The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 22, 1960, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 102
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Vast Gathering for Muster Ceremonies
. . . approximately 5,000 on hand for event
Parent’s Day Program
Plans In Final Stage
Assistant News Editor
Plans are in the final stage for
the presentation of the Aggie
Mother of the Year in the annual
Parent’s Day ceremonies slated
this year Sunday, May 8.
According to a report made last
night in the Student Senate by
Tom Hamilton, chairman of the
Public Relations Committee, the
program is definitely set for 11
a.m. in Guion Hall.
Rudder To Speak
Hamilton also disclosed that
president Earl Rudder has accept-
id an invitation to be the featured
speaker and Jake Sekerka, presi
dent of the Student Senate, will
present the actual Mother of the
Year award.
He concluded his report by stat
ing that special music wijl be pro
vided by Lane Lynch and that
Wade Dover, chaplain of the Stu
dent Senate, will offer both the
invocation and benediction.
Larry White, chairman of the
Student Life Committee, stated
that so far he had heard nothing
but good comments concerning yes
terday’s Muster Ceremonies and
that he felt the program had been
a complete success. He also offer
ed his thanks to all those who co
operated in* planning the program.
Ben Cook, chairman of the Is
sues Committee, reported that over
$700 had been realized from the
Twelfth Man basketball game and
that three outfits still haven’t re
ported. He concluded that these
figures proved the game had also
been a big success.
Pictures of the Senate in an ac
tual meeting were also made for
the Aggieland ’60. In addition to
the group picture made, individual
pictures will also be included.
Pete Hardesty, Student Organi
zations Advisor, concluded the
meeting by reminding the Senate
that filings are now being accepted
for positions on next year’s Senate
as part of the General Election
filings now in progress.
Governor’s Brother
Bill Daniel Named
NIRA Rodeo Guest
Bill Daniel, prominent brother of Gov. Price Daniel, will
be honored at a luncheon Thursday, April 28, in the MSG as
the honored guest at the eleventh annual National Intercol
legiate Rodeo Assn, sponsored Aggie Rodeo to be held through
Saturday, April 29.
Daniel serves as permanent con
test judge at the Huntsville Prison
Rodeo and will officially open the
show Thursday night by turning
out the first rider. He will also
appear on KORA Thursday morn
ing immediately after arriving by
Sixteen schools will be repre
Groneman Named
Alan of the Year’
Dr. Chris H. Groneman, head of the Department of In
dustrial Education, has been named “Man of the Year” in in
dustrial education. The honor was conferred during the
American Industrial Arts Assn, convention held in Toronto,
Canada, today.
He was selected for his service
to industrial arts education as a
teacher and supervisor and for the
honor and recognition he has
brought to the industrial education
The award was made by The
Ship, an organization of represent
atives of reliable firms doing busi
ness in the education field. The
presentation was made by William
MacLachlan, manager, School
Sales, Rockwell Manufacturing Co.,
during the convention in Toronto.
Head of Department
In addition to his duties as head
of the department, Groneman is
coordinator for teacher education
at the College and is the consult
ing editor with the McGraw-Hill
Book Co. for their publications in
industrial arts. He is chairman of
the College’s Athletic Council and
as such is the College’s representa
tive on the Southwest Athletic Con
Groneman has been with A&M
since 1940. He holds BS and MS
degrees from Kansas, State Col
lege at Pittsburg, Kansas, and did
additional graduate work at the
University of Minnesota and Penn
State College.
He is the author of many publi
cations and holds membership in
many professional and learned as
His entry in the International
Wood Craftsmen contest held in
1958 won third place; in 1953 the
Industrial Arts Policy and Plan
ning Committee of the Amei’ican
Vocational Assn, appointed him ed
itor of the group to revise “Im
proving Instruction in Industrial
Arts.” In November, 1958, Grone
man was presented the Golden
Hammer Award for outstanding
craftsmanship by Mechanix Illus
trated magazine.
sented at the rodeo, which will
include five different perform
ances. Performances will be given
Thursday and Friday night at 8
and at 10 p.m., 2 and 8 p.m. Sat
Teams from Sam Houston State
and McNeese State College are
favored to carry away most of
the prizes since they are compet
ing for the top team in this region.
Aggie Standouts
Aggie hopes will be carried by
Phillip Cox, who was named all-
Aggie champ bareback rider in
1957, Doyle McSpadden, who was
named champ all-round cowboy
in 1958, and Lynn Turner, who won
tie-down, roping and all-round
cowboy championships in the Sam
Houston Intercollegiate show and
the Aggie Rodeo this fall.
Events include bareback bronc
riding, saddle bronc riding, bull
riding, tie-down roping, ribbon
roping, girls’ barrel racing and
girls’ goat tying.
Jerry Moore and Leo Anderson
from Sam Houston, along with
Carl Martin and Billy Hood, will
be favored in the rough stock rid
ing events.
