The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 03, 1960, Image 1

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The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 107
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Outstanding Agriculture Students
... M. A. Brown, dairy professor; Willms, Runge; Dotson
(In Is landing Ag Students
Named At Alpha Zeta Meet
Battalion News Editor
The outstanding junior, sopho-
tnore and freshman in the School
)f Agriculture and officers for
the 1960-G1 school year were an
nounced last night at a meeting
of Alpha Zeta.
Walter It. Willms, an agriculture
major from Columbus, was named
outstanding junior; Richard Runge,
a range management major from
Christoval, was named outstand
ing sophomore, and James Dotson,
an agriculture major from Hearne,
was named outstanding freshman.
New Officers
Officers for next year will in
clude Jimmie Whitten, a junior
agriculture major from El Do-
li^ido, chancellor; Donald Osbourn,
a junior from Valley Springs ma
joring in agriculture, censor; Verb
Baker, a junior agricultural engi
neering major from Pecos, scribe;
Robert Pfluger, a junior from
Pflugerville majoring in agricul
tural economics, chronicler, and
Travis Wegenhoft, a junior agri
cultural economics major from
Columbus, treasurer.
Willms was elected alternate
delegate to Whitten for the Na
tional Biennial Conclave to be held
early in September in Stillwater,
Dr. Tyrus R. Timm, head of the
Department of Agricultural Eco-
Ag Players Slate
Melodrama Friday
Battalion Feature Editor
“Dirty Work at the Crossroads”, an old-fashioned melo
drama, will be presented by the Aggie Players in Guion Hall
next Friday and Saturday night starting at 8 p. m., accord
ing to C. K. Esten, producer of the group.
The show, which is patterned 4
after a typical Gay Nineties melo
drama, includes a cast of three men
and seven women, who enact the
humourously tear-jerking story of
Nellie Lovelace, an innocent coun
try girl; her lover, Adam Oakhart,
a virtuous blacksmith’s son; and
of Monro Murgutroyd, the tradi
tional villian of the melodrama.
Cast of Players
In the part of Nellie Lovelace
is Marlene Rushing; Perry Pope
and Travis Madole will alternate
the part of Adam Oakhart; Ed
Herider will star as Monro Murgu
troyd, and Sara Pate will play the
Widow Lovelace.
The cast will also feature Libby
Alexander as Ida Rhinegold; Bill
Stough as Mookie Maguggins;
Gail Wilson as Mrs. Upson Aster-
bilt; Barbara Metzer as Leonie;
Kathy Westbrook as Fleurette, and
Sharon Garrison as Little Nell.
Old-time piano music to suit the
characters will be furnished by
Mrs. Sue Medlin, and Don Rey
nolds will handle the lightings.
Sets will be done by Charles
Hearn, Henry Turner, Gary Light,
John Waddell, and Joe LaRue.
Costume Head
Mrs. Art Adamson is in charge
of costumes, and has been working
since beginning researsals in/order
to accumulate the proper types of
clothing for the production.
According to Mrs. Adamson, the
costumes are original and authen
tic pieces of apparel worn during
the period portrayed in the play,
some of the dresses being five
generations old. Mrs. Adamson
said the costumes were collected
from storage places in the attics
of friends and other interested
Persons furnishing the costumes
include Mrs. Phillip Norton, Mrs.
Dojha Carnes, Mrs. Bob Darrow,
Mrs. J. C. Culpepper, Mrs. Frank
Anderson and Mrs. Spike White,
said Mrs. Adamson.
Booing Encouraged
During the show, the audience
will be encouraged to hiss and boo
the villian, and cheer on the hero,
according to Esten. He said this
audience participation would be a
great factor in determining the
success of the show.
nomics and Sociology, delivered the
main address of the evening.
Timm spoke on “The Changing
Nature of Agriculture” and em
phasized that changes are “the
cornerstone of democracy and are
the only constant in this country.”
Retail Level Change
He emphasized that the change
at the retail level of food selling
is the most significant change in
the agriculture industry at the
present time. He said supermar
kets will handle as much as 25,000
items in only five years and the
agriculture industry is being tied
closer to supermarkets constantly.
