Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1960)
THE BATTALION Page 6 College Station, Texas SPORTS Thursday, March 31, 1960 Heavy Heave Charles Hoppe, freshman from Bay City tosses the shot in preparation for the Texas Relays in Austin this ^ve^k- end. Hoppe, along with the other frosh thinclads, shdw a lot of promise this year. s PORT SLANT By JOE CAlilCOATTE S' Since yesterday’s column dealt with some of the Aggies’ past greats, it is only fair to recognize the potentiality of the present and what is to come in athletics at A&M. Freshmen teams have been promising this year at A&M. Although they only won one game last fall, the Fish foot ball team turned up with some of the most prime varsity prospects in spring drills. Also Coach Jim Myers said that ihe spring practice was the best he had witnessed while he has been here. The Frosh basketball team racked up one of the best records in several years last season as they only lost two games. They were blessed with the necessary speed and height that has been scarce on the Aggie hardwoods. sophs. Righ now we’re in the thick of track and baseball its hard to tell what will happen, however, looking to ting a stiff pace with their 3-0 record. Tigers Sweep Net Crown Paced by a clean sweep in the senior division, the A&M Consoli dated netters of Coach Horace Schaffer coppede their fourth con secutive 21-AA crown, and their second straight clean sweep in the District meet at Blinn College in Brenham Tuesday. Jody Rush took the boys singles With a 6-0, 6-0 win over Navasota and 6-3, 6-2 decisions over Bell- ville. Joe Olian and Bob Adams took the dobles by defeating Bell- ville 6-4, -1 and Cy-Fair 6-1, 6-1. In girls play, Pam Sperry took out Navasota 6-1, 6-0 and Cy-Fair -0, 6-2 while Anne Rudder and Lynda Chalk were downing Bell- ville 6-2, 4-6, 6-4 and Cy-Fair 6-0, 4-6, 6-2 in doubles play. The Junior Division found Billy Bostick falling to Navasota 0-6, 7-5, 2-6. Joe Joyer and Jim M won their rounds 6-1, 6-1 o’ Navasota and 6-0, 6-0 over Bi ville. Margaret Thames was feated by Navasota 0-6, 2-6 wl Judy Morgan and Eleanor Wor dropped an 0-6, 5-7 decision Navasota. turing 30 points, Bellville Navasota 13 and Humble 0 . In elementary competition 1 Lionheart and Bob Jones -1 Claire Elkins 6-3. beat Bellville at 3:30 p.m. before journeying end. Your Boots should have “That Certain Look” Dependable and Trouble Free! Tops In Style and Quality! Time’s A Wastin’! Get your order in as soon as possible for delivery for Final Review. ^JJolicL 6 A&M Since 1891 NORTH GATE College Station Fish, Varsity Entered In Annual TU Relays A 27-man track and field dele gation will represent A&M at the Texas Relays in Austin Friday and Saturday. Coach Charles Thomas will en ter 13 varsity and 14 freshmen in the annual classic this weekend. The varsity will compete in seven events while the Fish will enter the same number. Best chances for high finishes will be Henry Bonorden of Port Lavaca in the shot put, Owen Hill of Dallas in the discus, Newton Lamb of Houston in the javelin, all varsity performers and the freshmen sprinters who will enter 440 relay. This latter group is composed of Curt Roberts of Carls bad, N. M., Ed Williams of Jena, La., Frank Kent of Houston and George Tedford of Shreveport. Bonorden has been the big sur prise for Thomas this spring as he consistent^ has topped 54 feet and shows promise of hitting 55 feet before the year it out. After taking time out for the Texas Relays this week the Ag gies resume their triangular track and field competition at Dallas April 8 and 9 against Rice and SMU. The Aggies finished second be hind Baylor and ahead of the Owls in a 3-way meet here last Friday The Aggies have finished sec ond in three meets this spring and third another time. Entries Varsity entrys at Austin with best marks are High Hurdles — Ernie Uribe of Laredo (15.1). 