tishler, Chairman
Convocations Committee
Early Bird Shoppe, Inc
Curtains — Fabrics — Toys
Ridgecrest Village
Rental - Sales - Service - Term*
Distributors For:
Royal and Victor
Calculators & Adding Machine*
D09 S. Main TA 2-6000
14 feet in the pole vault compar
ing with the record of 13 feet 11%
inches. Jan Ahlberg of SMU and
Bob Mellgren of Baylor have done
the 2-mile in under 9:14.0 against
the record of 9:18.7.
Baylor has run the 440-yard re
lay in 40.4 and the record is 40.0.
Texas has done the mile relay in
3:12.0 and the record is 3:11.6.
Billy Hollis of Baylor and Ralph
Alspaugh of Texas have run the
100 in 9.5 and that is the confer
ence record.
Baylor also is favored to win the
freshman division of the meet and
at least seven records should be
Bill Kemp of Baylor has eclipsed
the 100-yard record of 9.7 and the
220-yard standard of 20.7. Mike
Kelly of SMU has run the low
hurdles in 23.4 against the record
of 23.5, Jim Tomlinson of SMU has
Dodgers May Call
Frank Howard
LOS ANGELES (A>>—The mea
ger-muscled Los Angeles Dodgers
apparently are about ready to re
call robust Frank Howard.
But they have at least tempor
arily given up the idea of retiring
veteran Carl Furillo to make room
for the Ohio strongboy.
North Gate
Service & Repair
TA 2-0826 101 Highland
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