The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 22, 1960, Image 3

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    Friday, April 22, 1960 College Station, Texas Page 3
Stag Barbecue To Welcome Seniors
Into Association of Former Students
for a
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by looking
in the
Whether you are looking or
buying, you’ll save time and steps
by using the Classified pages.
Here at your finger tips,
alphabetically listed, are all the
businesses and products you’ll
need. So remember, shop fast,
shop first through the
Classified pages.
The Southwestern States
Telephone Company
The seventh annual stag barbe
cue honoring the class of 1960 will
be held May 5 at the Grove. The
barbecue is sponsored annually by
the Association of Former Students
for members of the senior class
who will graduate in June, August
or January, 1961.
Several beef steers, barbecued by
Roy Snyder, will be served with all
the trimmings.
The senior class will be welcomed
officially as members of the As
Tickets for the function may be
obtained as follows: Corps seniors
in 1st Wing, Allen Burns; 2nd
Wing, Stanley Wied; 1st Brigade,
Ray Murski, 2nd Brigade, Wayne
Schneider and Band, Sam Langley.
Civilian seniors may obtain tick
ets from their dormitory presi
dents and apartment seniors from
any of their co-presidents.
Tickets may also be picked up at
the main desk in the MSC. Former
Students Association offices in the
MSC or the office of W. G. Brea-
zeale, 1-H Puryear.
Argentine Navy
Officer Gives
Antartic Talk
The Antarctic Continent is about
21 times the size of Texas and
generally round in shape, Capt.
Luis R. A. Capuixo of the Argen
tine Navy, told attendants at the
13th annual conference for Pro
tective Relay Engineers held re
cently at A&M.
The land area of Texas is 263,-
513 square miles, according to the
Texas Almanac of 1958-59.
The Argentine Navy captain is
a research scientist in the Depart
ment of Oceanography and Me
teorology. He received his M.S.
degree from the University of Cali
fornia, Scripps Institute of Ocean
ography, in 1949.
Capt. Copurro was the banquet
speaker and he said that the Ant
arctic Continent is the only place
in the world where the Atlantic,
Pacific and Indian oceans meet. He
pointed out that a continuous study
is going on to determine the thick
ness of the ice in that region.
He showed color slides of pic
tures taken during the cruise of
the Argentine icebreaker General
San Martin in December, 1957 —
March, 1958, to the Antarctic re
fce day 3^ per word
2d per word ea<>b additional day
Minimum charge—tOd
S p.m. day beldre publication
Classified Display
column Inch
80d per
each Insertii
NE VI 6-0415
4000 CFM Evaporative Cooler, two years
old, excellent condition, $75.00. Call VI 6-
8693 or see at 110 Gilchrist after 5:00
p. m. 100t4
Ford Fairlane, Radio, heater, by
ner. Extremely clean. Will con
sider trade. TA 2-1806. lOOtfn
only owner,
Air Force uniforms, summer, winter
dress, serge, coat 38, pants 31-31. Excellent
condition. Reasonable. VI 6-6660. 100t3
fect Shaving anywhere, anytime. Perfect
for traveling, camping, etc. $14.95. Bexar
Electronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Tex-
as 74t30
Found: a pair of women’s prescription
sun glasses,.Thursday, April 14. Vicinity
College tennft courts. Phone VI 6-4832.
Dr. George W. Buchanan
304 E 27th Bryan, Texas
Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988
Res. TA 2-4981
Auto Air
For All Make Cars.
Installed With Clutch
$285.00 With Terms
Large two bedroom unfurnished apart-
ent. Close to schools and campus. Very
reasonable. Call VI 6-5149. 102tl
ment. Close to s
Two bedroom unfurnished apartment.
Living room down stairs. Antenna with
rotor, washer connections, lines, fenced
back yard with trees. 202 Academy, TA 2-
4053. 100tl3
Available June 1st to Sept. 1st. Our
three bedroom furnished home, air con
ditioned, large porch, deep freeze, washing
machine. Also three bedroom house, 611
Highland, 220 wiring, washing machine
connections. $55.00. VI 6-4052. lOOtfn
Three bedroom house, large living room,
separate dining room, near Ridgecrest. Call
VI 6-4248 after 5. lOOtfn
Large one bedroom furnished apartment,
near Ridgecrest. Call VI 6-4248 after 5.
In College Hills across from A&M Golf
Course. Very nicely furnished one bed
room apartment. New stove and refrigera
tor, garage. Adults only. $50.00 without
utilities. VI 6-5031 after 6:00 p. m. 95tfn
Nice clean three room apartment, fur-
tished. One block from Campus. Garage
meant. Call VI 6-7496 after 5. See any
time, 203 Kyle. 95tfn
Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment,
120 wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett
tchool. Phone VI 6-6660 after, 5:00 p. m.
Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop.
Apartment, 205 Montclair across the
street from Southside. Rent $30.00 with
stove and refrigerator. Would consider
furnishing all of the apartment. VI 6-
6630 or VI 6-6544. 61tfn
Early Bird Shoppe, Inc
Curtains — Fabrics — Toys
Ridgecrest Village
713 S Main TA 2-1941
| ? y ! ’ /? Q Where the Art of
I J4otara 6 feteria Cooking h Not Lost
now open for registration for the 16th
term in September. Under experienced and
qualified teachers. Music, art, and pre-
first grades. Call VI 6-4062 or VI 6-8023.
Ages 2!/.-5 years. Storytelling, Singing,
Drawing, Playing. Operated by Mrs. Jo
anne Miller. Close to College. VI 6-4841.
Reference when requested. lOOtfn
Put your reservations in now for ban
quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2-
1362; Triangle Restaurant. 12tfi
Electrolux Sales and Seme* Q. c
Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tfi
DAY NURSERY by the week, day oi
hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Boyett
VI6-4005. 120tfi
Miscellaneous For Sale
La Rasuracion Electra Sin Cable Donde-
quirea Que Sea. Independiente y Siempre
Exacta $14.95 U. S. Bexar Electronics, Box
1091, San Antonio 6, Texas 74t30
A home to leave our three year old
boy on weekdays. Prefer location south
of college. Phone VI 6-7340. 101t2
Subject to action at the Democratic
Primary May 7, 1960.
Tor County Commissioner
Precinct No. 1
(Former Aggie)
Your Bryan Dealer for
Air Conditioners
214 N. Bryan 1300 Texas
M3 Old Sulphur Springs Hoad
Official notices must be brought, mailed
5r telephoned so as to arrive in the Office
■>f Student Publications (Ground Floor
YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily
Monday through Friday) at or before the
deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceeding
publication — Director of Student Publican
The army RQ Test (ROTC Qualifica
tion Examination) will be administered in
the basement, Sbisa Mess Hall, 0830 hours,
23 April 1960. This examination is open
to all students who are enrolled in or have
completed fourth semester of Basic ROTC,
or have received credit for two years of
Basic ROTC and will have sixty (60)
semester hours passed by the fall semes
ter 1960. Anyone having taken any RQ
Test before will not be eligible for this
test. 100t3
Examinations for meeting the foreign
language requirement for the Ph.D. degree
will be given Monday, May 2nd at 8:00
a. m. and 1:00 p. m. in Room 129,
Academic Building. Students wishing to
take this examination should leave the
material over which they wish to be ex
amined with the Secretary in the Depart
ment of Modern Languages nbt later than
5:00 p. m. Thursday, April 28.
J. J. Woolket,
Head Department of Modern Languages
Sponsors of Student organizations and
departments which present student awards,
keys, or medals should order these items at
□nee at the Cashier’s window at the MSC,
Orders must be placed at once to insur«
delivery before the end of this semester.
Pete Hardesty
Student Activities 87tfn
Why wait until last minute to get your
Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial
service? Electric typewriters, offset
nrinting, negatives and metal plates made.
'408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. 87tfn
Service & Repair
TA 2-0826 101 Highland
Rental - Sales - Service - Termi
Distributors For:
Royal and Victor
Calculators & Adding Machine!
809 S. Main TA 2-6000
Area Churches Announce
Programs For Weekend
A&M Methodist Church
“Freeing Christ Into Our World”
will be the sermon topic for morn
ing worship at 10:55 a.m. Sunday.
Church school will be held at 9:45
a.m. and at 7 p.m. there will be
evening worship.
Wilder Voted
A&M Wesley
Officers for the 1960-61 school
year were elected at Wednesday
night’s meeting of the A&M Wes
ley Foundation.
Barry Wilder, a junior chemical
engineering major from Spring
Branch, was elected president.
Danny Loyd, a sophomore pre-
vet major from Texarkana, was
elected vice-president; Larry
Curry, a freshman from Humble
majoring in rural sociology, was
elected secretary, and Joe Pep
per, a freshman physics major
from Marshall, was elected treas
Commission chairmen elected
were: Evangelism, David Hutch
eson, a freshman pre-vet major
from Itasca; Worship, Gary Gib
son, a junior electrical engineer
ing major from New London;
World Christian Community, Jim
Ellisor, a sophomore agriculture
major from San Gabriel, Calif.;
Wesley Service, Don Deal, a
sophomore pre-vet major from El
Publicity, Mike Shively, a
sophomore pre-vet major from
Vivian, La.; Recreation, Spots-
wood Davis, a freshman pre-vet
major from Hillsboro, and Social
Action, Don Brenner, a junior
chemical engineering major from
A planning retreat will be held
April 30 for the new council and
all other interested students. Any
students interested in attending
this retreat should contact Bob
Cooper at the Wesley Founda
tion Building before Wednesday,
April 27.
