The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 04, 1960, Image 3

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South Korean
Frigate Repels
Torpedo Boat
SEOUL, South Korea OP)— A
- South Korean navy frigate today
repelled a' North Korean torpedo
boat attack which the navy claim
ed was designed to cover an at
tempt to land Red agents.
The navy said the encounter was
over in less than five minutes and
the three attack craft fled into
dense fog when the 1,200-ton fri
gate returned fire. The frigate
suffered no crew casualties or ma-
, terial damage, a spokesman said.
It was not known whether the at-
‘ tackers were hit.
The Reds attacked 15 miles off
the east coast, about two miles
, south of the truce demarcation
line separating North and South
Korea, the navy said,
The navy communique express
ed belief the Communists were
trying to land spies or saboteurs
in South Korea to “take advantage
of the April 26 political upheaval.”
Such naval clashes have taken
place in the past, but it was the
first Red attack since the upris
ing following the March 15 presi-
w dental elections forced the resig-
" nation of President Syngman Rhee.
The navy gave this account:
“Taking. advantage of dense fog,
i three Communist North Korea tor
pedo boats surrounded and closed
in on our PT66 frigate and fired
five torpedoes and a round of 40
millimeter machinegun bullets ip
two attacks. *
“Our vessel immediately coun-
tered with fierce shelling while
zigzagging to dodge the torpedoes
and repulsed the three Communist
The navy said it had increased
„ its patrols off both the east and
west coasts to block Red attempts
w to land agents behind the land
frontier patrolled by South Ko-
, Tean and U. N. forces.
Winning Theme
Edwin Mauzy (left), of Pocatello, Idaho, en- Pi Assn. Donald R. Phariss of Breckenridge,
gineering student, is presented a cash prize (right), president of the A&M Delta Chap-
for having the winning theme at the initia- ter of Tau Beta Pi Assn., presents the award,
tion of 46 A&M students into the Tau Beta
Range Excursion Underway
In South, Southwest Texas
A three-day field excursion to
study ranching practices in south
and southwest Texas opened Mon
day and will continue through to
day, according to Don Huss, Pro
fessor in the Department of Range
and Wildlife Management. Forty
students in the department will
The theme for the field trip is
“Range Management for the Prac
tical Ranch.” Emphasis is being
placed on deferred grazing sys
tems, brush control through root
plowing, range and pasture reseed
ing, range management research
and livestock production.
The group left College Station
Model Drawings of Hospital
Chosen for Convention, Exhibit
The model and drawings for a
208-bed hospital by three fifth
year students in the Division of
Architecture have been chosen to
be on display at the annual con
vention and exhibit show of the
Texas Hospital Assn. The conven-
r tion will be in Dallas May 10-12.
The graduate level students who
designed the 7-story hospital are
,W. T. Cox of Houston, Nicholas
lettani of Camden, N. J. and John
D. Carpenter of Dallas.
The hospital is designed for the
patient, the co-designers point out
and is around a concept of pro
gressive patient care, that is, in
tensive, general or intermediate,
self, long term and home, care.
The design was selected for ex
hibit at Dallas by the director of
the Texas Hospital Assn, and was
made for a town of 100,000 popu
lation or in a medical center of
a larger city in the southwest
The design took about eight
weeks to complete.
Bonds That Unite
* mmrn is?
t >
By L D. Warren, Cincinnati Enquirer
The Battalion
at 5:30 a.m. Monday to visit the
E. D. Combs stockfarm near San
Marcos. The group observed and
studied reseeding practices used by
Combs. Alan Anderson of the Soil
Conservation Service is assisting
the group.
Monday afternoon the group
toured the Holt Machinery Plant
and Farm. Jack Fletcher of the
Holt Machinery Co. served as host
to the group. The students ob
served grass improvement studies
by the Texas Agricultural Experi
ment Station and the Holt Machin
ery Co. at the Holt Farm. Fletcher
covered the management aspects
of root plowing and reseeding. A
Bar-B-Que dinner was served by
Holt Machinery Co.
Tuesday the group visited a
ranch near San Antonio to observe
range improvement through root
plowing and reseeding. The class
then visited the Leona Valley
Ranch near Uvalde. Bohmfalk of
the Soil Conservation Service made
arrangements for this vipit. Here,
range improvement through brush
control and deferred grazing was
stressed. Also, the group studied
the interrelationships of livestock
production and forage manage
Today, the class visited Sub
station 14 of the Texas Agricul
tural Experiment Station near
Sonora. The group was shown the
various grazing management stud
ies. The group studied the effects
of various grazing rates on live
stock and forage production. The
group studied comparisons of graz
ing cattle, sheep and goats in com
bination. The four-pasture deferred
rotation was observed.
Wednesday, May 4,1960
College Station, Texas
Page 3
County Primary Set Saturday
Battalion Managing Editor
At 8 a. m. Saturday the first
Brazos County Democratic Pri
mary will get under way with 20
general offices plus each precinct’s
official offices to be voted on.
