The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 04, 1960, Image 4
THE BATTALION Pago 4 College Station, Texas ^Wednesday, May 4,1960 Champs The Aggie Golf team receives their instructions for the Duble, Wayne Stroman, Jimmy Fetters and Coach Henry Southwest Conference to be held in Fort Worth next week. Ransom. The other member of the team, Jerry Holland, Members of the team from left to right are Johnny Johnson, couldn’t make it for the picture. Ed Triplett, John Lively, A1 Jones, Billy Martindale, Dickie Re-Elect Raymond A. Nolan Candidate for COMMISSIONER Precinct No. 1 Courteous, Efficient, Experi enced, and Honest Pd. Pol. Adv. State Weightlifting Title/ Won By Galveston Senior/ Henry Heatherly, Galveston sen ior, won the State AAU Weight lifting Championship in the light- heavyweight class at Dallas over the weekend. HAVE CASH WILL BUY ALL BOOKS Of Current Edition SLffer’s Bool, Store North Gate College Station Open Until 5:30 Every Day Heatherly, who was. the only Aggie entry, lifted 715 pounds in the three division event. He pressed 245 pounds, snatched 210 pounds and in the clean and jerk 'event lifted 260 pounds. The state meet wasn’t Heather- ly’s first meet of the year as he took first in the Houston Open iand third place in the Southern United States Meet in Houston. Saturday’s victory won Heath- erly a berth in the Junior Na tional tneet scheduled in' Baton Rouge, La. on May 28. He will have another meet in San Antonio on May 14 to help him prepare for the Junior Nationals. Heatherly has been lifting weights for six years and his best performance has been in the Hous ton Open when he totaled 730 pounds in the three events. Texas University won the Dallas meet and will also go to Baton Rouge to try for a place in the national meet where teams from the Eastern and Western divisions of the U. S. will compete. Last year the Cadets finished second behind this year’s winner, Texas, in the Houston AAU meet. Heatherly brought home a first for the Aggies in 1959. Ag Cops Second In State Badminton A&M’s Nandi Wadhwa brought home a second place from the Western Intercollegiate Badmin ton Tournament Friday in the Bay lor University Gym. Joe Hok Tan, Baylor’s world champion badminton player, scored a 15-1, 15-0 victory over Wadhwas in the final men’s singles matches that were much closer than the score indicated. Wadhwa finished second to Tan in the singles, mixed doubles and singles play. — BATTALION CLASSIFIED — Golf Team Started Strong; Finished. Season Stronger The Cadet golf team rose above many people’s expectations this spring in their opening matches as they won their* first three non conference matches, but slowed their pace when the conference started by falling to Baylor, 3%- 2 Fa. One thing that created a lot of HOUSTON (A 5 )—Bill Collins won the Houston Classic Golf Tourna ment playoff Tuesday by two strokes under Arnold Palmer. Col lins shot a 3-under-par 69. Collins, the big blond belter from Crystal River, Fla., seeking his first tournament victory of the year, bounced back from a 2-stroke deficit on the first four holes. He banged two birdies on the incom ing nine while Palmer took a bogey to go with one birdie. Collins and Palmer tied at 280 for 72 holes in the tournament that ended Monday. They met Tuesday over 18 holes to determine first money of $5,300. Second money was $3,400. Palmer birdied the first hole with a 9-foot putt and made it a 2-stroke margin on No. .4 where Collins missed a 3-footer and took a bogey. But on No. 7—the really crucial hole for Collins—the big fellow 2-ironed his tee shot within four feet of the pin and sank it for a birdie two. Palmer, how ever, was in a sand trap and pitched past the hole. So he had a bogey and the match was all even going through nine. talk around the A&M golf circles was the fact that two of the teams the Cadets beat, North Texas and Lamar Tech, had been among the top teams in the nation for the past few years. Things picked up for the Ags in conference play and when the race was over last Saturday they Palmer missed a 3-footer on 16 that would have pullhd him with in a stroke. On 17 Collins was off the green 30 feet away while Palmer ’was just 15 feet. But Palmer 2-putted and couldn’t gain anything there. By RUSSELL BROWN CHS Correspondent A seventh inning rally by the A&M Consolidated Tigers fell short by one run of the four-run rally in the top of the seventh by Cy-Fair Bobcats stood up for a 7-6 District 21-AA win on Tiger Field Tuesday. The loss dropped the Tigers in to a first place tie with the Bell- ville Brahmas, both with 3-1 rec ords, but the Brahmas play the Navasota Rattlers this week. The win gave the eliminated Bobcats a 2-3 record and evened their sea son count at 5-5. Two walks, a single, a passed ball and a balk gave the visitors emerged the winner by taking 28 1 ,£ points compared to 1314 points in losses. This weekend there will be a 54- hole qualifying match between five members of the Aggie team. The competitors in the match