The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 28, 1960, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 105
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Touch of Color
Hardy L. Francis, employe in the Memorial
Student Center Dining Room, has added a
can Week. All employes in the Dining Room
are sporting colorful serapes and sombreors
touch of color to his uniform for Pan-Ameri- to blend with the decorations in the MSC.
Latin American Presidents
Praise Pan American Week
With some Pan American Week
events completed and others sched
uled for the remainder of the
week, interest in this annual event
can be evidenced from letters sent
to the Pan American Club by
presidents of Latin American re
Letters from presidents or their
representatives have been received
by Jose Buentello, president of the
club, which represent the countries
of Colombia, Panama, Mexico, the
Dominican Republic and Costa
Virgilio Diaz Grullon, assistant
secretary of state of the Domin-
i:an Republic, writes:
Atomic Exhibit
To Be Shown
At Open House
A special free exhibit of the
U. S. Atomic Energy Commission
will be shown at A&M, May 1-12,
under sponsorship of the School of
Engineering and the Texas Engi
neering Experiment Station.
The exhibit, entitled “Summary
of Atomic Energy,” will be shown
in connection with A&M open
house activities of Mother’s Day
The “Summary of Atomic En
ergy” is an exhibit of 18 panels
that present the story of atomic
energy in concise, easy-to-under-
stand terms. One panel describes
the principal components of the
atom. Another describes the fis
sion process, whereby ti’emendous
power is obtained by the splitting
of atoms of heavy elements such
as uranium and plutonium. Still
others show how radioactive iso
topes are used in agriculture, medi
cine and industry.
In addition to tke two panels
are two components,- activated by
the visitor, that show the workings
of a nuclear-energy plant for the
production of electricity and de
scribe the fusion process, in which
powder is obtained by combining
atoms of light elements at ex
tremely high temperatures—the
opposite of the fission process.
Another striking display is a
three-foot model of the N. S. Sa
vannah—the nation's first nuclear-
powered merchant vessel.
All of the Atomic Energy Com
mission’s tree traveling exhibits,
including the “Summary of Atomic
Energy,” are operated for the
Commission by the Museum Divi
sion of the Oak Ridge Institute
of Nuclear Studies, Oak Ridge,
Tenn.—a non-profit educational
corporation of southern universi
ties and colleges.
“Generalisimo Trujillo sends his
best wishes for a successful and
happy celebration of Pan Amer
ican Week and is pleased to ex
press to you, and through you to
the members of the Pan American
Club, his sincere congratulations
for their enthusiastic contribution
to such a worthy celebration.”
Ernesto De La Guardia, Jr.,
president of Panama, writes the
“I believe that the students of
America. . .can create a common
respect through which we may be
bound together in the ideals' of
democracy and self-improvement
as we seek to defend our peoples
against those foreign influences
which are contrary to our history
and traditions.
“I am pleased to hear that you
are celebrating Pan American
Week. . .”
Governor’s Memorandum
Texas Governor Price Daniel, in
an official memorandum, recently
designated April 14 as Pan Amer
ican Day in Texas, and April 10-16
as Pan American Week. Pan
American Week is being observed
here at this time because of a con
flict with other events in previous
Three documentary films will be
shown at 7:30 p.m. today in the
Lobby of the Memorial Student
Center. Films to be shown are
“A Good Neighbor Family,” “High
Spots of a High .Country,” and
“Mexico City.” The films are
open to the public and are free of
Speech By Garrett
Friday’s activities include a
speech by Glenn Garrett, execu
tive director of the Good Neighbor
Commission of Texas, at 8 p^n.
in the Assembly Room. A Latin
American smorgasbord will be
held at 6 p.m. in the Dining Room,
prior to Garrett’s talk. Tickets
for the meal are $1.50 per person.
The week’s events will be con
cluded with a dance, “Cafe Tropi
cal,” scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Sat
urday in the MSC’s Lower Level.
Music will be provided by Bo Lee
and his band. Tickets are $1.50
per couple.
Special entertainment at the
dance will be furnished by a mu
sical group from Matamoros, the
Trio Los Chachos.
11th Annual NIRA Rodeo
Hits Aggie Arena Tonight
Awards, Scholarships
Journalism Fete
Set Tonight at 6
Kenneth Towery, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, will
deliver the address at the fourth annual Journalism Awards
Banquet tonight at 6 in the Memorial Student Center Ball
Several awards and scholarships - *—;
will also be presented to outstand
ing journalists at the banquet.
