The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1959, Image 4
«i TONIGHT 5-8 ONLY 2 TRIANGLE Dinners For The Price Of One Clip The Below Coupon And Your Roomate, Date, Wife, Etc. Will Eat FREE Good For Any Dinner On Menu TONIGHT 5 P.M. - 8 P.M. ONLY COUPON ENTITLES HOLDER to 2 TRIANGLE DINNERS FOR The Price Of One Offer Good For Dinners Only Triangle Restaurant 3608 S. College For Texans at Pearl Harbor The above wreath was sent to Pearl Harbor where it will be laid on the hulk of the USS Arizona. The bodies of 82 Texans are among the 1,102 crewmen still entombed there after the sneak attack. They were honored in ceremonies Dec. 7. The wreath was built of Texas plants by Martin Westbrook, gardner at the Governor’s Mansion. Gov. Price Daniel’s secretary, Mrs. Emma Ward, packs the wreath for mailing. (AP Wirephoto). Want m. sr op big car costs? Can’t get IN new small cars? IET THE BEST OF BOTH: Jig car room and comfort... >matl car economy and handling m |go Rambler for'SO Smartesf Rambler ever . . . beautifully new for ’pO! Sfivo on price, gas, resale. Room for six 6-footers. Easier entry, exit. Easier to park. At y our Rambler dealer’s now—6 or V-8! EE THE NEW STANDARD OF BASIC EXCELLENCE New for ’60 100-inch wheelbase RAMBLER AMERICAN 4-DOOR SEDAN Lowest Priced U.S.-built 4-door Sedan America’s most imitated car. Top gas economy. Highest resale. Full family room plus easy parking. rambler Religious Interest Locators To Be Released Thursday Religious interest locators will be distributed through the dormi tory areas Thursday night, Dec. 18, stated Cadet Lt. Col Phillip G. Robberson, Corps Chaplain and president of the Interfaith Coun cil. Robberson said the information gained from the student’s answers to the hand out will give a picture of the religious problems a stu dent faces on the campus. The talks and discussions by guest speakers during religious Emphasis Week, Feb. 21-26, will be guided by the student’s answers to the locators. Religion and Man; Religion, Sex and Marriage; God’s Reality in my Everyday Life; and Social Impact of Religion on our Campus will be the main topics on the hand out. Washing with repeated lather- ings of a strong laundry soap is a recommended first-aid treatment for sufferers from poison ivy. crastf £Ze/easec/ for VICEROY \ ▼ nrtADETTECI Sit ill 10 GREAT JAZZ NUMBERS Martians’ Lullaby March Of The Toys Royal Garden Blues j ust A Mood Shine On Harvest Moon Erroll’s Bounce St. James Infirmary Ciribiribin Ti n R oof B | ues When The Saints Go Marching In PLAYED BY YOUR FAVORITE ARTISTS Benny Goodman Louis Armstrong Jonah Jones Duke Ellington Ben Webster Red Norvo Bob Scobey Buck Clayton Vic Dickenson Rex Stewart Dukes of Dixieland -w / CIGARETTES! The Greatest Jazz Album in Years! Campus Fesfival ON A SPECIALLY PRESSED RCA CUSTOM RECORD Featuring Top Favorite Jazz Instrumentalists —winners in a national popularity survey of American College and University Students! Yours at a special low price—with the compliments of VICEROY —the cigarette that gives you the best filtering of all for full rich taste. “A Thinking Man’s’Filter ... A Smoking Man’s Taste.” ^x/rs for On// and 2 empty packages of VICEROY Cigarettes i t i i I BROWN & WILLIAMSON TOBACCO CORPORATION Box 355 Louisville 1, Kentucky Please send me postpaid record (s) of the Special VICEROY CAMPUS JAZZ FESTIVAL. Enclosed is $1.00 (no stamps, please) anri 2 empty Viceroy packages for each record ordered. Name - Address City -Zone- Sta te This offer good only in U.S.A. Not valid in states where prohibited, taxed or otherwise restricted—-expires Dec. 31, 1959. 1 i 20 Colleges To Attend Science Conference Here Science students from 20 Texas colleges and their faculty advisers, will attend the Science Research Conference here Dec. 14-15. This conference is the first in a series being held during the academic’ year at A&M, Texas Tech College, the University of Texas, Texas Woman’s University and North Texas State College. The conferences are sponsored by the Texas Academy of Science and supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation. Participating in the conference here will be the following: Allen Academy, Baylor University, East Texas State, Lamar State College, Lutheran Concordia, Lee College, Navarro Junior College, Pan American College, Sam Houston State, Stephen F. Austin, Sacred Heart Dominican, St. Mary’s Uni versity, Tarleton State, Texas Wes leyan College, Texas A&I, Texas Lutheran College, Trinity Universi ty, University of Corpus Christi, Victoria College and Wharton County Jr. College. Objectives of the conferences are to provide opportunity for the most promising science students in the smaller colleges of the state to participate in organized group visits to the research laboratories of larger institutions of the state for intensive two-day conferences on the nature, significance, re quirements and rewards of present- day research in the natural sci ences. The other conferences will be held at Texas Tech on Feb. 4-5, at the University of Texas March 8c Black And White Prints A&M PHOTO SHOP 3-4, and at Denton April 7-8. Charles LaMotte, professor of biology here, is director of the program. Local arrangements for the A&M conference are being made by Dr. Leland S. Grumbles, head of the Department of Veterinary Micrbiology; John B. Beckham, associate professor of chemistry, Howard F. Joham, associate pro fessor of plant physiology and pathology; and Bob M. Callaway, associate professor of civil engi neering. Dr. John Boyd Page, dean of the college, will give the welcome and keynote address and Dr. J. H. Quisenberry, professor and head of the Department of Poultry Science, will give the banquet ad dress Monday evening. Ladies! Lady Fair Beauty Salon Is Moving To 1921 Texas (Townshire) New Salon Will Open Dec. 16. GRAND OPENING Thursday Dec. 17 4:30 - 8:30 Door Prizes Include Permanent Waves Lady Fair Specials Dec. 16 - Jan. 15 $35.00 P. W. $25.00 $27.00 P. W. $20.00 $25.00 P. w. $17.00 $20.00 P. w. $15.00 $15.00 P. w. $10.00 CALL LONG DISTANCE When you’re racing time to get a message through, a long distance call is your fastest way. You can go almost any where in the world in just seconds. , So next time you’re in a hurry, save time and call long distance. iThc Southwestern States telephone Compan^f