The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 01, 1960, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 94
Two Candidates Win Clear Titles
In Thursday Class Elections
36 Face Runoffs;
Voting Day
Two Aggies wait their turn at the voting machines which
were set up in the Memorial Student Center yesterday.
Class offices for the classes of ’61, ’62 and ’63 were being
62 Freshmen Eligible
Phi Eta Sigma
Inducts Tuesday
Assistant News Editor
Approximately three per cent of the Class of ’63,—62
freshmen—will be inducted as pledges of Phi Eta Sigma, at
4:30 p. m. in the Assembly Room and Birch Room of the Me
morial Student Center Tuesday.
Phi Eta Sigma is the National ——-—
Freshman Honor Society. The
A&M chapter was founded in 1949
and is advised by Dr. J. W. Dob
son, professor in the Department
of Biplogy and counselor for The
Basic Division, and C. H. Ransdell,
Rssociate director of The Basic Di
In order to be considered for en
trance into Phi Eta Sigma, a can
didate must have posted a 2.5 or
better GPR in his beginning se
mester or have attained a 2.5 GPR
average for his freshman year.
Membership is for life in this fra
ternity that emphasizes scholar
Phi Eta Sigma members and
pledges will hold a Spring Banquet
on April 26.
The following students are eli
gible for induction:
Roger W. Alexander, DeKalb
chemistry major; John A. Bacon,
Dallas geophysics major; Roy F.
Baldarrama, Bryan physics major;
Gar’y L. Balser, Dallas civil engi
neering major; Payl E. Bergstrom,
Dallas electrical engineering ma
Charles L. Blaschke, Skidmore
pre-law major; Thomas J. Boe-
decker, San Antonio English ma
jor; Gene F. Brossniann, Schulen-
berg pre-medicine major; Robert
E. Bryant, Lake Jackson civil en
gineering major; David N. Chap
man, Hamilton chemical engineer
ing major; Russell J. Christie,
Tulsa, Okla., pre-veterinary major.
Charles W. Cockrell, San An
tonio aeronautical engineering ma
jor; Larry E. Collier, Corpus
Christi electrical engineering ma
jor; Jerry R. Cox, Saratoga, Calif.,
aeronautical engineering major;
Richard C. Davis, San Angelo
mathematics and physics major;
Richard A. Dennis, St. Joseph pre-
(See PHI on Page 3)
Episcopal Group
Leaves for Meet
Eleven members'of the Episco
pal Student Assn, of A&M will
leave today in individually owned
cars to attend the annual Canter
bury Conference which, according
to Secretary Tom Wiley, is to be
held at Sam Houston State Teach
er’s College in Huntsville.
They will join students from
other colleges of Texas in the re
ligious observation that it high
lighted by a banquet Saturday
night in Belvin Hall. Main speak
er of the conference will be the
Rev. James P. Clements.
According to Wiley, the group
will be housed in the college dorm
itories during their stay.
The conference will end Sunday
morning. That evening the A&M
students will return to the cam
Cotton Ball
Plans Closing
Final plans for the 26th annual Cotton Ball and Pageant
Friday, April 8, are being completed with a 21-inch television
set or an equivalent amount of money ($180) to be awarded
te the cadet outfit purchasing the largest number of tickets
to the event.
The presentation of the set will
be made as soon after the contest
is concluded Thursday as possible.
In the event of a tie, the outfit
with the largest per cent partici-
nation (number of tickets sold di
vided by the number of men in the
outfit) will receive the award.
Vying for Queen Cotton
One hundred eighty-six duch
esses vying for the coveted Cotton
Queen award will feature the so
cial event. In addition, Johnny
Watkins, farm director of KWTX-
TV in Waco and KBTX in Bryan
will be the master of ceremonies,
while Harold Henk, senior agron
omy major from Seguin will pre
side as King Cotton.
The duchesses represent mothers
clubs, campus clubs, student wives
clubs, former . students clubs,
hometown clubs, other colleges and
universities and student organiza
tions across the state.
Crowned by Cong. Teague
The Pageant will be held in
Guion Hall at 7:30 p.m. with the
crowning of Henk as King Cotton
by the Hon. Olin E. Teague, U. S.
congressman of the 6th District,
and the presentation and corona
tion of Queen Cotton highlighting
the activity.
