The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 10, 1959, Image 4
n 4 PAGE 4 Thursday, December 10, 1959 THE BATTALION r BIG BENEFIT SALE Betty Crocker & Bryan Jaycees Cake Mix Special Betty Crocker & Bryan Jaycee’s Xmas Toy Drive Fund They Pay 5c For Each Box You Buy Stock Up! For Your Holiday Cake Making And Support Your Jaycee’s Toy drive For Needy Children Betty Crocker, Assorted CAKE MIXES Betty Crocker, Assorted Flavors CAKE FROSTINGS GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Maryland Club COFFEE Maryland Club INSTANT COFFEE COCA-COLA 3 boxes 3 5 Lite Fluff BISCUITS boxes lb. bag lb. can 6 oz. jar 12 btl. carton plus deposit 8 oz. can 3 for .00 89c 39c 59c 89c 49c 25c Sanitary or Carnation Milk . 2 ^4 Gal. Ctns. 89c Pasco Orange Juice 5 - 6-Oz. Cans 79c Golden Brown Breaded Shrimp . . . 10-Oz. 39c Red Prince Frozen Strawberries . 10-Oz. Pkg. 2 for 39c Libby’s Fruit Cocktail Hillsdale Deluxe Plums Libby’s Tropical Punch Standard Tomatoes Rosedale Peas Del Monte Spinach Campbell’s Vegetable Soup Mayfield’s Grade “AA” Eggs Elcor Napkins Brockedaie Salmon . 2l/ 2 Can 3 for $1.00 21^ Can 19c Qt. Can 25c 303 Can 2 for 25c 303 Can 2 for 25c 303 Can 2 for 25c No. 1 Can 2 for 25c Doz. 39c White or Colored Cello Pkg. 10c No. 1 Tall Can 49c Nabisco Premium Crackers Wolf Brand Chili . . . Skyway Peach Preserves 1-Lb. Box 25c No. 2 Can 59c 18-Oz. Jar 29c Fresh Lean Pork Picnic ROASTib.23c Fresh End Cuts PORK CHOPS lb. 39c Lean Center Cut PORK CHOPS Armours Star Sliced Bacon Armours Star Franks .... Armours Star Canned Hams Fresh Ground Meat Lean Round Steak lb. 59c Lb. 39c Lb. 39c 5-Lb. $3.99 2-Lbs. 75c Lb. 79c California Avocadas Each 5c LONG WHITE POTATOES FRESH JUMBO LETTUCE , 2 Ms 25c GRAPEFRUIT 4 Fo J9c SPECIALS GOOD DECEMBER 10-11-12, 1959 MILLER'S 3800 TEXAS AVENUE SUPER MARKET VI 6-6613 Aggie Cagers Going Strong, But Competition Not Tough With three runaway victories under their belts the Aggie basket ball team takes to the home court again Friday against Midwestern University with visions on a fourth straight win staring them straight in the eye. The Farmers have yet to face Intramurals The intramural scores favored the Army again yesterday as they won seven games compared to the Air Force’s five. Five games were played in class A ping pong with Co. H-2 beating Sq. 3, Sq. 7 topping Co. B-2, White Band winning over Sq. 14, Co. A-l beating Co. H-l and Sq. 8 rapping Sq. 17. Ten games were played in class B bowling to take yesterday’s spot light. Sq. 11 beat Co. H-2, White Band topped Co. A-2, Co. H-l won on a forfeit, Co. F-2 defeated Sq. 4, Sq. 8 was victorious over Co. K-2, Co. 1-2 dropped Sq. 9, Co. E-l beat Co. C-2, Maroon Band outscored Co. D-2 and Co. E-2 beat Sq. 5. any top-ranked competition in this still-young basketball season, but their victory over the touted Uni versity of Houston five sent the fans reeling away from White Col iseum with thoughts of a South- w e s t Conference championship dancing in their minds. Bob Rogers, the cautious general of the A&M bounce-ball team, hopes the fans aren’t getting worked up over nothing, and in sists that only time will tell what kind of team the Farmers will wind up with at the end of the year. And Rogers is right! Along about this time last year in the happy month of December the Ca dets had copped their first SWC Tournament championship and had fans believing that “this was the year.” As things turned out is wasn’t quite “the year” and the Aggies finished the season in a tie for fifth with Arkansas, the top con tender for the crown this season along with the Ags and SMU. The Cadets went into a slump in mid-season of last year with the in jury of Wayne Lawrence, and nev er recovered. It just goes to point up the fact that in basketball, just like in football, you can never tell what is going to happen. This year Kelly Chapman