The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 16, 1960, Image 3

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    March 31 Class Elections
Filing Still Under Way
Students have until Wednesday,
March 23, at 5 p.m. to file for
election in the class elections to be
held Thursday, March 31, accord
ing to W. D. (Pete) Hardesty, or
ganizations adviser.
The filings must be made at the
Cashier’s Window in the ground
level of the Memorial Student
Head Yell Leader
Contrary to the report in Tues
day’s Battalion, the Head Yell
Leader will be determined by a
majority vote of the Yell Leaders
from the Class of ’61. The Bat
talion erroneously reported Tues
day that the Head Yell Leader
would be appointed by the' Yell
The 1960 School Board Work
shop Series area meeting will be
held at 10 a.m. April 11 in the
Memorial Student Center.
Dr. Paul Hensarling of the De
partment of Education and Psy
chology and local workshop co
ordinator, said the meeting is de
signed to help school boards and
superintendents and other inter
ested citizens study school board
responsibility and effectiveness.
The workshops also will be of
interest to local P-TA leaders, he
said, and are open to the public.
Keynote speaker will be Dr.
Frank W. R. Hubert, dean of the
School of Arts and Sciences. His
subject will be “The Role of the
Leader Committee.
All candidates for Yell Leader
(two to be selected from the Class
of ’61 and two from the Class of
’62) must be approved by the Yell
Leader Committee.
Runoffs Slated
Runoffs in the class elections
will be held Wednesday, April 6.
All applications will be checked
by the Registrar’s Office for grade
point ratios, total hours and classi
All candidates filing for class
office must be academically classi
fied with their class, Hardesty
Classified With Classes
Students are classified with their
Local Board in Texas Public Edu
Subjects to be discussed in the
overall workshop include introduc
tion to boardmanship, the board
and school program, school finance,
boar d-superintendent relations,
board procedures and functions
and the board and the community.
Donald G. Nugent of Austin,
executive director of the Texas
Association of School Boards, the
sponsoring agency, said the A&M
workshop is expected to service
boards in Lee, Brazos, Robertson,
Leon, Madison, Grimes, ^Walker,
Montgomery, San Jacinto, Waller,
Washington, Burleson, Milam,
Falls, Limestone and Freestone
respective classes as follows: a
freshman must have not more than
30 hours, a sophomore must have
have 30 to 59 hours and a junior
must have 60 to 94 hours.
The Class of ’61 will elect a
president, vice president, secre
tary, social secretary, historian,
student entertainment manager,
MSC Council delegate and two yell
The Class of ’62 will elect a
president, vice president, secre
tary-treasurer, social secretary,
MSC Council delegate and two
yell leaders.
The Class of ’63 will elect a
president, vice presidertt, secre-
tary-treasurer, MSC Council dele
gate and social secretary.
Officer Requirements
Class officer candidates must be
academically classified with their
classes both at this time and at
the beginning of the school year.
They must also have a minimum
grade point ratio of 1.0.
Student Entertainment Manager
candidates must be of junior
classification and have a minimum
grade point ratio of 1.25. They
must also have the consent of the
Music Coordinator and at least
one year’s experience on the Stu
dent Entertainment Staff. The
manager will be responsible to the
Music Coordinator.
Other Requirements
Yell Leader candidates, in addi
tion to the approval by the Yell
Leader Committee, must have min
imum grade point ratios of 1.25.
Requirements for the MSC Coun
cil include academic classification
with the student’s class and a min
imum grade point ratio of 1.0
School Board Workshop Set
In Memorial Student Center
The 1 out of 20
that didn’t get smoked
HP here’s a lot of satisfaction in pointing out something good to a friend. That’s why
1 it often happens that one cigarette out of a pack of Dual Filter Tareytons never does
get smoked.
People break it open to demonstrate its unique Dual Filter containing Activated
Charcoal. They may not know why it works so well, but they do know this: It delivers
far more than high filtration ... it brings out the best taste of the best tobaccos-05
no single filter can!
