The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 07, 1960, Image 1
y nth in runs on e bases '(] relief out the e side. ng Bar is tired, f man, n after to Clif- pitcher walk to )itch to on the ■1 walk- Barber ;■ Wor- ime. in and ikes to The Battalion Volume 59 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1960 Number 97 ers A&M’s Cemetery Battalion Staff Writer Tommy Holbein ex- is one of 10 people buried in A&M’s Ceme- amines the headstone on the grave of one- tery. For details op the cemetery see Worth time A&M President L. L. Foster. Foster Mentioning on Page 2. Dinner oi Faculty, Board Aimed at Better Relations A step toward closer relations between the A&M faculty and the A&M College System Board of Directors will be taken April 22 with a dinner in Sbisa Dining Hall Banquet Room, the day before the spring meeting of the Board. In a memorandum from Presi dent Earl Rudder, it was deter mined by the Executive Committee that the most feasible means toward this improved relationship was to conduct “an annual stag dinner of faculty, System personnel of comparable rank to our. faculty and the Board of Directors to be held each year at the spring meet ing of the Board. Since the next Board meeting will be held on April 23, the first such occasion BRAZOS TEACHERS ASSN. TO MEET MONDAY AT 7:30 The April meeting of the Brazos County Teachers Assn, will be held Monday night at 7:30 at Ben Mi lam Elementary School, according to an announcement by Jim Tom House, president of the associa tion. The main item on the agenda will be a symposium conducted by A. R. Denney, chairman of the Brazos County Teacher Ethics and Professional Standards Committee. Assisting Denney will be C. E. Orr, principal of Travis Elementary School, Mrs. C. K. Leighton aad Mrs. A. E. Carrier, teachers at A&M Consolidated Elementary and Lamar Junior High School, re spectively. Denney is principal at Bowie Elementary School. Other items on the agenda will be a report from the nominating committee of the election of new officers for the 1960-61 school year, a report from the delegation that recently attended the Distinct I TSTA meeting in Beaumont and an announcement of building rep resentatives for the 12 county schools. Mrs. S. C. Kirby and other mem bers of the Ben Milam faculty will serve refreshments following the meeting. Mrs. Kirby is chairman of the social committee. be on the evening of April will 22.” Stag, Informal, Dutch Treat The dinner will be stag, informal and a dutch treat. It is slated for 7 p.m. and cost of the meal will be $2. Members of the Board of Direc tors will be asked to form a re ceiving line so members of the teaching staff may meet and greet them. After the reception, mem bers of the Board will be asked to join separate tables for the dinner. H. B. Zachary, president of the Board of Directors, will be asked to make after-dinner remarks. Each dean of the respective schools on the campus and E. L. Angell of the Board have been provided a number of tickets for purchase by personnel in their re spective areas. The number sold will be reported April 15. “Meets With Approval . . Commenting on the event, Presi dent Rudder said, “I sincerely hope that this plan for a social gather ing meets with the approval of all. I personally am looking forward to it. Although attendance is com pletely voluntary, I hope a large number of the faculty will be there.” On Top: Girouard, Hall, Thomas; 17 Posts Filled To Aid In Sciences A&M Students Get Fellowships Six A&M graduate students were awarded fellowships by the National Science Foundation to aid them in their graduate studies in the sciences, mathematics and engineering. Of the 1,190 co-operative grad uate fellowships awarded for the 1960-61 academic year, Hollis C. Boehme, a senior Liberal Arts ma jor from Mabank, received a fel lowship in physics; Michael L. Mc Guire from College Station, a sen ior majoring in chemical engineer ing, received a fellowship in chem istry; and Eddie Reyna, a grad uate student from Bryan received a fellowship in physics. Summer fellowships for grad uate teaching assistants went to James A. Hooks from Tallahassee, Fla., a graduate student in geology who received a fellowship in earth sciences; Stephen V. Jennings, a petroleum engineering graduate student from Allison Park, Pa., Senate Meet Slated at 7:15 The Student Senate will meet tonight in the Senate Chamber of the Memorial Student Center. Included on the Senate agenda are the unfinished business along with reports from the standing committees. Reports will be heard on the Twelfth Man Bowl, the Muster Program, the Outstanding Staff Member and the new business will involve the Aggie Mother of the Year Award and discussion of the meeting after the Muster program. Concerning Adoption of Standards Honor Code Opinions Vary In and By TOMMY HOLBEIN Battalion Staff Writer the past few weeks, the Arts Sciences Council has been studying the possibilities of adopt ing an honor code for the school. When different students within the School of Arts and Sciences were interviewed concerning the adoption of an honor code, varied opinions were expressed. Jim Riley, junior journalism ma jor from Houston living in Dorm 17, said, “I feel that honor begins with the individual, and because of this, I am against the code being accepted by the School of Arts and Sciences. If the indi vidual student doesn’t have honor. It won’t be instilled in him by hav ing an honor code.” ‘if it were established. . .’ “Besides,” said Riley, “I don’t think anyone who does cheat wants his buddies to see him, be cause he knows it is dishonorable. He tries to remain unexposed, any way, so the honor code would not be a great thwart to dishonesty in such a case. But if it were es tablished, I would be willing to give it a try, and follow it.” Alan B. Caldwell, junior historj major from Houston living in Pur year, said, “I’d vote against it because I believe in the theory that it is someone else’s busines: if he wants to cheat, not my own I don’t believe that I could report anyone for cheating, and I fee that the professor should accept it as his duty to prevent dishonest; from happening in the classroom Asked if he would support tin honor code if it were established, and why, Rush McGinty, junior pre-law major from Abilene living in Dorm 16, said, “Yes, I would definitely support it. I think ba sically the idea of an honor code within the School of Arts and Sci ences is a very good thing, and if it were established, it would do a lot of good for the School and its various departments.” “It will be hard to regulate at first, because a certain per cent of students who will try to take advantage of it. But if students will back it, with the help of the professors, it will do a great deal oward cutting down on cheating on the part of students within the School, of Arts and Sciences. The honor code will give Aggies the basic pespect for honesty in the work we take credit for, and the espect of the work of our fellow tudents. If you don’t try to help /our fellow student by pointing out lis wrongs to him, you are hurting lim,” said McGinty. Richard Alvarado, sophomore listory major from San Antonio, .aid, “A&M definitely needs an lonor code, but the whole student •ody needs to be conditioned to ccept it, and this is true of stu- lents in the School of Arts and Sciences just like any other school. )ver the years, the tradition has <een to stand by our Aggies bud- lies in time of need, but the ques- :ion of character and pure honesty ihould be view in a different light han what the popular interpreta- ion has always been, concerning .he classroom.” “I would support the adoption of an honor code in the School of Arts and Sciences, because a stu dent shouldn’t be protected if he is dishonest in the classroom, simply because he is a “fellow Aggie.” Through the slow process of con ditioning, and acceptance, I feel that the unscrupulous people who would ordinarily be inclined to cheat, might begin to understand that it would not be worthwhile in the classroom.” When asked if he felt the ac ceptance of an honor code within the School of Arts and Sciences would help alleviate a situation where certain students depended upon their ability to cheat to pass a course, Robert S. Dunn, senior English major from Corpus Christi living in Law Hall, said if the code were firmly established and solidly based, he would support it. “The threat of someone’s turn ing a persori in would cause some individuals to think twice before trying to dishonestly pass an ex amination. But I believe that if an honor code were established, it should be clearly defined within the code what dishonesty should consist of, and what the restric tions placed on a person would be,” said Dunn. ‘techniques will improve. . .’ A different opinion concerning the effectiveness of an honor code to prevent cheating in a classroom was stated by Reid Armstrong, sophomore physics major from Shreveport. “The honor code if installed in the School of Arts and Sciences wouldn’t work so well, because within the classes there is too much of a cross-section of char acter, and within a variety of in dividuals such as is found in a class, conformacy is difficult to effectively achieve. I believe the habitual cheaters who have per fected a method of cheating to be used under the eyes of the profes sor would apply their talents to developing more effective tech niques to be used against their class-mates.” Alberto Saldana, junior account ing major from Hebbronville liv ing in Walton Hall, said, “I think an honor code would be a ’ very good thing, and the idea of using the School of Arts and Sciences as a nucleus, a testing ground, should prove worthwhile if the students will cooperate. An honor code is needed, because right now, there is entirely too much cheating going on. Of course, I don’t like the idea of turning someone in for cheating, but I believe the honor code could be worked on a system of student control where if exer cised effectively, this wouldn’t be necessary. “Students can make it very un pleasant for a cheater in their midst without reporting him to the professor, Ymd I feel that if the students were made to realize how much a person’s individual grades affect the entire class, through curves, or just opinion on the part of the professor, they wouldn’t permit such activity as dishonesty to happen in a class room,” said Saldana. who received his fellowship in en gineering; and Jerry D. Ramsey, an industrial , engineering major from College Station, who received a fellowship in engineering. The National Science Founda tion annually awards fellowships to students in six Texas universi ties to aid them in their graduate studies. Installments Due April 13 Students have until Wednesday, April 13, to pay their third install ment to the Fiscal Office. The amount of the payment is $49.40. CSC Filings For Next Year Close Friday Sophomores, juniors, 5th year, 6th year and graduate students have until 5 p.m. Friday to file for positions on the Civilian Stu dent Council. According to Robert O. Murray, counselor with the Basic Division, filings may be made with W. G. Breazeale, 1-H Puryear; R. L. Melcher, 27 Milner, or R. O. Mur ray, 212 Basic Division Building. To qualify for the class repre sentative positions, a person must have a grade point ratio of 1.25 and plan to attend school both next fall and