paces the Farmers on the hardwood floors with 45 points in three games, an average of 15 points per Pat Stanley game. Chapman last year, play ing only in seven games because of ineligibility and injuries, scoi’ed a total of 39 points. Sophomore Carroll Broussard and Senior Wayne Lawrence are tied for top rebounding honors, with each athlete grabbing 30 re bounds off the backboards. Broussard is second in total scoring with 36 points, followed by Lawrence with 29, Wayne Annett with 28 and Pat Stanley with 26. Six-foot Junior Elliott Craig has the best shooting percentage on the team, hitting .667 from the floor and a blistering 1.000 from the free throw line. Craig has 22 points this season. As a team the Aggies are bit ing the basket at a .456 clip while defensing their opponents to a meager .250 from the floor. Free throws have been the chief failing of the Farmers this year, hitting .588 from the white line while the opponents were sinking .711 per cent of their free tosses. A&M’s defensive play has been outstanding, holding three oppon ents 134 points, an average of 44 points per game. BA TTALION CLASSIFIED SPECIAL NOTICE Trees Shrubs Ornamentals NEIL SPERRY VI 6-4473 1011 James Parkway College Station 44 tS PLAN A NEW CAREER FOR 1960 • Register for class starting January 4 New day and night classes in Book keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, and associated subjects. Dial TA 3-6656. McKenzie Baldwin business COLLEGE 702 South Washington Avenue. 42t7 Cooley’s Garage Service Station is now inspecting cars for the 1960 Season. Don’t get caught in the rush. Get your 1960 vehicle inspection sticker today at Cooley’s Garage at North Gate. VI 6-5613. 39tl0 Put your reservations in now for ban quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- 1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. O. C Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tf» DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett, VI6-4005. 120tfn Cade’s Auto Repair Department Trained Mechanics—Work Guaranteed Liberal Terms. 1309 Texas Avenue 133tfn Day nursery, experienced child care, noon meal, pick up and delivery, fenced yard, VI 6-6294. 125tfn Dr. George W. Buchanan | Chiropractor 304 E 27th Bryan, Texas Phone: Bus. TA 2-4988 Res. TA 2-4981 Early Bird Shoppe, Inc Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village MERRY CHRISTMAS From GIL’S RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland OFFICIAL NOTICES UltiuiHi uoiices uium be orougin, uituiea »r telephoned so as to arrive In the Office tl BluUeui L'liuiieuMoiU) lUfuiuiu i. .oui *MCA, VI 6-0410, hours 6-12, 1-0, (UU1> tlonda} through If rid ay) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student rublica- uons. All Juniors majoring in Health and Physical Education report for English Proficiency Examination Thursday, Dec. 10, at 4:00 p. m. in Room 231 of G. R. White Coliseum. C. E. Tishler Head of Department 89t6 Regalia For The January Commencement Exercise All students who are candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are re quired to order hoods as well as the doctor’s cap and gown. The hoods are to be left at the Registrar’s Office no later than 1:00 p. m., Tuesday, January 19 (this will be accomplished by a representative of the College Exchange Store). The Ph. D. hoods will not be worn in the procession since all such candidates will be hooded on the stage as a part of the ceremonies. Candidates for the Master’s Degree will wear the master’s cap and gown; those who are candidates fur the Bachelor’s De gree, except Military^ students, will wear the bachelor’s cap and gown. All Military students who are candidates for degrees will wear appropriate military uniforms. Rental of caps and gowns may be ar ranged with the Exchange Store. Orders may be placed between 8 :00 a. m. January 4 and 5:00 p. fn. Friday, January 15. The rental is as follows: Doctor’s cap and gown $5.25, Master’s cap and gown $4.75, Bachelor’s cap and gown $4.25. Hood rental is the same as that for cap and gown. C. E. Tishler, Chairman Convocations Committee 39tl8 FOR SALE 1956 Simplex automatic service-cycle. Good condition. $85.00. TA 2-5613. 