The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 20, 1960, Image 2

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College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 20 1960
. . . Journalism Which Succeeds Best —and Best
Deserves Success— Fears God and Honors Man; Is
Stoutly Independent, Unmoved by Pride of Opinion
or Creed of Power . . . Walter Williams
Deserving Mom
Nominations close tomorrow for the Honor Aggie Mother
of the Year and all Texas A&M students are urged to submit
nominations of a mother who would be worthy of the honor.
The only requirement is the mother selected as the
Mother of the Year be present for the Parents’ Day cere
monies on the Texas A&M campus May 8.
Nominations must be turned in to the office of Pete
Hardesty, student organizations adviser, in the Memorial
Student Center.
The award of Mother of the Year is an outstanding honor
and one of the few bestowed by colleges across the nation. |
All students of Texas A&M are urged to submit nominations |
of the mother they feel would be the most deserving of the
award ... if many are submitted, the opportunities of choos
ing a truly ohtstanding mother would be enhanced.
^ W
On Other Campuses
By Alan Payne
North Texas
In an article explaining the
disadvantages of 8 a.m. classes
and jobs, The Campus Chat of
North Texas included a story
about a coed who had an 8
a.m. job.
One morning after arriving
late, something which she was
known to often do, she found the
following note laying on her
desk: Good morning, the time is
8:09. Sleep well?
SMU’s “Stampede of Wild
Horses,” known officially as Ma-
nada Holiday was conducted re
cently on the sprawling Dallas
The celebration, advertised as
the college’s biggest weekend, in
cluded parades; shows, skits and
various types of booths.
Included among these were stu
dent presentations of “tyledea,”
“Suddenly Last Fall,” “Ask Any
Girl,” “The Boyfriend,” “Prinder-
ella and the Cince,” “Auntie
M a m e,” “Swigfield Follies,”
“Swiss Cheese Cake,” “Saga of
the College Fraternity,” “Sleep
ing Ugly,” “Around the World in
Eighty Days,” “Suddenly Last
Summer,” and a leftist shoot, tur
tle derby, ring throw, garter
throw and Cake walk.
All coeds were given special
permission, to stay out until 1:30
a.m., providing that their dates
would pay one cent for each min
ute they stayed out after the nor
mal 12:30 deadline.
A TU fraternity has been put
on strict social probation until
February of 1961 as a result of
conducting what is now an illegal
costume party.
The probation restricts the fra
ternity from participating as. ei
ther host or guest at any event
registered on the college social
calendar and allows them to par
ticipate in only two events not
registered on the calendar be
tween now and June 1.
Needless to say, there is still
an awful lot of controversy oP
the Austin campus concerning the
ruling handed down by the So
cial Calendar Committee banning
the parties.
* * * * *
Also included in last Thurs
day’s edition of The Daily Texan
was a report of a new scholastic
system being tried at UCLA to
avoid prejudices among instruc
In the new grading system,
numbers are assigned to students’
papers, and the professors have
no access to students’ names, but
must grade by number only. Not
until grades are entered and dis
tributed can a professor find out
a student’s number, but he can
add or subtract three points from
a student’s final grade for class
participation and attendance.
This, according to the report
from the West Coasj;, gives the
student complete freedom to say
what he wants in class, and dis
courages the kind of student who
goes around hunting favors.
by Jim Earle College Groups
Slate Calendar
Thursday, April 21, 1960 being a Holiday, in observance
of San Jacinto Day, the undersigned will observe that
date as a Holiday and not be open for business.
First National Bank
City National Bank
First State Bank & Trust Co.
College Station State Bank
Bryan Building & Loan Ass’n
Community Savings & Loan Ass’n
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu-
ient writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non
profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op
erated by students as a community newspaper and is under
the supervision of the director of Student Publications at
Texas A&M College.
Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of
Student Publications, chairman ; Dr. A. L. Bennett, School of Arts and Sciences: Dr.
K. J. Koenig, School of Engineering; Otto R. Kunze, School of Agriculture; and Dr.
S. D. McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine.
Entered as second-class
matter at the Post Office
in College Station, Texas,
under the Act of Con
gress of March 8. 1870.
