The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 07, 1960, Image 4
Page 4 . College Station, Texas Thursday, April 7, 1960 THE BATTALION .uooKs oy A&M Autnors James Eay Holley, left, Corpus Christ! written by A&M College faculty members, sophomore; Mrs. Donald Capelle, senior The display has been set up in the Cushing reference librarian; and Gerald Zubik Bry- Memorial Library in observance of National an, sophomore, examine some of many books Library Week this week. ‘Definite Prospects’ Exist For Legislative Session AUSTIN (A > )—Gov. Price Daniel says there are still “definite pros pects” of a special legislative ses sion this year. The governor told a press con ference Wednesday afternoon that about $75 million should be raised as soon as possible to give teach ers a pay raise and wipe out the rising state deficit. “If there is any possible way to do it before the regular session in 1961 I want to do it,” Daniel said. Daniel cancelled plans for a spe- tial session earlier this year when Pistol Team Holds Sharpshooter Title The A&M Pistol Team success fully defended their Sharpshooter Team Match title with the .45 Cal. Revolver, and also added the .22 Caliber Team medals in the Austin Spring Pistol Tournament last weekend. In the individual matches, Mor gan Ragan took three first places and the aggregate medal with his .22 Cal. hand gun. He had two firsts and the aggregate for the center fire matches and took all five second places including aggre gate with his .45. He completed the match with a First Place medal in the National Match Course Aggregate, and the plaque for over-all First Place Marksman in the 3-day shoot. James Wilson, shooting in the Expert Class, was match winner of the 20-shot timed fire match with a perfect target, and Second Place medals in .22 National Match Course and the aggregate. He also had First Place in the .45 Cal. Timed Fire match. Cyril Adams had two First Places in the Center Fire matches and a Second Place in one of the .45 matches. Frank Sprague had a Second Place medal behind Ragan in the .22 Cal. National Match course. The four-man team winners were Charles Bensqn, James Wilson, Cyril Adams, and Morgan Ragan. The A&M team is captained by Henry Gill, and coached by M/Sgt. W. H. Gard of the Department of Military Science and Tactics. 60 A KHAKI UNIFORM SUIT WASHED & STARCHED FREE Military Crease Fashion Cleaners 618 N. Main St. Bryan, Texas Across Street From Allen & Brown Oldsmobile Co. the idea got a cool reception from legislators campaigning ; -for the May 7 primaries. Daniel told the prgss conference sCState Finance Advisory Commis sion is being named with the ira-, mediate aim of finding new tax souycesT—not labeled general sales or ihcome tax—^to retire the def icit- and. start off the stalled school improvements program. “I firmly beliqye that an equit able tax program can be evolved to meet the state’s needs for the next 10 years without resorting either to a state income tax or general sales tax, and that will be a purpose of this citizens advisory group,” Daniel said. “They will be instructed to avoid both taxes in their planning,” Daniel said in answer to a ques tion. “If they can’t find any other way of financing except by gen eral sales or income tax, then they will be told to report back with that.” First meeting of the full com mission was set for May 16. Dan iel named a “preliminary task force” headed by Secretary of State Zollie Steakley and two oth er members of the governor’s staff—Budget Director Jess Irwin and Jon Ford, administrative as sistant. Also in the organizational group are Dr. John R. Stockton, director of the University of Tex as’ Bureau of Business Research; k " ! Jtohn R. McKee, Dallas, business man, and Hugo H. Loewehstefh, Amarillo real estate man. Stockton, McKee and Loewcn- stern were members of a similar [tax study group that reported to the 1959 legislature. D'anibl said the full commission “will .have someone representing the labor way of life but I dpn’t know if there will be any repre- sehtatiVe of'a labor union on it.” Daniel estimated that a contin uous low level of oil production, which means a monthly loss of about one million dollars in state taxes, probably will result in a net deficit of about 40 million dol lars by the end of this two-year fiscal period, Aug. 31, 1961. Cur rently the deficit stands at about 88 million dollars but collections of state franchise taxes before May 1 are expected to at least cut it in half. The final 40 mil lion dollar deficit estimate includes about 15 million dollars tied up by suits in state courts testing the legality of the natural gas pipeline severance beneficiary tax passed by the 56th Legislature at the urg ing of Daniel. The governor estimates it will take 35 million dollars the first year in starting the Hale-Aikin school improvements plan. This includes