The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 28, 1960, Image 2

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Page 2 College Station, Texas Thursday, April 28, 1960
, |
Worth Mentioning )
By Johnny Johnson
A year ago control of The Battalion came into the hands
of a new group of dedicated men and now today two of this
number prepare to turn over the control of The Battalion to
new hands.
Myself and Bob Saile are the outgoing members of The
Battalion staff. Two of the group which took control last
year—Bob Weekley and Dave Stoker—departed at the end
of the first semester.
Tomorrow Bill Hicklin assumes editorship of The Bat
talion. Names appearing in bylines tomorrow and next year
will be familiar to Battalion readers—most of them are men
who have served on The Battalion during the past year.
But the names are the only*'
thing that will be the same
about these men, for tomor
row all of them will assume
new positions of responsibili
On May 1, 1959, The Battalion,
under its then new leadership,
pledged itself to “. . .work for
and favor any plan which we be
lieve wil help make Texas A&M
an even better and greater insti
At the same time we promised
to “carefully study and evaluate
each situation on its own merits
and then make decisions regard
ing editorial policy.”
We feel that we have done our
best to live up to the goals we
set for ourselves. We hope part
of our readers share these views.
The year of my editorship has
seen many changes at Texas
In May a dean of students was
named and the Aggies won the
Southwest Conference Baseball
Crown. During the summer a
new dean of the School of Arts
and Sciences was named. Last
fall, enrollment showed an in
crease, freshman drop-outs were
reduced, and the number of soph
omores returning showed .an in
crease and the Ags went through
another Christmas holiday with
out any fatalities. This spring
President Earl Rudder was in
stalled. These were happenings
on the bright side.
On the darker side of the pic
ture, two Aggies died violent
deaths last May and another met
a similar fate this April, Dean
of the College and Graduate
School John B. Page announced
earlier this month his resigna
tion to take a job at Iowa State
and the Texas Legislature de
layed until almost the opening
of the fall semester before an
nouncing its reduced appropria
tions for Texas A&M for 1959-61.
These are just a few of the
things we remember during the
past 12 months. There were
many more, both good and bad.
Other things an editor remem
bers are the phone calls he gets
from people complaining that
their name was misspelled or that
a story about their favorite or
ganization was left out. Such
things as these 'happen daily.
These people think the editor
puts out the paper singlehanded-
ly. They don’t stop to think of
all the other responsibilities that
belong to the editor or the vast
number- of people who work to
gether to put out an issue of The
Approximately 25 to 30 people
work four days a week to put out
The Battalion. This number in
cludes reporters—the backbone of
any publication—photographers,
editors, typesetters, pressmen,
printers, circulation people, book
keepers and advertising salesman.
Not included are the people who
are not regular workers on The
Battalion who turn in the many
news tips we get without which
no publication could survive. The
Battalion is also continuously in
debt to the many people who give
such splendid cooperation when
called by a reporter for a story.
These are some of the things
that come to this editor’s mind
when he looks back over the past
year. Unfortunately all of his
memories are not pleasant ones,
but I am grateful that the pleas
ant ones far outnumber the un
pleasant ones.
Fortunately a publication does
not die when the editorship
changes. The only thing that
may change is the personality of
the publication. The Battalion
will continue to be one of the
class of enterprises which puts
out its mistakes for everyone to
see—something newspapers have
been doing since their inception
and will continue to do as long
hs' they’ are published.
I cannot begin to thank all
the many people who have helped
me during the past year. All I
can do is ask one more favor of
them—that they give Bill Hick
lin and his staff the same fine
cooperation they have seen fit
to give me and my staff.
As this will be the last appear
ance of Worth Mentioning and
my last effort as editor of The
Battalion, I consider it appropri
ate to end this column with an
old journalist’s term for the end
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Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu-
ieni writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non
profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op
erated by students as a community newspaper and is under
the supervision of the director of Student Publications, at
Texas A&M College.
Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of
Student Publications, chairman ; Dr. A. L. Bennett, School of Arts and Sciences; Dr.
