The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 06, 1959, Image 2
The following companies will interview job applicants in the Placement Office on the second floor of the YMCA Building: Monday Clark Bros. Co., (division of Dresser Industries), will inter view civil, electrical and petrol eum engineering, BS, candidates for jobs in sales engineering. Fidelity Union Life Insurance Co. will interview business ad ministration majors for jobs in life insurance selling and trainees for agency management. Ingersoll-Rand Co. will inter view civil, electrical, industrial and petroleum engineering, BS, candidates and mechanical engi neering, BS, MS, PhD, candidates for jobs in sales engineering, mechanical engineeiung, and pro duction engineering. Lufkin Foundry & Machine Co. will interview industrial, me chanical and petroleum engineer ing, BS, candidates for jobs in design, oil field sales, research and development and production. Texas Employers’ Insurance Association will interview chem ical, civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical and petroleum engi neering, BS, candidates for jobs in general engineering. United States General Ac counting Office will interview ac counting, BS, candidates (mid term graduates preferred) for orientation into a one year train ing program to prepare for sen ior and supervisory positions. E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. will interview chemical, me chanical, industrial, electrical and civil engineering, BS, candidates and chemistry, BS, MS, candi dates for jobs in research, de velopment, supervision and con struction work. Tuesday General Tire & Rubber Co. will interview chemical, civil, electri cal, industrial, and mechanical engineering majors and indus trial education, chemistry, agri cultural economics, business ad ministration and economics, ma jors for position in on-the-job training and observation and de partmental problems. Hughes Tool Co. will interview mechanical engineering, BS, can didates for jobs in product engi neering and experimental field testing. Colgate-Palmolive Co. will in terview chemical, electrical, in dustrial and'mechanical engineer ing, BS, candidates for positions in the engineering and produc tion departments of its Kansas City plant. Service Bureau Corp., a sub- sidary of IBM, will interview ag ricultural economics, business ad ministration, economics and mathematics, BS or MS, majors or any senior majoring in an Arts & Sciences curriculum. Po sitions are open in 6-12 month programs in sales training and system training. Martin Co. will interview aero nautical, civil, electrical apd me chanical engineering majors and mathematics and physics, BS, MS, PhD, candidates. Positions are available in research, design, development and testing of mis siles and electronic equipment. Westinghouse Electric Corp. will interview chemical, electri cal, industrial and mechanical en gineering majors and mathe matics and physics, BS or MS, majors for jobs in research, en gineering, sales engineering and product specialization. A&M Debate Team Places Second In Texas Tech Forensic Meeting Social Whirl CIRCLE SPECIAL RULE SPRINGFIELD, Ill. UP) — The Illinois State Fair has one special harness racing rule—no tooting of steam whistles during the races. Fanciers of oldtime steam-driven threshing machines display their collections at the annual fair. They are allowed to toot the steam whistles any time except during the harness race programs. Racing officials say the steam whistles are so piercing they fear the blasts might frighten the pac ing and trotting horses, causing the racers to break stride. • IN AUSTIN ONLY • The Greatest Jazz Concert On Earth ilMOMCERtl 'jU/ DAVE BRUBECK QUARTET f-^PAUL DESMOND LAMBERT, cohhorI™™ a ROSS CHICO HAMILTON QDINTET LEONARD FEATHEt MAYNARO FER60S0N ORCHESTRA MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM AUSTIN, TEXAS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 1 P. M.—MATINEE THE BATTALION Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the stu dent writers only. The Battalion is a non-tax-supported, non profit, self-supporting educational enterprise edited and op erated by students as a community neivspaper and is under the supervision of the director of Student Publications at Texas A&M College. Members of the Student Publications Board are L. A. Duewall, director of Student Publications, chairman ; J. W. Amyx, School of Engineering; Otto R. Kunze, School of Agriculture; and Dr. E. D. McMurry, School of Veterinary Medicine. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A.&M. is published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office in College Station, Texas, under the Act of Con gress of March 8, 1870. MEMBER: The Associated Press Texas Press Ass’n. Represented nationally by N a t i o n a 1 Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago, Los An geles and San Francisco. Mail subscriptions are $3.50 per semester, $6 per school /ear, $6.50 per full year. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion Room 4. YMCA, College Station, Texas. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Rights of rebublication of all other matter here in are also reserved. News contributions may he made by telephoning VI 6-6618 or VI 6-4910 or at the- editorial office. Room 4, YMCA. For advertising or delivery call VI 8-6415. JOHNNY' JOHNSON EDITOR David Stoker Managing Editor Bob Weekloy Sports Editor Bill Hicklin, Robbie Godwin News Editors Joe Callicoatte .'