42t4 Extra nice 11 month old filley, sorrel, three white feet, blaze face, daughter of Zantanon H. by King P 234. Paul Curtis. First house west of Sheep Center. VI 6- 7108. 21tfn RADIO-PHONO—TY Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BT EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan » ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAE SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Springs Rond BRIAN, TEXAS pr r CATES Writer co. JPADDING /4ss| MACHINES ^ CALCULATORS ELECTRIC Ml & MANUALS DISTRIBUTOR FOR ROYAL & VICTOR •09 S. MAIN BRYAN, TEX. TA 2-6000 /// J’ f t • lUAere the Art of , ^Motard & K^afeten a Cooking Is Not Lost | DE. M. W. DEASON OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses Honrs 9:00 - 5:30 Evenings by Appointment 214 N. Main TA 2-3530 Joyce’s Complete Department MATERNITY and INFANTS WEAR 608 College Ave. FOR RENT FOR RENT Two bedroom dupiex, lurnished, $32.00, Vi 0-7334. 40t6 Unusually nice three bedroom house. Large rooms, two porches, garage. $70.00 See at 601 Montclair in College Park or phone VI 6-7496. 21tfn Three room furnished apartments, $37.00. Two blocks irom Campus. Clean, Private, with garage. One located at 203 Kyle, the other 603 Montclair. Call VI 6-6026 or VI 6-7496 after 5:00 p. m. 39tfn Unfurnished two bedroom duplex panel ray heat large back yard washing machine connections rent open 811 Montclair. Apply 809 Montclair. 18tfn Near East Gate across from A&M Golf course in College Hills. Exceptionally nice clean one bedroom apartment. New drap eries. Modern furniture. New stove and refrigerator. Adults only. $60.00, without utilities. VI 6-6031 after 6:00 p. m., all day Saturday and Sunday 39tfn WORK WANTED Typing wanted, neat, accurate. Reason able rates. Mrs. Carlson VI 6-7936. 122tfn Two bedroom home, unfurnished, near College. Fenced yard. Washer connections. Panel ray heaters. 406 Poplar. VI 6-6239. 37tfn Your reports will be typed quickly and accurately on electric typewriters at the Bi-City Secretarial Service, 3408A Texas Avenue, Phone VI 6-5786. 71tfn Save on transportation by moving close o A&M Campus. Nice two bedroom dup iex apartment just north of Campus with fenced-in back yard. TA 3-3692 or VI 6- 6442. 21tfn WANT AD RATES One day 3^ per word Zi per word each additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 5 p.m. day before publication Classified Display 80(1 per column inch each insertion PHONE VI 6-6415 Roomy, 2 bedroom apartment. Near Jrockett School. Available immediately, 'hone VI 6-6660 or VI 6-4916. 137tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 88tfn Apartment two blocks from north gate. Nicely furnished, freezing unit in refrigera tors. Several walk in closets. Clean as a qin. 401 Cross St., VI 6-5064 6tfn ^people arev^ uianfad minded! Brick duplex apartment. Unfurnished me bedroom. Central heat, tiled bath, car port, storeroom. North Gate area. Call VI 6-6468. 133tfn Two bedroom, unfurnished, brick apart ment. 402B Second St. Twin Oaks Apart ments. VI 6-5334. U6tfn TOYS TOYS TOYS We Have Them For All Ages STUDENT CO-OP STORE College Station FOR THE BOYS Electric Trains Wagons Bicycles Atomic Sets Mattel Guns & Holsters STUDENT CO-OP STORE College Station VI 6-6715 FOR THE GIRLS Madame Alexander Dolls Tea Sets Tiny Tears Dolls Stuffed Animals Dresses for the Dolls Beds Doll Buggies STUDENT CO-OP STORE College Station VI 6-6715 NEED HUNTING EQUIPMENT? We Carry • Browning Guns • Camouflage Clothing • Bear Archery Supplies STUDENT CO-OP STORE College Station VI 6-6715