1C. J. Koenig, School of Engineering; Otto R. Kunze, School of Agriculture; and Dr.
K D. McMurry School of Veterinary Medicine.
The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College
RLaU'Ti, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods,
September through May, and once a week during summer school.
Entered as second-class
atter at the Post Office
College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March 8. 1870.
The Associated Press
Texas Press Ass’n.
Represented nationally by
N a t i o n a 1 Advertising
Services, Inc., New York
City, Chicago, Los An
geles and San Francisco.
The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of
ipontaneous origin published herein. Rights of republication of all other matter here
in are also reserved.
Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester, $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year.
Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion Room 4. YMCA.
College Station, Texas.
News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-8618 or VI 6-4910 or at the
rditorial office. Room 4, YMCA. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6415.
tatt^my JOHNSON - - EDITOR
Bill Hicklin Managing Editor
Joe Cailicoatte Sports Editor
Robbie Godwin News Editor
“ .. . after giving this much thought, I’ve decided to withdraw from th’ rodeo this week
Letters To The Editor
The Battalion welcomes letters to the editor but reserves the right to edit lette
Molokai, the leper colony in Ha
waii, is an island 40 miles long and
7 miles wide.
for brevity, clearness and accuracy. Short letters stand a better chance for
publication since space is at a premium. Unsigned letters will not be published...
The Battalion:
A hearty congratulations should
be given to that worthy soul
whose responsibility it is to pro
vide obstacles to the educational
process at A&M. Certainly he
spends many long hours—much
more than the usual eight per
day—at his task. As evidence
of this, we see in action every
day, the perfectly coordinated
scheme he has devised.
Just today, I saw and experi
enced many of his ingenious op
erations. Early this morning, I
arrived at the Academic Building
in time to see the arrival of the
merry tin-snippers. These people
have an excellent repertoire of
discord with which they serenade
the busy students, but this is not
their best weapon against our
education. When I arrived at
the room where I customarily
meet my morning class, I found
that some genius—and he must
have been a genius—had decided
to use this room for a warehouse.
An excellent use for the room, I
say—much better than leaving it
in the irresponsible hands of
some mad educator.
This was only the first of many
such diversions available today.
Later on in the morning, I wit
nessed the execution of a capital
idea. You see, our trusty coord
inator of interference found that
if one turns the sprinkler system
on just before the hour, the stu
dents can’t go to class. Of course,
some brave spirits do dash
through the watery cross-fires
and go anyway, but they just
aren’t playing fair.
Of course, the attack upon
study in the dormitories must be
mentioned. With excellent fore
sight, he has unleashed fiery and
unmuffled lawnmowers to circle
regularly all dormitories during
the day, and then at night, he
delivers the supreme attack. A
distinguished team of ex-armor
Raymond A. Nolan
Precinct No. 1
Courteous, Efficient, Experi
enced, and Honest
Pd. Pol. Adv. ,
The Triangle
Is Now A
Featuring 28
Flavors Of Ice Cream
makers, gathered from afar for
this campaign, arrives every
night and holds a reunion around
the garbage cans of each dorm.
This coupled with the whining of
the wonderful white conveyance
manages to put the finishing
touches on his campaign for the
In the light of these and other
truly worthwhile efforts of this
gentleman, I say and I’m sure
you will agree, this man deserves
a hearty “Well done!”
Harley H. McAdams, ’60
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Associated Press News Analyst
American people are being pre
pared not to expect much more
from the Paris summit meeting
May 16 than a pleasant get-
together between the West and
the Soviet Union.
Is anything going to be solved
there ? Probably not.
President Eisenhower Wednes
day and French President Charles
de Gaulle last week played down
the idea of solutions and played
up the hope the summit would
produce better relations with the
A great deal of time, a number
of meetings, and a lot of visiting
back and forth by heads of state
and their foreign ministers have
gone into the preparations of the
Western Alies for the Paris con
What they seem to lack is new
ideas. What they seem to have is
rigidity. If all that the statesmen
and diplomats have said — in
speeches, statements and com-
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6 INCH 1039
By Charles M. Schub
shall go home Also, And
muniques—could be wrapped into
one tight bundle this would be it:
They are determined to stand
solidly together in resisting
Soviet demands; they haven’t
talked of making demands of
their own.
