The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 04, 1960, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 10S
Banquet, Ball
Slated Friday
A&M’s Saddle and Sirloin Club will hold its annual
Awards Banquet and Cattlemen’s Ball Friday in the Memorial
Student Ballroom.
Main features of the student get-together are presenta
tion of awards-to outstanding stu--f— ^
dents, installation of new club of
ficers and selection of a club
The Saddle and Sirloin Club is
an organization of students ma
joring in animal husbandry.
Joe Joyce of San Marcos, chair
man of the awards banquet, said
Miss Compton
Gets Secretary
Miss Beverly Jane Compton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Compton of 1404 Hoppess, has
been awarded the 1960 Scholar
ship for Secretarial Training that
is presented each year by the
Bryan-College Station Chapter of
the National Secretaries Assn.
Mrs. Margaret C. Coleman, pres
ident of the local chapter, said in
addition to Beverly’s scholastic
abilities, she was selected for her
good character, personality, neat
ness, dependability and her desire
to become a secretary. Beverly,
a senior at Stephen F. Austin
High School, has been active in
the Bronco Band and the A Ca-
pella Choir as well as maintaining
r 3.44 grade point ratio. Miss
Compton plans to attend Abilene
Christian College and major in
secretarial science.
Mrs. Coleman stated the Nation
al Secretaries Assn, sponsors schol
arship awards to attract and en
courage young women to enter the
secretarial profession.
Members of the Scholarship
Committee were Mrs. Anna Beaty,
chairman, Alma Kasner and Mrs.
Lois Groce.
the session will include the pre
sentation of judging team medals,
outstanding animal husbandry stu
dent awards, the Annie E. Wilson
Award to the top senior in the Sad
dle and Sirloin Club, Merit Trophy
to the club’s outstanding student
and the Brewer Award to the out
standing senior majoring in ani
mal husbandry.
He said two honorary members
of the club for 1959-60 also will
be named. They are Sterling Evans
of Houston, a Santa Gertrudis
breeder and a member of the board
of directors of the A&M College
System, and T. A. Kincaid of
Ozona, past president of the
Sheep and Goat Raisers Assn.
Gifts to Officers
During new officer installation
ceremonies, gifts will be presented
to outgoing officers. A highlight
is the awarding of the traditional
pair of spurs to the outgoing pres
ident, Lovell Kuykendall of Chero
Joyce said all the awards will
be on display from April 29 to
May 6 in the MSC showcase.
Awards banquet time is 7 p.m. and
the menu is prime rib roast with
all the trimmings.
The Cattlemen’s Ball, according
to Chairman Leo Casas of Bena
vides, will get underway shortly
after the awards banquet is com
Sweetheart Named
Casas said a big attraction dur
ing the ball will be the naming of
a Saddle and Sirloin Club Sweet
heart from among dates present.
Joyce and Casas estimated that
approximately 200 persons are ex
pected to attend the banquet and
ball. Tickets, they said, are $1.50
per person and are goor for both
Ten Annex Posts
In General Elections
Lt. Gov. George Nigh
. . . young Sonner official
Miss Betty Cole
. Ring Dance vocalist
Remains Cause
Caryl Chessman’s ashes remained
at a mortuary here today, the
object of a controversy over their
The convict-author who was
executed Monday had directed
that his ashes be inurned at Glen
dale’s Forest Lawn Memorial
Park in Southern California. His
mother is buried there.
But a Forest Lawn spokesman,
noting that Chessman was “unre
pentant and an avowed agnostic,”
said Tuesday that the ashes would
be refused. He said they would
“detract from the spiritual values
of Forest Lawn.”
One of Chessman’s attorneys,
L. A. Wirin, said in Los Angeles
he would recommend to Rosalie
Asher, executrix of the convict’s
estate and also his lawyer, that
a court order be requested requir
ing Forest Lawn to accept the
Miss Asher went in seclusion
after failure of her last frantic
efforts to obtain a stay of execu
tion. She was not present at the
cremation at Tamalpais Cemetery.
There was no religious service.
Nixon Captures Popular Vote
Win Over Kennedy In Indiana
INDIANAPOLIS Ind. LB—Vice President Richard M
Nixon smashed out a popular vote victory over Sen. John F.
Kennedy Tuesday in the Indiana presidential preference pri
Republican leaders, including"^
National Chairman Thruston B. had 359,503 votes to 286,998 for
Morton, hailed Nixon’s wide mar-Kennedy.
gin as a triumph of attention to It was a foregone conclusion
duty over personal campaigning, that Nixon and Kennedy would
Nixon’s impressive 3-2 margin in win the state’s 32 Republican and
a typical Midwestern state could 34 Democratic votes on the first
go a long way toward discourag-ballot at their respective nominat
ing any ideas of drafting another ing conventions in July,
republican candidate. This went according to the
Nixon's margin also was of a script, except that the two Demo-
size to hearten other Democratic " ats b J ,lled as “ nly l< * cn ' oes ,
presidential candidates, although Kemedy «* h,m a ** ' hu " k ot
Kennedy's supporters claimed he™ te ?’, "' hc ‘' eas Nlxon , ha<1 n0
lost in a way that proved he could‘T ™,* 1 ’ >" s "T™' 1
win if he were the presidential . L«r Daly of Chicago, a some-
nominee ^ lme R e P u °* lcan wao campaigns
in an Uncle Sam suit on an “Am-
With returns counted from 3,665 erica First” platform, drew 33,130
of Indiana’s 4,261 precincts, Nixon votes.
