The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 12, 1959, Image 3
THE BATTALION Thursday, November 12, 1959 PAGE 3 Civilian Government Leaders Outlined by Student Affairs CF.ditor’s note: The following is the first of two articles to better acquaint Battalion readers with members of civilian stu dent government. The Department of Student Af fairs, headed by Bennie A. Zinn, recently released a list of the ci vilian students working in the vari ous phases of student government on the campus for 19!59-GO. Zinn feels that everyone on the JAMES L. CHARLES SanRer, Texas Will be given a free barbecue plate at the BARBECUE PIT Ridgecrest Shopping Center Offer good until 8:30 p. m. Nov. 13 Twenty-Four Hour Black And White Film Developing A&M PHOTO SHOP - M State Farm Saved Texans Money We aim to insure careful drivers only. Savings here have allowed us to pay divi dends to Texas policyholders year after year. Call me. STATI FARM L>. M. Alexander, Jr., *40 Phone TA 3-3616 215 S. Main i Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company Moms Office—Bloominetoa. Illinou. * N UNDER 12 YEARS” fR£E THURSDAY & FRIDAY ‘A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE” With Vivien Leigh Plus “COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS” With Deborah Kerr BENEDICT BOGEAUSr,. JOSEPH GEORGE THURSDAY & FRIDAY JUUS vmis ffiOM THE mum mim fM/ Show Opens at 6 p. m. Distributed WARNER BROS. CIRCLE TONIGHT “SAY ONE FOR ME” Bing Crosby-Debbie Reynolds Also “HARRY BLACK AND THE TIGER” Stewart Granger NOW SHOWING Dor/s rockT DAY-HUDSON PWPWTAIK: tony RANDflU-THM RITTER EASTMAN COLOR C|NemaScoP£ A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL RELEASE campus will benefit by becoming familiar with this group of 'stu dents and urges everyone to con tribute by working and cooperat ing with their program. The students are as follows: Civilian Student Council Charles Graham, president; Ro land Dommert, vice president; Ben Havard, treasurer; Mike Carlo, secretary; James E. Hall, parlia mentarian; James .0. Manley, chap lain; Charles A. McLaren, assis tant chaplain; James B. Beal Jr., Project House; Thomas M. Butler, Milner; Larry H. Clark, Bizzell; James N. Crouch, sophomore; Harold Putman, College View; Kenneth Dorris, College' View; James F. Tucker, junior; John D. Garner, Law; James O. Lively Jr., Mitchell; David R. Stoker, The Battalion; Robert G. Watkins, Atomic Energy (Continued from Page 1) J. E. Bieknell, Missile Project Branch, Division of Reactor De velopment, U. S. Atomic Energy Commission; “Design Considera tions of the Nuclear Science Cen ter Reactor Facility,” by Dr. R. E. Wainerdi, Texas Engineering Ex periment Station; and “The Prob lem of Achieving Thermonuclear Power,” by Dr. D. W. Kerst, Gen eral Atomic, a division' of General Dynamics Corporation. Tomorrow’s sessions will deal with life sciences and atomic en ergy. Hart; John Heber, Puryear; Lee Griggs, senior; Paul A. Corder, freshman; and Ken Cox, civilian yell leader. Civilian Housing Presidents Richard Dalton, Bizzell; Ken Dorris, College View; Harold Put man, College View; Walter E. Merritt, Hart; John D. Gaiaier, Law; Darrell C. Pausky, Leggett; Randall L. Sanders, Milner; Wil liam E % Rudd, Mitchell; James B. Beal Jr., Project House; Milton McKinney, Puryear; Richard Goff, Walton; and Leslie C. Wilson, Walton. Apartment Council Jessie Ray White, Chester L. Ridge, Harold Putman, Ken Doi’- ris, Charles McLaran, James A. Priddy, Chai’les Graham, Billy Daniels, Dick Robertson, Bill Sprayberry, James B. Beal Jr., Joe E. Dawson, Gene A. Yearger, Bari’y S. Phillips and Alfred C. Johnson. Bizell Council Richard Dalton, James Latimer, Don Zirkle, John Hoover, Larry Clark, Carl Ryden, Bryan McCool, Tom Taylor, Ronald Carter, Nor man Erskin, James. Colwell, Tarzi Kamallnoin, Wayne Wendt, Rich ard D. Thornton, Dane Petty and Bill Blackwood. Hart Council David Henges, Horace C. Tuck, Robert W. Gontko, Wilton Thomp son, Wesley M. Stewart, Phillip O. McEnery, Joe C. Walker III, Robert G. Watkins and Walter E. Mei’ritt. (concluded tomorrow) 2nd Wing Honors Faculty An after-game dinner was held by the 2nd Wing Saturday night in the Memorial