At his news conference Wednes
day Eisenhower was asked about
his hopes for the summit session
with De Gaulle, Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev, and British
Prime Minister Harold Macmil
“I think the most we can hope
for, at this time,” he said, “is
ease of tensions, so some evidence
that we are coming closer to
gether ■— sufficiently so that
people have a right to feel a little
bit more confident in the world
in which they are living and its
“Now, how this might come
about I don’t know. There is, of
course, the subject of ceasing of
tests, and with a controlled sys
tem for that, for developing some
step in disarmament, and for
greater contacts, particularly cul
tural contacts. I think that there
are a number of ways in which
this might begin. And that’s
about all you can say.”
This was pretty much an echo
of what De Gaulle had said re
peatedly at different places on
his visit to Washington last week.
He told a National Press Club
luncheon that the matter of re
lations between East and West is
the question with which the sum
mit conference “primarily must
He said this would create the
atmosphere for handling other
problems like disarmament, Ger
many, and aid for underdevelpped
countries. He said solutions for
them “at the moment are impos
mm m| mgm ' mmm
Friends, if you haven’t got a
system, you are nowhere. No
matter how strict the rules are at
coed colleges, some students find
a way to beat it. For example, at
the University of California, after
telephone connections go off at 11
p.m. study lamps become a means
for flashing Morse code signals to
the opposite sex.
And what about the new styles
of dormitories—with all the square
projections from the windows?
They are converted into a mon
strous chessboard.
These and other antics of the
California group are pictured in
LIFE this week.
Sports Sacrifices
Many recruiting drives have
been made for players in the newly-
organized American Football
League, but none so strange as
the Los Angeles club. They tried
their fans for prospective talent,
inviting them to a public tryout.
Many fudged a little about their
weight, but all sizes and types
showed up, from bartenders to
stunt men.
After several bay windows had
been knocked in and other odd
injuries had been received, three
were accepted to the Chargers’
summer camp.
French Grandeur
French President Charles De-
Gaulle’s visit to the United States
prompted a picture series on some
of France’s beautiful shrines and
statues of their heroic past.
The color series in LIFE
sents these places in all
scenic grandeur, and if any of you
armchair world-travelers desire
some sights to add to your reper
toire, here is your chance.
Korean Riots
From peace in France to riots
in Korea as university students
face police in protest of the elec
tions held lasE March. The police
men killed three in quelling the
riot, and the pictures of the story
unfold on LIFE’s pages this week.
An eye-witness report from
TIME-LIFE’s Tokyo Bureau Chiel
tells the story of the rioting from
the point of view of the man on
the street, which is exactly where
Alexander Campbell was.
Everyone must have his try at
the trampoline, the new challenge
to the American people. This sport
requires quite a bit more exertion
than a hula-hoop, and is consider
ably more dangerous. So any of
you amateurs proceed with caution
and don’t get too many ideas from
the pictures shown in LIFE.
School Problems
The dropout figures from the
nation’s high schools are rising
daily, and LIFE sets out to show
the problem this week, and pro
pose a solution next week.
This problem is tragic to the
boys and girls involved, and a
study is definitely going to be of
interest to educators all over the
English Sports
Steeplechasing, that ancient
sport involving dangers to men
and horses from falls and the
barriers themselves, is covered in
chlor by LIFE’s photographers. All
the beauty and thrill of the sport,
plus the aftermath, is captured in
this series. Add these to your
world travels folder, all you who
plan a voyage to merrie England
this summer or so.
Ever wonder what happened to
real burlesque, that which was so
popular even before the Ziegfeld
era? Here are the facts:
In this issue of LIFE the story,
taken from a book to be published
soon, is told ow how bankers, law
yers and their families turned out
to watch the shows of the 1870’s.
It's rise and fall, and a complete
coverage of the best acts in be
tween are told in full.
Are you missing your LIFE?