Try a pack of Tareytons. We believe the extra pleasure they bring will soon have
you passing the good word to your friends.
Product of ij’/mt
1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL
... definitely proved to make the smoke of a cigarette mild
and smooth ...
2. with an efficient pure white outer filter. Together they bring
you the real thing in mildness and fine tobacco taste!
J/u jfmzlwan Jii$i£ccr£crnfianu Jcdaear is our middle name © 4. T. c*
‘Miss Photogenic of I960’
Melva Jo Cox, 17-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Cox of 607 Esther Blvd. in Bryan, was named “Miss
Photogenic of 1960” at the recent 11th annual A&M Me
chanical Conference and Photo Workshop, sponsored by the
Department of Journalism and the Texas Press Assn. The
Stephen F. Austin High School senior was the third annual
winner of the title. As a prize, she was awarded her choice
of one of four costumes from Sears Roebuck and Co. and
a dozen roses from TPA President Tom Whitehead and
Donald D. Burchard, head of the Department of Journalism.
Three girls from Stephen F. Austin High School and two
from A&M Consolidated High School were entered in this
year’s contest.
West Should Follow
Ike, Adenauer
At Agreement
On Basic Policies
WASHINGTON (A») — President
Eisenhower and Chancellor Kon
rad Adenauer were reported in
basic agreement today on the ma
jor policy lines which the West
should follow in negotiating Ger
man isues with the Soviet Union.
The negotiations are being pre
pared as part of the Big Four
summit meeting in Paris next
Cash Scholarship
Made Available
By Ralston Purina
The Ralston Purina Scholarship,
a $500 cash stipend, will be avail
able for the 1960-61 school year,
according to Dr. T. E. McAfee,
professor in the Department of
Agronomy and chairman of the
scholarship committee for the
School of Agriculture.
According to McAfee, the schol
arship is awarded by the Ralston
Purina Co. of St. Louis, Mo., and
is open to any junior majoring in
It is designed to give recogni
tion and assistance to undergrad
uate students in agriculture, and
also to further activity and re
search in this field.
Selection for the award will be
made in the spring, and will be
based on scholastic) standing, lead
ership, character, extra-curricular
activities, sincerity of purpose and
financial need, McAfee said.
Application for the scholarship
should be made through the office
of the Dean of Agriculture, with
the application forms completed
and returned by April 15, he added.
The scholarship is one of several
made available annually in each
of the 50 land-grant colleges and
state universities in the U. S., and
in Puerto Rico and Canada.
ASME Members
Attent Gas Meet
Six members of the student
chapter of the A&M American So
ciety of Mechanical Engineers at
tended the annual meeting of the
Gas Turbine and Hydraulic Divi
sion of the ASME, held in Houston
last week. They acted as student
aides for the meeting.
They were accompanied by their
faculty advisor, P. D. Weiner, as
sistant professor in the Depart
ment of Mechanical Engineering.
Students attending were C. A.
Bollfrass, C. E. Carter, A. D.
Branum, O. V. Hoernig, R. L. Max
well and V. E. Malanax,
Eisenhower scheduled a morn
ing news conference at which he
was certain to be questioned about
his 1%-hour meeting with Ade
nauer Tuesday.
The chancellor was guest of
honor at a National Press Club
luncheon where he was due to
speak and respond to questions.
Prior to the Press Club session
Adenauer arranged to meet with
labor leaders and with Dean Ache-
son, secretary of state under for
mer President Truman.
Adenauer’s foreign minister,
Heinrich von Brantano, said fol
lowing the discussions at the
White House and State Depart
ment: “I am leaving the State
Department convinced there afe
no differences between Bonn and
Washington as regards all decisive
-Adenauer, on his way to Tokyo,
came here to seek assurance that
the President was dead set against
negotiating any summit agreement
with the Soviet Union at the ex
pense of the position of the West
ern powers in West Berlin.