spring. He must also be free of scholastic or disciplinary probation and have been a civilian student living in the civilian area this semester. Elections will be held Monday from 7:30 to 10 p.m. in the civilian dormitory area and in College View and Project House. Day students may vote in the lobby of the Housing Office on the ground floor of the YMCA Build ing all day Monday. Winners will be announced be fore the Easter holidays. Nuclear Fallout Almost Complete CLEVELAND, Ohio (A 5 )—Long hush-hush studies have revealed that all but 10 to 15 per cent of the fallout from nuclear bomb tests of the last 15 years has now fallen to the ground, it was reported to day. Clearly indicating that what ever radioactive hazard may exist for man from tests already held, the die is now essentially cast, the report was prepared for the 137th national meeting of the American Chemical Society. The figures, disclosed as devel oped principally from Department of Defense studies of the strato sphere, are in sharp variance with recent estimates of some scientists. The later estimates have fig ured that as much as one third of all the radioactive debris from bomb tests conducted by the nu clear powers still remains in the stratosphere and that the maxi mum level on the earth would not be achieved until two to four years from now. Disclosure of the new figures was made by Dr. J. Laurence Kulp of Columbia University at a news conference. Election Close in Runoffs MSC Marvin Girouard . . . President "61 By BILL HICKLIN Battalion Managing Editor Marvin Girouard, Malcolm Hall and Tony Thomas rode high yesterday as presidents of their respective classes as 17 posts were filled at the close of the spring election run offs yesterday in the Memorial Student Center. Girouard was elected president of the Class of ’61, amass ing 200 votes to the 151 totaled by Larry Haygood, his run off opponent. Hall took the top slot in the Class of ’62 with 260 votes, defeating the 133 counted by Danny Deupree in the runoff. Thomas reigned as president of the Class of ’63 with 270 votes, topping the 214 posted, by runnerup Roger John. Other Offices In other class offices, Mike Ogg captured the vice presi dent position of the Class of ’61, while Tommy Reid took the secretary-treasurer slot; Darryl Bush annexed the social secretary post, Bob Burnside se cured the historian place; Bob Laird received the nod for the Memorial Student Center Council; and Sonny Todd and Eugene Stubbs took the yell leader posts. Malcolm Hall President ’62 Tony Thomas . . President, ’63 Merill To Deliver Series of Talks Dr. Paul W. Merrill, astronomer at Mount Wilson and Palo- mar Observatories at Pasadena, Calif., will make four talks today and Friday. Merrill’s first talk will be at 4 this afternoon when he Friday at 11 a.m. Merrill will talk on “Modern Astrophysics” and at 1 Friday afternoon he will speak on “Variable Stars.” Both of the Friday lectures will be in Room 320 of the Physics Build ing. All of Merrill’s speeches will be open to the public. This week two other scientific lecturers were on the campus—Dr. A. G. Everson Pearse of the Post graduate Medical School in Lon don, and Dr. Olle Dahl, director of the Scanian Cooperative Slaugh ter in Sweden. Merrill has been an astronomer at the Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories since 1919 and is world famous in his field. The astronomer received his A.B. degree from Stanford Uni versity in 1908 and his doctorate from the University of California in 1913. He served as an assistant and a fellow at the Lick Observa tory in California from 1909 to 1913; as an instructor in astron omy at the University of Michigan from 1913 to 1916, and then as a physicist at the Bureau of Stand ards from 1916 to 1918. He joined the Mount Wilson Observatories in 1919. In 1946, he was awarded both the Henry Draper Medal and the Bruce Medal for his achievements. He served as president of the As tronomical Society of the Pacific in 1927 and as president of the American . Astronomical Society from 1956 to 1958. Merrill also is a member of the National Academy of Science, the American Association for the Ad vancement of Science, and the Philosophical Society. He is a Fel low of the Physical Society, an associate member of the Royal Astronomical Society of London and an honorary member of the American Association of Variable Star Observers. The scientist’s special work con cerns wave lengths of spectrum lines, photography in the red and infrared, and stellar spectroscopy. 1960-61 Class Officers Class of ’61 President : Marvin Girouard Vice President Mike Ogir Secretary-Treasurer Tommy Reid Social Secretary Darryl Bush Historian Bob Burnside MSC Council Bob Laird Yell Leaders Sonny Todd, Eugene Stubbs Class of ’62 President Malcolm Hall Vice President Roque Rodriquez Secretary-Treasurer Charlie Moore Social Secretary Cecil Bailey Yell Leaders Thomas Ralph. Jim Davis Class of ’63 President Tony Thomas Vice President Dan Brown Secretary-Treasurer John Burton Social Secretary James Sartain MSC Council Butch Cockrell Stubbs will serve as head yell lead er on fhe basis of Todd being un able to serve since he will be the commander of the 2nd Brigade. Roque Rodriquez was elected the (See ELECTIONS on Page 3) - Alpha Zeta Initiation Pledges to Alpha Zeta wait blindfolded outside the door of the initiation room as they are about to be initiated into the chapter Monday night. Twenty men, including five seniors, five juniors and ten sophomores.were initiated in the ceremonies in the Dairy Biochemistry Building. Alpha Zeta is a national honorary agriculture fraternity. In order to be initiated, pledges must be in the top 15 per cent of their class.