The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 08, 1960, Image 1

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The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 98
Annual Cotton Pageant and Ball
Scheduled for Tonight at 7:30
New Editor of The Battalion
President Earl Rudder presents Bill Hicklin, junior journa
lism major from Corpus Christi, with the letter of appoint
ment as Editor of The Battalion for 1960-61. The appoint
ment was made Thursday by President Rudder after Hick
lin was unanimously recommended by the Student Publi
cations Board.
Recital Series Program
Bette Bjoerling
To Sing Tonight
■ The noted Swedish-American soprano Mrs. Bette Bjoer
ling will sing in the Memorial Student Center Assembly
Room tonight at 8 p. m.
The concert will be the final event in the current MSC
Recital Series.
Mrs. Bjoerling, born and raised
in Illinois and vocally educated at
Chatauqua, the University of Tex
as and the Juilliard School, made
k debut as Amneris in “Aida” at
Sweden’s Royal Opera in Stock
holm during October, 1947.
Important Member
An important member of that
first audience was Goesta Bjoer
ling, leading tenor of the Royal
Opera and a member of the great
Bjoerling singing family. Goesta
Bjoerling became Bette’s teacher
and inspired her singing to the
point where she was able to be
come his co-star. They were mar
ried in 1950.
The Bjoerlings sang together
and were acclaimed at the Royal
Opera and throughout Europe.
Mrs. Bjoerling, then a mezzo-so
prano, achieved individual acclaim
in such roles as Carmen, Azucena
in “Trovatore,” Delilah in “Samp
son and Delilah” and Fricka in
“Waikure”, in concerts under Igor
Markevitch, Hans Schmidt-Isser-
stedt, Albert Wolff-and Sixten Ehr-
In 195G, she was, unofficially,
the first American woman to tour
Russia after the lifting of
Curtain restrictions.
ill on the way to a concert. His
death brought Mrs. Bjoerling back
to her family in Staten Island, New
She made her American concert
debut with the Symphony Orches
tra of Springfield, Mass., on Dec.
9, 1958. 'She is now making her
first American concert tour.
Tickets for this concert will be
available at the door for $1 per
person and 50c for high school stu
dents. A&M students will be ad
mitted on their Recital Series sea
son cards.
Hicklin Named A < !h,ev °'" ent
Award Goes
Batt Editor
Bill Hicklin, junior journalism major from Corpus Chris
ti, was appointed 1960-61 Editor of The Battalion Thursday
by President Earl Rudder.
The appointment followed the March 31 unanimous
recommendation of the Student-t ;
Publications Board, chaired by L.
A. Duewall, director of Student
Three Approved
Three other editors of Student
Publications were approved by the
deans of the schools involved. Wal
ter Willms, junior agriculture ma
jor from Colombus, was approved
as editor of The Agriculturalist by
Dean of Agriculture G. M. Wat
kins; Paul York, junior electrical
engineering major from Marshall,
was approved as editor of The En
gineer by Dean of Engineering
Fred J. Benson; and Joseph Smith,
junior veterinary medicine major
from Justin, was approved as Edi
tor of The Southwestern Veterina
rian by Dean of Veterinary Medi
cine Alvin A. Price.
Later Announcement
Editor of The Aggieland ’60 will
be announced at a future date and
the editor of The Texas A&M Re
view will be announced within a
matter of days. Action on the edi
torship of The Review was delayed
by the illness of Dean of Arts and
Sciences Frank W. R. Hubert.
The 20-year-old Hicklin is a
graduate of Roy Miller High
School in Corpus Christi and has
served on The Battalion for two
years as assistant sports editor,
news editor and managing editor.
He is a member of Sigma Delta
Chi, the national professional jour
nalistic fraternity, and a member
of Co. E-2 in the Corps of Cadets.
