The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1960, Image 1
a ?ed 38.0 h school 11-Amer- uth Tex- ame out The Battalion e give ike the ; t h er >n the S to Volume 59 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27,1960 Number 104 Honored Guest Rill Daniel, Liberty rancher and brother of the Texas gov ernor will be honored at a luncheon in the MSC tomorrow and will open the 11th annual NIRA rodeo Thursday night in the Aggie Arena. Daniel is shown here at the annual Huntsville prison rodeo astride his “White Charger” and $5,000 gold and silver inlaid saddle. Daniel Luncheon Slated Tomorrow Bill Daniel will be here tomor row to officially open the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Assn, spon sored Aggie Rodeo at a special luncheon scheduled at 12:10 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center. Daniel, who officially serves as permanent contest judge at the an nual Huntsville Rodeo, will lead the grand entry parade and also turn out the first rider at the opening rodeo performance Thurs day night. Other Performances Performances are also set Fri day at 8 p.m. and at 10 a.m., 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday. The 10 a.m. performance Saturday will be in honor of a group of Cub Scouts from Houston who will be on the campus especially to see the rodeo. Daniel will arrive at Easter- wood Airport in a college plane tomorrow morning at 10 and then appear on the “Town Talk” pro gram with Billie Jean Barron on KTBX TV. Banquet Guests Guests at the banquet, which will be next on Daniel’s agenda, in addition to all Rodeo Club Officers and Miss Barron, will include Pres ident Earl Rudder; Dorsey E. Mc- Crory, assistant to the president; Dr. A. A. Price, Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine. W. T. Berry, Jr., assistant pro fessor in the Department of Ani mal Husbandry. Pinky Downs, of ficial greeter, and Dr. H. E. Red mond, a professor in the Depart ment of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. Following the luncheon and open ing night performance of the rodeo, Daniel will leave by plane early Friday morning. College Administration Okays Optional Dress White Uniform Mitchell, Thompson Two A&M Consolidated Students Named Scholars Rudder To Attend United Fund Meet Scheduled in Dallas The annual meeting meeting of Texas United Funds Ad missions and Budget Committee will be in Dallas Friday. President Edrl Rudder will represent College Station at the meeting. Max Levine, president of Foley’s in Houston is chairman. The action of this committee will determine the state and national agencies to be included in the Texas United Fund. Any agency admitted will be budgeted by the committee made up of representa tives from 50 different Texas com munities. An admitted agency must agree to cease independent campaigns. Through TUF they re quest inclusion in the many United Community Campaigns in the state. Last year eight agencies were in the Texas United Fund, and in turn were included in the College Station United Chest. Selected by Committee Rudder was selected by a state committee because of his record of service to the community and the state. As a member of the TUF committee he will be con tributing to a community service. The committee is composed of leaders in commerce, industry, government, religion, education, public health and welfare! The state level admissions and budget committee members repre sent all areas and population classification. The service per formed by the committee is de signed to save Texas communities time and money. State and national agencies by meeting and budgeting at the state level present their requests only once. In the years before the state United Fund it was necessary for each agency to present its request to over 200 United Community campaigns. Advantages Similar The advantages of the state United Fund are the same as the advantages of the Community United Fund—a reduction in the total number of fund raising cam paigns, a considerable saving in expense and time. A year long search for outstand ing students was culminated today as 1,000 seniors from high schools all over the country, including two from A&M Consolidated High School, were named 1960 Merit Scholars. Eight hundred and thirty of the winners will share, along with their colleges, in more than $4 million in scholarship assistance. The remaining 170 will receive honorary awards. R. Howard Mitchell, Jr., 107 Pershing St., receiving the Thomas J. Watson Memorial Merit Scholar ship of International Business Machines'Corp. He plans to attend A&M where he will major in civil engineering. Howard, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Mitchell, is a member of the swimming team at A&M Con solidated, a Student Council mem ber and treasurer of the senior class. He is a Star Scout and a member of the Order of the Arrow. R. Bruce Thompson of 1300 Foster Ave. received the National Merit Scholarship. He plans to attend Rice Institute where he will major in physics. Bruce, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. H. Thompson, is vice presi dent of the Student Council and a participant in the University Interscholastic League Sliderule Competition. He plans a career in research. Nearly one-third of the nation’s high school senior enrollment en tered the competition which began a year ago with National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, given in 14,500 high schools. The win ners achieved extremely high test scores and possess a variety of outstanding personal achievements. Annual Pan Am Events Continuing Pan-American Week, an annual event designed to pro