The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 05, 1960, Image 3

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    Large Display Featured
A&M Observes
Library Week
More than 100 books authored by
A&M faculty members are on dis
play in the Cushing Memorial Li
brary in observance of National
Library Week which ends Satur
Also in the Cushing Library is
a display of the “Notable Books
of 1959,” selected by the Notable
Books Council of the Adult Service
Division of the American Library
Assn. All 49 titles listed are in
the Cushing Library and have been
placed on display for the special
The. books by A&M authors in
clude textbooks, workbooks, labor
atory manuals, collected works and
other such publications. Some of
the textbooks have been adopted
for use in colleges and universities
in several states and many have
undergone recent revision.
An interesting feature of the ex
hibit is a display of color plates
to be included in Dr. Lawrence S.
Dillon’s forthcoming publication
“Common Beetles of Eastern North
All of the campus Libraries, un
der the direction of Robert A.
Houze, library director, are work
ing to stimulate more and greater
use of libraries by students, fac
ulty and citizens of the commun
The slogan for National Library
Week, “Wake Up and Read,” can
be seen on posters, streamers, mo
biles, bookmarkers and similar
items in all the libraries. Copies
of the “Notable Books of* 1959” are
available for the asking.
The A&M System of libraries
includes the Cushing Memorial Li-
Lions Club Hears
Outline of Plans
For Aged Home
Herbert G. Kenagy, associate
professor in the Division of Busi
ness Administration, spoke to the
College Station Lions Club Mon
day on plans to raise funds for a
proposed $1 million home for the
aging to be constructed in Bryan.
Kenagy is now acting as advisor
to the Texas Conference for the
Methodist Church, which is back
ing the proposal for the new home.
He gave his talk at the club’s
weekly luncheon meeting in the
Assembly Room of the Memorial
Student Center.
He explained to the club that
the Methodist Church has offered
i.o donate $900,000 to the construc
tion of a home for the aging, if
r.itizens of Brazos County can raise
Kenagy said the proposed name
for the home is The Community
for Senior Citizens and might be
constructed on Villa Maria Road,
near the Bryan County Club.
“The Community for Senior Cit
izens will house approximately 100
persons,” Kenagy said. “It will
be a non-denominational home and
will not be run on strictly a chari
table basis,” he said.
He explained that aging persons
housed in the home would pay by
the month to live there. The home
will be entirely self-sufficient af
ter it is built, he added.
“A campaign to raise $100,000
will begin in Brazos County at the
beginning of May,” said Kenagy.
“If we do the job right, we will
have the finest home of its type in
Texas,” he said.
Military Crease
Fashion Cleaners
618 N. Main St.
Bryan, Texas
Across Street From
Allen & Brown
Oldsmobile Co.
brary with a collection of 300,000
volumes; the Texas Engineers Li
brary, 52,000; Veterinary Library,
8,200; Business Library, 2,GOO;
and Architecture Library, 4,100. A
total of more than 3,700 periodi
cals and other serials are subscrib
ed to annually by these libraries,
lotal circulation for all libraries
last year was 160,672.
The College Archives Office, un
der the direction of Archivist Ern
est Langford, is located on the
first floor of Cushing Library.
A staff of 49 full time people,
including 20 professional librarians
and 29-non-professional assistants,
is necessary to staff these libraries
82 hours per week and handle the
technical processing work of ac-
quistions, cataloging and bindery
preparation. Some 25 student as
sistants are necessary to help carry
the load. Off-campus service is
offered to agricultural extension
agents and registered professional
engineers of Texas.
The Cushing Library Building
was erected in 1930 and named for
Col E. B. Cushing, former chair
man of the A&M College System
Board of Directors. The building
is currently undergoing a $200,000
improvement program, including
the addition of three new levels of
steel bookstacks to accomodate
100,000 more volumes.
Notable Books
This display, which can be seen in the Cush
ing Memorial Library, and shows “Notable
Books of 1959” selected by the Notable
Books Council of the Adult Service Division
of the American Library Assn. The display
was made in observance of National Library
on Display
Week this week. Inspecting the volumes,
left to right, are Clifford Albert, freshman,
from Hutto; Robert Johnson, freshman
from Greenville; and Sophomore Tim Pixley
of Snyder.
Tuesday, April 5, 1960
College Station, Texas
Page 3
(Continued from Page 1)
ministration major from Texar
kana and Stubbs is a business ad
ministration major from Wortham.
