THE BATTALION Wednesday, December 16, 1959 PAGE 3 Activities of 36 Aggies Named to Who’s Who Listed The Who’s Who Among Student'’ in American Universities and Col leges for 1959-60 released Monday listed 36 Aggies for this distinc tion. Listed below are the activities and accomplishments of the Ags in this group: ROBERT EUGENE ARLES Pres. AVMA, 1959-60; President junior Veterinary Class, 1958-59- Student Representative to Nationa 1 AVMA Corfvention; Advertising Mgr., Southwestern Veterinarian 1958-59, 1959-60; Vet. Ass’t., Radi ation Biology Lab.; Student Repre sentative for Haver-Lockhart Pharmaceutical Co. ALLAN ROY ALLBRITTON Secretary-Treasurer Junior Vet erinary Class, Student Chapte> AVMA; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Zeta Editorial Ass’t., Southwestern Vet erinarian 1957-58, 1958-59; pi-oduc tion editor, 1959-60; Student Lab Ass’t., Veterinary Physiology anr' Pharmacology 1957-58; Studen' Lab. A ss’t. Plant Physiology am’ Pathology 1958-59; Student Repre sentative for the S. E- Massengil Co. 1959-60. BYRON CURTIS BLASCHKE Cadet Lt. Col., Corps Staff Corps adjutant; president, Ameri can Society of Engineers; presi dent, Newman Club; Engineers' Council; recoi’der, Senior Court R. V.’s; Opportunity Award; Cabo J Carbon Co. Scholarship; best drill ed freshman and sophomore, B-FA: 4th Army Award; Phi Eta Sigma Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; John Henry Newman Honor Society HMS; first place, Freshman Engi neering Drawing Contest; student employment, structural lab assist ant, C. E. Dept. JOHN MICHAEL BRAZZEL Arts and Sciences Council, vice president; Cadet Maj., 4th Group Staff; Cadet Court; Phi Eta Sigma vice president; Phi Kappa Phi: DMS; Economics Club, president- General Business Society, junioi representative to A&S Council: San Jacinto Hometown Club, vice president; Newman Club; Ameri can Economic Assn.; Opportunity Award Scholarship; P. T. Pierce Award Scholarship; Commandant’s Award—Summer Camp; under graduate assistant, Biol. Dept.; Fish Yell Leader. FRANK BLAIR BUCHANAN, III Freshman Drill Team; Corps Color Guard; RV’s; Cadet Col., C.O. 2nd Bidgade; president, Cadet Court “A”; MSC Directorate As sistant; chairman, MSC Bridge Committee; SCONA III; vice chaii’- man, SCONA IV; planning com mittee chairman, SCONA V; SCONA delegate to U. S. Military Academy; A&S Council; vice presi dent, Economics Club; social sec retary, Junior Class; Corps cham pionship, bowling; Houston Cham ber of Commerce Award; MSC Ap preciation Awai’d; Assn, of the U. S. Army Award; Aggie Sweetheart Selection Committee; Wesley Foun dation. WILLIAM DAVID BUNTING President, Singing Cadets; Phi Eta Sigma; Phi Kappa Phi; outr standing freshman, Sqd. 23; out standing freshman, 8th Group; op erations sgt., 7th Group Staff; scholastic officer, 7th Group Staff! Sigma Phi Sigma; business mgr., Singing Cadets. J. C. BURTON First Wing C.O.; Phi Eta Sigma; ^au Beta Pi; DMS; co-chairman, \ir Force Ball; Aggie Sweetheart Selection Committee; Petroleum Engineering Club; Freshman En gineering Society; Freshman Slide Rule Contest; host drilled sopho- uore—Sqd. 7; Engineer Staff; Eorps Staff; Opportunity Award Scholarship; Air Force ROTC jun- 'or representative to U. S. Air Force Academy. DONALD RAYE CLARK President Freshman Veterinary Slass; Award of Merit as Out- tanding Student in First Year -lass of Veterinary Medicine; Sen- or Rep., Student AVMA Council; Senior Representative., Veterinary School Honor Council; Phi Kappa 'dn; Phi Zeta; Southwestern Vet- rinarian Staff; Student Ass’t., /eterinary Physiology and Pharm- ■cology, 2 years. JOHN GUINN CULL JR. President, West Texas Home- own Club 1957-58; Sec.