Roping Favorites
Favorites for top roping honors
will be John Turner and Tommy
Flennican, both from Sam Houston
John Ruth will work both as a
clown and bull fighter and Cullen
Robinson and Billy Hanover will
serve as pickup men for the rough
stock riders.
All sixteen schools entered in
the rodeo plus TCU, TU and prob
ably others will have girl repre
sentatives on campus for the fes
Uof H Chancellor Tells
Of ‘Cold’ War At Muster
Bruce Addresses
5,000 at Event
“As we meet here today,” Gen A. D. Bruce, chancellor
of the University of Houston, said at the Thursday Muster,
“we find our nation still involved in a ‘cold’ war against the
enemies of freedom, decency and all we hold sacred and dear.”
Chancellor Bruce delivered the Muster Day address here
before more than 5,000 persons on the lawn in front of the
Memorial Student Center. The chancellor is a graduate of
the Class of ’16.
Since 1903 . . .
Musters are held each year throughout the world and is
an outgrowth of the Battle of San Jacinto paying tribute
to those who died for Texas’ independence and to deceased
A&M students. Musters have*
been held since 1903.
“The facts of today may
prompt us to ask these ques
tions,” the chancelloi- declared:
‘Have we, the living, kept faith
with our Texas patriots and with
our Aggie buddies who have died?
“Have their fighting and sacri
fices been without results ? I think
“The battle for peace is a never-
ending struggle. It will not be con
cluded so long as there are evil
forces abroad in this world trying
to enlarge their territories and
spreading their Godless ideologies.
“Aggies have not shed their
blood for a lost cause. For there
is no greater cause than freedom.
“The Aggies who have died on
ridges, fields and streams in all
parts of the world can sleep as
peacefully as their ancestors who
fell at the Alamo, Goliad and Sah
“On San Jacinto Day of each
year we can rededicate ourselves
to the task of preserving that most
perfect and cherished state of free
dom and peace.”
Message To Governor
Lt. Gen. Bruce was commander
of the 77th Infantry Division which
fought in the Guam operation. Fol
lowing the defeat of the enemy in
a battle in that area, he sent the
following message to the governor
of Texas:
“The 77th Infantry Division, aft
er a bitter pillbox-to-pillbox, house-
to-house, cave-to-cave fight, plant
ed our American flag on the high
est point of the strongly-defended
mountain pinnacle on le Shima.
Men from Texas planted a Texas
flag on Bloody Ridge at the base
of the pinnacle fortress in honor
of those gallant Texans who gath
ered together at Corregidor to re
member San Jacinto Day on April
21, 1942.”
By Small Groups
The speaker said the Muster was
held by small groups as planned.
“I was present with a few in the
area of division headquarters.
Several ‘heres’ had to be answered,
but we felt mighty proud to cap
ture a veritable fortress that al
lowed us to vindicate, in a meas
ure, that heart-rendering Muster
held three years before on Cor
Civilians Set
Meet Friday
The Civilian Leadership Retreat
will be held at the Lakeview Meth
odist Assembly near Palestine Fri
day and Saturday.
Purpose of the Retreat is to - im
prove and strengthen the status of
the civilian student, according to
Paul Corder, chairman of the Pub
licity Committee of the Civilian
Student Council.
Included in the program are
workshops in which selected prob
lems and ideas will be discussed
and ample time allotted for recrea
Those eligible to attend are ci
vilian councilmen, members of dor
mitory councils and the Civilian
Student Council and any other ci
vilian students who are interested
in phases of civilian government.
Transportation is available in pri
vate automobiles.
Public School
Meet Opens
, Administrators and cooperating
public school teachers in student
teaching will meet on the campus
The conference is sponsored by
the Teachers Education Depart
ments of A&M and Sam Houston
State College of Huntsville.
More than*50 public school teach
ers from Bryan, Navasota and
A&M Consolidated High School
are due to take part in the dis
cussions. An orientation discus
sion and group discussions will be
held from 9-11 a.m. in the Memor
ial Student Center.
Reports of the conference will
be submitted to Dr. Emmitt Smith
of West Texas State College at
Canyon, who is conducting a state
wide study of student teaching
practices. Ultimate goal is that
teaching as a laboratory practice
will attain higher standards, that
public schools will treat it as a
joint responsibility and that the
state will support it financially,
Dr. Smith says.
Discussion leaders will be Dr.
Leslie Hawkins, Dr. Carl Landis,
Dr. Dwain Estes, O. M. Holt, Mrs.
Joyce Murray, all, of A&M and
Thomas Murray of Sam Houston
General chairman will be Dr.
Paul Hensarling of the A&M De
partment of Education and Psy
chology and Dr. Suler Ryan of
the Department of Education at
Sam Houston State.
Pistol Team
Places Second
The National Rifle Assn, has
notified M. Sgt. W. H. Card, coach
of the A&M pistol team, the A&M
entry has won second place in the
National Intercollegiate Pistol
Team Match in the Pistol Matches
Division for 1960.
