The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1960, Image 1

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    Directors Approve $45,788,014 Budget
The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 103
Assumes Post June 1
Mackin Appointed
Of Department of
Dr. John G. Mackin, Sr., has
been appointed head of the Depart
ment of Biology, Dr. Frank W. R.
Hubert, dean of the School of Arts
and Sciences, announced today.
Mackin, who will take over his new
post June 1, is professor of marine
biology in the Department of
Oceanography and Meteorology.
‘Doubly IMeased . . .’
“We are doubly pleased to an
nounce the appointment of a man
of Dr. Mackin’s reputation as a
biologist and at the same time
announce that Dr. C. C. Doak, who
has been head of the department
since 1937,.will continue with the
department as professor of bi
ology,” Hubert said.
Doak, who joined the college in
1926, will go on modified service.
Hubert paid high tribute to Dr.
Doak as one of the most noted men
in his field in the U. S. and pointed
Players Set
Old Melodrama
Assistant News Editor
An old fashioned melodrama, “Dirty Work at the Cross
roads; or Tempted, Tired and True,” will be the next presen
tation of the Aggie Players according to C. K. Esten, producer
for the group.
The show, in which the audience
rill he encouraged to cheer the
tero and hiss the villian, will be
presented Parents Day Weekend
in Guion Hall.
Cast for the play includes Mar
lene Rushing as Nellie Lovelace,
as true as she is tender; Perry
Pope and Travis Madole as Adam
Oakhart, as brave as he is bash
ful; Ed Herider as Monro Murgu-
troyd, as wild as he is wicked;
Sara Pate as the Widow Lovelace,
as sweet as she is simple.
Libbey Alexander as Ida Rhine-
gold, as deep as she is dyed; Bill
Meteorology Profs
To Present Papers
Seven members of the Depart
ment of Oceanography and Meteor
ology will present technical papers
during the American Geophysical
Union’s annual meeting April 27-
30 at Washington, D. C.
They are Dr. Basil W. Wilson,
Robert 0. Reid, Alyn C. Duxbury,
Yoshio Sugiura, E. R. Ibert, Dr.
D. W. Hood and Dr. Dale F. Leip-
Dr. Wilson will talk on “Deep
Water Wave Generation by Moving
Fetches of Variable Wind”; Reid
and Duxbury, “The Transition
from Poincare-Kelvin Boundary
Waves to Stokes-Type Edge Waves
in a Rotation Semi-Infinite Sea”;
Sugiura, Ibert and Hood, “Mass
Transfer of Carbon Dioxide Across
Simulated and Natural Sea Sur
faces”; Dr. Leipper, “Oceanog
raphy and Meteorology, Ten Years
at Texas A&M College.”
Stough as Mookie Maguggins, as
rude as he is rustic; Gail Wilson
as Mrs. Upson Asterbilt, of New
port and Brooklyn; Barbara Met-
zer as Leonie, her daughter, a
Madison Avenue belle; Kathy
Westbrook as Fleurette, their
French maid (Ooolala), and Sharon
Garrison as Little Nell, who never
had a father.
Old time piano music to suit the
characters will be supplied by Sue
Wedlen. Nora Adamson is in
charge of costumes.
Don Reynolds will do the light
ing. The sets will be done by
Charles Hearn, Henry Turner,
Gary Light, John Waddell, and Joe
This brand new version of a
typical Gay Nineties’ Melodrama
tells in laughable style the tear-
jerking story of Nellie Lovelace,
an innocent country girl; of Adam
Oakhart, a stalwart blacksmith’s
son, and of Monro Murgutroyd, the
villian from the big city.
Monro, the viper, has a wife in
Ida Rhinegold, the belle of the
New Haven music halls, but that
does not prevent him from pur
suing the innocent Nellie and tear
ing her from the arms of her dying
Nor does it prevent him from
driving Adam to drink, from
blackmailing the rich Mrs. Aster
bilt or from bewitching her daugh
ter, Leonie.
How do the good guys get out
of this mess? The Aggie Players
know but they aren’t telling. They
only ask that you come to Guion
Hall May 5 or 6 armed with boos
and hisses for the villian and
cheers for the hero and find out
for yourself.
out the progress the department
made under his administration, as
“outstanding in all respects.”