Class of ’62
In the Class of ’62 elections,
Danny Deupree and Malcolm W.
Hall reached the finals. Deupree
is from Shreveport taking business
administration and Hall is a liberal
arts major from Ballinger.
For the Class of ’62 vice presi
dent, Little Beaver Rodriguez and
Johnny Martinez will be pitted in
tomorrow’s finals. Rodriguez is
from Laredo taking engineering
and Martinez is a liberal arts ma
jor from Laredo.
Charlie Moore, an electrical en
gineering major from Dallas, and
Zay Gilbreath, from Dimmit, tak
ing rural sociology, will vie for
the Class of ’62 secretary-treasurer
Pitted in the social secretary
race are Cecil Bailey, a business
administration major from Dallas*
and Gary Lively, who is from Bos
sier City, La., majoring in land
scape architecture.
Jim T. Davis, Big Dave Halm
and Thomas H. Ralph will be run
ning for the two Class of ’62 yell
leader positions. Davis is a busi
ness administration major from
Mertzon, Halm is from San An
tonio majoring in industrial engi
neering and Ralph is a civil engi
neering major from Clifton.
Class of ’63
In the Class of ’63 elections
Goose Thomas and Roger John are
in the finals for the president post.
Thomas is from Odessa taking
architecture while John is an elec
trical engineering major from
Daniel Scott Brown, an engi
neering major from Mansfield, La.,
and Don L. Brister, from Houston,
taking liberal arts, are pitted in
the race for the Class of ’63 vice
president position.
In the secretary-treasurer race,
John D. Burton and Shelby Tray
lor, will compete for the position.
Burton is from Waco majoring in
science while Traylor is a peti'ol-
eum engineering major from Hous
Social Secretary
James Sartain, from Groves ma
joring in architecture, and Earl
Henderson, an aeronautical engi
neering major from Houston, will
vie for the social secretary posi
Rounding out the ballot will be
the race for the one MSC Council
delegate from the Class of ’63.
Butch Cockrell and James N. Bry
ant are competing for the position.
Cockrell is from Beaumont major
ing in science and Bryant is a
liberal arts major from Olton.
KANSAS CITY, Mo. C5 > ) —Bud
Daley, ace southpaw of the Kan
sas City Athletics, says the Yan
kees still gave him the most
trouble of any American League
team during 1959.
Ag Experiment
Exec To Attend
Research Meeting
Dr. R. J. Hildreth, assistant di
rector of the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station, will attend a
meeting of the Great Plains Re
search Committee to-be held April
24-26 at Denver, Colo.
Comb the beaches — you won’t find a cabana set with
smarter styling or better value! Continental shirt-jac has
two trimmed pockets, for everything from sun glasses
to smokes. Adjustable back for comfortable fit. And a
dashing signal-flag emblem. Matching trunks are lined,
have zippered fly-front. Emblem on left leg. All in lux
urious, easy-washing blend of 60% cotton and 40%
Cupioni rayon (exclusive of ornamentation). Buy the
set or separately. each$3^
Get an “EXTRA BONUS” With Your Purchase!
3 long-dislance, Imported Italian Windproof ligMer-
tiquid-center sun glasses ideal for sports
golf balls y
Buy this garment and get your choice of any of these useful
items — retail value up to $2.00! See details on hang-tag
of this and other of our featured Bud Berma Sportswear!
North Gate
. np':y,i
We build better roads. We retain traffic engineers to make them safer. We pass traffic laws—hire officers to
enforce them. Then—we junk all these safeguards by speeding, passing lights, ignoring warning signs. Does
this make any sense? Not when such law violations breed accidents that injure and maim thousands daily! The
remedy? Drive safely—drive lawfully. Where traffic laws are strictly obeyed, accidents go down!
Last year, traffic accidents injured 1,400,000—dis
abled them beyond the day of the accident. Millions
more suffered the pain and misery of "minor” injuries.
150,000 were children, 5 to 14. GfjCS
• wSS? • Last year, traffic accidents killed nearly 38,000! 2,500 j
were children of grammar school age. And this year an Ngij ^
st&s INCREASE in deaths is threatened!
How long must this go on? YOU-the men and women
behind the wheel—can answer this. Because YOU are
the No. 1 cause!
Support your local Safety Council
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Published in aa effort to save lives, in cooperotion with Ihe National Safety Counci! and The Advertising Council.
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