100- Yard Dash — Uribe. Shot Put — Bonorden (54-9^), Ty Tiemann of INTRAMURALS Two championships were decid ed yesterday as the Maroon Band won over Sq. 12 for the Class A championship in tennis and Sq. 2 defeated Sq. 11 for the Class B volleyball championship. In Class B tennis Sq. 9 defeated Co. G-l, Co. G-2 won over Co. D-l, Sq. .11 bested Co. F-2, Sq. 8 was victorious over Co. 1-2, Co. A-l defeated Sq. 6, Sq. 1 bested Co. FI-!, Sq. 2 won over Co. A-2, Sq. 17 beat Co. FI-2 and Sq. 13 de feated Sq. 4. \ Two matches were completed in golf competition as Sq. 13 won over Co. B-l and Sq. 3 defeated Sq. 4. Six games were played in fresh man softball as Sq. 12 defeated Co. B-l, Sq. 1 won over Sq. 14, Co. B-2 bested Co. H-2, Co. A-2 beat Co. H-l, Co. G-2 defeated Co. D-2 and Co. 1-2 was victorious over Co. C-2. In Class C softball Milner de- feted Pan American and Bizzell won over Puryear. Seven games were played in up perclassmen softball as Sq. 11 blanked Co. C-l, Sq. 8 defeated Co. F-l, Sq. 10 won over Co. B-l, Co. G-2 bested C. A-2, Sq. 14 de feated C. K-2, Co. B-2 won over Co. H-2, Co. 1-2 defeated Co. C-2 and Co. A-l was victorious over Sq. 9. In Class B tennis Sq. 9 defeated Co. G-l, Co. G-2 won over Co. D-l, Sq. 11 bested Co. F-2, Sq. 8 blank ed Co. 1-2, Co. A-l defeated Sq. 6, Sq. 1 won over Co. H-l, Sq. 2 bested Co. A-2, Sq. 17 defeated Co. H-2 and Sq. 13 was victorious over Sq. 4. Arlington, Va. and Hill. Discuss— Hill (161-2 %), Tiemann and Bon orden. Javelin — Lamb (198-714), James Brewer of Clovis, N.M. and Jim Long of Westport, Conn. High Jump—Charles Merka of Premont (6-2) and Bobby Thomas of Dal las (6-2). Two-Mile Relay—Mal colm Hardee of Groveton, Richard Hickman of College Station, Char les Hajovsky of El Campo and Thad Crooks of Hooks. Frosh entrys are: Williams—100 Roberts and Kent; Sprint Relay- Williams, Tedford, Kent, Roberts. Mile Relay—Tedford, Bill Brash- ears f San Antonio, Ron Dingle of Greggton, Ken Patranella of Bry an and Ed Korenek of El Campo. Sprint Medley Relay — Tedford, Williams, Roberts and Dingle. Shot Put—Charles Hoppe of Bay City and James Phillips of Freeport. Two-Mile Relay—Dingle, Korenek, Patranella and E. L. Ener of Jas per. Chicago Seeks Win In Hockey Playoffs CHICAGO (A 5 ) — The Chicago Black Hawks try to pick them selves off the floor tonight and avoid a complete shutout by the Montreal Canadiens in the Stan ley Cup hockey semifinal play offs. The Canadiens, striving for an unprecedented fifth straight cup title, have taken the first three games and can sew up the best- of-seven series with a sweep by winning at the Chicago Stadium tonight. That would pit them against the winner of the Toronto-Detroit se ries, which is now locked 2-2 and resumes Saturday on the Maple Leafs’ home ice. BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES per I day day 3^ per word it per word ea ti additional day Minimum ^haree—40^ DEADLINES B p.m. day before publication ay before pub Classified Display in inch tlon PHONE VI 6-8415 per i each FOR SALE Almost new 15 Cu. Ft. Chest type Freezer $175.00; Used Air Conditioners-GE $100.00; Hotpoint $86.00; Chrysler $75.00 All 1 h.p. Speedqueen 2 speed washer-real nice $98.00; Westinghouse space mate $85.00; Living room suite $25.00; 3 used refrigerators $25.00, $40.00 and $75.00; Apt. Range $37.50 or 36" range at same price; Dish towels 1 doz. $1.00: hand lant erns-real good buy $1.00; GE Clocks $3.88; 34 piece set of dishes S6.88; Jumbo gar- ment bag $1.00; Foam throw pillows $1'.98; Pop corn popper $3.88; Only 3 Qty.asonal chairs $10.95 each; One lounge sllightly soiled $29.95 ; Aluminum lawn "hairs onlv $6.95, real nice. All these at FaiHk’s Furniture - 1300 Texas Ave. at Cavitt and Dodge 93t7 4000 CFM Evaporative Cooler, two years old, good condition. Call VI 6-8593. 