The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 12, 1959, Image 6
PAGE 6 ’ Thursday, November 12, 1950 THE BATTALION Nigerian Leader to Religions Meetings A leader in international stu dent movements, ‘Bola Igo of Ni geria, -will be on the campus for a series of meetings with religious leaders and students on Monday and Tuesday. Tge’s visit is a part of his tour of college and universities in the United States and Canada to in terpret the Economical Student Conference to students, and to urge their participation in the “life and mission of the church” throughout the world. He serves as secretary of the Nigerian Student Christian Move- m’ent. He is a layman, an active member of the Anglican Church, and has recently received a degi’ee in law from the University of Lon don. He recently attended the “pilot” conference of the World Student Christian Federation in Rangoon,. India. Local meetings during Ige’s visit will include a Sunday evening supper ’meal for students of all denominations at the Wesley Foun dation at five o’clock Sunday af ternoon. A breakfast hour is set for 6:30 Monday morning for in terested students and faculty mem bers. The meeting is scheduled to be held at the campus YMCA building. A combined meeting of the Bry an Ministerial Association and the College Station Religious Work ers’ Association is to be held at noon on Monday at the A&M Pres- THREE REPEATERS MIAMI, Fla CP>—The University of Miami football team this fall will play only three rivals it met during the 1958 season. They are Louisiana State, Florida State and Florida. Nine of Miami’s 10 games are at night. Ticket Files Aggies form a line for purchasing tickets and date tickets to the A&M-Rice grid clash Saturday at Rice Stadium in Houston. Tickets went off sale yesterday at 5 p. m. as Ags crowded to buy ducats before the deadlirfe. Attend Here byterian Church. Reservations for the meal may be made by phoning the church. The final meeting of general interest to all will be held at the YMCA Monday evening at 7:30 at which time Ige has been asked to touch upon the racial tensions in Africa, and to give the audience opoprtunity to ask questions. The public is invited to this meeting. 'Synthetic dyes have almost com pletely displaced the natural dyes of vegetable and animal origin to brighten colorful fabrics, pottery and glass. 8c Black And White Prints A&M PHOTO SHOP loupot's BA TTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES «u day per word per word eoeh additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADI.rNES • p. m. day before publleatloa ClasHified Display 80c per column Incb each Insertion PHONE VI 0-8410 FOR RENT Two bedroom house, garage attached, fenced back yard. 1105 W. 28th St. Bryan. TA 2-8658. 29t3 Furnished efficiency apartment for one person. Nice and clean. One block off Campus. Phone VI 6-6G38 or VI 6-5711. 29tfn Small furnished house also room in my homo. VI 6-5953. 29tfn Quiet, completely furnished apartment. Three rooms, bath. Adults. Close in. Rooms, private bath and entrance for special events. TA 2-1244. 28t5 Large bedroom, private bath, single beds, share with graduate student. 500 Main St., College Station. VI 6-5544. 24tfn » Two furnished apartments just off A&M Campus, South Gate, nice, very large rooms. Four rooms, bath, and garage $47.50. Three rooms and hath $40.00. See at 603 Montclair. VI 6-6026. 21tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98th, HOWARD — ZIKES MOTORS Automobile Repairing 421 S. Main Bryan TA 2-1430 FOR RENT Unfurnished two bedroom duplex panel ray heat large back yard washing machine connections rent open 811 Montclair. Apply 809 Montclair. 18tfn Save on transportation by moving close to A&M Campus. Nice two bedroom dup lex apartment just north of Campus with fenced-in back yard. TA 3-3692 or VI 6- 5442. 21tfn Apartment two blocks from north gate. Nicely furnished, freezing unit in refrigera tors. Several walk in closets. Clean as a pin. 401 Cross St., VI 6-5064 5tfn Brick duplex apartment. Unfurnished me bedroom. Central heat, tiled bath, car- oort, storeroom. North Gate area. Call VI 6-6468. 133tfn Unusually nice three bedroom house. Large rooms, two porches, garage. $70.00 See at 601 Montclair in College Park or phone VI 6-7496. ' 21tfn Unfurnished apartment across street rom South Side Food Market, 205 Mont- dair. Stove furnished. Rent $27.50. Phone VI 6-6544 or VI 6-6630. I34tfn Two bedroom, unfurnished, brick apart ment. 402B Second St. Twin Oaks Apart ments. VI 6-5334. 116tfn Roomy, 2 bedroom apartment. Near Irockett School. Available immediately, •hone VI 6-6660 or VI 6-4916. 137tfn FOR SALE Have the best—.308 Winchester deer rifle $150.00 value for $99.50. Women’s golf clubs. VI 6-5451. 