The 84-year-old chancellor is
known to feel that the present ar
rangement whereby U. S., British
and French forces on the scene
guarantee the independence of
West Berlin cannot be improved
upon by any negotiated agree
U. S. officials said the Presi
dent gave assurance that there
would be no compromise on basic
protection for the position of West
Berlin as a Western city sur
rounded by East Germany.
A joint statement issued follow
ing the White House meeting said
that Eiesenhower and Adenauer
reasserted their determination to
try to achieve “the reunification
of Germany in peace and free
“They further agreed,” the state
ment said, “that the preservation
of the freedom of the people of
West Berlin, and their right of
self-determination, must underline
any future agreement affecting
the city.”
Before You Buy A
Otis McDonald’s
Bryan Business
Wednesday, Mai’ch 16, 1960
College Station, Texas
Page 3
Federal Aviation Agency
Reveals New Title, Program
In its accelerated program to
greatly improve air safety, the
Federal Aviation Agency has an
nounced a new name and impor
tant new and stepped-up pilot
services at Bryan College Station’s
FAA Air Traffic Communication
It will now be called FAA
Flight Service Station and will
still be located on Easterwood
William S. Hall, station chief,
said today, “There are more than
250,000 individual flights a day
over the nation. Over 90 per cent
of these flights are made under
FAA’s Visual Flight rules, and
only 10 per cent of these flights
are made on instruments. Most
of our work here at BryamCollege
Station’s FAA Flight Service Sta
tion aid this large group of visual
flying pilots.”
Last year more than 13,000 pi
lots responded to the radio call
“College Station Radio” and were
helped to make their flight safer.
Hall Explains Flight Plans
Hall explained that flight plans,
filed by pilots under Visual Flight
Rules, now are being teletyped to
each FAA Facility along the
planned flight route, instead of
only to the destination station.
Each FAA Flight Service Sta
tion which receives a flight plan
computes the time at which the
airplane is due over each station’s
area. The FAA specialist on duty
is able to immediately relay to the
pilot any last minute weather
changes or other flight hazards
Weather Reporting System
“The new system,” FAA Station
Chief Hall said, “also makes pos
sible the maximum u^e of the new
pilot weather reporting system re
cently established between the
FAA, the military and civilian
“This is a voluntary general
weather reporting plan tlndbr
which each pilot aloft reports any
weather he is flying in or can see
that might cause a hazard to fly-
A&M Chamber
(Continued from Page 1)
tin and Joe Belue. Division of
Business Administration — Harold
L. Boedeker, Ernest G. Gregg,
Wilbur F. Gloor, Anthony J. Heg-
er, Homer J. Gibbs, James E.
Stubbs, Weldon J. Ginzel, George
W. Worth, Jr., Raymond A. Mur-
ski, Phillip H. Harrison, Jr., Ken
neth W. King, Louis F. Burchers,
Thomas E. Wisdom and Thomas
B. Goodrich. Department of Chem
istry—Glenn N. Di’essen and Mi
chael J. Carlo. Department of
Chemical Engineering—Ronald. D.
Burnett and Denton W.- Sanders.
Department of Economics—John M
Brazell and James C. Smith. T)p-»
partment of Electrical Engineer
ing—Jack W. Pool and Paul K.
York. Department of Entomology
—Lewis Wilkinson and James
Roach. Department of Floricul
ture and Landscape Architecture—
Kenneth Kaden and Samuel J.
Cely. Department of Horticulture
—Joe R. Gaither and M. E. Ar
nold. Department of Journalism—
Jack Hartsfield, Robbie D. God
win, Horace McQueen, and Morris
Asbill. Department of Mechanical
Engineering—Marvin J. Schneider
and Alvin W. Dunlap. Department
of Modern Languages — Gary E.
Todd and Ruben Carrera. Depart
ment of Petroleum Engineering—
Marcus R. Hudgins and Robert D.