The five man team fired a 1,408
and was seven ‘pomts behind the
U.S. Military Academy. The mem
bers of the A&M team were Team
Capt. Henry Gill of Dallas; Mor
gan Ragan of Ranger; Charles
Benson of Sour Lake; James Wil
son of Pasadena; and Charles Boll-
frass of Houston.
Sixteen teams were entered in
cluding three from the Military
Academy; three from the Air
Force Academy; two from the Na
val Academy; two from Michigan
State; Stanford; Oklahoma; Buck-
nell; University of Utah and Mont
Alto, Penn.
In the individual matches tour
nament, Gill took third place with
286 of a possible 300 points.
Other team members placed thir
teenth — Ragan; eighteenth—Ben
son; twenty second — Bollfrass;
twenty eighth — Wilson and thirty
second—Cyril Adams of Houston.
There were 91 entries in the In
dividual Matches.
Lt. Gen. A. D. Bruce
. . . Muster Speaker
Assn. Prexy
To Address
Durward Grubb, president of the
Texas Classroom Teachers’ Assn.,
will speak to the 65 student-teach
ers’ in the Department of Educa
tion and Psychology Tuesday at
8 a.m. in the department labora
Grubb, who is from Abilene will
be introduced by David Arnold,
president of the Student National
Education Assn., George Wilcox
Chapter at A&M.
The topic of Grubb’s speech will
be “Informing Student-teachers
About Value and Work of Profes
sional Associations.”
The A&M student N.E.A. Chap
ter is sponsoring Grubb. All grad
uate students in teacher-education
are invited to attend.
G. /. Veteran
Checks Here
Students who are attending
school under the G. I. Bill may
sign for April pay at the Vet
erans Advisors Office from April
25-May 4, according to Bennie
A. Zinn, veterans advisor.
April 29
Garrett To Talk
In Pan-Am Week
Glenn E. Garrett, executive director of the Good Neigh
bor'Commission of Texas, will speak Friday, April 29, in the
Memorial Student Center in conjunction with Pan American
week on the A&M Campus.
Garrett will speak at 8 p.m. in - * ; 1
the Assembly Room. This topic
for his talk will be “Toward an
Understanding of Pan American
Garrett’s speech will be one of
the highlights of Pan American
Week, an event observed annually
at A&M and in Texas for the pur
pose of promoting good neighbor
relations between Texans and citi
zens of Latin American countries.
This year’s program will be held
here April 24-30 and will include
a soccer tournament, a panel dis
cussion, showing of Latin Amer
ican films, folklore exhibits and a
Latin American dance.
Honored Guest
Garrett will be an honered guest
at a smorgasbord dinner at 6:30
p.m. Friday in the Main Dining
Room of the MSG. A reception
sponsored by the Pan American
Round table will follow Garrett’s
talk later in the evening.
Garrett was born in Weimar
and attended public schools there
and in La Grange. He was grad
uated from A&M in 1926 with a
degree in Agricultural Administra
He has worked as a farm over
seer for the planting of sugar cane
in Cuba. He was later employed
by the Work Projects Administra
tion at New Orleans as chief re
gional supervisor of employment.
In the early years of World War
II he was regional director at At
lanta for the Office of Emergency
Stationed in Europe
As a captain and major in the
U. S. Army, he was stationed in
the European Theatre from 1943-
46. He took part in U. S. Mili
tary Government for Germany un
til the end of the war. As a civil
ian employee of the Department of
the Army, Garrett acted as chief
of the Labor Division of the U. S.
High Commission for Germany.
Garrett returned to Texas in
1953 and became executive director
of the Good Neighbor Commission
in January, 1954.
Play Entered
In Regional
A&M Consolidated High School
will take their one-act play “Sorry,
Wrong Number” to the regional
contest in Brenham Saturday after
winning first in the District 21-
AA contest here April 5.
In Brenham, the CHS players
will face the winners from Dis
tricts 18 through 22-AA schools.
The winner will then go to the
state contest.
The play is built around a neu
rotic woman who, in an effort to
contact her husband, overhears a
murder plot on the telephone, only
to find out it is her own in the
climax of the play.
The contest will be held in the
Brenham High School auditorium.
The Consolidated play is sched
uled for 8:40 p.m.
Mrs. Stevenson is played by
Cindy Drake. Chief Operator is
Betty Ann Randsdell and the Op
erator is Angela Wallace. George
is played by Mike Gay and the In
formation Operator is Shirley Rog
ers. The Receptionist is portray
ed by Janet Darrow and the Man
is Larry Maddox.
The stage crew going to the reg
ional meet includes Joe Brusse and
Marvin Nichols on sound and
Frank Vogler handles the lighting.
Scene from “Sorry, Wrong Number”
... entered in regional contest by Consolidated