The Associated Press
Texas Press Ass’n.
Represented nationally by
N a t i o n a 1 Advertising
Services, Inc., New York
City, Chicago, Los An
geles and San Francisco.
he Associated
ches credited
ineous origin published
= also reserved.
republication of all news
iper and local news of
all other matter here-
Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester, $6 per school year, $6.50 per full year,
vertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion Room 4, YMCA,
advertising rate furnis.
College Station, Texas.
News contributions may be made by telephoning VI 6-S618 or VI 6-4910 or at the
rditorial office, Room 4, YMCA. For advertising or delivery call VI 6-6415.
Planning Meet
In order to prepare for print
ing the All-College Social and Ac
tivities Calendar for the school
year 1960-61, there will be a
meeting with Mrs. Rosalie John
son, MSG Student Program Ad-
U&tefrr, of all the interested depart
mental, class, club, and organiza
tion officers on Wednesday, April
27, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 3D of
the Memorial Student Center.
Dates for all student functions,
such as class and organization
meetings and balls, military balls,
shows, rodeos, stock shows, etc.,
will be reserved at this meeting.
Persons wishing to schedule
events which fall on week nights
need not attend the meeting, but
may place their events on the cal
endar by mail, and will be noti
fied if any major conflict arises.
Persons planning schedules are
reminded that college regulations
specify certain nights during the
week for certain organization
“... being th’ fastest slide rule alive is no bed of roses—every young engineer on th’ cam
pus will be trying to outdraw you just to make a reputation for himself!”
Bill Hicklin Managing Editor
Joe Callicoatte Sports Editor
Robbie Godwin News Editor
Ben Trail, Bob Sloan, Alan Payne Assistant News Editors
Nelson Antosh, Ken Coppage, Tommy Holbein, Bob
Saile and A1 Vela Staff Writers
Joe Jackson - *»'--* Photographer
Russell Brown CHS Correspondent
B. H. Nelson Asked to Serve
On Population Crisis Talks
Dr. Bardin H. Nelson, profes
sor in the Department of Agri
cultural Economics and Rural
Sociology at A & M has been
asked to serve as rapporteur for
a National Conference on the
Population Crisis.
This conference is being spon
sored by the Dallas Council on
World Affairs and Newsweek
magazine and will be held at the
Sheraton-Dallas Hotel May 17-19.
Program participants will in
clude John D. Rockefeller III,
chairman of the Rockefeller
Foundation and of the Board of
Trustees of the Population Coun
cil; H. E. Mahomedali Chogla,
ambassador to the United States
from India; Dr. F. F. Hill, vice-
president of the Ford Foundation
with responsibility for the Over
seas Development Program; Dr.
Philip M. Hauser, director of the
Population Research and Training
Center at the University of Chi-
Army Tests Slated
Saturday In Sbisa
Army RQ tests (ROTC qualifi
cation examination) will be giv
en in the basement of Sbisa Din
ing Hall Saturday morning at
8:30, according to Capt. John W.
Simmons,: operations officer for
the Department of Military
Science and Tactics.
This examination is open to all
students who are enrolled in or
have completed the fourth semes
ter of Basic ROTC or have re
ceived credit for two years of
Basic ROTC and will have 60 se
mester hours passed by the Fall
Semester, 1960, said Capt. Sim-
■ cago and Ernest K. Lindley, Di
rector of Newsweek’s Washington
Dr. Paul Geren, executive di
rector of the Dallas Council on
World Affairs, notified Nelson
that fees will be waived for A &
M undergraduate or graduate stu
dents who wish to attend.
Several Dallas families have
also offered to provide hospitality
for A&M students attending the
conference. . Nelson said students
interested in attending the con
ference should contact him.
Aq y: ■ y 1 :.,-:'• - . ■
colorful knitted sportshirts
Nothing like this handsome blend of combed cotton
and chromspun-rayon to give you that relaxed look
all Summer long. The new Continental V-neck collar
makes this knit shirt an outstanding addition to your
wardrobe. Completely washable. Be sure to buy it
^Jhe C>xcliancje
“Serving Texas Aggies”
Show Starts 7:25
Both In Color
First Feature
Egan •IvlcGuiRE-Dee • Kennedy-Donahue
Second Feature
Job Interviews
The following organizations
will interview graduating seniors
Thursday in the Placement Of
fice on the third floor of the
YMCA Building:
Mid-Continent Supply C o m-
pany, Inc. will interview gradu
ates in chemical, industrial, me
chanical and petroleum engineer
ing and business administration
who are interested in becoming
sales trainees.
