The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 05, 1960, Image 1
The Battalion Volume 59 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, MAY 5,1960 Number 109 Selecting Finalists Dr. Paul J. Woods, Department of History finalists for Vanity Fair yesterday after- and Government; Dr. Howard Grouett, De- noon from a total of approximately 100 can- partment of Biology, and Lee Duewall, Stu- didates, dent Publications Director chose the twelve FOR AGGIELAND ’60 Twelve Vanity Fair Finalists Chosen By Faculty Group Twelve finalists were chosen yes terday afternoon for Vanitay Fair, •Aft-pdeland TO. The winner will be announced at the Student Publications Banquet, Friday, May 13. Finalists include: Bettye Morgan Aleo from Houston, will be escorted by Carl Cangelasi. Carole Sullivan from San An tonio, who will be escorted by John H. Alderman. Gay Chandler from Houston, who will be escorted by Gale Oli ver, III. Carole Sparks from Alice, who Vvil be escorted by Tucker Suther land, Jr. From Bastrop , Barbara Layton from Bastrop, who will be escorted by Pat Crad dock. Diane Savage from College Sta tion, who will be escorted by Fran cis Savage, Jr. Carole Layton from Houston, who will be escorted by Larry D. White. Sandra Lee Madere from Texas City, who will be escorted by Ger ald R. Lowder. Linda Plemons from Houston, who will be escorted by Joe B. Brooks. Mrs. Marlene Bryan, who will Paul D. Rushing. Rushing from be escorted by Gerry Ann North from Dallas, History and Government; J. Wayne Stark, Director of the Memorial Student Center; Dr. Howard Gro uett, Department of Biology, and Lee Duewall, Director of Student Publications. This board of faculty members was used to choose the finals for the first time this year. Previously the finalists were chosen by a com mittee composed of a group of Stu dent editors but a change of policy necessitated the change, according to Sam Barranco of The Aggieland ’60. who will be escorted by Bob E. North. Carolyn Ann Kelly from George town, who will be escorted by Joe F. Jackson. Will Be Pictured All these girls, plus the other ones who were entered and didn’t reach the finals, will be pictured in The Aggieland ’60, which will come out next fall. The winners were chosen by Dr. Paul J. Woods, Department of Mr So Fred Curry Chosen Honor Mother of the Year Unanimous Vote Given by Senate Mrs. Fred Curry of Commanche, Tex. was chosen “Aggie Mother of the Year” by a unanimous vote of the Student Senate. She was chosen for he unfaltering devotion and service | to her son, Bill Curry, Class of ’59, who was injured in a gym | accident in the spring semester of 1956. Curry received a broken neck in the accident, and for 18 months, his mother stayed with him constantly, taking care of him. Flora Curry, whose maiden name is Robertson, spent most of her early life in Carlton, Tex. and graduated from high school there. Up until the time her son became injured, she worked as a cashier in the Commanche bank. Mrs. Fred Curry . . . Mother of year Parents’ Day Time Schedule Begins With Flower Pinnings Flower pinning ceremonies in front of the Corps dormi tories at 8 a. m. will officially kick-off a Parents’ Day cere monies Sunday. The flower pinning, which will be preceded by breakfast in Sbisa and Duncan Halls at 7+ a.m., will be followed by the pre sentation of Best Drilled Sopho more and Freshman awards in each Cadet outfit. Then will come the presentation of appreciation gifts to unit com manders, to be followed by a re view of the Corps of Cadets on the Main Drill Field at 9 a.m. Following the review, at 11 a.m., church services will be conducted in Guion Hall under the sponsor ship of the Student Senate. The program is specifically designed to honor all Mothers and Dads pres ent, especially the newly chosen Aggie Mother of the Year. Open House will be held in the Cadet dormitories after the Guion Hall services at 12 noon. Then will follow lunch in Sbisa and Dun can Halls at 12:30. A special drill by the Ross Vol unteers on the Main Drill Field will officially bring to an end all planned activities at 1:45 p. m. Dormitories will then be open for tours until 4 p.m. By His Side When her son was injured, she stayed by his side, sleep ing on floors, chairs or any where she could find room. When he was able to return to school, she took him to class three days a week and took notes for