-Treas., Sollege Apartment Council 1958- 9; Aggie Players 1957-58; Stu- ! ent National Education Assn.; \merican College Personnel Assn. Division of American Personnel •nd Guidance Assn.); Graduate As- -istant in the Dept, of Education i.nd Physiology 1959-60 Student Relegate to the UNESCO Confer- ■nce in Denver, Colo., 1959; DS Fall ’58); B.S. Degree in Educa- ion, May 1959; Selected as repre- '.entative from Dept, of Education md Psychology to meet with the Evaluation Committee from the ’’’exas Education Agency 1959: vorked in the Civilian Student Eounselor’s office and the Foreign Student Advisor’s Office; received R. I. Bill of Rights benefits from he Korean War during first four rears of college. FRANK IVER DAHLBERG President, Amei’ican Institute of T ndustrial Engineers; best dressed Ueshman in squadron; best drilled freshman; outstanding junior in group; 1st Sgt., Squadron 21; Sgt. Maj., 7th Group Staff; Cadet Lt. Col., Corps Staff; YMCA; Wesley foundation; Campus Crusade; Brazos County Hometown Club; freshman baseball team; Singing Cadets; Region IN A TIE Student Conference; SCONA IV; DMS; Engineers’ Council; physics lab in structor. WILEY WADE DOVER Deputy Corps Commander; RV C.O.; Student Senate chaplain; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; DMS; vice president, San Angelo-West Texas Hometown Club; Petroleum Engineering Club; DAR Award; Houston C of C Award; Oppor tunity Award Scholarship; Terra Club Petroleum Engineering Schol arship. HOMER JARRELL GIBBS Chairman, SCONA V; Senior Court member; Cadet Col., Corps Staff; Aggieland ’58 Staff; DMS. SAMMIE EDWARD GLASS Sophomore Representative to Student Chapter of AVMA 1957- 58; Junior Representative to Stu dent Chapter of AVMA 1958-59; president of the Senior Class in the School of Veterinary Medicine; member of Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Zeta; vice-president of Phi Zeta 1959-60; Outstanding Student Award of Sophomore Class in School of Veterinary Medicine; Student Ass’t. in Dept, of Physiol ogy and Pharmacology 1958-59. HUDSON ARLYN GLIMP Vice president, Saddle and Sir loin Club 1959-60; vice president, Highland Lakes Hometown Club 1958-59; reporter, Saddle and Sir loin Club 1957-58; vice president, Collegiate 4-H Club 1957-58; Den ver Woo) Judging Team 1959, 2nd high individual; American Royal Wool Judging Team 1960, member high team, 3rd in fleece grading; Opportunity Award Scholarship; Outstanding Sophomore in School of Agriculture; outstanding fresh man and sophomore in Saddle & Sirloin Club; Alpha Zeta; Feature Sditor, Agriculturist 1959-60; vice president, Texas State Civil De fense Council for Youth 1956-57; publicity chairman, State 4-H Council, 1956; National 4-H Meat Animal Award Winner, 1955 ($300 scholarship to A&M included); State Fair of Texas Honor Award, 1956; worked in Dept, of Animal Husbandry, 1956-57, Dept, of Bio chemistry and Nutrition, 1957- present; Texas Sheep and Goat Raisers Assn. Award, 1956. CHARLES WESLEY GRAHAM Student Senate, 1958-59; Student Senate Welfare Committee 1958- 59; CSC