mote good neighbor relations and understanding between Tex ans and citizens of Latin American countries, is being ob served on the A&M campus this week. 4 Statewide Event The program is being held in conjunction with Pan-American Week in Texas and still features talks and films on Latin Amer ican countries, arts and crafts ex hibits, serving of Latin American foods and a Cafe Tropical Dance. Thees events are all open to the public. Programs for Wednesday and Thursday will feature the showing of documentary films and the pre sentation of Latin American enter tainment in the Lobby of the MSC. A smorgasbord featuring Latin American foods will be served Fri day, followed by a speech by Glenn E. Garrett, the executive director of the Good Neighbor Commission of Texas in the Assembly Room. A reception sponsored by the Pan- American Round Table will follow Garrett’s talk. Dance Concludes Week A Latin American dance with a tropical flavor will wind up the week’s activities at 8 p.m. Satur day in the Ballroom of the MSC. Music will be provided by Bo Lee and his band. Door prizes of hats and pinatas will be given during the floor show. Price is $1.50 per couple. Latin American art and folklore exhibits and a display of Pan-Am erican flags will be featured in the MSC throughout the week. The funds provided with each four year Merit scholarship (ex- (See CONSOLIDATED on Page 3) David Wallace New President Of T Cabinet New officers for the 1960-61 school year have been announced for the YMCA Cabinet. David Wallace, a junior liberal arts major from Pecos, was elec ted president of the cabinet. He will be assisted by James Crouch, a sophomore from Gladewater ma joring in science, as vice president, Bob Hinton, a freshman science major from Houston, as program chairman. Ron Haley, a freshman architec ture major from Colorado City, as secretary-treasurer, Don Willis, a freshman from Dallas majoring in civil engineering, as reporter and Bob Compton, a senior rural so ciology major from Elton, La., as student chairman of the Fish “Y” Camp. Chosen class representatives to the Cabinet were Malcolm Max well, senior representative from San Antonio majoring in mechan ical engineering, Jack Paris, jun ior representative who is a sci ence major from San Antonio, and Bill Barnhart, sophomore repre sentative from Temple, majoring in electrical engineering. Named to the advisory board were the Rev. M. W. Bulger and administrators Dr. Charles R. Lyo- nes, Director of Student Health Seiwices, and Frank Hubert, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences. This weekend the Council is planning to meet at a private cab in near Huntsville to discuss the upcoming Freshman “Y’ Camp, and also to discuss cabinet activ ities for the remainder of the year. After Study and Research Architects Design Girls Dorm By TOMMY HOLBEIN Battalion Staff Writer If A&M became co-educational, what would be the first step to ward providing facilities for girls attending school here? Three stu dents in the Division of Architec ture, working under this hypothet ical situation, came up with what they felt would be the answer, through a promotion project as signed them. John F. Wood, Roy Pledger and Lawrence Tavony began their pro ject of designing the ideal girls’ dormitory for A&M by writing to seven different colleges and uni versities across the country which are noted for their progressive dormitories, including Drake Uni versity, Smith College, Radcliffe College, Oberlin College, the Uni versity of Arkansas, University of Washington and Harvard. The in formation was analyzed and ideas were filed in a brochure for fu ture reference. .... First Hand Experience “After we got all the written information, we decided to see a girls’ dormitory first hand, and Rice Institute was very accommo dating, said Wood. “We were shown through a girls’ dormitory at Rice one afternoon while the girls were still in it, and the house mother took us through it Horn top to bottom. This gave us many of the practical aspects, and help ed very much. After the information was gath ered, plans were drawn, and a model of the dormitory was built. The entire project took eight weeks to complete, the last two being spent on the model. Aspects and Effect “The assignment was a promo tion project, and we felt in the event co-education comes to A&M, we would be prepared. Many as pects and effects of the dormitory were studied, and these had great bearing on the proposed design and location of the building,” said Wood. At the fifth year level, a stu dent is required to find an au- thenic client, whether it be a real- estate agent in a large metropoli tan area, or an organization or any other client, and after talking with him, the student makes a promo tion project which is presented to the client, said Wood. “Our promotion client was the public, through media of commun ication, to sell them on A&M, and we assumed the hypothetical idea that the school had become co-edu cational. If girls did come here, the proposed dormitory was what we felt would be an advisable first step toward making the school more attractive to girls. Of course in actual practice, many other things would have to be consider ed, such as places of entertain ment, recreation, and convepiences for girls that do not exist now,” said Wood. House 100 Girls The estimated cost of the build ing is $700,000, without furnish ings, which would boost the cost by 25 per cent, according to Wood. The building is designed to house 100 girls, with the consider ation in mind that this is the max imum number of girls a house mother can handle and get to know personally. The plans in clude