him at Tarleton State College. Curry was able to return to A&M in the fall of 1959, so Mrs. Curry came back to school with him, while her husband who is a math teacher and girls’ basketball coach in Commanche, stayed home and taught school. Mrs. Curry pushed her son to class and back in a wheel-chair, seeing to it that he always made his classes on time. Husband Injured A double load was placed on Mrs. Curry when her husband was badly injured in an automobile accident en route to the Thanks giving game at A&M last semes ter. Her son is now married and still going to A&M and her hus band is back teaching school. (EDITOR’S NOTE: The follow ing letter was the formal nomi nation of Mrs. Curry as the Honor Mother of the Year by her son, Bill. It was on this letter the Senate ba^ed their unanimous de cision of Mrs. Curry as the Mother of the Year. The Bat talion feels, with the permission of Curry, that a reprinting of the letter would show why she was chosen. “To the Commmittee: ‘T would like to nominate my mother as^ a candidate for the Aggie Mother of the Year con test. I don’t believe that anyone could be more deserving of the honor that she, or more typical of the Aggie Spirit which might be displayed by parents. “When I first came to A&M in 1955, my parents, like many others, were providing most of the money for my education. (See MOTHER OF YEAR on Page 4) FOUR POLLS TO BE OPFA T CS Voting Opens Saturday By ROBBIE GODWIN Battalion Managing Editor College Station’s Democratic voters will begin county elections and the first Democratic primary S turday at 8 a. m. with four boxes to be voted in their area. Polls close at 7 p. m. Glynn A. (Buddy) . Williams chairman of the Brazos County Democratic Executive Committee, said the voting places would be set up with Precinct 3 at A&M Con solidated School with F. C. Bolton acting as precinct chairman. Pre cinct 16 will be located adjacent to the Culpepper Realty Co. with George Draper in the Chairman post. Precinct conventions are sche duled for 7:30 p. m. Precinct 13 will be located a* Crockett School in Bryan with John H. Stockman as chairman. Precincl 2 will be located in the Wellborn Community Genter with Milton Williams as precinct chairman. Precinct offices to be filled this year are Precinct 1 commissioner, Precinct 7 constable and precinct chairman for Precinct 3. In the commissioner’s race, Ray mond A. Nolan, G. B. Hensarling Tr., Curtis H. Williams and Fletch er L. Pool are announcing for the office. Joe Norwood is running unop- oosed for the constable post, and F. C. Bolton is also unopposed in the precinct chairman race. County Offices In the county, Glynn A. Williams is unopposed for county chairman. Raymond B. Buchanan is the only candidate for Tax Assessor and Collector, and D. Brooks Gofer Jr. 's unopposed for County Attorney. T. W. Hamilton and W. R. (Bill) Owens are on the ballot for County Sheriff. Other Offices B. H. Dewey Jr. of Brazos Coun ty is unopposed for State Repre sentative for the 44th District. William T. Bill Moore and Olin E. Teague, both of Brazos County are in the running for United States Representative for the Sixth Con gressional District. Frank M. Wilson, of McLennan Couhty is unopposed in the race, the Court of Criminal Appeals. for Associate Justice in the Court of Civil Appeals from the 10th Supreme Judicial District. John C. White is unopposed for Commis sioner of Agriculture. He is from Wichita County. Bill Allcorn of Bi’own County and Jerry Sadler of Anderson County are in the race for Com missioner of the General Land Of fice. Jesse James, of Travis County is running for reelection to the State Treasurer’s office. He is run ning unopposed on the ballot. V. L. (Bo) Ramsey of Panola County and Robert S. Calvert of Travis County are running for the Comp troller of Public Accounts. Earnest O. Thompson of Potter County is unopposed on the ballot for Railroad Commissioner. Judicial Positions Lloyd W. Davidson of Travis County, W. T. McDonald of Brazos County and Jim D. Bowmer of Bell county are running for Judge of Joe Greenhill of Brazos County is the only candidate for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Place 2. Clyde E. Smith of Tyler County is also unopposed for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Place 1. Robert G. Hughes of Tom Green County and Robert W. Cal vert of Hill County are running for Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Other Offices Lyndon B. Johnson of Blanco County is unopposed for United States Senator. Waggoner Carr, Robert Everett L. (Bob) Looney and Will Wilson have announced for Attorney General. Ben Ramsey and Don Yar borough are running for Lieutenant Governor, and Price Daniel and Jack Cox are running for Gover nor. ★ ★ ★ Curry’s Courage Proves Equalizer By TOMMY HOLBEIN Battalion Feature Editor Strength, determination and will-power are characteris tics which well describe Bill Curry—an Aggie who has been confined to a wheel-chair since 1956, but has continued to further his education in spite of great difficulty. Curry was born in Carlton, Tex.4- May 30, 1937, and moved to Com manche, Tex. at a very early age. He attendede grade school through high school in Commanche, grad uating in 1955. In high school, Curry played four years of foot ball and participated in track four years, also. Entering A&M in the summer of 1955, Curry finished one se mester of summer school, then en tered A&M in the fall as a “fish” in A Engineers, studying archi tecture. In the second semester of his freshman year, on April 12, 1956, a payload of trouble arriv ed. Injury On that day, Curry was injured in a gym accident, which resulted in a broken neck. He was immed iately rushed to a hospital in Houston, and his parents arrived soon afterward. “I was on the critical list for quite some time, and I needed blood badly. The men in my outfit drove down every few days and contributed blood to keep me alive. After I had recovered enough to where I didn’t need the transfus ions any more, my buddies sold blood to the blood bank and gave me the money,” said Curry. For over 18 months after his ac cident, Curry was in and out of various hospitals all over Texas and during this time his mother was always by his side. Finally, he recovered enough to begin his studies once again. In the spring of 1958, Curry en tered Tarleton State College, which is located in Stephenville, Tex., 30 miles from Commanche. His mother drove him to and from classes three times a week, at* tending the classes and taking notes for him. Because of his con dition, Curry registered for only six hours a semester at Tarleton State. Stayed Active For three semesters, Curry and his “Mom” attended classes at Tarleton State three days a week, Curry’s major now being math. During the summer of 1959, he swam a lot, stayed out in the sun and “did* just about anything to improve my physical condition.” Curry found out that keeping his mind active helped alot: “1 used to go out just about every night, going to shows, basketball games and just about anything to keep my mind active. It was a lot better than just lying around doing nothing,” said Curry. Returns to A&M In the fall semester of 1959, Curry was able to return and re sume studies at A&M. His mother had to come with him, and his father, who is a math teacher and girls’ basketball coach, stayed in Commanche to teach school. His father came to College Station al most every weekend, and when he couldn’t come down, Curry and his mother made the 200-mile trip to Commanche so the family could be together. When asked why he came back to A&M, Curry said, “I just want ed to come back ever since I left A&M, so I did; any place where your buddies will sell their blood to take care of you is a pretty good place to go to school. “When I came back to A&M I registered for 15 hours; I was afraid to risk carrying any more, because prior to this time, I had just been carrying six hours a se mester, and I didn’t know what my capabilities would be. I was just out of the hospital again, too,” said Curry. During the first part of the fall semester, Mrs. Curry pushed her son to class and back in his wheel chair every day, and according to Curry, “There were always enough men to carry me up the stairs when I needed to go up them.” Disaster Again On the Wednesday before the 1959 Thanksgiving game, disaster once again struck the Curry fam ily: en route to A&M for the Tur key Day game, Curry’s dad, Fred (See MOTHER’S SON on Page 6) ■ tHHU m Melodrama Opens Friday How would you like to be a living part of a play without any real effort? The opportunity will be granted tomorrow night, as the Aggie players open their “Dirty Work at the Crossroads,” an old-fashioned melodrama patterened after those so