President Earl Rudder will in
troduce Towery. “The Debt of a
Journalist” will be the title of the
talk by Towery who is a former
A&M student.
At present Towery is capitol cor
respondent for Newspapers, Inc.
He has also received the Gulf Coast
Chapter of Sigma Delta Chi, na
tional professional journalistic fra
ternity, Award for' Ooutstanding
Contribution to Texas Journalism.
Towery received the Pultizer
Prize, one of journalism’s top
honors, for his part in uncovering
the frauds in the Venterans’ Land
Program in Texas.
Ervan E. Zouzalik, president of
the A&M Society of Journalists,
will be master of ceremonies at the
Donald D. Burchard, head of the
Department of Journalism, will
present several awards.
Included in the awards Burchard
will present are departmental
awards to the outstanding sopho-
‘Revolt’ Film
To Be Shown
Monday Night
“Hungary Aflame,” a documen
tary film made during the recent
Hungarian revolt, will be shown
in cooperation with the MSC Film
Society Monday at 7:30 p.m. in
the MSC Ballroom.
The film, which was put to
gether in West Germany, is being
sponsored by the Hungarian Stu
dent Assn, of North America.
There will be no admission
Tau Beta Pi Initiates
Six Engineers
Forty-six engineering students
were initiated into Tau Beta Pi
Wednesday night. The program
was held in the Memorial Student
Canter Ballroom.
R. B. Kinzbach told the initiates
that “ in general terms, the engi
neering profession is concerned
with the discovery, definition and
application of the forces materials
and conditions of nature for the
improvement of the circumstances
of man’s existence.” Mr. Kinz
bach, who is director of engineer
ing, Bowen Itco Inc., Houston,
traced the history of engineering
from its beginning. He was pre
sented by C. W. Crawford, associ
ate dean of engineering, following
a welcome address by Dr. J. G.
McGuire, assistant dean of engi
Donald R. Phariss of Brecken-
ridge, president o fthe A&M Delta
Chapter of Tau Beta Pi Associa
tion, was toastmaster. The invo
cation was given by Jack Little of
Clifford D. Thompson, an M. E.
student from Abilene, was award
ed $100 as winner of the Tau
Bet Pi scholarship. The chapter
presented Mrs. Adele Bean, a sec
retary in the dean of engineering’s
office, with a gift for her help in
the chapter. Capt. Edwin Mauzy
of Pocatello, Idaho, presented the
winning theme, “Engineer’s Res
ponsibility to His Country,” and
was awarded a cash prize.
Tau Beta Pi is an honorary scho
lastic society in which students in
the School of Engineering who
rank in the top one-eighth of their
junior class or top one-fifth of
their senior class are eligible for
The following students were ini
Donald L. Adams, Premont; Roy
V. Baker Jr., Pecos; Donald F.
Boren, McKinney; Freddie Mar
lowe, Carthage; Robert P. Lynch,
Danburg; Dickie D. Fox, Lock
hart; Thomas W. Brown, Wichita
Falls; Harry F. Goss, Honey
Grove; Bobby Herod, Grapeland.
Charles R. Martell, Orange;
John Minor and Godfrey T. Mol-
ler, Corpus Christi; Kenneth R.
Morgan, Brownsville; Brace D. O’
Hara, Jonesville, Minn.; Paul J.
Phillips, Conroe; Robert J. Rekto-
rik, Robstown; Joseph J. Sekerka,
Weimar; John L. Smith, Beeville.
Thomas Smith, Jefferson; Tom
my L. Snow, Bangs; George D.
Williams, Nacogdoches; Paul K.
York and Bryan R. Simmons, Mar
shall; Donald F. Zetik, Brenham;
Marion C. Becker, Stuttgart, Ark.;
Stephen O. Jennings, Allison Park,
Penna.; Raymond R. Maestri, Far
rell, Penna.; Louis G. Marlow,
Ruleville, Miss.; Edwin L. Mauzy,
Pocaello, Idaho; Suparb Poorbra-
sert, Bangkok, Thailand; John C.
Scholtz Jr., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.;
Norman C. Orthwein, Irving;
Franklin T. Osborne, Crestwood,
Also, Donald A. Brenner, Edward
T. Dickerson, Weldon A. Lee, K.
Wesley Sanders, Harold L. Over-
ton, Ronald I. Lyons, all of Hous
ton; Warren J. Clement, Alvin W.