Queen Cotton will be selected
by Miss Dorothy Sinz of The Dal
las Times Herald, Mrs. Kim Daw
son of the American Fashion Assn,
and George Dawson, fashion photo
grapher for the association.
The parade of duchesses Will be
opened by the Agronomy Society
Sweetheart, Miss Emily Ward, fol
lowed by the presentation of the
duchesses. The presentation will
also include the Troubadors, a
solo by Miss Virginia McBride and
The Emeralds.
Participated in ’47
The master of ceremonies, Wat
kins, is a member and graduate in
the Class of ’48 with a B.S. de
gree in agronomy. He partici
pated in the 1947 Ball and Page
ant and has been a farm director
of the Waco and Bryan stations for
nine years. Watkins is married
and has two children.
King Cotton, Henk, is a cadet
captain of Co. E-2 and an out
standing agronomy student.
Tickets for the Pageant will re
main on sale until Thursday at
5 p.m. Ducats will be sold at the
ticket booth in the Memorial Stu
dent Center or through Corps units
at $1 each.
No information will be given as
to the cadet organization leading
in the contest until the conclusion
of the contest. The decision of the
Agronomy Society is final con
cerning the selection of the win
ning outfit.
Court Personalities
The King’s Court will include
Charles Blue, Alan Ford, Allan
Marburger, Boyd Procter, Anton
Coy, John O’Connor, William
Stuhrenberg and Walter Willms.
Tickets to the ball will be $2.50,
stag or drag.
€S Votes Tuesday
For Four Offices
College Station residents will go
to the polls Tuesday to elect a
mayor and three councilmen for
two-year terms.
The mayor will elected at large
for a two-year term. Ernest Lang
ford is unopposed for re-election
as College Station mayor.
One councilman from each ward
will be elected in Tuesday’s elec
tion for a term of two years.
Three of the six councilmen are
elected each year.
Dr. Carl Landiss is running, un
opposed, for re-election in the first
Ward. Ward 1 voters will vote
in the Music Room of the A&M
Consolidated School.
The Culpepper-Manning Insur
ance Office is the site of Ward 2’s
voting booths. Ward 2 voters will
find J. H. Sorrels 4s running for
re-election, unopposed.
In Ward 3, A. P. Boyett is
standing for re-election without
opposition. Ward 3 voters will
place their ballots in the voting
boxes in the College Station City
Let’s Face It: Mumps
Gay Bo, the bulldog, isn’t so gay about it, but the dog doc
tor said mumps and Gay Bo does what he can to make it
easier, with the help of three year old Clay Rue of Fort
Worth. Will Clay catch the mumps from Gay Bo? Pro
bably not, said the vet, “But let me know if he does, “he
told Clay’s mother with a glint of professional interest.
(AP Wirephoto) -
Voting Set Saturday at Music Room
CHS Election Rally Held
Young Farmers Set
Field Day April 18
The state association of Young Farmers of Texas will
hold its annual field day program on April 18 at Texas A. and
M. College.
Dr. J. R. Jackson of the Department of Agricultural
Education said a wide variety of - * '
speakers and subjects will be
heard on the program, which is
designed to bring Young Farmer
members up on the latest develop
ments and ' problems in agricul
Starting at 8 a. m. in the Me
morial Student Center, the pro
gram will be opened by Gordon
Koonce of Wharton, president of
the Young Farmers, and Dr. G. M.
Watkins, dean of the A&M School
of Agriculture, who will deliver an
address of welcome.
All speakers are members of
the A&M staff. They are Dr. J.
C. Gaines, head of the Department
of Entomology; Dr. Wayne Hall,
head of the Department of Plant
Physiology, who will discuss resi
dues of insecticides and herbicides;
J. H. McHaney, Cecil Parker and
Dr. K. R. Tefertiller, all of the
Department of Agricultural Eco
nomics, “Economic Outlook for
Agriculture;” Dr. M. A. Brown
and Dr. R. E. Leighton, both of
the Department of Dairy Science,
“Breeding Cows for High Non-Fat
Milk Solids” and “Relation of Bet
ter Milking to Mastitis Control.”