popular in the “Gay*~ Nineties.” The play will begin at 8 p. m., and from start to finish, the audi ence will have free reign to boo and hiss at the villian, and cheer on the hero with loud applause. No ice throwing is suggested, how ever. This very new version of a typi cal Melodrama so popular “way back when” tells through humor the surrowful story of Nellie Love lace, a poor, simple country girl who is taken advantage of in a very vile manner; of Adam Oak- hart, a virtuous blacksmith’s son who crumbles under the influence of alchohol; and of Munro Murgu- troyd, the crawling “snake-in the grass” who is “foiled through the powers of good.” “The audience participation in this show will be a determining factor in its success”, said C. K. Esten, producer of the show. “I can guarantee the people who come will have plenty of opportunities to boo and hiss, applaud, and yell, if they feel like it.” The production to be performed in Guion Hall, will feature Marlene Rushing as Miss Nellie Lovelace, so innocent and pure, and Ed Herider as Munro Murgutroyd the villian, as wild as he is wicked. Perry Pope and Travis Madole will alternate the part of Adam Oakhart, brave and bashful hero of the play. Sara Pate will play the Widow Lovelace, as sweet as she is simple. Other characters include Libby Alexander as Ida Ringold; Bill Stough as Mokkie Maguggins; Gail Wilson as Mrs. Upson Aster- bilt; Barbara Metzer as Leonie; Kathy Westbrook as Fleurette, and Sharon Garrison as Little Nell. Special features of the show in clude the old-time piano music with the “tinny” touch played by Mrs. Sue Medlin. Also, during intermis sions, original vaudeville acts such as dancers, comedians, Irish tenors, and stunts will be performed. The costumes worn by the play ers are authentic, original articles, some beinb over a hundred years old, according to Mrs. Art Adam son, who is in charge of costumes. Mrs. Adamson said the costumes * Mother of Year, son Bill ... received unanimous vote were collected from attics and other desolate storage places to be re vived for use in the play. Persons furnishing the costumes include Mrs. Philip Norton, Mrs. Dona Carnes, Mrs. Bob Darrow, Mrs. J. C. Culpepper, Mrs. Frank Anderson, and Mrs. Spike White, said Mrs. Anderson. In charge of sets is Charles Hearn, and assisting will be Henry Turner, Gary Light, John Waddel, and Joe LaRue. Lighting will be handled by Don Reynolds. The cast has worked for over two months on the play, and in this period many useful props have been acquired through the efforts of the Players. Also, very realistic sound effects will be reproduced through the use of large amplifiers, tape recordings and other tech niques of sending sound. Original reproductions of everything from birds to locomotives will be used in the show, and four microphones for the actors on stage. Publications Ducats Now Being Sold Tickets for the annual Student Publications Banquet, scheduled Friday, May 13, in the MSC Ball room, are now on sale and will be until Tuesday in the Office of Student Publications in the base ment of the YMCA Building. Tickets sell for $1 per person. The banquet, which is open to all staff members of all student pub lications, will be a smorgasbord. On the program will be the an nouncement of the Vanity Fair finalists, the awarding of watches to all out-going student editors, the presentation of keys to all pub lication staff members, the an nouncement of the winner of the $250 Babcock Essay Contest and the presentation of the Battalion Awards to ten outstanding faculty, staff and student body members. All students are urged to buy their tickets as soon as possible because of a shortage of ducats, according to Johnny Johnson, out going Battalion editor and presi dent of the Press Club, which is sponsoring the event. Registration Set Tuesday Registration will be held Tues day for all students planning to enter A&M Consolidated Ele mentary School for the first time next fall at the school cafeteria from 2 to 4 p.m. Birth certificates and small pox vaccination certificates will be required of all children. Any questions may be an swered by calling the Elementary School Office. CORRECTION The tickets for the annual sen ior barbecue can be acquired from Allen Burns Stanley Wied, Ray Murski, Wayne Schneider and dorm presidents instead of pur. chased, as we stated in Wednes- day’s Battalion.