Dunlap, Robert L. Hughen, all of
Dallas; Rodney W. Kelly, Jack W.
Pool, Charles H. Andrews, Lee A.
Griggs, all of San Antonio.
Andrews, Becker, Jennings, Mar
low, Maestri, Mauzy, Overton,
Poorbraest, Scholtz, Griggs, Lyons,
Orthwein and Osborn are all grad
uate students.
more and junior a departmental
award to the senior who has done
the most professional job as an
undergraduate; The Wall Street
Journal Award to a senior for gen
eral excellence; a Sigma Delta Chi
award to the senior with the high
est grade average; a Sigma Delta
Chi award to a senior for overall
excellence; and “Putting Hubby
Through” degrees to the wives of
seven senior journalism majors.
Four scholarships will also be
presented by Burchard. They in
clude two Clayton Fund $500 Agri
cultural Journalism scholarships,
a $400 Wildlife Journalism Scholar
ship and a $100 Gulf Coast Press
Assn. Scholarship.
Robbie Godwin, 1960-61 president
of the A&M Chapter of Sigma Del
ta Chi, will present awards for the
best editorial, news story, feature
story and sports story appearing
during the 1959-60 school year in
The Battalion.
Rival Losing
Nomination Bid
By The Associated Press
Sen. John F. Kennedy (D-Mass.)
says the Democratic primaries in
Massachusetts and Pennsylvania
prove Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey
(D-Minn.) can’t win the Democrat
ic presidential nomination.
But, he said at Martinsburg, W.
Va., Wednesday, they also show
that Vice President Richard M.
Nixon would be “A formidable op
ponent” in the November election.
In Pennsylvania, where all but
Nixon were write-in candidates,
Kennedy outdistanced his closest
rival, Adlai Stevenson, by more
than 6 to 1. His margin in his
home state of Massachusetts was
even more lopsided. Humphrey’s
totals were miniscule in compar
Nixon got a big vote of confi
dence in both states. His Penn
sylvania total, with returns still
incomplete, may top the 951,932-
vote showing President Eisenhower
made there in 1956.
People Need
CS Housing
Thirty-one families will need
housing for the National Science
Foundation program on the A&M
campus this summer, Coleman
Loyd, coordinator, announced.
“The list of these families is
available now in Room 24, Phys
ics Building,” Loyd stated. “At
tending will be college teachers,
high school and junior high school
teachers. Some will be here all
summer, and some for only six
The families will need furn
ished housing. The list of per
sons attending the Science Insti
tute will contain the number in
each family and the housing re
quirements. Loyd’s telephone
number is VI 6-4488.
“It is hoped that College Sta
tion and Bryan people will make
housing available,” Loyd said.
Set For Pics
Deadline for entering pictures
for Vanity Fair and Senior Fa
vorite has been extended until
Monday at 5 p.m.
Pictures should be turned in to
the Office of Student Publica
tions prior to that time.
BA Division
Sales Clinic
Set Wednesday
The Eleventh Annual Sales
Clinic, sponsored jointly by the
A&M Student Marketing Associa
tion and the Houston Sales Exec
utives Club will be held in Room
202 of the Business Administration
Building Wednesday.
Sessions will begin at 8 a. m.
and last until 5 p.m. with a 2 hour
break at noon.
Presiding officer for this year’s
clinic will be G. B. Boone, a part
ner of the Boone and Cummings
Advertising Agency in Houston.
He will open the day’s discussion
with a talk on advertising.
Following Boone’s talk, H. D.
Holsinger, president of Houston
Sales Executive Club will speak on
salesmanship. Holsinger is branch
manager for the Burroughs Cor
poration of Houston.
Slated at 10 is a talk by Tom
Nelms, president of Wessendorf
Nelms and Company of Houston
on industrial marketing.
Concluding the morning session
will be a speech on the “Consum
er as Democracy’s Dictator”, giv
en by Verne Lane, president of the
Executive Research Institute in
Houston and author of a recent
report, “How Houstonians Make a
During the noon break members
of the Houston Sales Executive
Club will interview candidates for
two $250 scholarships which will
be awarded at the close of the
DeGualle Claims
U.S. and France
Stand Together
and the United States stand to
gether in wanting all peoples to
determine their own destiny, Gen.