Director of Project 23
Mackin is currently assigned as
director of Project 23 of the A&M
Research Foundation in Thibo-
daux, La. Project 23 is a continu
ing series of studies of oysters in
He is a native of Waxahachie
and holds degrees from the Uni
versity of Illinois, MS in 1927 and
Ph.D. in 1933, zoology, and a BS
degree from Southwestern State
Teachers College of Durant, Okla.
Mackin was principal of the
Tishomingo High School in Okla
homa in 1922-23; professor of
biological sciences, East Central
State College, 1924-42, teaching
and research; instructor in Naviga
tion and Meteorology, U. S. Naval
Air Station in Dallas and Norman,
Okla., a war-time civil service posi
tion from February 1942-August,
Fisheries Biologist
From September, 1944 -May,
1946, Mackin was biologist at the
Virginia Fisheries Commission and
the College of William and Mary.
His college rank was professor of
biology. In the summer of 1946
he was professor of biological
sciences at East Central State
He was limnologist at the Uni
versity of Oklahoma, biological
survey, with the rank of professor
of zoology, doing research and
teaching from September, 1946-
May, 1947.
Mackin joined the A&M Re
search Foundation in Grande Isle,
La., in June, 1947 and in 1950 be^
came professor of marine biology
in the Department of Oceanog
Training Program
Given Approval
The National Science Foundation
recently announcer the approval
a $2,550 grant to A&M for an Un-
dergaduate Research Training
Program. The program will be di
rected by Dr. Richard J. Baldauf,
associate professor in the Depart
ment of Wildlife Management, and
is designed to provide undergrad
uate students with research exper
ience through a study set up spec
ifically for that purpose.
Three undergraduate students
will be chosen to participate in
the program. Students interested
in this type of research experience
are asked to contact Baldauf for
details of the program. A stipend
will be awarded to student par
rmatsr~ * wmsmz.
Scouts Visit A&M Campus
Some 1,500 Cub Scouts from Houston were trip here from Houston. Above the group
visitors on the campus this past weekend, witness a drill rehearsal by the Fish Drill
They toured the campus after making the Team.
Latin American Films, Movie
Slated For Pan Am Week
Battalion Staff Writer
A full-length movie, “The Mag
nificent Matador,” and several
shorter documentary films on Latin
American life will highlight the
heavy schedule of events for Pan
American Week today, Wednesday
arid Thursday.
The films are an important part
of this year’s observance of Pan
American Week on the campus,
which began Sunday and will end
Saturday with a dance in the
Lower Level of the Memorial Stu
dent Center.
“Magnificent Matador”
“The Magnificent Matador,” a
94-minute film, will be presented
by the MSC Film Society in the
MSG Ballroom tonight at 7:30. The
film is open to the public and
tickets are priced at 25 cents.
Two documentary films, “Horse
men of the Pampas,” and “Bogota,
Colombia,” will be shown in the
MSC lobby Wednesday, beginning
at 8 p.m. “Horsemen of the
Pampas” is a 21-minute film which
describes the life and work of the
famous Argentine gauchos. “Bogo
ta, Colombia” is a 43-minute film
presented by Baniff Airways.
The public is invited by the Pan
American Club to see these films,
Contests Set Saturday
FFA Judgers To Visit Campus
Battalion Staff Writer
Blue jeans and corduroy jackets
will be the order of the day Satur
day as nearly 1,500 high school
students and 350 vocational agri
culture teachers move into Aggie-
land for the annual State FFA
Judging Contests.
The group arriving will be com
posed of 90 teams, the top 10 per
cent of all judging teams from
area contests throughout the state,
ranging from the Texas Panhandle
to the Rio Grande Valley.
Honored at Coffee
The 350 visiting ag teachers
will be honored at a “President’s
Coffee Hour” in the Memorial
Student Center at 9:30 a.m. E. V.
Walton, head of the Department of
Agricultural Education, will serve
as master of ceremonies.
The one-day judging event will
be divided into five divisions; live
stock, dairy cattle, dairy products,
poultry and poultry products judg
ing. The contests are scheduled to
begin promptly at 7:30 a.m. at the
following sites: livestock judging
in the Animal Husbandry Pavilion,
dairy judging in the dairy center,
dairy products in the Agricultural
Engineering Building, poultry in
the poultry center and meats judg
ing in the meats laboratory of the
Animal Husbandry Building.