. Assistant Sports Editor Jack Hartsfield, Ken Coppage, Bill Broussard, Ben Trial, Bobby Dodson, Tommy Holbein and Bob Saile Staff Writers An A&M debating team com posed of senior Jay Hirsch and cently placed second in the Texas Tech Forensic- Meet in Lubbock. The TCU team won first place with a 6-0 record. Hirsch and Schouvaloff com piled a 5-1 record for their second place finish. Ten schools participated in the meet. The only other A&M team en tered, composed of senior Don Williamson' and sophomore Den nis Schepps, recorded 3 wins and 3 losses. In individual competition, Schouvaloff received a superior rating in extemporaneous speak ing and Hirsch received excellent ratings in poetry reading and after-dinner speaking. The next competition schedul ed for the debating team is the TCU tournament Friday and Sat urday. The same A&M teams will compete. Letters To The Editor The Battalion welcomes letters to the editor hut reserves the right to edit letters for brevity, clearness and accuracy, publication since space is at a premium. Editor: The Battalion: This past weekend several of us journeyed to Arkansas for the Aggie-Razorback football game. During our stay on the campus we were made to feel extremely welcome by the students, ex’es and other guests. The conduct of the Arkansas Wee Aggies Short letters stand a better chance for Unsigned letters will not be published. .. student body is to be highly com mended for their actions, both on the field and off. We’re glad to have you in the Southwest Conference, Arkan sas! Tom Bred low ’60 Jack Cooper ’60 K. F. Kristiansen ’60 Bill McCarty ’60 Ben Weaver ’61 Wayne Nutt ’62 Saturday Little Sprouts Garden Club meets Saturday morning at 9:30 at the YMCA. Mrs. Dan Scoates will be the speaker. Monday MSC Bridge Committee will meet in room 3-D, MSC at 7:30 p. m. Industrial Education Wives Club will meet at the Leon B. Weiss Clothing Store, 105 Boy- ett, at 7:30 p. m. The Chemical Engineering W ives Club will have its regular meeting in the South Solarium of'the YMCA at 7:30 p.m. All members are asked to attend and bring red, green or white thread. TONIGHT “HERCULES” Also “ENCHANTED ISLAND” Dana Andrews IT’S THE BIG. BOLD PERSONAL STORY OF THE AMERICAN COMMANDOS! Plus ■""■"""■"""’"'M-G-M presents AVA STEWART DAVID ~ * J * • DttIVf IN TMl AlfH • \un FRIDAY ‘FACE OF A FUGITIVE’ With Fred MacMurray Plus “WATUSI” With George Montgomery G in that spicy stage comedy in blushing color! theUTTLEHUT Preview Saturday at 10:30 p. m. Also Sunday & Monday no UcCAREV; We Aggies like to read about Wee Ag gies. When a wee one arrives, call VI 6-4910 and ask for the Wee Aggie Edl- A future Aggie date was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wayne Clark, ’61, Oct. 31 in Cameron, Texas. The child, Cathy Ann, weighed five pounds and eight ounces. ... the tobacco that outsells all other imported tobaccos combined! Try it and your (very first puff will tell you ! why. There’s more pleasure in smooth-smoking, even burning, long-lasting, mild AMPHORA. Popular priced, and more for your money, too — full 2 ounces in every pack! Blended' in Holland. In handy pouches; and tins. Come in and try it today 1 4a 2-OZ. POUCH TRY A PIPEFUL AT THE DEALER NEAREST YOU WELDON J. KENNEDY Mineral Wells, Texas Will be given a free barbecue plate at the BARBECUE PIT Ridgecrest Shopping Center Offer good until 8:30 p. m. Nov. 7 TEXAS A&M BRAND ROUND-UP ANY AGGIE CAN WIN—MAYBE YOU A Portable TV Is The Prize .... See It At The M.S.C. Bowling Alley or Exchange Store SAVE YOUR • MARLBORO • PARLIAMENT • PHILIP MORRIS • ALPINE PACKS SIGN NAME & ADDRESS Drop Empty Packs In Container In The M.S.C. Bowling Alley or The Exchange Store CONTEST WILL RUN FROM OCT. 19 — NOV. 19 Get On The BRAND WAGON—ITS LOTS OF FUN SKYWAY Drive-ill Theater Midway Between Bryan & College TA 2-1654 AGGIES! Corral The Ponies—Then Bring Your Date To See These Three Hits Boxoffice Open 5:45 - 10:30 SATURDAY ONLY — SHOW STARTS 6:45 P.M. First Feature in One Blaiss© Of A©8i©n.« ...A boy became a warrior! A horse became a hero! And Custer became a legend! SAL MMEO IN A DIFFERENT KIND OF ROIE! WALT DISNEY'S The Untold Story Behind the West s Strongest Adventure! TECHWaCOLOFT Second Feature 1 THE MOST BRUTAL, BARBARIC TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF MOVIES— AND MANKIND! tlamn, CARlMOHNEt ANDRE MORElt COWARD UNDERDOWN WALTER FITZGERALD also starring PHIL BROWN BARBARA SHELLEY MICHAEL GOODUFEE MegaScoIPc Next Wednesday—Nov. 11 1959 The Car Holding The Most People Will Have Their Ticket Price Refunded RULES: 1. No Trucks Please 2. No Convertables 3. Car Must Go Thru The Entrance \ 4. Car Must Have A Workable Motor SHOWING NEXT WEDNESDAY A Street Car Named Desire Plus Count Your Blessings The Hate Hot Story of The Gun Fighter They Called Yellow . . . Until The Day He Rammed His Revenge Down Their Throats Also: Four Color Cartoons PEANUTS By Charles M. Schula I SEEM TO SET BY ANY LITTLE THINS I HEAR I THINK IM GOINS TO HAVE TO ERECT SORT OF A MENTAL FENCE TO KEEP UNPLEASANT NEWS OUT OF MY MIND... DON T MAKE IT A PICKET FENCE...THEY'RE AlOFUlLY .HARD TO PAINT/ ¥