Timm also discussed the change
in farm political strength. In so
doing he stated that only eleven
per cent of the nation’s popula
tion is now made up of farm
people. He did say, however, that,
even though the farm voters can
not elect anyone directly, no one
can be elected without their sup
Expressed Doubts
He also expressed his doubts
as to whether the average citizen
knew how much of the national
budget actually went to the farm
ers. He revealed that only ten
per cent of the nation’s $80 bil
ion budget went to the farmer.
In closing Timm explained what
he believed are two fallacies in
the industry at the present time.
One fallacy is the fact that farm
ers now control only 38 per cent
of the nation’s total business, a
figure that has been much higher
in the past.
The other fallacy was in the be
lief that farmers can feed as many
as twenty people on their own. He
said that he believed the farmer
could feed less people at present
than ever before.
Rodgers Takes All Around
Award At Annual Rodeo
Sam Houston Lass
Cops Female Title
Voting, Filing
In Progress
General Elections are being held today and filings begin
tomorrow in the Student School Elections as positions for
next year are fast being filled in the various student organi
zations on campus.
The positions, eight of which are‘ t ~
Student Senate offices, will be
filled in today’s General Elections
being held in the Memorial Stu
dent Center between the Fountain
Room and Bowling Alley.
Positions being filled are Class
Agent ’GO, civilian yell leader and
the officers and committee hpads
of the Senate.
Begins Tomorrow
Students may file beginning to
morrow at 8 a.m. af the cashier’s
window in the MSG* for the four
representatives from each academic
school to the Senate. This election
will be held Tuesday, May 17.
Allen N. Burns and George M.
flail, both seniors, are running for
the one remaining Class of ’60
position—Class Agent.
Yell Leader Candidates
Running for civilian yell leader
are Decus D. Garner, Octopus
Jackson, Ben E. Johnson, Jimmy
F. Tucker, Stan J. Wallace and
Bill L. Whitney.
Travis Wegenholt and Roland
Dommert are vying for Student
Senate president, while Joe Tom
Easley, Norris Gilbreath, Gabby
Navar and Joe S. Ternus are in
the running for vice-president.
For recording secretary are
B. L. Lednicky and Jack Spillman
while Frank McFarland is running
unopposed for parliamentarian.
All Unopposed
Candidates for committee heads,
all running unopposed, are Billy
Hutson, Van Vanderstucken, Bob
Bower and Lee 'R. Ratliff for the
Student Life Committee, Student
Welfare Committee, Public Rela
tions Committee and Great Issues
Committee respectively.
In today’s election, which will
conclude at 5:30 p.m., military stu
dents will use the first four voting
machines, civilian students will
use the next two and seniors will
use the one closest to the Bowling
Taylor, Ingram, Liebhafsky
Receive Appreciation Awards
Last night in the Memorial Student Center Lloyd C.
Taylor, E. E. Liebhafsky and James D. Ingram were presented
Appreciation Awards by the Arts and Sciences Council. These
annual awards are presented by the representatives on the
and Sciences Council “in 4
grateful acknowledgment of qual
ities manifested in and out of the
classroom. . .” The professors
were presented with citations and
Parker desk sets.
After receiving the award Tay
lor said, “Good teaching requires
good students.” Liebhafsky, the
only other recipient present, added
to what Taylor said, ‘Not only do
I feel that this is a great honor,
but I shall interpret this a a gen
eral endorsement of my teaching
philosophy that the purpose of a
college education is to teach one
to think.”
Also, at this last meeting of
this school year, the Council elected
Tony Giardina, business major
from Beaumont, as the president
for next year.
Before the outgoing president,
Tucker Sutherland, turned his
chair over to Giardina to dismiss
the meeting, Dr. F. W. R. Hubert
informed the council that the ex
ecutive committee of A&M has
decided not to require all grad
uating seniors to take final exams.