Completed by Noon
The judging will be completed
by noon and final activities will
begin at 1:15 in Quion Hall, with
final contest results announced at
3 p.m. Winning teams will receive
plaques, banners and individual
Members of A&M’s Collegiate
FFA Chapter will entertain the
boys until 3 p.m. with a talent
contest. $100 in prize monejf, pro
vided by the National Cottonseed
Crushers Assn., is slated for out-
standing performers in the show.
All of the contests will be con
ducted and supervised by staff
members of the departments of
Animal Husbandry, Dairy Science
and Poultry Science, with the De
partment of Agricultural Educa
tion supervising.
In Charge. . .
Men in charge of the contests
will be W. T. Berry, G. T. King
and Doug Wythe from the Depart
ment of Animal Husbandry; Dr.
R. E. Leighton, Dr. Murray Brown,
Dr. A. V. Moore and Dr. I. I. Peters
representing the Department of
Dairy Sciences; and E. D. Parnell
and Cecil Ryan from the Depart
ment of Poultry Science.
Staff members of the Depart
ment of Agricultural Education
supervising the event will be Dr.
Jarrell Gray, Dr. Earl Knebel,
O. M. Holt, Di\ Ben Cook and
graduate assistant Chester Booth.
Dr. J. R. Jackson, associate prp-
fessor in the same department, will
serve as over-all contest chairman
and coordinator of the affair.
Winners in each contest division
will represent the state of Texas
in the National FFA Contest, held
next fall in Kansas City, Mo.
which will be shown free of charge.
Special organ music will precede
the films at 7:15 p.m.
Documentary Films
Three documentary films are
scheduled for Thursday. The films,
to begin at 7:30 p.m. in the lobby,
are the following:
“A Good Neighbor Family,” a
30-minute film describing Latin
American life and customs; “High
Spots of a High Country,” an in
troductory film on Guatemala; and
“Mexico City,” an 11-minute film
which features spots of beauty and
interest in Mexico City, including
the Mexico City Fiesta.
CS Lions Club
Holds Annual
Secretary Day
The College Station Lions Club
observed its annual Secretaries’
Day Monday by honoring several
Lions’ secretaries at a luncheon
meeting in the Memorial Student
The ladies were special guests
at the meeting held at noon in
Rooms 2-C and 2-D of the MSC.
They were treated to a Latin
American dinner served in con
junction with Pan American Week
now being observed on the campus.
Mrs. Patsy Wilson, secretary to
Wayne C. Hall, head of the De
partment of Plant Physiology and
Pathology, made a special address
to the club in honor of Secretaries’
Mrs. Wilson told the club that
the secretarial profession got its
start in the late 1800’s with the in
vention of the typewriter. Since
then, she said, “women have in
vaded man’s world”—the world of
business and industry.
According to Mrs. Wilson, one
third of the total working force
today is made up of women. In
cluded in this group, she said, is
the women’s business force made
up largely of receptionists, steno
graphers, file clerks and business
machine operators.
Mrs. Wilson reminded the group
that this week has been proclaimed
National Secretaries’ Week in the
United States.
A speech by Glenn Garrett,
executive director of the Good
Neighbor Commission of Texas,
will highlight activities Friday at
8 p.m. in Assembly Room. A Latin
American smorgasbord will be held
at 6 p.m. in the Dining Room,
prior to Garrett’s talk. Tickets for
the dinner are $1.50 per person.
Latin American Dance
“Cafe Tropical,” a Lat%i Ameri
can dance in a tropical flavor, will
end the week Saturday at 8 p.m.
in the lower level of the MSC.
Latin American type music will be
conducted by Bo Lee and his band.
Tickets are $1.50 per couple.
Latin American art, crafts,
foods, music and folklore will be
featured in the MSC throughout
the week..
Over $17 Million
Allotted for A&M
A $45,788,014 budget for the statewide A&M College
System for the 1960-61 fiscal year was approved Saturday
by the System Board of Directors.