Read Battalion Classifieds
(Author of “7 Was a Teen-age Dwarf”, "The Many
Loves of Dobie Gillis”, etc.)
In your quest for a college degree, are you becoming a narrow
specialist, or are you being educated in the broad, classical
sense of the word? This question is being asked today by many
serious people—including my barber, my podiatrist, and my
little dog Spot—and it would be well to seek an answer.
Let us examine our souls. Are we becoming experts only in
the confined area of our majors, or does our knowledge range
far and wide? Do we, for example, know who fought in the
battle of Salamis, or Kant’s epistemology, or Planck’s constant,
or the voyage of the Beagle, or Palestrina’s cantatas, or what
Wordsworth was doing ten miles above Tintern Abbey?
If we do not, we are turning, alas, into specialists. What,
then, can we do to escape this strait jacket, to broaden our
vistas, lengthen our horizons, to become, in short, educated?
Well sir, the first thing we must do is throw away our curricula.
Tomorrow, instead of going to the same old classes, let us try
something new. Let us think of college, not as a rigid discipline,
but as a kind of vast smorgasbord, with all kinds of tempting
intellectual tidbits to sample and savor. Let us dive in. Let
our pent-up appetites roam and snatch where they will.
kf m mme 0
We will start the day with a stimulating seminar in Hittite
artifacts. Then we will go over to marine biology and spend a
happy hour with the mollusks. Then we will open our pores by
drilling with the ROTC for a spell. Then we’ll go over to journal
ism and scramble a font of Bodoni. Then we’ll go to the medical
school and palpate a few spleens. Then we’ll go to home
economics and have lunch.
And between classes we’ll smoke Marlboro Cigarettes. This,
let me emphasize, is not an added fillip to the broadening of our
education; it is an essential. To learn to live richly and well is
an important part of education, and Marlboros are an important
part of living richly and well. Do you think flavor went out
when filters came in? Well, ha-ha, the joke is on you. Marlboro,
with its Selectrate filter, delivers flavor in full measure, flavor
without stint or compromise, flavor that wrinkled care derides,
flavor holding both its sides. This triumph of the tobacconist’s
art comes to you in soft pack or flip-top box and can be lighted
with match, lighter, candle, Welsbach mantle, or by rubbing
two small Indians together.
When we have embarked on this new regimen—or, more ac
curately, lack of regimen-we will soon be studded with culture
like a ham with cloves. When strangers accost us on the street
and say, “What was Wordsworth doing ten miles above Tintern
Abbey?” we will no longer slink away in silent abashment. We
will reply loud and clear:
“As any truly educated person knows, Wordsworth, Shelley,
and Keats used to go t|e Widdicombe Fair every year for the
poetry-writing contestsjind three-legged races, both of which
they enjoyed wildly. Well sir, imagine their chagrin when they
arrived at the Fair in 1776 and learned that Oliver Cromwell,
jittery because Guy Fawkes had just invented the spinning
jenny, had canceled all public gatherings, including the Widdi
combe Fair and Liverpool. Shelley was so upset that he
drowned himself in the Bay of Naples, Keats went to London
and became Samuel Johnson, and Wordsworth ran blindly into
the forest until he collapsed in a heap ten miles above Tintern
Abbey. There he lay for several years, sobbing and kicking his
little fat legs. At length, peace returned to him. Ho composed
himself and, noticing for the first time the beauty of the forest
around him, he wrote Joyce Kilmer’s immortal Trees. .. And
that, sm arty pants, is what Wordsworth was doing ten miles
above Tintern Abbey.” © 1900 m.x sh U i maQ
Poets and peasants alike know that if you like mildness but
you don’t like filters, you can’t do better than Marlboro’s
companion cigarette—Philip Morris.
By Charles M. Schull