SPB Nominations
Nominations for the respective
editorships were made by the Stu
dent Publications Board. Those
present were Dr. A. L. Bennett,
associate professor in the Depart
ment of English; O. R. Kunze, as
sociate professor in the Department
of Agronomy; Dr. E. D. McMurray,
associate professor in the Depart
ment of Veterinary Physiology and
Pharmacology; and Charles W.
Crawford, associate dean of Engi-
neering, acted as representative in
the absence of Dr. K. J. Koenig,
associate professor in the Depart
ment of Geology and Geophysics.
The new editors will assume
their posts May 1.
Quarter Horse Show Slated
Saturday in Rodeo Arena
The Aggie Rodeo Club’s first
annual Quarter Plorse Show will be
held Saturday at the Aggie Rodeo
Arena and will attract quarter
horses from all over Texas to com
pete in halter classes, perform-
Iron j ance classes, barrel racing, calf
roping and cutting horse events.
their horses in 12 halter classes
at 9:39 a.m. Eleven performance
events are scheduled to begin at
1:30 p.m.
Two years ago Bjoerling became
Mrs. Bette Bjoerling
... Recital Series Singer
High-Point Trophy
A high-point trophy will be
awarded to the best horse which
has'been entered in a minimum of
showing | one Waiter and two performance
classes. Trophies and rosettes will
be awarded to the Grand Champion
stallion, mare and gelding and the
Reserve Champion stallion, mare
and gelding. Winners of the halter
classes will receive individual
trophies and ribbons. Performance
event winners will be awarded
sterling belt buckles and ribbons
through six places.
The show has been approved by
the American Quarter Horse Assn,
and the National Cutting Horse
Assn. Horses appearing in the
j AQUA - Permanent, Tentative or
! Appendix registry and the Na
tional Quarter Horse Breeder’s
Assn, registry are eligible for
Committee Chairmen
Co-chairmen of the Horse Show
Committee are Tommy Hastings of
Dallas and Willard ' Stuard of
Aledo. Chairman of the Trophies
and Awards Committee is William
Redman of Saint Jo.
Ralph Howe of Seymour will
; judge halter classes and Novis
Rodgers of Snyder will judge per-
. formance classes. Both men have
; had previous experience in judging
Ringmaster for the show will be
Houston E. Smith of the Depart
ment of Agricultural Economics
artd Sociology. Miss Jerry Ann
Bowman of Fort W’orth is show
Events Scheduled
Post entries will be accepted at
the Aggie Arena Saturday until
one class prior to the class of
entry. Morning halter classes in
clude 1959 Stallion; 1958 Stallion;
1957 Stallion; 1959, ’58, and ’57
Mares; Stallions Foaled 1956 or
Before; Mares Foaled 1956 or Be
fore; Geldings Foaled Before o:
After 1956; Get of Sire; and Pro
duce of Dam.
Afternoon performance events
include Junior and Senior Quarter
Horse Western Pleasure; Junior
and Senior Quarter Horse Reining;
Junior and Senior Quarter Horse
Barrel Race; Junior and Senior
Quarter Horse Roping; and Junior
and Senior Quarter Horse Cutting.
ToJ. W.Amyx
The Student Engineers Coun
cil will present an award for
outstanding - achievement in en
gineering teaching to James W.
Amyx of Ithe Department of
Petroleum Engineering at a
banquet tonight in the Memorial
Student Center.
The banquet will be held in
Rooms 2-B and 2-C at 7 p.m.
Amyx has been selected by the
council to receive the award be
cause of outstanding work in
student - faculty relations and
extra-curricular activities.
Col. Blake W. Lambert
... speaks Monday
Reserve To Hear
Colonel Monday
Col. Blake W. Lambert, deputy chief of staff for opera
tions of the Air Force Missile Development Center, Holloman
Air Force Base, N. M., will be guest speaker at the Air Force
Missiles Briefing sponsored by the 9087 th Air Reserve Squad
ron and open to the public, to be-t
190 Duchesses
Vie for Title
Some 190 beautiful girls, representing organizations
throughout Texas were eagerly awaiting the 26th annual Cot
ton Pageant and Ball and the crowning of Queen Cotton to
The Cotton Pageant will begin at 7:30 in Guion Hall.
