The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 06, 1959, Image 3
THE BATTALION Friday, November 6 ,1959 PAGE 3 Read" " Classifieds • • • "MUSIC HAS CHARMS” The 17th Century playwright, William Congreve, was the first to set down this classic metaphor concerning the powers of sound and rhythm. You'll find the whole quote in "The Mourning Bride", Act I, Sc. 11 "'Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast. To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak." "RHYME OR REASON” Edmund Spenser, 16th Century poet, expected a pension. He didn’t get it. So he wrote this rhyme "/ was promised on a time/To have reason for my rhyme;/From that time unto this season,/ I received nor rhyme nor reason." • • • Jockey Underwear BRAND Frustrated Mustangs Invade Determined Cadets’ Home Soi The frustrated SMU Mustangs travel to Aggieland this weekend to meet a small but determined band of Farmers in a tradition steeped clash on Kyle Field turf Saturday at 2 p.m. A&M is currently in the bottom of the Southwest Conference cel lar, but they’ve proved they can be a threat to any high-flying ele ven after the scare they threw into the talented Razorbacks last week end. The Ags have lost three straight conference games. SMU went down in flames be fore top-ranked Texas and ended up in a 13-13 tie with the Rice Owls in a highly protested SWC game. The Mustangs are 3-1-2 for the season while the Farmers moan PROBABLE STARTING LINEUP SMU POS. A&M Henry Christopher (196) LE Ralph Smith (190) 'Gary Ferguson (224) LT Gale Oliver (200) Charles Terrell (202) LG Wayne Freiling (205) Max Christian (225) C Roy Northrup (195) Bobby Loveless (200) RG ....Buddy Payne (186) Jerry Mays (228) RT Allen Goehring (195) Pat Neill (202) RE Bob Phillips (190) Don Meredith (195) QB Charles Milstead (187) Glynn Gregory (195) LH Robert Sanders (175) Tirey Wilempn (179) RH , Randy Sims (185) Jim Welch (195) FB S. J. Halpin (195) their 3-4 mark. Saturday’s game will bi*ing to gether two old conference foes, Don Meredith of SMU and Charles Milstead of A&M, who will resume their aerial duel for sole rights to the league total offense crown. Meredith is the leader so far this year, but the determined Milstead doesn’t know the word “quit.” The A&M senior was injured against the Baylor Bears and saw only limited duty against the Razor- backs, although he guided the Ags to their sole touchdown in that game. Meredith has passed or run with the ball 161 times for a total of fensive of 844 yards. It is inter esting to note that only six of those yards have been by way of the ground. The other 838 have been passes from his talented right arm. Milstead has rushed for 70 yards and passed for .470, a total of 540. His yard per try average is 3.9, as compared to the Mustang ace’s 5.2. The Aggies will have a new face ip their starting combination this week, S. J. Halpin at the fullback slot. Halpin, a sophomore, scored the Cadets’ lone talley against the Razorbacks and was acclaimed for his defensive play against the Ar kansas team. Injuries have again cropped up on the Aggie field, with End Ralph Smith placed on the doubtful list with a sprained back. If Smith is not ready to go Sophomore Russell Hill could get the starting nod. Sophomores could play a large part in the Cadets’ game this week end. Three of them figured in A&M’s touchdown drive against Arkansas, and two have made fine shownings in the line. COURT’S SHOES SHOE REPAIR North Gate Register For Free TYPEWRITER NOTHING TO BUY Just Sign Your Name OTIS MCDONALD’S CHS Tigers Battle Humble In Homecoming Tilt Tonight By RUSSELL BROWN CHS Correspondent The A&M Consolidated Tigers, the vision of the 1959 Tigerland Bonfire still in their minds, play host to the Humble Wildcats to night on Tiger Field at 8 p.m. in the Bengals’ Homecoming tilt, sla ted to be a do-or-die fracas for both schools. Led by the running of speedy halfback Johnny Parker, who runs of Condy Pugh, and the power running’ of Jim Wright, Brenner Sayers, and Dee Smith, have rack ed up a 4-2-1 record with wins over Cleveland, Giddings, Nava- sota, and