The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 29, 1960, Image 1
Volume 59 The Battalion COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1960 Number 106 y i • mm. m I > i I •% ■ m ■h; imm m I ' i * <d ■ Aggie Rodeo Action . . . ril)hon roping event W! I li I t:-/ '* | g ; • ■ . ii * #•• «<V‘ v.-J'fc Top College Cowboys Compete For Honors In Annual Rodeo Bill Daniel Opens 1 '■? m swpyj / m a s t l 11 th Annual Event By BOB SLOAN Battalion News Editor The 11th Annual Texas Aggie NIRA Rodeo got under way last night at the Aggie Rodeo Arena as cowboys and cowgirls from all over the state competed in eight rough-and- tumble events ranging from bronco riding to goat tieing. The traditional grand entry was led by Bill Daniel, brother of Texas Gov. Price Daniel and Liberty, Tex. rancher. Daniel Opens Show Following the grand entry, Daniel opened the gate to “shoot number one,” out of which rode Bill Gradick, an exhibitionist bareback bronc rider from Kingsville who start ed the action. The only competing bareback bronc rider to score in ^ ^ ^ last night’s trials was Ross Vets To Visit Aggie Rodeo Thirty patients from the Vet erans Administration Center in Temple will be the guests of A&M and the Texas Aggie Rodeo Assn, for the 11th Annual NIRA Rodeo Saturday, according to P. L. f ‘Pinkie” Downs, Jr., official greet er of the college. The group will be met by Downs Saturday morning and will have Duncan Dining Hall. After attending the rodeo at 2 p.m., the group will return to Duncan for the evening meal, Downs said. Jim Duran, one of the group, will serve as trip supervisor. He is an ex-rodeo performer, said Downs, and is especially interested in rodeo trips throughout the year. “This is one way we have of paying tribute to those men who have given so much that we may continue to enjoy the blessings of a free nation,” Downs said. Martella from the University of Houston. Martella scored 160 in the event. The next event of the eve ning was the tiedown calf roping. This is a timed event, the man roping and tieing his calf in the shortest time being the winner. A time of 13.4 seconds put Bud Penn from Texas Christian Uni versity in front for this event. Royce Rodgers, Southwest Texas Junior College, was second with a time of 14.8 seconds. Girls’ Event The girls’ barrel race saw Pat McDaniel from TCU run the course in 20 seconds flat to get the top time in the first trial. Judy Mann from the University of Texas was second with 20.8 seconds and Melissa Shepherd from TCU was third with 21.5 seconds. Kennith Beasley, a fifth year veterinary medicine major from Freeport took top time in the steer wrestling, bringing his ani mal down in 4.9 seconds. Second place went to Chuck Coats from (See RODEO on Page 3) i t : ii i i Si- Start of a Rough Road . . . bull riding competition '-Mi A ■ Bull Riding Tumble , . . rugged rodeo action AWARDS FETE FEATURES ADDRESS BY TOWERY “The Debt of a Journalist” was the topic for the address delivered by Kenneth Towery, correspondent for Newspapers, Inc. and Pulitzer Prize winner who was guest speaker at the 4th Annual Journalism Awards Banquet held in the assembly room of the Memorial Studenft— — Center last night. The columnist’s talk dealt with the key to becoming a successful journalist, which is the student’s searching his soul as to his goal in life, and doing the best job he can. Following Towery’s talk, various awards were given to members of the faculty, students, and their wives. Sigma Delta Chi awards for newspaper writing were presented by Robbie Godwin, president of the A&M Chapter-of Sigma Delta Chi. Receiving awards were the following: best editorial, Bill Hicklin; best sports story, Joe Callicoatte; best news story and best feature story, Johnny Johnson. Awards for outstanding work in the Advertising Club were pre sented to Bobby Dodson and Collier (See AWARDS on Page 3) Buddy Brock . . . Ring Dance Performer Ring Dance Ticket Sale Starts Monday Tickets go on sale Monday at 8 a.m. in the Office of Student Activities in the MSC for the May 14 Senior Ring Dance. Tickets are $3 for the banquet, $2.75 for the two pictures and $3.25 for the dance itself. George Nigh, the new Lieuten ant Governor of Oklahoma, has been revealed as the speaker for the event. Nigh, at the age of 32, is the youngest lieutenant gover nor in the history of Oklahoma and also the youngest lieutenant governor serving at the present time in the entire nation. A teacher by profession. Nigh has taught history and government at McAlester High School. He has served as state secretary and state director of the Oklahoma Junior Chamber of Commerce and is pres ently a director of the McAlester Jaycees. He has also received the Distinguished Service Award from McAlester three times and has served as state president of the Oklahoma Young Democrats. In 1950, at the age of 22, he was elected to the State Legislature as a Pittsburgh County Represen tative, at the time the youngest member of that body. He com pleted his fourth term in the House just prior to being elected to his present