Also, G. T. King, T. D. Tanksley
and Doug Wythe, “Beef and Port
Carcass Evaluation;” Dr. John
Quisenberry and E. D. Parnell,
both of the Department of Poultry
Science, “Problems Confronting
the Poultry Industry and Research
Now Underway;” Price Hobgood,
of the Department of Agriculture
Engineering, “Automatic Feed Pro
cessing and Handling;” and a tour
of the college plantation conducted
by J. E. Roberts, farm manager.
The field day is sponsored by
the Texas Department of Agricul
tural Education in co-operation
with the School of Agriculture.
1,391 Cast Votes
Assistant News Editor
Two positions were decided outright and 36 students
advanced to next Wednesday’s runoffs in Thurday’s Class
Ronnie Frazier was elected Class of ’61 Student Enter
tainment Manager and Pat K. Crouch was elected as a rep
resentative to the MSC Council from the Class of ’62.
A total of 1,391 votes were cast, with a total of 469 by
the Class of ’63 heading the totals. The Class of ’61 contri
buted 459 votes and the Class of ’62 contributed 463.
Class of ’61
Marvin J. Girouard, with 104 votes, and Larry J. Hay-
good, with 65 votes, will compete for the Class of ’61 presi-
7 : ♦'dent position. Others who
were eliminated yesterday in
the order of the votes they
received were Rush McGinty,
M. Paul Martin, Mac Bolton,
Luke Soules, Frank P. Hernandez,
Ken J. Demel, Darrell Pausky and
J. K. (Joe College) Russell.
Running in the vice presidential
runoff for the Class ’61 will be
Mike Ogg who polled 107 votes
and Guy Keeling who had,71 votes.
Others according to the number of
votes they polled were Larry M.
Dubuisson, Ronnie L. May, A. C.
Hill, A. Wayne Dunlap, Charlie
Brown, Tim Cockburn and Willis
Class of ’61 secretary-treasurer
finalists will be Nevel Ehrhardt
who had 94 votes and T. (Stump)
Reid who had 88. Those eliminated
were John Bounds, E. D. Rigsby,
Scott McKay, Jackson C. La-
Grone and Bow Bow Bower.
Monty G. Montgomery with 77
votes and Darryl Bush with 75
votes reached the runoff in the
Class of ’61 social secretary race.
Skipper Post, Eddie H. Harris,
George W. Vogt, Joe H. Hegyesi
and Charlie Preston followed in
that order.
In the Class of ’61 historian
race, Bob Burnside with 91 votes
and Giles L. Dodson with 54 reach
ed the runoff. Following in order
were Randy L. Yeargen, Kraut
Sterzing, Tiger Brown, Bob Col
lins, Buddy Bradford, Bernie Ber
man, Jim C. Smith and Dan A.
In the Class of ’61 student en
tertainment manager race, one of
the two races decided without ben
efit of a runoff, Frazier edged Joe
M. Powell by a margin of 209-203.
Ronny J. Hampton, with 134
votes, and Bob Laii’d, with 117
votes, reached the runoff in the
race for the Class of ’61 MSC
Council delegate position. Others
(See 36 MAKE on Page 3)
Brazos County
Opens Annual
Cancer Crusade
For a second successive year,
“Guard Your Family” will be the
rallying note of the Brazos County
Cancer Crusade which opened to
Directors of the crusade are
William A. Zieren and Mrs. R. J.
“The family theme will again be
linked with the life-saving phrase,
‘Fight Cancer with a Checkup and
a Check’,” Zieren said.
“The national drive was the most
successful in the history of the
Cancer Society,” he said.
“No ceiling was set on the
amount of money needed and none
is set for the 1960 Cancer .Cru
sade,” Zieren stated.
The Cancer Society supports
more than 1,000 scientists who are
trying to defeat cancer for all
time. But there is so much we can
do about this disease right now.
Right now we can, and must try
to save the lives that are wasted
every year. I refer to the 85,000
people who die of caneer simply
because they don’t get to the doc
tor in time, he concluded.