treasurer, 1957-58; CSC vice president, 1958-59; CSC presi- ident, 1959-60; representative of 5th and 6th-year civilian day stu dents to CSC, 1959-60; MSC Lead ership Conference Committee, 1959; Student AVMA Council, 1959; co president of College View Apart ment Council 1956-57; president of Pre-Vet Society, 1957; parliamen tarian of Freshman Veterinary Class, 1957-58; parliamentarian of AVMA, 1959; co-chairman of Civ ilian Weekend Committee, 1959; chairman of Civilan Student Cam pus Chest Fund Committee, 1958; chairman of Civilian Weekend Dance Committee, 1959; Exchange Store Advisory Board, 1958-60; Ci vilian Honor Code Committee, 1959; Election Commission, 1958- 59; editorial assistant of South western Veterinarian, 1958-59; as sociate editor of Southwestern Veterinarian, 1959-60; Lab assist ant in Veterinary Anatomy Dept., 1958-59; College View Student Manager, 1959 to date. WILLIAM BERNARD HE YE, JR. Cadet Col. of Corps, Corps Staff; assoc, editor, The Engineer; out standing freshman, sophomore, junior in Corps; Freshman Drill Team; Radio Club; Newman Club; Institute of Radio Engineers; RV’s; president, Freshman Engineering Society; Phi Eta Sigma; Eta Kap pa Nu; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Caldwell Trophy; Houston C of C Award; Sons of American Revolution Award; Society of American Military Engineers Award; Opportunity Award Schol arship; Schlumberger Scholarship; Rowar Drilling Co. Scholarship. JIMMY E. HOWARD Associate editor, Southwestern Veterinarian, 1958-58; editor, Southwestern Veterinarian^ 1959- 60; Student Chapter AVMA, pres ident, 1959, parliamentarian, 1958; parliamentarian of Sophomore Vet erinary Class, 1957-58; Bandy CHS Junior Officers Recently elected officers of the junior class at A&M Con- solmated High School are, seated, Tom Letbetter, presi dent; Joan Loveless, secretary; Blair Perryman, treasurer; and Russell Brown, reporter, left to right. Elected vice president, but not pictured, was James Riggs. AND MAY WE ADD, 1 1 THANKS FOR EVERYTHING,* A&M Since 1891 North Gate College Station VI 6-6721 lL Llixicuji Itiituj i|ou> «r nuuuj ko|i|u| liouki CITY NATIONAL BANK Bryan, Texas PEANUTS By Charles M. Schul? TO SH09) THAT A\Y HEART5 IN THE RIGHT PLACE, I'VE COME OVER TO SING “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SESmm 0J(TH YOU..,OKAY? HAm birthday to you.. hAppv birthday to you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR LAURENCE.... Scholarship, 1958; student repre sentative to Texas Jaycees Citizen ship Seminar, 1959; Lab Technician of Biochemistry and Nutrition Dept.; student clinician, Small Ani mal Clinic; representative to Na tional AVMA Convention, 1959; chairman of AVMA Emergency Fund; MSC Council representative; Leadership Conference, 1959. JOSEPH RAYMOND JOYCE Ag Council; Saddle and Sirloin Club; chab'man, Cattleman’s Ball, 1960; asst, editor, Saddle and Sir loin Club Yearbook, 1959; Stock chairman, All-Aggie Rodeo, 1959; chairman, FFA barbecue, 1959; chairman, 4-H Club barbecue, 1959; supt., wool division, fish-sophomore judging contest, 1959; awards chairman, ham sale, 1959; numer ous awards in judging contests. LOVELL WILF0RD KUYKENDALL Student Agricultural Council; Saddle and Sirloin Club, 1958-60; agricultural representative to In ter-Council Committee; superin tendent, Little Southwestern Live stock Show, 1959; secretary, All- Aggie Rodeo; other Saddle & Sir loin Club committees. JOE MARVIN LEEPER Corps Staff, liason officer; DMS; RV’s; outstanding junior, RV’s; junior Yell Leader; Head Yell Leader; best drilled sopho more, Sqd. 12; best drilled sopho more, First Wing; platoon leader, RV’s; RV Permanent Firing Squad. JACK EDWARD LITTLE Phi Eta Sigma, Sec., 1957-58; Milner Hall Dorm Council; CSC; George P. Mitchell Award for Out standing Junior Pet. E.; Tau .Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; president, Pet. E. Club; ATME; Engineers’ Coun cil; Engineer staff; Socony Mobil Oil Co. Scholarship; work in Regis trar’s Office, Pet. E. Dept. ALLEN CLARENCE LUDWIG C.O., Sqd. 14; Distinguished Air Force ROTC Cadet; secretary, Tau Beta Pi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Phi Eta Sigma; A1CHE; Newman Club; J. E. Duff Scholarship; Op portunity Award; 1st Sgt., Sqd. 20; Air Force junior representative to U. S. Air Force Academy; jun ior representative to Engineers' Council; outstanding junior, 7th group; best drilled freshman, Sqd. 22; Freshman Slide Rule Contest. MICHAEL LINDEN McGUIRE Great Issues Committee; Out standing freshman, Phi Eta Sigma; Directorate Ass’t., MSC Director ate; American Oil Co. scholarship; Freshman Engineering Society, Sec.-Treas.; outstanding sopho more, Chemistry and Ch.E.; Phi Lambda Upsilon Award; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Kappa Phi; Phi Lambda Upsilon; Union Carbide Upsilon Award; AIChE Awai’d; outstand ing junior, Ch.E; Student Engi neers’ Council; chairman, Great Is sues; SCONA V Executive Com mittee; AIChE; Union Carbide Scholarship. CHARLES FRANK MILSTEAD Executive officer, Company “M”; captain of 1959 varsity football team; Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honorary Society; Alpha Pi Mu Tndustrial Engineering Society: DMS; ATTE; SCONA; “T” Associ ation. PERCY DUNCAN MIMS 2nd Wing C.O.; RV’s; RV Per manent Firing Squad; Executive Committee, SCONA V; Tau Beta Pi; Phi Eta Sigma; Trane Scholar ship; DMS; outstanding junior, 2nd Wing; outstanding junior, 4th Group; co-chairman, Air Force Ball; Sweetheart Selection Com mittee; president, Cadet Court. RUSSELL WARREN NEISIG Lt. Col., Corps Staff; law offi cer, Senior Court; RV’s; outstand ing junior, 1st Wing; Housing Committee, SCONA V; Pre-Law Society; A&S Council; grader, His tory Department. GEORGE WERNER OHLENDORF Battle Group C.O.; editor, Texas A&M Agriculturist; president, Ru ral Sociology Club; president, stu dent chapter of the Quartermaster Assn.; Student Agricultural Coun cil; Alpha Zeta; RV’s; American Sociological Society; Rural Socio logical Society; Jesse Jones Agri cultural Scholarship; Texas Farm Bureau Award; outstanding junior (See COLLEGE on Page 4) A&M MENS SHOP 103 MAIN — NORTH GATE AGGIE OWNED AND TRAVEL thirty-day European Tours... , ■ Mediterranean Europe ■ From the Alps to the Sea " Scamtoa»ia— 0;.S.S.R. Sixty days afarpadjl&Mding : . Writ*e 3 forrckhurc I13?iPfS75 pi* fi»jHa PARIS FRANCE EUROPE ASSOCIATION FOR STUDY AND TRAVEL 10 East AStlt St., New York 17. N. Y. -tL MemEsr CmsTMAS SABER MOTEL RESTAURANT East Gate Santa’s little helper for busy homemakers The Classified Pages in your Telephone Directory will make it easier for you to do your holiday shopping. You might even buy some last minute gifts this way. 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