a $400 a year basic pay raise for teachers. cott." te e SMlStMEB tBABEiKWi. OCWSIOSS !SSS MS COGfceOUi Absent-minded Professor Not so absent-minded when you get right down to it. He remembered the most important item—the Coke! Yes, people will forgive you almost anything if you just remember to bring along their favorite sparkling drink—ice-cold Coca-Cola. Do have another, professor! , BE REALLY REFRESHED Settled under outherlty ef The Cece-Colo Company by BRYAN COCA COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Friday Seminars Planned For Both April and May The Department of Nuclear Engineering will sponsor a seminar during April and May. They will be held each Fri day at 4 p.m. in Room 101 of the Mechanical Engineering Shop Building, to which inter ested persons are invited to at tend. The first of the seminars will be held Friday, “The Applica tion of Nuclear Energy to Roc ket Propulsion,” Floy Smith; April 22, “Studying Reactor Kinetics With Reactor Simu lator,” E. N. Roots; April 29, “The Evaluation of the Haz ards Associated With Nuclear Reactors,” J. D. Randall; May 6, “The Metallurgy of Pluton ium,” B. A. Rogers; May 13, “Nuclear Electric Energy Con version by Thermionic Emis sion of Electrons,” John Shel don; May 20, “Basic Thermon uclear Engineering,” R. G. Cochran. Easter Seal Drive Reaches $1,800 With its half-way point reached, the 1960 Easter Seal campaign in Brazos Valley has attained 30 per cent of its $6,000 goal. Mrs. Clarence Kemp, general chairman of the drive, reported that $1,800 in contributions have been received by the Brazos Coun ty Society for Crippled Children. Mrs. Kemp pointed out, however, that $4,200 must still be raised to reach the goal. “Currently available funds can provide services for only a small fraction of crippled children in Brazos Valley who need care,” she said. BAFfALION CLASSIFIED YANT AD RATES I WANT AD RATES fa day 3^ per word 3d Per word riv fi additional day Minimum charge—10^ DKADijIiyKS S p.m. day belore publication Classified Display 80d per column Inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 FOR SALE Aluminum popcorn trailer. Equipped with popcorn machine and peanut roaster. Call TA 2-4003 or see at 703 N. Coulter Dr. 97t2 Used console model TV with picture tube warranty still good. $60.00. Gall VI 6-6473. 97t3 FOR RENT 1958 40-ft. house trailer. Newly furnished and clean. Reasonable. TA 2-4003 or see at 703 N. Coulter. 97t2 Three bedroom unfurnished brick house. Reasonable. 220 wiring, electrical or gas range connections. Call TA 2-8839. 97tfn 1954 Chevrolet convertible, turquoise, R&H, low mileage, one owner, very good condition. Call VI 6-4004. 95t5 Rooms for girls for Cotton Ball. 1% rlocks south of Campus. VI 6-6837 or See 306 Suffolk. 96tfn Park trailprs. Sam Scarmardo, Rt. 3, Box 83, Caldwell, Texas. KE 7-6131. 95t5 In College Hills across from A&M Golf Course. Very nicely furnished one bed room apartment. New stove and refrigera tor, garage. Adults only. $50.00 without utilities. VI 6-5031 after 6:00 p. m. 95tfn For sale by owner at reduced price. Going for $8,360. Newly decorated two bedroom home, one mile from center oi A&M Campus, $500.00 down and monthly payments of $67.00. 4312 Milam, VI 6- 5361. 95t4 Nice clean three room apartment, fur- lished. One block from Campus. Garage racant. Call VI 6-7496 after 5. See any time, 203 Kyle. 95tfn Sol Frank Air Force Uniforms, two winter, one summer dress. Coat size 38, pants 31-33. Call VI 6-7651. 95t4 Nice upstairs bedroom and garage for rent. TA 3-2208. 94t8 Almost new 15 Cu; Ft. Chest type Freezer $175.00 ; Used Air Conditioners-Gi $100.00 ; Hotpoint $86.00 ; Chrysler $76.00 AH 1 h.p. Speedqueeh 2 speed washer-real nice $98.00; Westinghouse space mate $85.00; Living room suite $25.00; 3 used refrigerators $25.00, $40.00 and $75.00; Apt. Range $37.50 or 36" range at same price; Dish towels 1 dpz. $1.00 ; hand lant erns-real good buy $1.00 ; GE Clocks $3.88; 34 piece set of dishes $8.88; Jumbo gar ment bag $1.00; Foam throw pillows $1.98; Pop corn popper $3.88; Only 3 Occasonal chairs $10.95 each; One lounge slightly soiled $29.95 ; Aluminum lawn shairs only $6.95, real nice. All these at Faulk’s Furniture - 1300 Texas Ave. at Cavitt and Dodge 93t7 Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment, 120 wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after,6:00 p. m. 72tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn Apartment, 205 Montclair across the Itreet from Southside. Rent $30.00 with itove and refrigerator. Would consider ■urnishing all of the apartment. VI 6- 1630 or VI 6-6644. 61tfn OFFICIAL NOTICES 1960 FORD See Bob Jenkins, Student Representative, Cade Motor Company. 