Dr. Hall Attends
Disease Meet
Dr. Charles F. Hall, associate
professor in the Department of
Veterinary Microbiology, is par
ticipating in the 14th annual meet
ing of Animal Disease Research
Workers in the Southern States
being held today and Friday at
Battalion- Staff Writer
A small group of College Sta
tion residents heard talks from
three Consolidated School trustee
candidates and one candidate’s
representative at a community
pre-election rally held Thursday
night in the A&M Consolidated
High School Auditorium.
The rally was sponsored by the
College Station Kiwanis Club and
was held to familiarize voters with
the candidates and issues in the
trustee election to be held Satur
day from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the
A&M Consolidated High School
Music Room.
Candidates running for two va
cancies on the Consolidated School
Board are Henry L. Allen, Charles
G. Carroll, John Longley, Herb
Thompson and Milton Ford. Allen
and Carroll are present members
of the board and are running for
Thompson, Allen, Longley and
J. B. Carroll, son of Charles Car-
roll and representing his father,
gave short talks on their plans and
objectives in regard to the school
board. The other candidate, Mil-
ton Ford, was not present.
H. E. Burgess presided at the
meeting and introduced the speak
ers. He allowed each speaker five
minutes and began the program
by introducing Thompson.
Thompson told the group “my
objective, if elected to the board,
will be to emphasize the securing
of better qualified teachers and
the money to pay salaries which
will keep these teachers at Con
Thomspson said he considered
the teaching staff to be the most
important part of education.
Answers Questions
The second speaker, Longley,
gave answers to two questions
which he said various persons had
asked him. The first question, he
said, concerned the integration
problem. Longley said he is not
in favor of integration at the
present time, because complete in
tegration would not be “the best
move right now.”
The other question Longley an-
ewered concerned replacement of
teachers, He said he felt chat the
primary objective of a teacher was
to teach a child how to live.
‘be replaced. . .’
“If the teacher is not doing this,
he should be replaced,” Longley
J. B. Carroll, a senior at A&M,
spoke in his father’s place, ex
plaining that his father was un
able to attend. Carroll said his fa
ther was “very much in favor of
the new building program.”
Carroll told the group his fa
ther has talked to Negroes in and
around College Station and be
lieves that they are more in favor
of equal school facilities than com
plete integration.
Henry Allen, the last candidate
to speak, said he couldn’t answer
the integration question and the
teacher salary problem. However,
he urged College Station residents
to voice their opinions on questions
such as these, so that he or any
other members of the school board
might be better able to make nec
essary decisions.
Question Period
A ten-minute question and an
swer period followed the talks by
the four men.
In answer to one question, Long
ley said “If it takes a sales tax
to pay teachers higher salaries,
then I’m in favor of it.”
Thompson said he didn’t know
where the money for higher teach
er salaries would come from, but
expressed the belief that “where
there’s a will, there’s a way.”
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Consolidated School Board Rally
standing, addresses the Others in the picture, left to right, J. B.
Carroll; John Longley and Harry L. Allen.
One candidate, Milton Ford, was not present
at the meeting. Election will be held Satur
day at the A&M Consolidated Music Room.
Herb Thompson,
audience at Thursday night’s school board
election rally sponsored by the College Sta
tion Kiwanis Club. Seated at the table is
H. S. Burgess who presided at the meeting.
Architects Show
Plans for Centers
In Dallas Saturday
Designs and a rpodel for a nu
clear research center and a datp,
computing and research center for
the Dallas-Fort Worth area wei’e
shown in Dallas Saturday by five
A&M fifth-year architectural de
sign students.
The designs, models and draw
ings of the facilities were shown
to representatives of IBM Corp,
and the Great Southwest Corp.
Frank Meier of Dallas; James
Smith of Weatherford; and Bill
Kellett of Bryan, were designers
of the nuclear research center
while Larry Walls of Fort Worth
and Sanford Collins of Marshall
designed the data computing and
research center.
“Both IBM and the Great South
west Corporation took a lively in
terest in the ‘Research Island’,
said Meier.
He said the proposed research
island was designed to serve the
Southwest both in data computing
and research in nuclear fields—
both relatively new and fast grow
ing fields.