Student Center. The dinner and a reception that pre ceded it were attended by 87 peo ple. 2nd Wing Commander Percy Mims said the pui-pose of the din ner was to allow commanders, ex ecutive officers and staff seniors to become better acquainted with the unit faculty advisers, members of the Department of Military Sci ence and Department of Air Sci ence and the various administrative personnel of the college. Those attending the dinner in cluded Dean of Students James P. Hannigan and Mrs. Hannigan and Dean of Arts and Sciences Frank Hubert and his wife. • Hubert is also the faculty adviser for the 2nd Wing. Col. and Mrs. Joe E. Davis, Col. and Mrs. Charles E. Gregory, Maj. and Mrs. Edward L. Scott, Capt. Truett Hudson, and Lt. Charles F. Hornstein Jr. were among members of the Department of Air Science and the School of Military Science to attend. Unit faculty advisers and their wives who attended the dinner were Mi', and Mrs. Charles W. Craw ford, Squadron 9; Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Kent, Squadron 11; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wiening, Squad ron 12; Dr. and Mrs. Norman C. Rose and Dr. and Mrs. Bardin H. Nelson, Squadron 17. Cadet Colonel of the Corps Wil liam B. Heye, Wade Dover, deputy Corps Commander', Cadet Lt. Col Hill Ranson, the 1959 Aggie Sweet heart, Miss Rose Ann Annaratone, and the day student liason officer, Cadet Lt. Col. Kiver Dahlberg rep resented the Corps Staff. DUAL FILTER DOES IT! Filters as no single filter can... for mild, full flavor! Here’s how the Dual Filter does it: 1. it combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL...def'. nitely proved to make the smoke of a cigarette mild and smooth ... 2. with an efficient pure white outer filter. Together they bring you the best of the best tobaccos—the mildness and tastethat pay off in pleasure* NEW FILTER SHARKS INCREASE NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (£>> — The Virginia Fisheries Laboratory thinks a dry period, which increas ed salinity, followed by northeast winds was responsible for a marked increase in sharks in Chesapeake Bay this year. It has advised swimmers to stay out of water where the sharks have been seen. No attacks on swim mers have occurred although many large sharks have been seen and captured. STICK TO ICE CREAM ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. </P> — Beer and ice cream don’t mix. That’s the word from Director of Public Safety Meredith B. Kerstet- ter. Kerstetter told beach ice cream venders that they must maintain proper decorum if they wish to sell their products. Consequently, he added, the cust om of carrying beer with dry ice packs for the peddler’s personal use, mqst cease. A HISTORIC TRACK CHARLES TOWN, W. Va. <#>— The Charles Town race track is lo cated near the scene of several incidents famous in American his tory. It was n,ear here that John Brown was hanged after bis raid at nearby Harper’s Ferry; Gen. Horatio Gaftes, hero of the; Battle of Saratoga, met here with Revolu tionary War generals to discuss George Washington’s strategy for coming baittles. BETTER FOOD FOR LEpS piityi&Uenfo WHERE YOU SAVE MORE BY SHOPPING REGULARLY! Troduct of l/ZiL fJt/mje/u&ciTv <J<dajejeo-£&//y2cvn^- our middle name (© 4. co.l PORK ROAST. 27 PORK CHOPS 13 7 SPARE RIBS TURKEY HENS Center r Cut w Lb. Corn-Fed Tender Pork Lb. Farmer Brown Lb. ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY POULTRY NOW! 59 39 43 GIANT TIDE 59c s; 57 c!)Jf PEACHES m Food Club No. Can 19 RICH ROAST COFFEE LB. 47 MIRACLE WHIP Pint Jar 29 CORN ON THE COB ear 4c PASCAL • GREEN 1 CELERY PEPPERS I A ^ Nice ^ Stalks Jan Jw ^ LB. | 2c | These prices good Thursday, Nov., 12 Through Saturday Nov., 14 in Bryan only! ajWe reserve the right to limit quantities! FRANKS Mohawk Lb. Cello Aft: 3§c BOILED HAM . Sliced Lb. 99c CANDY SPECIALS Malted Milk Balls 7V, Oz. Reg. 37<i 29c Brach Flavored Nut Goodies 7% Oz. Reg. 29<£ 25c Toms Peanut Butter Logs 10 Oz. Reg. 39^ 35c Mel-O-Sweet Jelly Beans 1 Lb. Reg. 27<! 23c WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY SECTIONS 2-15 NOW ON SALE Giant 388,000 Vocabulary 2,763 Illustrations 2,400 Pages. ONLY 89