The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 15, 1959, Image 8
PACE 8 Thursday, October 15, 3 959 Nurses School Starts Classes Next Week The Rryan School of Vocational Nursing - is scheduled to begin its classes Tuesday, according to Mrs John W. Huff, teacher in the school. Tuition for the course is $50. according to Mrs. Huff, and the Bryan hospitals will pay $45 a month while women are in school Entrance requirements are two years of high school or its equiv alent, a minimum age of 18, good physical and mental health moral integrity and ability to get along with others. Rooms for the school are being prepared at the Travis Elementary School, and applications are now being accepted. They may be submitted to the Bryan School of Vocational Nurs ing in care of the administrators of either Bryan or St. Joseph’s Hospital, or Stephen F. Austin High School. Mrs. Huff is a graduate of the Dallas School of Nursing. She served one year as a surgical staff nurse, two years as an instructor in professional nursing and four years as a public school nurse. Mrs. Huff said the class could accomodate 21 to 25, but that all of these have not been selected. Getting Ready for Corps Trip Shelton R. Doerkson, civil engineering sen- senior boots that he will be wearing at the ior from Keltys and Squadron T C. 0., puts Corps Trip parade in Fort Worth Saturday, brass on his shirt and sets out those prized Faculty Plans Dance Tonight in MSC jobbery Yields Toys for Thieves BRISTOL, Va.-Tenn. —UP>— A furniture store reported to police Tuesday that thieves had made off with three pistols and two rifles from its loading dock. The thieves have a surprise coming, though. All the weapons were toys. The College Employees’ Dinner Club will hold its first dance of the school year at 7:30 p.m., Thurs day in the Ballroom of the Me morial Student Center, according to Stanley P. Clark of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station, club chairman. Highlight of the dance will be President Earl Rudder’s formal welcome to all new members of the faculty. Music will be furnished by Bill Turner’s Combo. The club is open to local mem bers of the faculty and staff of the A&M System. Members may secure season tickets for the din- ner-dance series from Clark or from Dr. E. E. Burns of the De partment of Horticulture. Ed Dudley, who gave Presi dent Eisenhower golf lessons at Augusta, has been the summer pro at Broadmore in Colorado Springs since 1940. AGGIES We Will Buy For CASH All Second Semester Books X oup ot 6 BA TTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES day 31 per word per word eaeh additional day Minimum charge—40^ DEADLINES 4 p. m. day before publication OlasHkfled Display 80? per column Inch each insertion PHONE VI 8-6416 OFFICIAL NOTICES FOK SALE Official notices must be brought, mailed OT telephoned so as to arrive in the Office »f Student Publications (Ground Flooi VMCA, VI 6-6415, hours 8-12, 1-5, dally Monday through Friday) at or before the deadline of 1 p.m. of the day proceeding publication — Director of Student PubUca- tlons. NEW STUDENTS in the School of Arts and Sciences are requested to come to the Dean’s offite at 208 Nagle for the purpose of filling out personned folders, as soon as possible. This does not apply to basic Division students, but to those students transferring from other colleges. 12t5 Any student who normally expects to complete all of the requirements for a degree at the end of the current semes ter should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. October 31 is the deadline foi filing an application for a degree to hi conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. H. L. Heaton, Director of Admissions and Registrar Practically new fifty gallon aquarium including wrought iron stand and reflector cheap. TA 2-2317 after 5 p. m. 14t3 Walnut dining room suite including v table, i buffet china closet and six chairs. One three piece metal porch furniture set. One | six panel fir door unit complete with trim. One screen door. VI 6-5861 12tl4 Coldspot refrigerator, 7'/2 cubic foot, good working condition. $45.00. See in operation. 220 Inlow, Bryan. 5tfn WORK WANTED Typing done at home. ' VI 6-5998 15t5 ATTENTION WORKING MOT All Day Nursery, experienced elm supervised play, $25.00 per month 6146. Typing wanted, neat, accurate. Reanson able rates. Mrs. Carlson VI 6-7936. 122tfi Your reports will be typed quickly an< accurately on electric typewriters at th( Bi-City Secretarial Servlet Avenue. Phone VT 6-5786. HELP WANTED GENE H. AJMY from Omaha, Neb. wins free barbecue plate at the BARBECUE PIT Ridg’ecrest Shopping’ Center Offer good until 8:30 p.m. Oct. 16. Reliable woman for temporary house work and child care, mornings only. 4367. 7A Project Housing. sary. Neat in appearance. Triangl Restaurant. 3606 South College Avenue. « ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURAL SUPPLIES « BLUE LINE PRINTS • BLUE PRINTS * PHOTOSTATS ) SCOATES INDUSTRIES 663 Old Sulphur Spring* Road BRYAN. TEXAS TV - Radio - MIFi Service & Repair GIJLS RADIO & TV TA 2-0826 101 Highland Uirc - - i :■ ■ 4^* - «*!