The Hon. Olin E. Teague, U. S. congressman of the 6th Dis
trict, will crown Harold Henk, King Cotton. Included in the
King’s Court are Charles Blue, Alan Ford, Allan Marburger,
Boyd Proctor, Anton Coy, John O’Conner, Walter Willms, and
William Stuhrenberg.
Miss Ward to Lead
Leading the parade of duchesses will be Miss Emily
Ward, Agronomy Society - ^
Sweetheart from Tulia. Miss
held Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Chemistry Lecture Room.
Col. Lambert began his military
career in 1938, entering the 1st
Battalion, 12th U.S. Infantry. He
entered Air Force pilot training in
1939 and graduated from the Ad
vanced Flying School at Kelly
Field, Tex., in October, 1940.
Next Five Years
During the next five years, Col.
Lambert served as flying instruc
tor, commandant of cadets, direc
tor of instrument flying and head
of maintenance of the 492nd Air
Service Group at Naples, Italy.
After returning to the U.S. from
Italy, Col. Lambert attended the
Air Command and Staff Schools
in 1949, and in 1952, he received
his M.S. degree in aeronautical en
gineering from the University of
Col. Lambert was transferred to
Arnold Engineering, Development
Center at Tullahoma, Tenn., in
June, 1957, and an early assign
ment was to organize, staff and
Nominations Open
For Aggie Mother
Nominations may now be submitted in this year’s Aggie
Mother of the Year contest. Students have until April 21
to submit their entries to the Honor Mother of the Year
Selection Committee in the office of Pete Hardesty, student
organizations advisor.
This announcement was released
last night at the Student Senate
meeting, presided over by Travis
Wegenhoft in the absence of Pres
ident Jake Sekerka. Also discussed
were the twelfth man basketball
game Saturday morning, the up
coming Muster ceremonies, the se
lection of the outstanding cadet
staff member and the Senate pic
ture in the Aggieland.
One Requirement
Tom Hamilton, chairman of the
public relations committee, empha
sized in the Aggie Mother discus
sion that the only requirement is
that the winner be present at the
Parent’s Day ceremonies. The pur
pose of the award, as stated by
John Thomas, is “to recognize
some mother who has undergone
supreme hardship in order for her
son to get an education.”
Thomas, who is in charge of the
committee in charge of nomina
tions for the outstanding staff
member award, expressed his ap
preciation for the cooperation the
committee has received in the
screening of candidates. He also
declared that “I feel the committee
has been able to do a very good
No Trouble
Larry White, who is in charge
of the Muster Committee, said the
program is now being formulated
and “there will be no trouble con
cerning a time limit.”
A final announcement was that
the Senate Banquet, originally
scheduled for May 5, will be held
May 12.
The election story carried by
The Battalion Thursday,, stating
Sonny Todd would not serve as
head yell leader next year because
he will be commander of the 2nd
Brigade, was incorrect. The ap
pointment of cadet officers next
year has not been announced.
head the Research and Develop
ment division and to direct AEDC’s
Research and Technical program
aimed toward new and improved
facilities and testing techniques.
His final assignment there was as
sistant deputy chief of staff for
operations. Upon arriving at the
Air Force Missile Development
Center in January, 1959, he as
sumed the position he now holds.
Col. Lambert directed the initial
studies concerning the feasibility
of a special high-speed test track,
which was later constructed at
Hurricane, Mesa, Utah, and called
the Supersonic Military Air Re
search Track.
Nine Grants
Given Students
In A&M Work
Nine fellowship grants and as-
sistantships totaling approximately
$39,000 have been made to ad
vanced students by the Department
of Oceanography and Meteorology.
The recipients will do their work
at A&M.
Four National Defense Graduate
Fellowship grants cover a three-
year priod of study. The others are
for the academic year 1960-61.