The council last year turned in a
recommendation to the committee
that all seniors be, allowed to take
finals if they so desired. How
ever, the council had heard that
the committee had taken their
recommendation and come up with
the ide^i of mandatory finals for
all seniors.
Garrett Speech Tops Week
Will Open
The traditional flower pinning
ceremony will again open the
- Mothers’ Day program here Sun
day. The ceremony will be held
in front of the cadet dormitories
at 8 a.m.
A review of the Corps of Ca
dets will get under way at 9 a.m.,
followed by the awards presenta
tion and an exhibition by the
Freshman Drill team. These
events will be held on the main
drill field in front of the Me
morial Student Center.
Church services will be at 11
a.m., in Guion Hall, with the
A&M Mother of the Year attend
Parents will lunch with the
Corps of Cadets at 12:30 p.m.
and at 1:30 the Ross Volunteers,
honor military guard at the Col
lege, will give an exhibition.
Open house will be in the dorm
itories from 1 to 4 p.m.
Parents and visitors are due
to begin arriving Saturday. Fa
cilities of the College will be
open to the public.
A&M Mothers
Meet Saturday
The 31st annual meeting of the
Federation of A'&M Mothers’
Clubs, will be held Saturday in
the Memorial Student Center.
The meeting will be preceded
by a coffee for delegates with the
Brazos County Mothers’ Club as
Mrs. Ellsworth S. Lorms of San
Antonio, president of the federa
tion, will preside over the meeting
which begins at 10 a.m. in the
Reports of local clubs will be
given and yearbooks and history
books will be on display from some
50 clubs of the federation.
Highlight of the annual meeting
will be the election and installa
tion of new officers for the com
ing year.
Preceding the regular meeting,
there will be a board meeting in
the Birch Room Friday beginning
at 2 p.m. at which time all board
members and presidents of local
clubs will attend.
Battalion Managing Editor
“There are ho panaceas, no easy
solutions, no dogmas, no all-wise
conferences to settle the problems
of our relations with Latin Amer
ica,” said Glenn E. Garrett in the
vvrapup speech of Pan-American
Week in the Memorial Student
Center Friday night.
“It is a field that embraces 21
countries in different stages of
progress and maturity, different
in size, population, wealth, race,
history, traditions,” the executive
director of the Good Neighbor
Commission of Texas added. “Hm
mility might be the first requisite
for the diplomat, the student and
the businessman. Those who work
with open minds in this vast field
will not, in Bolivar’s phrase, ‘be
ploughing water’.”
Wrapup of the Week
Garrett’s speech wrapped up a
full week of activities of the an
nual Pan American Week, headed
this year by Jose Buentello. A
dance Sunday, April 24, kicked off
the week.
A full-length movie, entitled
“The Magnificent Matador” and
several short documentary films
provided entertainment Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday.
During the week, displays of
several Latin American countries’
arts, crafts and folklore were in
all the cases and display windows
in the MSC. Food was served
with the emphasis on Latin Amer
ican flavor, adding to the atmos
Continuing Speech
Garrett said the cold war be
tween the U. S. and Russia is not
nearly as important to us as are
the problems of inflation, economic
development, foreign trade, educa
tion—things, which if neglected,
can make us the easy prey of Com
munist propaganda.
“Let me describe some of these
problems briefly,” continued Gar
rett. “Latin America as a whole
has a population of about 185 mil
lion people scattered over 7% mil
lion square miles, about 23 persons
per square mile against 57 in the
U. S.
Teacher Shortage
“Published figures related to
1950, record that at least half of
the people in Latin America could
neither read nor write. Those who
do go to school rarely reach the
top grades. There is a chronic
shortage of teachers and facilities
in the face of a fast growing birth
rate. We assume that Spahish is
the only tongue spoken, outside
of Haiti, Brazil and the United
States. In many of the so-called
Spanish-speaking countries, the
majority speak and understand a
great variety of dialects, mostly
Indian types.”
Increased Demand for Goods
Garrett told the group there is
an increased demand for consumer
and luxury goods, based an aspira
tions for social betterment. He j
continued that exports of Latin |
America consist largely of primary
products, such as foodstuffs, raw i
materials and minerals, the prices
of which are subject to wide fluc
tuations on the world market.