The budget covers operations for the four colleges and
the statewide service organizations of the System, and was
approved for each part as follows:
Over $17 Million for A&M
A&M $17,940,778; Arlington State College, $3,850,197;
Tarleton State College, $1,462,871; Prairie View A&M, $4,-
Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, $6,641,301; Tex
as Agricultural Extension Service, $6,072,341; Texas Angi-
neering Experiment Station,*"
$1,312,829; Texas Engineer
ing Extension Service, $475,-
Texas Forest Service, $1,-
343,327; Rodent and Predatory
Animal Control Service, $368,580;
A&M College System Offices and
Departments, $1,587,479.
Summer Budgets Approved
Approval was also given to sum
mer school budgets for Arlington
State College, $209,019; for Tarle
ton State College, $24,000; for
Prairie View A&M, $160,000; and
for operation of the Junction Ad
junct of A&M, $74,688.
Directors a&o approved budgets
for athletic councils of the four
System colleges, for fiscal 1960-61,
as follows:
A&M, $657,650; Arlington State
College, $84,437; Tarleton State
College, $21,992 and Prairie View
A&M, $51,500.
Athletic Council Chairmen
Named as chairmen of athletic
councils were Dr. C. H. Groneman,
A&M; Professor J. D. Boon, Ar
lington State College; Professor
C. L. Wilson, Prairie View A&M
College; and Dean Cecil Ballow,
Tarleton State College.
The Directors also approved
funds amounting to $144,122 for
grants-in-aid for research, schol
arships, fellowships and special
awards to various parts of the
System. All funds were from
private sources.
Directors accepted $52,311.86 in
grants-in-aid for research for the
Texas Agricultural Experiment
Station, plus gifts amounting to
$23,284.07. Loans of livestock,
equipment and chemicals, valued
at $2,695.07 were also accepted for
the Station.
Over $31,000 for A&M
A&M received $31,115 for schol
arships, fellowships and special
awards; $16,966 for grants-in-aid
for research; $2,630 in special gifts
and as additions to capital funds.
The Texas Transportation Insti
tute received $100 for the Thomas
H. MacDonald Chair of Transpor
tation, bringing the total support
for this project to $103,769.47.
Arlington State College received
a $15,000 grant to aid research and
instruction in its School of Engi
neering. Prairie View A&M re
ceived a gift of $20 for scholar
ship aid.
Appointments Official
Also approved by the Directors
(See BUDGET, on Page 3)
Cadets Take
Top Honors
In Soil Judging
A&M won top honors in the Re
gion 4 American Agronomy So
ciety Soil Judging Contest Satur
day near Conroe.
The Cadets edged six other
teams representing schools in a
five-state area.
Team members were Charlie
Blue of Clifton, Boyd Proctor of
Dekalb, Allan Marburger of Paige
and Harold Wunsch of Rosebud.
J. F. Mills, assistant professor in
the Department of Agronomy,
coached the group.
Proctor was high point individ
ual in the contest with second go
ing to Blue. Wunsch was in a
three-way tie for third place and
Marburger earned a two-way tie
for sixth place.
Other teams in the order of plac
ing were Mississippi State Uni
versity, Louisiana State Univer
sity, University of Arkansas,
Louisiana Poly Tech, Oklahoma
State University and Texas Tech.
San Jacinto Soil Conservation
District was host to the teams and
the National Plant Food Institute
awarded trophies, while Guy Hoop
er of Conroe provided lunch.
NSA Slates
Bosses Dinner
Mrs. Beth Burnes, social chair
man for the Bryan-College Station
Chapter of the National Secre
taries Assn., announced chapter
members will honor their em
ployers at their sixth annual “Boss
Night Dinner” which will be held
at the Triangle Restaurant on
Wednesday at 7 p.m. Wednesday
is Secretaries Day and observance
is being held throughout the world.
Three bosses and three secre
taries will discuss the subject “The
•Six C’s of Business.” Speaking for
the bosses will be Sid Loveless of
the American General Life Insur
ance Co.; Dr. W. O. Trogdon, head
of the Department of Agronomy,
and Dr. R. D. Lewis, director of
the Texas Agricultural Experiment
Air Conditioning Progress
Workmen position air conditioning units be- tioned and progress has been reported good
fore installation in the Academic Building, as some classes are being moved back into
The building is being completely air condi- the north end of the building this week.