Wilson Appointed
Reporter General
To Navigation Meet
Dr. Basil W. Wilson, professor
of physical oceanography in the
Department of Oceanography and
Meteorology, has been chosen to
serve as reporter general for one
of the technical sessions of the
XXth International Navigation
Congress. The Congress will be
held in Baltimore, Md., Sept. 11-
The technical session with which
Wilson will be concerned involves
methods* of determining sand and
silt movement along the coast, in
estuaries and in maritime rivers.
Use of modern techniques such as
radioactive isotopes and lumino-
phors will be stressed. Wilson will
review all papers submitted On this
subject, write a synopsis of each
and, from information thus ob
tained, prepare a general report
for submission to the Congress.
The appointment of Wilson to
this post was made by Maj. Gen.
G. E. Galloway, USA, secretary
general for the XXth Congress.
Speaker, Music
Acquired for Dance
A speaker and music have been acquired and plans are
nearing the final stages for the Senior Ring Dance, and Ban
quet scheduled Saturday, May 14, in Sbisa Dining Hall.
George Nigh, the lieutenant governor of Oklahoma, has
been revealed as the guest speaker
at the banquet, and the Buddy
Brock Orchestra of Houston has
accepted to provide music for the
Ticket Sale
Tickets went on sale Monday
morning at the Cashier’s Window
in the lower level of the Memorial
Student Center. They are $3 for
the banquet, $2.75 for the two pic
tures normally taken of each sen
ior and his date and $3.25 for the
dance itself.
Nigh, who, at the age of 32, is
the youngest Lieutenant Governor
in the history of Oklahoma and
also the youngest Lieutenant Gov
ernor serving at the present time
in the entire nation, is a teacheer
by profession and has taught his-
MSC Council Slates Banquet
The tenth anniversary of the
Memorial Student Center will be
the theme of the MSC Council
Banquet to be held Thursday night
at 7:30 in the MSC Ballroom.
The banquet, which is the big
gest social highlight of the year’s
MSC program, will feature a mod
ern architecture theme along with
the tenth anniversary celebration.
Featured along with the anni
versary proceedings will be the
presentation of MSC Distinguished
Service and Appreciation Awards.
Four students and two profes
sors will be honored with Distin
guished Service Awards, while 25
students and seven professors will
receive Appreciation Awards.
Ronald Buford, current president
of the Council, said that the num
ber of Appreciation Awards to be
presented is higher than usual be
cause of the anniversary celebra
Three past presidents of the
MSC Council will be among the
honored guests for the banquet.
They include Joe Fuller, who
served as first Council president
in 1950-51; Mi', and Mrs. W. H.
Whitney, the 1955-56 Council pres
ident, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh E.
Wharton, who served as last year’s
Also included on the banquet
agenda will be a special recogni
tion of the outgoing directorate
and the installing of next year’s
Council officers and committee
Bo Lee, a senior agricultural en
gineering major from Houston,
will be installed as 1960-61 Coun
cil president to succeed Buford.
Current vice-president Rush Mc-
Ginty .will be succeeded by Mike
Schneider, a sophomore science ma
jor from Dallas. Honorary vice-
president Hiram French will have
no predecessor.
Students Bombard U. S. Submarine
With Firecrackers, Demand Ransom
SYDNEY, Australia CP>—Uni
versity students bombarded the
U. S. atomic submarine Halibut
with firecrackers Tuesday night
and held two American sailors in
in a dog house for ransom. .
The Halibut is here with the
U. S. cruiser Canberra for the an
nual anniversary observance of the
Battle of the Coral Sea. Two
years ago students boarded the
U. S. carrier Bennington, here on
the same mission, and brought the
crew to action stations by setting
off the general alarm.
tory and government at McAlester
High School.
He has also served as state sec
retary and state director of the
Oklahoma Junior Chamber of Com
merce and is presently a director
of the McAlester Jaycees.
Distinguished Service Award
He has also received the Dis
tinguished Service Award from
McAlester three times and has
served as state president of the
Oklahoma Young Democrats.
In 1950, at the age of 22, he
was elected to the State Legisla
ture as a Pittsburgh County Rep
resentative, at the time the young
est membeer of that body. He
completed his fourth term in the
House just prior to being elected
to his present position.
The Brock Orchestra, which fea
tures 15 pieces and the vocal style
of Miss Betty Cole, presents un
usual novelty instrumental and
singing specialities and features a
Dixieland group known as the
South Rampart Seven.
Music of 20’s and 30’s
The orchestra plays the nostal
gic music of the 20’s and 30’s and
is well known for its uncanny abil
ity to pace its music to fit the
needs and requests of its audience.