Church of Christ
Bible School will be held at 9:45
a.m. and Worship Service will fol
low at 10:45 a.m. Sunday. At 6:15
p.m. the Young People’s Classes
will meet and at 6:30 the Aggie
Class will meet. “All the World
is Gone After Him” will be the ser
mon topic at Worship Service at
7:15 p.m.
On Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. the
Ladies’ Bible Class will meet and
there will be a Prayer Meeting at
7:15 p.m. Wednesday.
Bethel Lutheran Church
Sunday morning worship service
will be held at 8:15 a.m. with the
sermon topic to be “Service to Our
Living Lord.” Sunday School and
Bible Class will be held at 9:30
a.m. and Morning Worship will be
held at 10:45 a.m.
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. Sunday
School Teachers will meet and
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. the Mem
bership lecture group will meet.
A&M Presbyterian Church
Sunday School will be held at
9:45 a.m. with Morning Worship
to follow at 11 a.m. “A Man and
His Problems” will be the sermon
topic. Junior Choir Rehearsal will
be held at 4 p.m. and at 5 p.m. the
Junior, Pioneer and Senior High
School Leagues will meet.
Wednesday at 7 p.m. there will
be Chancel Choir Rehearsal.
St. Thomas’ Chapel
Convocational Corporate Com
munion will be held at the audi
torium of A&M Consolidated High
School, at 11 a.m. This Sunday
only, there will not be a 9:15 serv
Holy Communion services will be
held at 10 a.m. Monday morning
and Tuesday at 8 p.m. Prayer
Group will hold services.
Wednesday morning at 6:30 Holy
Communion services will be held
with breakfast to follow and at
7:10 p.m. Evening Prayer and
Cantebury program will be held.
Rudder To Address Accounting Meet,
Carr To Discuss Finances At Banquet
President Earl Rudder will give
the welcoming address at the 13th
annual Accounting Conference to
be held April 25-26. About 150 are
due to attend, Bill Whittington of
the Division of Business Adminis
tration, general chairman, has an
Waggoner Carr, speaker of the
Texas house of Representatives,
will give the address at the ban
quet Monday at 7 p.m. in the Me
morial Student Center. He will
Hall Gives Papers
At Two Meetings
Dr. Wayne C. Hiil, head of the
Department of Plant Physiology
and Pathology, presented papers
during two meetings held Monday
on the campus.
The professor discussed seed
drying and desiccants at the Seeds
men Short Course and talked on
chemical residues to members at
tending a meeting of the State
Assn, of Young Farmers of Texas.
talk on “Financial Affairs of the
State of Texas.”
Russell H. Kyse of San Antonio,
is conference chairman.
Baptist Church
Schedules Weekend
Youth Revival
The College Station First Bap
tist Church will hold a Youth Re
vival Friday, Saturday and Sun
day. ;
Max Barnett and Jim Manley
\vill be the speakers.
Barnett is a senior animal hus
bandry major from Littlefield and
is the past president of the A&M,
Baptist Student Union.
Manley, who is majoring in fi
nance, is also an A&M senior. For
the past several months Manley
has been preaching at Edge Bap
tist Church, preparing himself for
a church related vocation. He is
Fellowship will be held after the
service Saturday night.
This airplane is actually a flying
classroom. The course taught in it
is Air Navigation, under real con-'
ditions. The students are young
men who have been selected as pos
sible future leaders of the Aero
space Team. Graduation after 32
weeks of training will win each of
the students the honored silver
wings of an Air Force Navigator
and an Officer’s Commission.
For certain young men, this*
Training can open the way to a
bright career of executive poten
tial. Right now the Air Force is
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advances in the fields of naviga-
;tion, guidance and tracking, elec
tronics and radar. And here is
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rienced Navigators will be expected
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jncreasing responsibility.
To qualify for Navigator traih^
ing as an Aviation Cadet, you must
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healthy and intelligent. And you
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interesting career in the Aerospace
(Age. If you think you measure upj
.we’d like to talk to you at the near-j
est Air Force Recruiting OfficeJ
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There's a place for tomorrow's]
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BOX 7608, WASHINGTON 4, D. C.\
I am between 19 and 26V2, a citizen'
of the U.S. and a high school graduate
with years of college. Please
send me detailed information on the
Aviation Cadet program.
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