92t3 Light weight Harley Davidson motor cycle, in good condition. VI 6-4630. 92t4 1956 Chevrolet pick-up truck, license XS-6673. TFS No. 1299. Sealed bids will be received in the office of the Texas Forest Service, Texas A&M College, Col lege Station, Texas until 10:00 a. m., Fri day, April 22, on fo'-rus available unon request. Address the Director, Texas For est Service, College Station, Texas or tele phone Victor 6-4771 for further informa tion. 92t2 1953 four-door Chevrolet, radio and heater. $275. Call , VI 6-6069 after 6:00 p. m. 91t3 Senior A&M student wishes to sell 30 ft. all aluminum mobile home. Has nice cabana, which makes extra bedroom or study. Only $1295. VI 6-4648. 87tfn 1960 FORD See Bob Jenkins, Student Representative, Cade Motor Company. 86tfn CORDLESS ELECTRIC SHAVER—Per- feet Shaving anywhere, anytime. Perfect for traveling, camping, etc. $14.95. Bexar Electronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Tex as 74t30 AC and Champion spark plugs, 69c. Mufflers and tailpipes at wholesale prices. White Auto Store. 216 North Bryan Street, Bryan. 62tfn Dr. George W. Buchanan Chiropractor 304 E 27th Bryan, Texas Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988 Res. TA 2-4981 Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village TYPEWRITERS Rental - Sales - Service - Terroi Distributors For: Royal and Victor • Calculators & Adding Machine* CATES TYPEWRITER CO. 909 S. Main TA 2-6000 FOR RENT Nice two bedroom furnished home. New ly redecorated. Reasonable. Couple only. After 5 :00 p. m. and weekends, VI 6-7037. 92tfn Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment, t20 wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett School. Phone VI 6-6660 after ,5:00 p. m. 72tfn Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfn Apartment, 205 Montclair across the Ireet from Southside. Rent $30.00 with dove and refrigerator. Would consider Virnishing all of the apartment. VI 6- <630 or VI 6-6544. 61tfn WORK WANTED Attention Working Mothers: All day nursery. 8 to 5. Have had nurse’s train ing. $30.00 per month, per child. VI 6- U46. 59t2 Maid will do light housekeeping. Can give references. Call TA 3-2267. 90t4 Why wait until last minute to get your Theses reports, etc. to Bi-City Secretarial service? Electric typewriters. offset printing, negatives and metal plates made. 3408 Texas Ave. VI 6-5786. 87t.fn Typing wanted, neat, accurate. Reason- 'ihle rates. Mrs. Oarlsoyi VT 6-793fl. 122tfn Miscellaneous For Sale La Rasuracion Electra Sin Cable Donde- quirea Que Sea. Independiente y Siempre Exacta $14.95 U. S. Bexar Electronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Texas 74t30 HELP WANTED A good job open for a young Latin- American. See Chas. Cade Sr. or Jerry Howington at Cade Motor Co., 1309 Texas Avenue. 91t4 LOST H. S. Ring, inscription MCD. Please notify Box 4654 and I will call. 92t2 Dachshund dog, female, small reddish brown. Strayed from 103 Anderson, College Station. Reward will be paid to finder, VI 6-4495. 