will be A! Jones, Johnny Johnson, Billy Martindale, Dickie Duble and John Lively. The top four men will represent A&M in the conference meet at Fort Worth next week. There is some difference in con ference team play and individual play. So far this season the golf ers has played as a team and scor ing was according to each hole, but in Fort Worth the matches will be medal play where the mem bers will play as individuals and total score will be taken for 72 holes. The first place team in. confer ence play is allowed to send four a quick lead in the first frame be fore Vic Clark settled down to pitch masterfully until the fatal seventh. The Tigers grabbed off one tally in the third and two in the fourth before jumping into a 5-3 lead on P. D. Gandy’s bases loaded single in the fifth. A dropped third strike, stolen bases, a passed' ball, two walks and two timely singles gave the Bobcats their commanding 7-5 lead in. the seventh, but Condy Pugh pounded a triple in the Tiger sev enth and scored on an error before reliefer Lawrence Kubiak put out the Tiger fire. players to the Fort Worth match and the second team three and the numbers decrease according to where each team in the conference placed. Other top contenders at Fort Worth will include Gene Teeter of SMU who was co-champion last year and Chris Blocker of Texas Tech. Things will be looking up for next year’s golf team since the only loss to graduation is A1 Jones, the lad who shot a 63 to break the A&M course record last week. COURT’S SHOES SHOE REPAIR North Gate Summer Employment For Students Direct Sales Work EARN $900.00 UP Must be willing to travel. Transportation & Training Furnished. INTERVIEWS THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1900 1 p. m. - 5 p. m. at your Placement Office Bill Collins Takes First In Houston CHS Tiger Rally Falls Short As Cy-Fair Bobcats Win, 7-6 They parred 10 and 11 but on 12 Collins was off the green on the froghair while Palmer was on the edge. Palmer stroked to the left and left himself a 3-foot putt. Collins putted within three inches of the pin. Palmer missed his putt for a bogey and Collins was down for a par. That was the turning point. Collins increased his lead to two strokes on 14 where Palmer was on, 20 feet away, and 2-putted while Collins drilled with in five feet and ran it down for a birdie. Aggies- Have You Tried YOUNGBLOOD’S V2 Fried Chicken (4 Pcs.) With All The Trimmings $1.00 BARBECUE—STEAKS—SEAFOODS Rock Building 1 Midway Between South College Bryan & College WANT AD RATES "he day 3d per word 2d Per word eanh additional day Minimum charge—40d DEADUNES • p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80d per column Inch each Insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 WORK WANTED Attention Working Mothers: All day nursery, 8 to 5. Have had nurse’s train ing. $25.00 per month, per child. VI 6- 6146. 59t2 Will keep a child in my home. Ages 1-4, VI 6-7095. 107t4 FOR RENT Dav nursery for ages 1-4 years. Limited enrollment (3). Balanced lunch with milk. Family style activities. Call Mrs. Redding, VI 6-4892, 1104 Milner. 107tfn Two bedroom house, $35.00 monthly. VI 6-7157. 108t3 One unfurnished one bedroom house, east side of campus, floors newly re finished, walls in three rooms newly paint ed. Also upstairs garage apartment, in nice condition. Both in quiet neighborhood. Phone VI 6-6479 or TA 2-6219. 108t3 Why wait until last minute to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi'-City Secretarial service? Electric typewriters, offset printing, negatives and metal plates made. -408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. 87tfn Unfurnished two bedroom house, 220 wiring, 113 Kyle, College Station, VI 6-5036 or after 6, VI 6-5634. 108tfn HELP WANTED Summer employment for students for direct sales work. $900 up. Must he will ing to travel. Transportation and training furnished. Interviews in Placement Of fice. Thursday, May 5, 1-5. 107t2 Choice four room apartments in College Hills. Corner of Foster Ave. and Francis Drive. Very nicely furnished. Adults only. $50.00 and $55.00 without utilities. Call Sidney Parker, TA 2-3781. VI 6-5031 after 5 and weekends. 108tfn WANTED TO BUY Available June 5, two bedroom house, completely furnished, air conditioned, auto matic washer, near campus. VI 6-7498. 107t4 Small three or four room house, will as sume balance if low. Payments not over $25.00 per month. Call TA 3-2861. 107t4 Two bedroom unfurnished apartment. Living room down stairs. Antenna with rotor, washer connections, lines, fenced hack yard with trees. 202 Academy, TA 2- 4053. 100tI3 Bar Bells and weights. Call VI 6-5853. 105t4 SPECIAL NOTICE Three bedroom house, large living room, separate dining room, near Ridgecrest. Call VI 6-4248 after 5. lOOtfn Leaving for McCall, Idaho, June 9 for summer job. Need one or two riders to share expenses. If interested Call VI 6- 4042 after 8 p. m. 107t3 Lafge one bedroom furnished apartment, near Ridgecrest. Call VI 6-4248 after 5. lOOtfn TOM THUMB NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 2 I /.