Major Complaints
The major complaints brought
against us, Garrett said, are:
1. We neglect the economic prob- ;
lems of Latin America and con-
centrate on European and Asian j
2. We are imperialistic.
3. We are friendly to dictators;
4. The news media of the U. S.
do not tell the story of the rest of
the Americas.
He gave examples of each
charge and answers to each.
In the wrapup of his speech,
Garrett said, “Perhaps the wisest
progression (to Latin American
understanding) would be thus:
sympathy, knowledge, understand
ing, and above all, patience.”
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Battalion News Editor
Royce Rodgers from Southwest Texas Junior College
was named All Around Cowboy at the A&M-NIRA Rodeo at
the Aggie Rodeo Arena last Saturday. For his efforts he
went home with a hand tooled trophy saddle made by L.
White of Ft. Worth. The saddle bore the inscription, “All
Around Cowboy, 1960—Texas A&M-NIRA Rodeo.”
A similar saddle made by Stelzig Saddles of Houston went
to Karen Mangum from Sam Houston State College, named
All Around Cowgirl.
Rodgers won first in the bull riding and ribbon- roping
events and was entered in the tie down calf roping and steer
wrestling events as well.
Second in Both
Miss Mangum was second in
both girls’ events, the barrel
race and goat tying.
Greg Rollich from McNesse
College won the bareback bronc
riding. Jerry Smith from East
Texas State College was second.
A sterling silver trophy belt
buckle went to Rodney Butler,
A&M, for placing first in the sad
dle bronc event. Bill Hood from
McNeese College placed second for
his ride.
Phillip Cox, junior range man
agement from Baytown, was sec
ond in the bull riding and Albert
Williamson from the University
of Texas won second place honors
in the ribbon roping. Both events
were won by the all around cow
boy, Rodgers.
Wrestling Winner
First place in steer wrestling
went to Kennith Beasley, a fifth
year veterinary medicine major
from Freeport. John Beall, a
fourth year veterinary medicine
major from Nacogdoches, took
second in the event.
Two brothers, Kenneth and Jack
Burkholder from Texas A&I won
first and second place, respectively,
in the tie down calf roping event.
In the girls’ events, Pat Mc
Daniel from Texas Christian Uni
versity won the barrel race and
Carol Sage from McNeese College
walked away with the trophy
buckle for best time in goat tying.
The National Intercollegiate Ro
deo Assn, has planned two more
rodeos this year, according to Bob
by Bennett, rodeo secretary. The
three day rodeos will be held at
Stephen F. Austin State College
at Nacogdoches May 12-14 and Mc
Neese College, Lake Charles, La.,
May 19-20. The A&M Rodeo Club
will be represented at both events,
Bennett said.
D. D. Burchard
To Head State
SDX Group
Donald D. Burchard, head of the
Department of Journalism, has
been named chairman of the Com
mittee for Cooperation with Jour
nalism Departments and Under
graduate Chapters of the Texas
State Assn, of Sigma Delta Chi,
it was announced in Dallas Sun
day by George Haddaway, presi
dent of the professional journalism
Burchard’s committee will work
with Sigma Delta Chi chapters,
journalism departments in colleges
throughout Texas and high school
journalism teachers. The aims of
the committee are to interest out
standing Texas high school grad
uates in pursuing professional
journalism as a career, providing
financial aid to journalism stu
dents through a scholarship and
loan fund program and operation
of a speakers’ bureau to provide
journalism departments with a
source of professional journalists
able to speak on a variety of sub
jects, Burchard said.
Serving with Burchard on the
committee are Albert Nibling,
publisher of the Sherman Demo
crat; Pat O’Brien, city editor of
the Houston Press; Walter Humph
rey, editor of the Ft. Worth Press;
Delbert McGuire, journalism pro
fessor at North Texas State Col
lege and Norris Davis, University
of Texas journalism instructor.
Humor at the annual A&M Rodeo
... clown John Routh in action