86tfn Official notices must be brought, mailed jr telephoned so as to arrive in the Office if Student Publications (Ground Floor i'lvICA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceeding publication — Director of Student Publica tions. CORDLESS ELECTRIC SHAVER—Per fect Shaving anywhere, anytime. Perfect for traveling, camping, etc. $14.95. Bexar Electronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Tex as 74t30 AC and Champion spark plugs, 69c. Mufflers and tailpipes at wholesale prices. White Auto Store. 216 North Bryan Street, Bryan. 62tfn Those undergraduate students who hav« 85 semester hours of credit may purchase an A. and M. ring. The hours passing at the time of the preliminary grade report on April 4, 1960, may be used in satisfy ing the 95 hour requirement. Those stu dents qualifying under this regulation may leave their names with the ring clerk in the Registrar's_ Office in order that she may check their records to determine eli gibility to order the ring. Orders for the rings will be taken between April 19 and May 31 for delivery July 1, 1960. The ring clerk is on duty from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday of each week. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 88tll SPEUIAI NOTIUI BEAUTY COUNSELOR invites you to “try before you buy’’ with custom-fitted cosmetics. Free gift and presentation. Beth Andrews C-13-B College View. VI- 6-8666. 96t3 Put your reservations in now for ban quets. Accomodate up to 260 people. TA 2- 1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfi Electrolux Sales and Servlc* G. C Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tf> Sponsors of Student organizations anj departments which present student awards, keys, or medals should order these items at once at the Cashier’s window at the MSC, Orders must be placed at once to insur« delivery before the end .of this semester. Pete Hardesty Student Activities 87tfr DAY NURSERY by the week, day oi hour. Call Mrs. Gregory. 502 Boyett VI6-4005. 120tfi Miscellaneous For Sale La Rasuracion Electra Sin Cable Donde- quirea Que Sea. Independiente y Siempre Exacta $14.96 U. S. Bexar Electronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Texas 74t30 WORK WANTED dren in my home. VI 6-8250. 97t2 Wanted to keep one or two small chil- Political Announcements Attention Working Mothers: All day nursery, 8 to 5. Have had nurse’s train ing. $30.00 per month, per child. VI 6- >146. 69t2 Subject to action at the Democratic Primary May 7, 1960. For County Commissioner Precinct No. 1 CURTIS H. WILLIAMS FLETCHER L. POOL (Former Aggie) Why wait until last minute to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial service? Electric typewriters, offset printing, negatives and metal plates made. 3408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. 87tfn KELLEY’S COFFEE SHOP and CORRAL Now under new management. NOW OPEN Weekdays 5 A.M. to 2 A.M. Sundays 7 A.M. to 2 A.M. TV - Radio - HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland Your Bryan Dealer for F'RIEDRICH Air Conditioners FAULK’S 214 N. Bryan 1300 Texas TYPEWRITERS Rental - Sales - Service - Terms Distributors For: Royal and Victor Calculators & Adding Machines t CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 ! Dr. George W. Buchanan Chiropractor i 304 E 27th Bryan, Texas Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988 Res. TA 2-4981 Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRIN TS ! • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATf SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS SOSOLIK’S TV - RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2-1941 I / / , ] ’ f i Where the Art oj I g Frotard 6 v^ayetericL Cooking Is Not Lost j Crisco or Fluffo SHORTENING Gladiola uiseyrrs Gladiola FLOUR 3 lb. can 5 9 C limit 6 can § c 5 lb. bag iLQc HORMEL VIENNA SAUSAGE s cans 99c TUXEDO SALMON 2 >»»99c 1 jjM Libbys Tasty Catsup 4 Lg. 20-Oz. Btls. 99c Delsey Quality Tissue 8 Rolls 99c Homo Milk . . Carnation or Sanitary 2 ^2 Cals. 99c Cake Mixes Gladiola Assorted 4 Boxes 99c Eggs Mayfield’s Grade AA Lg. 2 Doz. 99c Jet Quality Dog Food 10 Cans 99c Planters Cocktail Peanuts . . . . 3-71/4 Oz. 99c Del Monte Tuna Chunk Style ... 4 Flat Cans 99c Pratt-Low Spiced Peaches ... 4 Lg. 2^2 Cans 99c Libby’s Sliced Pineapple . . . 0 . 3 No. 2 Cans 99e Del Monte Garden Peas . .... 6-303 Cans 99c Del Monte Cream Style Corn . . . 6 - 303 Cans 99c t •;)?■' IJO'J 1 Southern Sun Orange Juice . ; 6-6-Oz. Cans 99c Banquet Meat Pies Beef, Chicken, Turkey . 5-8-Oz. 99c Gortens Ocean Perch Lb. 39c Coastel Breaded Shrimp .... 3 - 10-Oz. Pkgs. 99c Fresh Crisp MSI LETTUCE FRESH GREEN ONIONS CELLO RED POTATOES FANCY WINESAP APPLES head ||c bunch 5c 10 lbs. 49c each 5c Baby Beef 4 POT ROAST b 39<* FRESH JUMBO SHRIMP lb. 89c FRESH GROUND MEAT 3 lbs. 1.00 BABY BEEF SHOULDER STEAK lb. 49c BABY BEEF CHOPS lb. 69c FRESH LEAN PORK RIBS lb. 29c HORMEL DAIRY BACON lb. 49c SPECIALS GOOD APRIL 7-8-9, I960 3800 TEXAS AVENUE SUPER MARKET VI 6-6613