-5 years. Storytelling, Singing, Drawing, Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo anne Miller. Close to College. VI 6-4841. Reference when requested. lOOtfn Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment, 120 wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett Jchool. Phone VI 6-6660 after, 6 :00 p. m. 72tfn Put your reservations in now for han- piets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2. 1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn Electrolux Sales and Berylos. G. O Villlama. TA 3-6600. OOtft Apartment, 205 Montclair across the street from Southside. Rent $30.00 with stove and refrigerator. Would consider furnishing all of the apartment. VI 6- 6630 or VI 6-6544. 61tfn DAY NURSERY by the week, day oi hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Boyett VTb-4005. 120tfi TV-Radio-HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland Your Bryan Dealer for FRIEDRICH Air Conditioners Window or Central Type FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan 1300 Texas Dr. George W. Buchanan Chiropractor 304 E 27th Bryan, Texas Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988 Res. TA 2-4981 • EN (HNEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES S03 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN, TEXAS | Motard 5 Cafeteria Cooking Is Not list | OFFICIAL NOTICES Official tel jr of Student Publications 0 mCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dailj publ tionE Regalia For The May Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re. quired to order hoods as well as the doc tor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, May 24 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph.D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the master’s cap and gown; those who are candidates for the Bachelor’s De gree, except Military students, will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. All Military students who are candidates for degrees will wear appropriate military uniforms. Rental of caps and gowns may be ar ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders He Exchange may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. Mondi May 2 and 5:00 p. m. Friday, The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and May lay, 13. gown S5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee lOStlH FOR SALE OR RENT Very nice two bedroom house. Fenced yard, garage, attic fan, 220 v outlet, washer connections. Near College. VI 6- 7560. 106t3 LOST Dis; cha army dog tag. Phone VI 6-5726 8-5 or TA 2-0772 after 5:00. Reward. 107t2 TYPEWRITERS Rental - Sales - Service - Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machine* CATES TYPEWRITER CO. fi09 S. Main TA 2-6000 Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Cartains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village FOR SALE Spacious two bedroom house, quiet neigh borhood, tile bath and drainboard, attic fan, 220 wired, fenced. 907 North Ave. VI 6-7171. 108t4 Two three quarter ton, 110 volt air con ditioners. Call VI 6-5183. 108t3 Duncan Phyfe dining room table, double bed springs, single bed with spring and mattress, T.V. cable, window water fan. Call at 709 East 24th St. . 108t3 (1) Remington Typewriter, 11 inch car riage. (1) Remington Typewriter, 15 inch carriage. (1) Royal Typewriter, 10 inch carriage and (2) Royal Typewriters, 11 inch carriage. Can be seen by calling Victor 6-5423, Department of Student Af fairs. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Business Manager, College Administration Building until 10 :30 a. m., May 16, 1960. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all technicalities. Address Business Manager, A. and M. College of Texas, Col lege Station, Texas, for further informa tion. 107t2 4000 CFM Evaporative cooler, good con dition, $35.00. Call VI 6-5096 or B-13-Y College View. 107t2 1951 Chevrolet. Make me an offer. See at A-8-X College View. Good tires and runs good. 107t2 A 100 foot roll of heavy wire fencing, 4 feet high, like new. Used only three months. VI 6-7293. 107t3 We have in this vicinity, 3 repossessed (ianos—2 trade-ins, which include one mall blonde Spinet, and one dark finish ed Spinet, also one nice small baby grand. Responsible parties may assume attractive balances. Write only—Credit Manager, McBrayer & Sons Piano Co., 3128 E. Lancaster Ave., Ft. Worth. 103t8 1957 Ford Fairlane, Radio, heater, by only owner. Extremely clean. Will con- ojder trade. TA 2-1806. lOOtfn LOST & FOUND Lost just before Easter, a gray wool sports coat with papers in pocket. Please return papers. VI 6-7560 or VI 6-6517. 10613 Political Announcements Subject to action at the Democratic Primary May 7, 1960. Vor County Commissioner Precinct No. 1 CURTIS H. WILLIAMS FLETCHER L. POOL (Former Aggie) SOSOLIK’S TY - RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2-1941 TRADE WITH LOU... MOST AGGIES DO.