31t3 Extra nice 11 month old filley, sarrel, three white feet, blaze face, daughter of Zantanon H. by King P 234. Paul Curtis. First house west of Sheep Center. VI 6- 7108. 21tfn 16 by 16 foot tent with pole in good condition. VI 6-4447 18tfn HELP WANTED Hostess Wanted. Neat appearance. No experience. Apply at the office of Triangle Restaurant in person. 22tfn Saleslady wanted who is interested in developing an Infant’s Department. Give inferences and salary, information regarding family status. If student wife, when husband is graduating. Write Box 100 c/o Battalion. 25tfn Waitress wanted. Experience not neces sary. Apply in person. Triangle Restau rant. 4tfl WORK WANTED Babysitting day or night in my home. VI 6-7323. 31t6 Would like to keep child for working mother. V-I 6-6061. 3lt3 Child care, weekly or hourly, day or night. Reasonable rates. VI 6-4372. 31t2 Will do haby sitting or ironing. 203 Cooner, College Station . 30t7 ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS: All Day Nursery, experienced child care, supervised play, $25.00 per month VI 6- 6146. 136tfn Typing wanted, neat, accurate. Reanson- able rates. Mrs. Carlson VI 6-7936. 122tfi Your reports will be typed quickly an< accurately on electric typewriters at tht Bi-City Secretarial Service, S408A Texai Avenue. Phone VI 6-5786. 71tfa TV - Radio - HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland CATES Sr^lfUTER CO. ' ADDING f xr /i A ‘ S5 1 machines ’ ^ I CALCULATORS || 1 ELECTRIC lUJBBA & MANUALS DISTRIBUTOR FOR ROYAL & VICTOR ♦09 S. MAIN BRYAN, TEX. TA 2-6000 WHITLEY’S PEST CONTROL GUARANTEED SERVICE TA 2-4285 3706 So. College Ave. , ^use the kwmm K ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES • BUUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Springs Road BRYAN, TEXAS RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 . Bryan Early Bird Shoppe, Inc. Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed »r telephoned so as to arrive In the Offlc* »f Student Publications (Ground Flool YMCA, VI 6-0415, hours 8-12, 1-5, daily Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of I p.m. of the day preceedlng publication — Director of Student Publica tions. January graduates are reminded that they must order their Graduation An nouncements at the Cashiers Window of the Memorial Student Center between the dates of November 4th and November 25th. 27tl5 SPECIAL NOTICE SISTER GLORIA Famous Reader & Adviser Bring your problems to me—We will help you solve them. I guarantee success where all other readers fail. Separate rooms for white & colored. No charge for reading — only donations. Open from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. 2103 Hwy. 21 West. 24tl7 Cade’s Auto Repair Department Trained Mechanics—Work Guaranteed Liberal Terms. 1309 Texas Avenue 133tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. G. C Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tt> DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett, VI6-4005. 120tfn Put your reservations in now for ban quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- 1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfn Day nursery, experienced child care, noon meal, pick up and delivery, fenced yard, VI 6-6294. 125tfn WILL BUY ALL Used Second Semester Books LOUPOTS | ^J^lotarcl 6 Where the Art of * | e n cl Cooking Is Not Lost gj E!»i»»w3»;sKj«ais Hours 9:00 - 214 N. Main DR. M. W. DEASON OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses 5:30 Evenings by Appointment TA 2-3530 Every time Itpii shop at ORR’S—you SAVE in a DIG WAY . . . because we’ve a storeful of low prices. They’re on every shelf and table ... in every case and section—hundreds of low prices that save you money all along your shopping list. Come in today and see the vast variety of values we have in store for you! Prove to your self that a big cartful of your favorite foods cost less— much less—at ORR’S. Northern NAPKINS Box Of 80 10c Vets DOG FOOD 3 c ™ 27c Saltine CRACKERS 25c Austex PLAIN CHILI 59c Kraft DINNERS 2 pC'33c Folgers INSTANT COFFEE “;;.79c BOLOGNA ^ ,'.'7 BACON Thick Sliced 2 ^ 79 c Mohawk Swift Premium Beef PICNICS 3 $1.98 SHOULDER ROAST 49c Pure Pork Swift Premium Beef SAUSAGE Lb. 39c ROUND BONE ROAST, „ 59c LEAN PORK ROAST Lb. 35 c GLADIOLA FLOUR 5 - 39 HUNT’S CATSUP CHEER DETERGENT PEACHES Prattlow Whole Spiced 2 29® “ 59« ^ 19e Fruits & Vegetables Texas SWEET POTATOES Ih 7 c Sunkist LEMONS : 2,.b,29c Yellow ONIONS ; 3lJ9c SHRIMP Flying Jib Breaded .. 10-Oz. Tooth Paste GLEEM Economy Eize Large Dozen Swindler’s Grade A EGGS 49c S/UjaAx onus SPECIAL PRICES GOOD . BOTH ORR’S STORES THURS., - FRL, - SAT. NOVEMBER 12-13-14 TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th St., Downtown 3516 Texas Ave., Ridgecrest