91t3 Political Announcements Subject to action at the Democratic Primary May 7, 1960. For County Commissioner Precinct No. 1 CURTIS H. WILLIAMS FLETCHER L. POOL (Former Aggie) OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be broughty mailed or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office Publicatic Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student Publiea' tions. Those undergraduate students who hav« 95 semester hours of credit may purchase A. and M. ring. The hours passing at an the r. The relimim tne time ot the preliminary grade report on April 4, 1960, may be used in satisfy, ing the 95 hour reo.uirement. Those stu dents qualifying under this regulation mas leave their names with the ring clerk in the Registrar’s Office in order that she may check their records to determine eli gibility to order the ring. Orders for the rings will be taken between April 19 and rings wil May 31 for delivery July 1, 1960. The ring clerk is on duty from 8:00 a. m. to 12 :00 ion, Monday through Friday of eacli eek. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar 88tl! Sponsors of Student organizations and departments which present student awards, keys, or medals should order these items ai once at the Cashier’s window at the MSC. Orders must be placed at once to insur« semester. must be placed at onci dfelivery before the end of this Pete Hardesty Student Activities OFFICIAL NOTICE All currently enrolled pre-veterinari medicine students who expect to qualify ai applicants for admission into the School of Veterinary Medicine in September 1960 should file their applications in the Regis' trar’s Office not later than April 1 Forms to be used in making applications for admission to the School of Veterinary Medicine are available at the information desk in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. Heaton Director of Admissions and Registrar 77t30 SPECIAL NOTICE HILL TOP LAKE "rr fishing, clean 9 1 /, miles, south 93t2 Drained, restocked, open for fishing, clei place for family picnics of College on Hwy. 6. SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M College Station, Texas Called meeting, Thursday, March 31, 7:00 p. m. E.A. examinations and F.C. De gree. C. J. Keese, Joe Woolket, WM Sec’y Put your reservations in now for ban- quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- 1852. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfi Electrolux Sales and Rervlc* Williams TA 3-6600 G. C OOtfT DAY NURSERY by the week, day oi hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Boyett VI6-4005. 120tfi TV-Radio-HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland "W and Stereo sale at FAULK’S FURNITURE. 8 speaker Hi Fi $129.95, G speaker Walnut Stero with AM/FM radio only $299.95 Full 21” Console TV, Genuine all wood Mhg. cabinet only *209.95. Many more values. Texas Ave.-Cavitt and T my more v Dodge Sts • ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTAT? j SCOATES INDUSTRIES MS Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN. TEXAS SOSOLIK’S TV - RADIO - PHONO SERVICE 713 S Main TA 2-1941 g n . J’ P i . Where the Art of 1 /^rotard & '~' a f e t* r L a Cooking h Not Lost | WE GIVE VALUABLE- Swindler’s Grade A EGGS Large E11 Dozen g C vNvXvXv ***‘**-—^^^ TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th St., Downtown 3516 Texas Ave., Ridgecrest Specials Thurs.,-Fri.,-Sat.—March 31, April 1, 2, 1960 MOHAWK - WHOLE mm Orr’s Gold Seal—Veal Shoulder Roast . . . Lb. 47c Swift Premium Franks . Lb. 49c Orr’s Gold Seal—Veal Brisket .... Lb. 33c Orr’s Gold Seal—Veal Short Ribs Lb. 39c Orr’s Gold Seal'—Veal Shoulder Steak . . Lb. 49c Minimax Finest FLOUR BLUE RINSO 5 Giant Pkg. Lb. Bag 19 59 Oscar Meyer LUNCHEON MEAT ^ 29 COFFEE aMK. 59' BIRDSEYE FROZEN FSill STICISSJ MINUTE MAID ORANGE JUICE 8-Oz. Pkgs. 89’ 4 89* Birdseye Birdseye PERCH FILLET K 2, 35c Blackeye Peas 2 p£' 45c .GREEN PEAS 2 fSl 39c Flying Jib Breaded, 19-Oz. Pkg. Birdseye Mixed g ;rc! SHRIMP 39c VEGETABLES...Pkg 1, 2 lc Strawberries V 0 ?' 29c Oi kNGftS 5 29 Sweet Juicy Texas RUBY RED GRAPEFRUIT ,4c CELERYrluda 2 S ,ai ks 25c ONIONS..!: 1 !: 3 Lb ,19c HUNT’S HALVES—YELLOW CLING PEAGHEQ 4“ 1 KOUNTY KIST No. 303 Cans KOUNTY KIST—WHOLE KERNEL COM i 8- $*i oo $^oo