Charles de Gaulle declared Wednes
day night.
This goal of the common ideals
of the two nations amounts to
political realism in the modern
world, said the visiting president
of France in his address to a
glittering banquet audience of
4,000 in civic auditorium.
The dinner capped a day started
with a parade and welcome called
the greatest San Francisco ever
has given a foreign chief of state.
De Gaulle winds up his first
journey to California today with a
tour of a major electronics labora
tory, the new Palo Alto Hospital
and Stanford Medical Center in
Palo Alto, then departs by jet
transport for New Orleans.
De Gaulle, tall and austere I
leader of France in crisis, showed
frank emotion. He stood two hours
in the parade’s slow progress
through crowds that surged closely
around his open car in the Mont
gomery St. financial district.
Police Chief Tom Cahill esti
mated the sidewalk throngs along
the route at 250,000. He said it
was the greatest crowd he had
seen in San Francisco in his 30-
year career.
The emotional peak of the day
came at a reception by San Fran
cisco’s French colony at the Palace
of the Legion ef Honor.
MSC Luncheon
Honors Daniel
The 11th annual Aggie Rodeo gets underway tonight as
the first of five scheduled performances is scheduled at 8 in
the Aggie Rodeo Arena.
Bill Daniel, the prominent brother of Governor Price
Daniel, will lead the grand entry parade and also turn out
the first rider. In addition a luncheon was given in Daniel’s
honor today at noon in the Memorial Student Center and he
appeared on “Town Talk” this morning on KBTX-TV.
Performances are also scheduled tomorrow night at 8
and at 10 a. m., 2 and 8 p. m. Saturday. The performance Sat
urday morning will be given for a group of Cub Scouts from
*■ Aggie Riders
Aggie hopes in the team
MSC Guest Room
Reservations Being
Accepted Monday
Requests for Memorial Student
Center guest room reservations
for the football weekends or any
of the major event weekends of
the 1960-61 school year will be
accepted from students and for
mer students beginning Monday,
according to Mrs. Mozelle Hol
land, MSC guest rooms manager.
Only one room per family can
be reserved for each event. Since
reservations will not be transfer
able, guests must cancel their
reservations with the MSC if they
cannot use the rooms, Mrs. Hol
land said.
Following the May 31 deadline,
a drawing will be held to deter
mine who will receive accommo
dations. After the drawing, no
tices will be mailed to each person
submitting requests for reserva
tions indicating whether or not
their names were drawn.
The requests not drawn will be
placed on the ‘waiting list’ and
those persons making the requests
will be notified at least two weeks
before the event should a room be
come available due to a cancella
Mrs. Holland added that a de
posit will be required of those per
sons receiving a reservation. Un
less this deposit is received no
later than two weeks prior to the
event, an automatic cancellation
will occur.
competition will be carried by
Phillip Cox, who was named
all-Aggie champ bareback
rider in 1957, Doyle McSpadden,
who was named champ all-around
cowboy in 1958 and Lynn Turner,
who won tie-down roping and all
round cowboy championships in
the Sam Houston Intercollegiate
Show and the Aggie Rodeo this
Others Competing
Others competing for the Aggies
will be Eddie Rosenberg, Bobby
Bennett and Bobby Sims. McSpad
den will compete in the tie-down
roping, ribbon roping, bull dogging
and bull riding events.
Turner will enter the tie-down
and ribbon roping events, Cox will
appear in the bareback, saddle
bronc and bull riding events, Rosen
berg and Bennett will compete in
the bull and bareback riding and
Sims will compete in both roping
Other events will include girls’
barrel racing and girls’ goat tying.
This year’s edition of the rodeo
will mark the first time girls’ com
petition points will be included in
the final scores to determine the
top team.
Favored Teams
Teams from Sam Houston State
and McNeese State College ar-e
favored to carry away most of the
prizes since they are competing for
the top team award in this region.
Jerry Moore and Leo Anderson
from Sam Houston, along with
Carl Martin and Billy Hood, will
(See RODEO on Page 3)
Rough Ride
An unidentified Aggie rider tries to stay astride the whirl
ing mass under him and keep both feet and other parts of
his anatomy off the ground below. This kind of action will
mark the 11th Annual NIRA competition which starts to
night in the Aggie Rodeo Arena.