position. The Buddy Brook Orchestra, composed of 15 pieces and a girl vocalist, will provide the music for the dance. This popular band, which plays every style of music, presents un usual novelty instrumental and singing specialties and features a Dixieland group known as the -South Rampart Seven. Falsification Of ID Cards Not Possible The Registrar’s Office has re cently had a number of cases of students who had “lost” their identification cards and submit ted application for new cards with the date of birth on the new application a year earlier than shown in the Registrar’s files, assuming that checking of prev ious records was not done. This falsification of records was presumably done in order to facilitate the purchase of alco holic beverages by individuals several months under the legal age, according to Dean of Stu dents James P. Hannigan. Hannigan also said that in at least one instance the original identification card was not lost and the duplicate was given to a minor by an individual of legal age. The Dean of Students said the students should not make the erroneous assumption that ages for identification were not check ed and such falsification of of ficial information was of little consequence. FFA Judging Contests Set Here Saturday Annual State Future Farmers of America Judging Contests will be held in Aggieland Saturday, with nearly 1,500 high school stu dents and 350 vocational agricul ture teachers attending. Ninety teams, the top 10 per cent of Texas judging teams, are scheduled to enter into one or more parts of the all day agri cultural event. Over-all contest chairman of the five division judging event is Dr. J. R. Jackson, associate professor in the same department. These divisions are livestock, dairy cat tle, dairy products and poultry and poultry products., Beginning at 7:30 a.m. the con tests will be held at the follow ing sites: livestock judging in the Animal Husbandry Pavilion, dairy products in the Agricultural En gineering Building, dairy judging in the dairy center, poultry in the poultry center and meats judging in the meats laboratory of the Ani mal Husbandry Building. Garrett Talks At Pan - Am A smorgasbord dinner and a speech by Glenn E. Garrett, executive director of the Good Neighbor Commission of Tex as, will highlight Pan American Week activities tonight. Garrett’s talk, one of the most important events on this year’s program, is scheduled for^ — 8 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the Memorial Student Center. Garrett’s topic will be “Toward an Understanding of Pan American ism.” Latin American Dinner A Latin American dinner will precede Garrett’s speech at 6 p.m. in the Dining Room. Garrett will be an honored guest at the dinner. Tickets are priced at $1.50 per person. Included on the menu for the meal are the following: Salads include Fargo en en- salada, guacamole and carne a la jardinera. Choice of meats will be arroz con polio, enchiladas, frijoles con queso, pernil do cerdo and lengua en salsa dulce. Desserts are ensalada de frutas frescas, and alfajores de maizena. French bread and tortillas are also included on the menu. A reception for Garrett, spon sored by the Pan American Round Table, will follow Pis speech later in the evening. A&M Graduate Garrett was born, in Weimar and attended public schools there and in La Grange. He was graduated from A&M in 1926 with a degree in Agricultural Administration. He was stationed in Europe during World War II as a captain and major in the U. S. Army. From 1943 to 1946, he took part in U. S. Military Government for Germany. As a civilian employee of the Department of the Army, Garrett acted as chief of the Labor Division of the U. S. High Commission for Germany. Returning to Texas in 1953, he took his present position with the Good Neighbor Commission in January, 1954. ‘Cafe Tropical’ Pan American Week, which be gan Sunday, will be brought to a close Saturday night with a Latin American dance, “Cafe Tropical.” The dance will be held in the Lower Level of the MSC and will last from 8 p.m. until 12. Music for the dance will be pro vided by Bo Lee and his band. Decorations and music will be in a tropical vein. Special entertain ment is scheduled during the eve ning by a Latin American trio from Matamoros, the Trio Los Chachos. Members of the Pan American Club will also perform special acts during the dance. Tickets for the dance are $1.50 per couple and can be purchased at the door or from any member of the Pan American Club. Documentary Films Documentary films on Latin American countries and their cus toms will be shown at 1 p.m. Satur day in the Lobby of the MSC. Latin American art, crafts, flags and folklore exhibits will be dis played in the MSC through Satur day. CONCLUDES TUESDAY Cotton Congress To Open Monday By ALAN PAYNE Battalion News Editor The twenty-first annual meeting of the American Cotton Congress will meet on campus in the Me morial Student Center Monday and Tuesday. The theme of the conference, which will feature exhibits, panel discussions and speeches, is “Cot ton’s Dynamic