Schafroth. Department of Veter
inary Medicine — Bruce Ueckert
and Jerry Winkler. Department
of Range and Forestry—Maynard
E. Hill and Howard Barton. School
of Military Science — Air Force
ROTC) John Jacekle and Ed Har
ris; (Army ROTC) Robert L. War-
zecha. Department of Industrial
Education—Ben Harris Jr., Andy
Jackson, Rip Gorman, James Chap
man, Casey Jones and Ronald Har
vey. The Department of Animal
Husbandry and the Department of
Civil Engineering are in the pro
cess of choosing delegates.
ing; These helpful weather re
ports are then relayed to other
pilots in the area.”
The Bryan-College Station FAA
Flight Service Station, as do the
335 other such stations throughout
the nation, also aids the pilots by
accepting and closing flight plans,
offering pre-flight briefing to pi
lots, furnishing point-to-point
communication, broadcasting reg
ular weather information, giving
expert assistance to aircraft in
trouble, and, when necessary, in
itiating search and rescue actions.
At Bryan-College Station there
are 8 people highly trained for
this work.
Giant Program
Hall commented today, “This
stepped-up service to private and
executive pilots is a part of the
Federal Aviation Agency’s giant
program to modernize the federal
airways, and to do all that it can
to foster and develop civil avia
Created by Congress in the fall
of 1958, the authoritative Federal
Aviation Agency, in addition to
modernizing the airways and fos
tering the development of civil
aviation, has the task of directing
air traffic control of both civil and
military aircraft, allocating the di
minishing airspace and both issu
ing and enforcing air safety rules,
said Hall.
Civilian Grades
(Continued from Page 1)
Milner and Bizzell Hall tied for
last place with a 1.21. Bizzell jun
iors were also low with a 1'.14 GPR.
Hart and Walton Hall seniors
tied for last place, each group
posting a 1.22. Fifth sixth and
graduate students from Law and
Mitchell Hall were low among their
class with a 1.81 grade point ratio.
12.4 Per Cent Distinguished
The list of distinguished stu
dents for the fall semester shows
that 12.4 per cent of the total
civilian undergraduate enrollment
distinguished last semester.
The sophomores led the rest of
the four classes, with 38, or 18.7
per cent of them making the dis
tinguished student list. The per
centages of the other classes mak
ing the DS list in order is: Seniors,
208 or 16.3 per cent of the class;
juniors, 85 or 10.5 per cent and
freshmen, 12 or 2.5 per cent of the
^ie day 3^ per word
2* per word each additional day
Minimum chaw:—40*
S p.m. day before publication
Classified Display
80* per column inch
each Insertion
PHONE VI 6-6418
North Gate
Small nicely furnished apartment. Bills
paid. Ideal: couple or, single. TA 2-7314
after 5:00 p. m 83t4
Abundant Whse. and outside storage space.
U/2 block from North Gate of Campus at
311 Church St. Will rent or lease all or
part. Call TA 2-3731 76tl2
Two nice three room apartments, near
A&M Campus. Fully furnished, near stores,
in good neighborhood. $37.50. One at 203
Kyle, other at 603 Montclair. Call VI 6-
1496 after 5. 74tfn
Three bedroom house near Campus and
ihopping Center. Large rooms, garage, in
yice neighborhood. $67.60, VI 6-7496 after
1. 101 Grove St. 74tfn
Two bedroom, unfurnished apartment,
120 wiring and attic fan. Near Crockett
School. Phone VI 6-6660 after,5:00 p. m.
Sewing machines, Pruitt Fabric Shop.
Apartment, 205 Montclair across the
Itreet from Southside. Rent $30.00 with
Itove and refrigerator. Would consider
■urnishing all of the apartment. VI 6-
1630 or VI 6-6644. 61tfn
Apartment two blocks from north gate.