« • A*. CATES WRITER CO. ADDING MACHINES CALCULATORS < ' ELECTRIC 4. n-LTij MANUALS DISTRIBUTOR FOR ROYAL & VICTOR 909 S. MAIN BRYAN, TEX. TA 2-6000 sary. rant. Apply in person. Triangle Restau LITTLE APS... WHITLEY’S PEST CONTROL GUARANTEED SERVICE TA 2-4285 3706 So. College Ave. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I960 Model J-Be K Light weight motorcycle 4.8 h.p. $375.00 del. Bryan Sold and serviced by— MOTOR IMPORTS Franchised dealer: Ducati, Zundapp and Sachs Box 721, College Station or 600 Old Sulphur Springs, Bryan FOR RENT Two rooms for rent in a home with places to keep horses. Not necessary to have horses. Available. TA 2-1371 15t4 Unfurnished apartment well located just off southside campus. Rent quite reason able to man and wife. VI 6-5136. 15t2 Efficiency apartment ideal for student just off campus. $35.00. VI 6-6638 or VI 6-5711. 14tfn Near east gate in College Hills very nicely furnished one bedroom apartment, antique satin draperies, new stove and refrigerator. Adults only. $60.00 without utilities. VI 6-6031 after 6:00 p. m. 9tfn One bedroom furnished apartment re- cently redecorated near north gate. VI 6- 4488 or VI 6-4248. 8tfn APARTMENT FOR RENT North Gate near campus. Two bed- rooms. Refrigerator and stove pro vided. Insulated and paneled walls, 220 connection. VI 6-7214 122tfn Apartment two blocks from north gate. Nicely furnished, freezing unit in refrigera- tors. Several walk in closets. Clean as a pin. 401 Cross St., VI 6-5064 5tfn Brick duplex apartment. Unfurnished me bedroom. Central heat, tiled bath, car port, storeroom. North Gate area. Call VI 6-6468. 133tfn FURNISHED APARTMENTS, large and small. CALL TA 2-7314. 127tfn Sewing machines. Pruitt Fabric Shop. 98tfi, Two bedroom, unfurnished, brick apart ment. 402B Second St. Twin Oaks Apart ments. VI 6-5334. 115tfn Nice and clean furnished apartment available immediately. Private bath, ga rage, utilities paid. Couples only. Call VI-6-4657 or VI 6-4531 104 Gilchrist. 135tfn Unfurnished apartment across street rom South Side Food Market, 205 Mont- dair. Stove furnished. Rent $27.50. Phone VI 6-6544 or VI 6-6630. 134tfn Roomy, 2 bedroom apartment. Near Crockett School. Available immediately, ‘hone VI 6-6660 or VI 6-4916. 137tfn 1 Early Bird Shoppe, Inc. Curtains — Fabrics — Toys Ridgecrest Village SPECIAL NOTICE Want to rent piano. VI 6-7224. 14tfn Nursery school country atmosphere. Home economics graduate. Near A&M on : Hwy. 60. Can pick up children in the; mornings. VI 6-4909. 13t4; Classes in accordian, guitar and other- string instruments. For appointment phone L. G. Beaumont, TA 2-1244. 13t4; Put your reservations in now for ban quets. Accomodate up to 250 people. TA 2- 1352. Triangle Restaurant. 12tfn Dear John: I’m sending your saddle home. I have heard that a married woman can expect to be a widow for about 7 years. I might reconsider your proposition if you; will talk with Eugene Rush about an adequate life insurance program . . . .Mary. * Itfn Will do regular child care in my home.; Hot noon meal. VI 6-4651. Itfn Cade’s Auto Repair Department Trained Mechanics—Work Guaranteed Liberal Terms. 1309 Texas Avenue 133tfn, Day nursery, experienced child care, noon meal, pick up and delivery, fenced yard, VI 6-6294. 125tfn DAY NURSERY by the week, day or hour. Call Mrs. Gregory, 502 Boyett, VI6-4005. 120tfn TOM THUMB NURSERY SCHOOL Ages 272-5 years. Limited number. Story telling, Singing, Drawing, Playing. Oper ated by Shirley J. Waggoner, former first- grade teacher. Close to College. VI 6-5600. Reference when requested. Only one all- day opening remains. 116tfn Electrolux Sales and Service. Williams. TA 3-6600. Q. C 90tf» smart ^people arr maM minded! RADIO—PHONO—TV Service By SOSOLIK TUBES TESTED FREE BY EXPERTS 713 S. Main TA 2-1941 Bryan mss ft. f y I) , Where the Art of Motard & Cafeteria Cooking h Not Lost DR. M. YV DEASON OPTOMETRIST Contact Lenses Hours 9:00 - 5:30 Evenings by Appointment 214 N. Main TA 2-3530 SWIFT PREMIUM - FULLY DRESSED FRYERS WHOLE LB. Armour Star Sliced BACON LB. 43< Specials Good Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. Oct. 15-16-17 SWIFT PREMIUM - BEEF ROUND STEAK “ ★ Swift Premium Lamb Sale — LAMB PATTIES LB. 59c LOIN CHOPS LB. 79c LAMB LEGS LB. 69c IMPERIAL PURE CANE p SUGAR 5 Lb. 1 Bag 37. THE PREMIUM SHORTENING ^ SNOWDRIFT 3 Lb. 1 Can 59c HUNT'S - HALVES PEACHES No. 214 Cans 23c Northern Assorted Facial TISSUE Orange Drink Hl-C Birdseye Frozen Fish Sticks Box Of 200 10< 3 46 - 0z - qo Cans Q y < 8-Oz. Pkgs. 1.00 Tooth Paste GLEEM With Free Plastic Bathroom Cup Lg. Tube 39 Texas Grapefruit RUBY REDS 6 Fot 29c YELLOW ONIONS ,. Lb .5c Fresh Red Delicious BELL PEPPERS Eh. 15c APPLES Lb. 19c aaBfctfMmwaaa UNCLE WILLIAMS SAUERKRAUT 2 300 Can UNCLE WILLIAMS PORK & BEANS Tl* 300 Can Lilly or MELLORINE s ,„i.. ry Swindler’s Grade A I / Gallon OA A /2sq.Ctn.J9C EGGS 53 Large Doz. CampbelFs Tomato SOUP Tall Can IOC Kounty Kist Whole Kernal CORN 2 IS 25c Goochs Long SPAGHETTI 2 12-Oz. rtl Pkgs. wJLC TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th St., Downtown 3516 Texas Ave., Ridgecrest