a recreation area complete with swimming pool and tennis courts. “The dormitory was not design ed to be basically economical, be cause we felt such a building would be invaluable as an adver tising asset to the college. This advertising aspect entered into the proposed location, which is the Town Hall Interviews Set Thursday Interviews for sophomores in terested in serving on the Town Hall for the coming year will be held in the Corps Conference Room in Dorm 2 Thursday from 7:30-12 midnight. Qualifications for Town Hall Staff positions are a 1.25 overall grade point ratio. Math Examinations Scheduled Tuesday In Annual Contest The annual mathematics contest examinations, featuring two gold wrist watches as top prizes, will be held Tuesday from 7:30-9:30 in Rooms 223 and 225 of the Academic Building. All freshman awards and the second and third place sophomore awards are provided by the Robert F. Smith Memorial Fund. The first prize for sophomores is obtained through the Halperin Award Fund. Smith and Halperin were former members of the mathematics staff. Freshmen now enrolled in either Mathematics 120 or Mathematics 209 who have not repeated a col lege mathematics course may par ticipate in this year’s contest. Sophomores now taking Mathe matics 307, who have not repeated a college mathematics course, are eligible to enter the' sophomore contest. C of C Slates General Meet The Student Chamber of Com merce will hold a meeting at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Room 231 in the New Wing of the Chem istry Building. President Bruce Eeckert re minded all senior members to bring theii club or department’s dues if they have not done so. Summer Attire For Dress Only By BILL HICKLIN Battalion Managing Editor The College Administration has approved a summer dress for the Corps of Cadets for the coming school year, according to an announcement Tuesday by Dean of Students James P, Hannigan. A cadet committee, chaired by Corps Sergeant Major Syd Heaton, is looking into the question of exact cut of the uniform and other details. Optional Basis This uniform would be purchased by the cadet on an optional basis. In order to reduce the overall cost of the optional attire, it has been suggested that after a one year ‘wear-out’ period the Capt. Midnight uniform be abolished. according to Hannigan. The winter uniform will re main the pinks and greens as used at present. No change is contemplated in the khaki uniform, the serge uniform, the winter uniform, the fatigue uni form or the Senior Boots. Strictly Dress Uniform The new white uniform is strict ly a dress uniform for use at af ternoon and evening social func tions and will not be worn in ranks or in mass formations. If the cadet committee happens to select a cut which is very close to the present dress white uniform worn by the Armed Forces, pres ent seniors will be authorized to purchase their white service uni form and wear it with cadet insig nia for the balance of the current year and then take it with them to their first active duty assign ment. Still Pending . . . A final decision is still pending the cadet committee and the Col lege Administration in selecting the cut or style of the apparel. Under discussion presently are the closed collar and the roll collar blouse, along with the long and the short cut blouse. The commit tee and the Administration are also discussing the possibility of wearing a sash with the approv ed uniform. Those serving in the cadet com mittee under Heaton are Richard Meadows, Sonny Todd, Bobby Mc Daniel, Kenneth Demel, Bubba Willms and Harvey Barber. College Plans To Auction 30 Dairy Cattle The college will auction 30 head of surplus dairy cattle on May 7. Dr. R. E. Leighton, professor in the Department of Dairy Science, said the sale will be made up of 18 Holstein cows and heifers and 12 Jersey cows and heifers. Pro duction records are available on each animal. Production on the Holsteins ranges from 10,000 pounds of milk per year to 12,600. The Jerseys vary from 5,960 pounds to 8,794. Dr. Leighton said all the cattle are registered and papers will be transferred to buyers. Animals of breeding age are mostly bred to herd sires in the Central Ohio Breeders Assn. The sale will be held at the col lege’s Dairy Cattle Center. Sales animals go on exhibit at 10:30 a.m. and the auction will begin at 12:30 p.m. Additional information can be obtained by contacting Dr. Leigh ton in the Department of Dairy Science. civil engineering field as a per son enters the college area from the circle,” said Wood. Plans for the dormitory include an area devoted to study rooms, where girls might study with their male visitors. These rooms are de signed to double as meeting rooms. Convenience for Girls From the picture, one can see the numerous balconies in the building, designed to provide a fur ther convenience for girls residing in the dormitory. Accomodations for storage space, where girls might store their off-season clothes, were also drawn in the plans. “Ample storage space is one of the greatest problems in a girls’ dormitory, and we placed parctic- ular emphasis on this when de signing the interior of the build ing,” said Wood. Wood continued by explaining that this was only one dormitory of a very large physical plant to accomodate women students at A&M. Other parts of the plan in clude apartments for women grad uate students near College View, where the girls could help mar ried students with baby sitting and other needed work. Coeds’ Palace The ideal girls’ dormitory for A&M, shown architecture students as a promotion pro- above, was designed by three fifth-year ject assigned to them.