Sixties.” The Congress’s opening session will be held Monday morning at 9:30 in the MSC Ballroom follow ing the registration proceedings in the lobby of the MSC. Following the invocation by the Rev. James B. Argue of the A&M Methodist Church, President Earl Rudder will deliver the welcoming address. Following the response by C. R. Sayre, President of the Staple Cotton Cooperative’ Assn., Greenwood, Miss., the keynote ad dress will be offered by Burris C. Jackson, General Chairman of the Congress. Cotton Situation A talk by Lamar Fleming, Jr., Chairman of the Board, Anderson, Clayton and Co., Houston, concern ing the world cotton situation will then conclude the opening session. A student panel discussion on “What Cotton’s Future and Chal lenge Means to Me” will highlight the afternoon session Monday. Stu dents participating will be Ralph E. Peterson, a senior agricultural engineering major from Dane- vang; John G. Thomas, a senior from Hereford majoring in agri cultural economics and sociology, and Sami Radwan, an agronomy Ph.D. student from Cairo, Egypt. Also on the Monday afternoon session will be an address by Rhea Blake, Executive Vice President of the National Cotton Council, Mem phis, on “The Supply and Demand for Cotton”; a report on “Cutting Cotton Production Costs” by Fred Elliott, Cotton Specialist, A&M Extension Service, and a panel dis cussion by three well-known state farmers on “Understanding Farm er’s Cotton Problems.” These farmers will be Dan Pus- tejovsky of Hillsboro, J. M. Sch- rum of Sugar Land and W. P. Mat tox of Pecos. The Monday evening session, also in the MSC Ballroom, will feature an address by Frank A. Southard, Jr., U. S. Director of the International Monetary Fund in Washington. Southard, who is considered the top monetary expert in the country and has held his position since 1949, will speak on “The Interna tional Financial Position of the United States.” A. E. Hohenberg, Hohenberg Bros. Co., Memphis, will speak on “Cotton’s Choice: Vital Self-Re liance of Government Dependency” following Southard’s address Mon day evening to conclude the pro gram. Tuesday morning’s session, the only meeting not being held in the MSC, will be held in Guion Hall and will highlight another panel discussion on “What We Think About Cotton Legislation, Present and Future.” Participating in the discussion will be Wilmer Smith, President, American Cotton Producers Assn., Wilson, Tex., and Ernest Carpen ter, Greenwood Mills, Greenwood, S. C. Also on the Tuesday morning program will be addresses on “What’s New With Wash-and- Wear Fabrics” by Howard Wad dle,- West Point Manufacturing Co., West Point, Ga. and. “Looking to 1970—and Beyond” by Robert L. Skrabanek, A&M Department of Agricultural Economics and Soci ology. A joint luncheon session with the College Station Kiwanis Club will, be held Tuesday at noon for the delegates. All those planning to attend will be required to pur chase tickets at the registration desk in the MSC before 10 a.m. Tuesday. An address by Byron T. Shaw, (See COTTON on Page 3) Prospect High In Soil Sample Process Report If the first four-month period of 1960 is an accurate indicator, this year promises to set a record volume of soil samples processed at the Soil Testing Laboratory. The laboratory handled 4,241 samples during January, February, March and April of 1959. But that figure for the same period this . year has jumped to 8,281 samples. Dr. William Bennett, soil chem ist with the Texas Agricultural Extension Service, listed the fol lowing reasons for the upsurge in soil sampling by farmers: (1) The recent intensified soil fertility program in 12 pilot coun ties in the state. (2) Increased interest in ferti lizer use because of generally fa vorable moisture conditions. (3) In the current cost-price squeeze, farmers are attempting to cut production costs by de termining specific plant food needs instead of just applying any kind of fertilizer in any amounts and hoping for the best. Bennett said interest also had increased because county agricul tural agents encourage fertilizer use, farm publications advocate the practice in articles and farmers are becoming less skeptical of soil tests and are accepting it as a valuable production tool. The Wharton County Junior College Soil Testing Laboratory, » Baylor County Soil Testing Labora-X . tory and Stephen F. Austin Stafee^ College Soil Testing Laboratory at Nacogdoches have experienced sim ilar jumps in soil sample volume, Bennett said. He said soil samples sent here still cost only $1 each and repre sent one of the best investments and services available to Texas farmers. “Information obtained from a soil analysis can tell the farmer what plant nutrients are needed and those not needed,” the chem ist said. “In other words, it helps him make wiser use of fertilizer expenditures.” Samples can be taken at any time of the year but Dr. Bennett recommends that the job be done . one to two months before ferti lizer is to be applied. Forms and soil sampling meth ods are available in any county agricultural agent’s office.