Ucely furnished, freezing unit in refrigera-
nrs. Several walk in closets. Clean as a
fin. 401 Cross St.. VI 6-5064 6tfn
New and used misses clothing. Winter
and summer, sizes 9 to 11. Everything
from pajamas to western wear to formal
and semi-formal to sportwear. Everything
in excellent condition. Also curtains and
bedspread and vibrating pillow. VI 6-8442.
New Standard Encyclopedia plus extras
and book case. Call Larry at VI 6-4791,
Extension 60. 83t4
Dodge, 1953, Fordor V-8, radio, heater,
overdrive, 1603 Armistead. VI 6-4437. $350.
Used clothing in excellent condition. Miss
es semi-formal, suits, skirts, sweaters,
blouses and dresses, sizes 10-14. Also
mits and dresses, size 38. Children coats,
sizes 2-4 Bargain priced. VI 6-6557 75tfn
Refrigerator in good condition. Been well
cared for. Price: $50.00 VI 6-6557 75tfn
fect Shaving anywhere, anytime. Perfect
for traveling, camping, etc. $14.95. Bexar
Electronics, Box 1091, San Antonio 6, Tex
as f 74t30
AC and Champion spark plugs, 69c.
Mufflers and tailpipes at wholesale prices,
White Auto Store. 216 North Bryan Street,
Bryan. 62tfn
Service & Repair
TA 2-0826 101 Highland
Dr. George W. Buchanan
304 E 27th Bryan, Texas
Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988
Res. TA 2-4981
and dice, *«:<• at FAULK’S
j FURNITURE -i speaker Hi Fi $129.95,
! 5 speaker Walm- - Stero with AM/FM
| radio only $299.a5 Full 21” Console
' TV, Genuine all wood Mhg. cabinet
J only $209.95. Many more values. Texas
1 Ave.-Cavitt and Dodge Sts.
713 S Main TA 2-1941
Typing wanted, neat, accurate. Reason
able rates. Mrs. Carlson VI 6-7936. 122tfn
Your reports will be typed quickly and
accurately on electric typewriters at th*
Bi-City Secretarial Service, 8408A Texae
Avenue, Phone VI 6-5786. 71tfa
SUL ROSS LODGE NO. 1300, A.F. & A.M,
College Station, Texas
Called meeting 1
Match 17 at 7:00 p
entered apprentice degree
will be conferred. Visiting
Bretheran are welcome.
C. J. Keese WM
Joe Woolket, Sec’y
business subjects. MUK.LJNZiJii-.BALDWJ
ton, TA 3-6655. 76tl0
Put your reservations in now for ban
quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2-
1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfl
Williams. TA 3-
les and
DAY NURSERY by the week, day of
hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyet\
hour. Ci
Official notices must be brought, mailed
or telephoned so as to arrive in the Office
of Student Publications (Ground Floor
YMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-6, daily
Monday through Friday) at or before the
deadline of 1 p.m. of the day preceeding
publication — Director of Student Publica-
All currently enrolled pre-veterinary
medicine students who expect to qualify as
applicants for admission into the School
of Veterinary Medicine in September 1960,
should file their applications in the Regis
trar’s Office not later than Aprfl 1.
Forms to be used in making applications
for admission to the School of Veterinary
Medicine are available at the information
desk in the Registrar’s Office.
i Registrar
H. L. Heaton
Director of A
and Registrar
Subject to action at the Democratic
Primary May 7, 1960.
For County Commissioner
Precinct No. 1
(Former Aggie)
Miscellaneous For Sale
La Rasuracion Electra Sin Cable Donde-
quirea Que Sea. Independiente y Siempre
Exacta $14.95 U. S. Bexar Electronics, Box
1091, San Antonio 6, Texas 74t30
use the
Early Bird Shoppe, Inc
Curtains — Fabrics — Toys
Ridgecrest Village
Rental - Sales - Service - Terms
Distributors For:
Royal and Victor
Calculators & Adding Machines
809 S. Main TA 2-6000
M3 Old Sulphur Spring* Road
Motard 6 Cafeteria Cooking Is Not list |