Brock himself is known through
out the state as a former drum
mer in several formerly well
known bands. Now, however, he
devotes his time exclusively to
the direction of his own 15-piece
band, as well as a 23-piece con
tinental concert band which is fea
tured in many engagements in the
Houston area.
The orchestra’s popularity is
probably best attested by the fact
that they have been known to book
advance engagements as much as
three years ahead of time.
Xi Initiation,
Banquet Set
For Tonight
The A&M Chapter of Sigma
Xi will hold its Initiation and
Awards Banquet tonight at 7:30
in the Ballroom of the Memorial
Student Center with two awards
presented and 38 members being
There are three categories of
initiation, according to George W.
Kunze, president of the Chapter.
Five members will be initiated
from associate membership to
full membership, while eleven will
be initiated directly to full mem
bership and 23 will be initiated as
associate members.
Also, two categories of awards
will be presented—onfe to a full
member and one to an associate
Speaker for the occasion will
be Dr. Harold G. Cassidy, national
lecturer for Sigma Xi, discuss
ing “Fission or Fusion: The Prob
lem of the Sciences and the
Cassidy is a professor of chem
istry at Yale University, where
he has been on the faculty since
1938. He received his under
graduate training at Akron Uni
versity and Oberlin College, and
received his doctoral degree from
Over 37,000 Visit
A&M During Year
Approximately 37,300 visitors
were on the campus from May 31,
1959 to May 1, 1960, P. L. Downs
Jr., official greeter of the College,
announced today.
From May 31, 1949 to May 31,
1959 there were 592,276 visitors
on the campus, Downs'reports, and
the total for the 10 years and the
past 11 months is 629,576.
The visitors attended short cour
ses, conferences, class reunions,
and other scheduled meetings.
There weere 8,835 visitors here
for the month of April.
There were 27 different groups
on the campus during April.
Dommert Elected
Senate President
Battalion News Editor
Five students were elected to positions over opponents
and five others won undisputed victories in yesterday’s Gen
eral Elections held in the Memorial Student Center.
A total of 935 students cast votes but this figure is not
the total number of votes cast due to the fact that many
voters voted in only a few of the races and not in all ten.
Dommert President
Robert Dommert, a fifth year veterinary medicine stu
dent from Crowley, La., was elected Student Senate president
over Travis Wegenhoft by a margin of 409 votes to 339.
In the Student Senate vice-presidential race, the most
contested race in the Senate elections, Norris R. Gilbreath, a
sophomore aeronautical engi-f '
neering major from Mt. Plea
sant, won with a total of 265
Gilbreath ousted Joe Tom
Easley, Gabby Navar and Joe S.
Ternus for the post. They polled
253, 125 and 113 votes respectively.
A freshman business administra
tion major from Dallas, Jack
Spillman, was elected recording
secretary of the Senate over B. L.
Lednicky. Spillman had 358 votes
as compared with Lednicky’s 335.
Most Votes
William Frank McFarland, a
junior liberal arts major from
Wills Point, was elected Senate
parliamentarian. McFarland, who
had no opposition, polled 680
votes, the most chalked up by any
Billy B. Hutson, a junior from
Nacogdoches taking agricultural
economics, was elected chairman
of the Student Life Committee
over no opposition. Hutson polled
669 votes.
Chairmanship of the Student
Welfare Committee went to Van
R. Vanderstucken, a junior liberal
arts major from Orange, who also
had no opposition. Vanderstucken
collected 647 votes.
Bob Bower, a junior from Hous
ton taking chemical engineering,
was elected chairman of the Pub
lic Relations Committee wdth a
total of 653 votes over no opposi
The only other Student Senate
position, chairman of the Issues
Committee, went to Lee R. Rat-
(See ELECTIONS on Page 3)
Stag Barbecue
Honors Grads
Members of the Class of ’60 will
be officially welcomed into the
Association of Former Students at
the seventh annual stag barbecue
scheduled Thursday at the Grove.
The barbecue is sponsored an
nually by the Association for mem
bers of the senior class who will
graduate in June, August or Jan
uary, 1961.
Several beef steers, barbecued
by Roy Snyder, will be served
those attending along with all the
customary trimmings.
Tickets for the barbecue may be
purchased from the following sen
iors: seniors in the 1st Wing,
Allen Burns; seniors in the 2nd
Wing, Stanley Wied; seniors in
the 1st Brigade, Ray Murski; sen
iors in the 2nd Brigade, Wayne
Schneider, and seniors in the band,
Sam Langley.
Civilian seniors may purchase
their tickets from their dormitory
presidents and apartment seniors
may get theirs from any of their
They may also be picked up at
the main desk in the Memorial
Student Center, Former Students
Association offices in the MSC or
the office of W. G. Breazeale, 1-H
Cash Award from Agronomy Society
Gerald Walla, 1st Sergeant of Squadron 1,
accepts a cash award of $18.0, from Charles
Blue, president of the Agronomy Society,
for the Corps of Cadet organization having
the largest percentage of members purchas
ing tickets to the recent Cotton Ball and
Pageant. The award was made in the Agro
nomy Building last night. Squadron 1 had
a choice of a television set or an equal cash
award—they took cash.