Cy-Fair and losses to Brenham, St. Anthony, and a tie at the hands of the Hearne EagleS. Coach Ed Logan of the Tigers will go with his uspal lineup of Bob Adams and Virden Smith at ehds, Alex Quisenberry and Vic Patton and Lloyd Long at tackles, George and Harold Meaux at guards, and Donald Wilkins at cen ter. Hershel Archer will run the team at quarterback, Howard Mit- tag and Parker will be at the halves, and Buddy Wisenbaker will be at fullback. The Bengals meet Bellville there next Friday night, probably to de termine the District championship. Backfield stars who could see some action are Halfbacks Eddie Van Dyke and Jim Murphy, plus Halpin, while the linemen are Hill and Wayland Simmons. Van Dyke, Murphy, Halpin and Milstead were the Aggie combination who scored against the Hogs. The Mustangs have a better than average backfield composed of Meredith, Glynn Gregory, Tirey Wilemon and Jim Welch. Oklahoma got its name of “The Sooner State” from the land rush in 1893 into Cherokee Indian ter ritory—“the sooner the settlers got started the better chance for choice land.” Bryan Business Machines AGGIES We Will Buy For CASH All Second Semester Books ot 1 5 Of all the kinds of underwear, only Jockey brand is espe cially tailored to feel better because it fits better. This superior comfort is assured by exclusive construction fea tures that no other underwear has duplicated. Tb enjoy real comfort, insist on Jockey brief—the world's first and finest. Look for Jockey at your campus store. the 100 yard dash in 10.1, the Wild cats boast a 5-3 season record, in cluding a 1-1 district count, in de feating Livingston, Clear Creek, Cleveland, Dayton and Navasota while dropping tilts to Port Acres, Dickinson, and Bellville. The Tigers, who have been paced by the running and passing Clark at tackles, Ban Jackson and Bob White at guards, and Joel Mills at center’. The Tiger back- field is composed of Pugh at quar ter, Sayers and Smith at the halves and Wright at fullback. Humble with an equally weighted team, plans to start Charles Hol comb and Ray Smith at ends, Jim PROBABLE STARTERS CHS Humble 88 Adams, 155 LE.. 81 Holcomb, 165 77 Quisenberry, 200 LT 70 Patton, 170 66 Jackson, 160 LG 61 G. Meaux, 160 50 Mills, 175 C 50 . Wilkins, 200 65 White, 160 RG 60 H. Meaux, 150 75 Clark, 205 RT 71 Long, 200 80 V. Smith, 160 RE 80 R. Smith, 175 10 Pugh, 170 QB 10 Archer, 165 35 Sayers, 160 RH: 20 Mittag, 180 22 D. Smith, 170 LH 40 Parker, 165 40 Wright, 175 FB 31 Wisenbaker, 165 BA TTALION CLASSIFIED FOR RENT Three rooms, bath. Adults. Rooms, private bath and en special events. TA 2-1244. North Gate Area. VI G-6332. Near the campus. VI 6-7576. at 603 Montclair. VI 6-6026. 5442. Apply 809 Montclair. DR. M. W. DEASON Optometrist Contact Lenses Honrs — 9:00 to 5:30 Evenings by Appointment 214 No. Main TA 2-3530 HOWARD — ZIKES MOTORS Automobile Repairing 421 S. Main Bryan TA 2-1430 TV - Radio - HiFi Service & Repair GILS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland FOR RENT t. Apartment two blocks from north gate, i. Nicely furnished, freezing unit in refrigera- r tors. Several walk in closets. Clean as a 5 pin. 401 Cross St„ VI 6-5064 5tfn i. Brick duplex apartment. Unfurnished ., me bedroom. Central heat, tiled bath, car- ). port, storeroom. North Gate area. Call 1 VI 6-6468. 133tfn r Unusually nice three bedroom house. 0 Large rooms, two porches, garage. $70.00 1 See at 601 Montclair in College Park or — phone VI 6-7496. 21tfn ,4 Unfurnished apartment across street — rom South Side Food Market, 205 Mont- e fair. Stove furnished. Rent $27.50. Phone 0 VI 6-6544 or VI 6-6630. 134tfn — Two bedroom, unfurnished, brick apart- VI ment. 402B Second St. Twin Oaks Apart- e Bents. VI 6-5334. 116tfn r e e Roomy, 2 bedroom apartment. Near n Jrockett School. Available immediately. - 'hone VI 6-6660 or VI 6-4916. 137tfn d WORK WANTED n Want babysitting at night. TA 3-2616 after 6 :00 p. m. 25t4 -i- ATTENTION WORKING MOTHERS: h All Day Nursery, experienced child care, i- supervised play, $25.00 per month. VI 6- n 6146. 