The polling places will be open
until 7 p.m., and precinct conven
tions are scheduled at polling
places in the afternoon and eeven-
Primary voting in May is new
to Texans, according to Glynn A.
(Buddy) Williams, county Demo
cratic chairman. He said that in
years past, first primaries had
been held in July.
Absentee Voting Closed
Voting places have been set up
in each precinct, with the absentee
ballots being mailed from and re
ceived at the county clerk’s of
fice. The deadline for absentee
votes was midnight last night.
To be eligible to vote in the
Democratic primary this Satur
day, a person must be at least 21
years of age on the day of the
election, a citizen of the United
States, must have resided in Tex
as one year and Brazos County six
months prior to May 7, according
to Williams.
Tax or Exemption
Another qualification is that the
person must have a 1959 poll tax
or a 1959 exemption certificate se
cured prior to Feb. 1, said Wil
Williams said the residence of
a single man is where he sleeps
at night and that of a married
man is where his wife resides.
All persons must vote in the
election precinct in which they re
side, added Williams. If a per
son has moved into a new voting
prpcinct since paying the poll tax,
(Continued from Page 1)
liff, a junior education major from
Silsbee. Ratliff, running unop
posed, polled 658 votes.
Decus D. Garner, a junior civil
engineering major from Livings
ton, was elected civilian yell lead
er in the most contested race in
the entire-elections. Garner polled
151 votes to oust Octopus' Jack-
son, Ben E. Johnson, Jimmy F.
Tucker, Stan J. Wallace and Bill
L. Whitney by an overwhelming
In the lone Class of ’60 position,
Allen N. Burns, a chemical engi
neering major from Houston, was
elected Class Agent over George
M. Hail. Burns polled 66 votes to
Hail’s 38.
an affidavit of residence must be
Williams added that illiteracy is
not a cause for disqualification of
a voter. Aid is permitted only to
those who are physically unable
to write or see, he added. No
marked ballot can be used and one
voter cannot help another, such as
husband and wife marking ballot?
Precinct Conventions
Williams said the precinct con
ventions in the nine rural pre
cincts would begin at 2 p.m., and
the ten precincts in Bryan and
College Station would begin their
conventions at 7:30 p.m.
Precinct locations for this years’
voting and conventions aree:
Precinct 1—Millican Community
Precinct 2—Wellborn Commun
ity Center.
Precinct 3—A&M Consolidated
School, College Station.
Precinct 4—Steele Store school
Precinct 5—Harvey Community
Precinct 6—Kurten School House
Precinct 7 — Tabor Community
Precinct 8—Edge Community
Precinct 9—Smetana, in Foun
tain Hall.
Precinct 10—Bryan at Ben Mil
am School.
Precinct 11—Bryan at Travis
Precinct 12—Reliance Commun
ity Center.
Precinct 13—Bryan at Crockett
Precinct 14—Bryan at Fannin
Precinct 15—Bryan at the Amer
ican Legion Hall.
Precinct 16 — College Hills, at
the Culpepper Building.
Precinct 17 — Bryan at Bowie
Precinct 18—Bryan at Stephen
F. Austin School.
Precinct 19—Bryan at the Cen
tral Fire Station, 801 N. Bryan.
The twentieth polling place, the
absentee polls in the county clerk’s
office had received 140 ballots at
5 p.m. yesterday.
When the Democratic Executive
Committee meets Tuesday in the
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Council Room of Bryan City Hall | the second primary will be held,
to canvass the returns, plans for I said Williams.
Subsidy Attacks
Highlight Meeting
The 21st annual meeting of the
American Cotton Congress con
cluded yesterday and was high
lighted by a general attack on
federal subsidies.
Burris C. Jackson, general chair
man of the congress, who gave
the keynote address Monday morn
ing noted that, “A leading adver
tising agency predicts possibly 12
million more U. S. households in
1970 as compareed with 1958, that
personal incomes after taxes will
be up 55 per cent and that a fourth
of all U. S. families will enjoy in
comes over $8,000.”
Musn’t Be Restricted
He declared that “the cotton in
dustry can realize its share of this
market provided the industry is
not unduly restricted.”
William Rhea Blake, executive
vice-president of the National Cot
ton Congress, noted in the after
noon session Monday that “the
cotton industry cannot afford to
have its future rest on the ‘risky,
precarious foundation’ of govern
ment subsidies.”
Can Be Lost
“Any foundation of competitive
strength based on subsidies could
be swept out from under us at al
most any time,” he added.
Along with an adequate build
up in research, Blake stressed the
necessity for greatly strengthen
ing sales promotion programs for
cotton at home and abroad and
for finding a sensible answer to
the textile import program.
Blake’s report on the demand
for U. S. cotton was encouraging.
Half-Million Bale Increase
“If foreign consumption fulfills
it,promise, and if we can keep for
eign production from going up too
fast, it’s easy to envision our ex
ports trending up perhaps a half
million bales a year.
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