The United Gas Fellowship in
engineering oceanography, w a s
awarded to Joseph J. Schwind,
University of Utah, who will re
ceive his M.S. degree in geophysics
in June.
National Defense Graduate Fel
For study in physical oceanog
raphy awarded to Bobby Herod of
Grapeland, who will receive his
B.S. in civil engineering from A&M
in June.
For study in physical oceanog
raphy, awarded to Worth Nowlin
of 5746 Monticello, Dallas, who will
receive his M.S. in mathematics
from A&M in June.
For study in meteorology,
awarded to Robert C.. Runnels, who
will receive his B.S. in physics
from the University of Houston
in June.
For study in geological oceanog
raphy, to William J. Goff, who will
receive his B.S. in geology from
the University of Kansas City in
Recipients of research assistant-
James H. Saylor, who will re
ceive his B.S. in physics and mathe
matics from Kalamazoo College in
June, for advanced study in phys-
(See GRANTS on Page 3)
Dorothy Sinz of The Dallas
Times Herald, Mrs. Kim Daw
son of the American Fashion
Assn, and George Dawson, fashion
photographer for the association
will select the Queen of Cotton and
eight duchesses who will compose
her court.
Included in the 190 queen hope
fuls are 18 entries from student
wives’ clubs; 17 entries from A&M
campus clubs, 18 from Aggie exes
clubs, 26 from A&M mothers clubs,
22 from colleges and high schools;
30 from hometown clubs; 24 from
local women’s and civic clubs and
34 from Texas Woman’s University
campus clubs.
Watkins Will Emcee
Master of ceremonies for the
Pageant will be Johnny Watkins,
’48, KWTX-TV Waco, and KBTX-
TV, Bryan farm director. Musical
numbers during the event will be
offered by the Troubadours, an
Aggie duo composed of Bobby
Phillips and Barry Cauley of Dal
las; by the Emeralds, a group of
six from Dallas, and by Miss
Virginia McBride, a Bryan soloist.
The master of ceremonies, Wat
kins, is a graduate in the Class of
’48 with a B.S. degree in agron
omy. He participated in the 1947
Ball and Pageant and has been a
farm director of the Waco and
Bryan stations for nine years.
Watkins is married and has two
Cotton Ball
Immediately following the Pag
eant will be the annual Cotton
Ball, which will be held in Sbisa
Hall, beginning at 9:00 p.m. The
Aggieland Orchestra will play for
the event. Tickets for the Ball are
$2.50, stag or drag. Those who
have not purchased tickets for the
event, may do so at the door of
Sbisa Hall.
‘Twelfth Man’
Cage Clash
Set Saturday
The “12th Man Bowl” basketball
game will be held in DeWare Field
House Saturday morning, starting
at 8:45 a.m., according to Ben
Cook, chairman of the Issues Com
mittee of the Student Senate.
Cook said tickets will be avail
able through unit commanders and
can also be purchased at the gate,
selling at 75 cents.
“DriR will be held from 7 to
8:30 a.m., in place of Commander’s
Time, and from 8:30 to 10, a dorm
inspection will be held. Cadets
wishing to attend the game will ba
excused from the inspection by put
ting half of the duplicate ticket on
their doors, with their names
signed on it,” said Cook.
An outstanding feature about
the proceeds of the “12th Man
Bowl” is the fact that through
these funds is offered the only op
portunity for students to give a
scholarship, said Cook.
“The money received from the
game will be turned over to the
administration to be used to award
some deserving entering student a
$500 scholarship. The student body
has no other opportunity to do this
except through the funds of the
“12th Man Bowl.”
Last year’s contest between the
Army and Air Force was a foot
ball game played in Kyle Field, in
which the Army topped the Air
Force. In 1958, the contest was a
basketball game.
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Agronomy Sweetheart
Miss Emily Ward has been chosen the Agronomy Society
Sweetheart and will lead the parade of duchesses at the
Cotton Pageant. She will present the girl chosen queen
with the bouquet of flowers. Miss Ward is a freshman at
Baylor University from Tulia.