136tfn el Typing wanted, neat, accurate. Reanson- ic able rates. Mrs. Carlson VI 6-7936. 122tfi n Your reports will be typed quickly an< accurately on electric typewriters at th( p. Bi-City Secretarial Service, 8408A Texal n Avenue, Phone VI 6-6786. 71tf* RADIO—PHONO—TY Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan WHITLEY’S PEST CONTROL GUARANTEED SERVICE TA 2-4285 3706 So. College Ava. Early Bird Shoppe, Inc. Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village / / , ] ’ S? f) , . Where the Art Of otard d Cafeteria Cooking Is Not Lost OFFICIAL NOTICES Official notices must be brought, mailed »r telephoned so as to arrive in the Offlc* »f Student Publications (Ground Flool VMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-13, 1-5, daUy Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student PubUoa- Uons. January graduates are reminded that they must order their Graduation An nouncements at the Cashiers Window ol the Memorial Student Center between the dates of November 4th and November 25th. 27tl5 FOR SALE 1955 Oldsmobile, supcr-88 Holiday, 4- door, air conditioning, radio and heater. Selling price §1655.00. My price §1350.00. Blue and white. VI 6-5307 during the day. VI 6-7985 after 6 :00 p. m. 26t3 Blue 1957 Chevrolet, 4 door, Bel Air, radio and heater, V-8. Selling price $1600.00. My price $1350.00. VI 6-6307 during the day. VI 6-7985 after 6:00 p. m. 26t3 Two bedroom house near campus. No down payment. No closing cost. 4'/2% G. 1. Loan with small second lean. VI 6-4581. 25t4 1936 Chevrolet. Good condition. Vi 6-6470. $50.00. 25t4 Two formals. Floor length. Brown and pink. VI 6-7576. 25t4 Extra nice 11 month old filley, safrel, three white feet, blaze face, daughter of Zantanon H. by King P 234. Paul Curtis. First house vsest of Sheep Center. Vi 6- 7108. 21tfn 16 by 16 foot tent with pole in good condition. VI 6-4447 18tfn HELP WANTED Hostess Wanted. Neat appearance. No experience. Apply at the office of Triangle Restaurant in person. 22tfn Saleslady wanted who is interested in developing an Infant’s Department. Give references and salary, information regarding family status. If student wife, when husband is graduating. Write Box 100 c/o Battalion. 25tfn Waitress wanted. Experience not neces sary. Apply in person. Triangle Restau rant. 4tf* » ENGEVEEKING AND ABOmTECTURAE SUPPLIES • BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS • PHOTOSTATS SCOATES INDUSTRIES M3 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN, TEXAS SPECIAL NOTICE SISTER GLORIA Famous Reader & Adviser Bring your problems to, me—We will help you solve them. I guarantee success where all other readers fail. Separate rooms for white & colored. No charge for reading — only donations. Open from 7 A.M. to 10 P.M. 2103 Hwy. 21 West. 24tl7 DANCE Friday Nov. 6 Avalon Club 9 Miles West on Highway 21 Featuring “The Stardusters” Free dance every Wed. Nite Willess flying services. Flight instruc tion. Charter rental rides. VI 6-4006. 22t8 Cade’s Auto Repair Department Trained Mechanics—Work Guaranteed Liberal Terms, 1309 Texas Avenue 133tfn Electrolux Sales and Bervlco. O. C, Williams. TA 3-6600. 90tft _ Good Aggie wants to buy used boy’s bicycle. Must be reasonable. Contact Lou- pot’s 18tfn t>AY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 602 Boyett, VI6-4005. 120tfn Put your reservations in now for ban quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- 1362. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfn Day nursery, experienced child care, noon meal, pick up and delivery, fenced yard, VI 6-6294. 125tfn rSSS JF-CATES WRITER CO rN ... Annum JV*', ^ ADDING V* sau? | MACHINES , swvrtt 1 CALCULATORS t ' *<NTAI l ELECTRIC & MANUALS £ DISTRIBUTOR FOR ROYAL & VICTOR 909 5. MAIN BRYAN, tBL TA 2-6000 DUAL FILTER DOES IT! HERE’S HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOES IT: 1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL...defi nitely proved to make the smoke of a cigarette mild and smooth ... 2. with an efficient pure white outer filter. Together they bring you the real thing in mildness and fine tobacco taste!