The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 13, 1959, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Volume 59
Number 13
Yell Practice in
Invitation Offered
By Aggie Queen
Battalion News Editor
The robust Aggies greeted a lovely feminine dele
gation from Texas Woman’s University last night at
the traditional Monday Yell Practice in The Grove.
An invitation was extended from the lasses to the Ags
for the pre-Corps Trip Dance in Denton this weekend.
However, the highlight of the evening was the intro
duction of the newly-elected Aggie Sweetheart, Miss Rose
Ann Annaratone, junior from Memphis, Tenn.
Each class at TWU was represented—Jeanine Fitschen,
senior class president; Sandra Minger of the Student Cam
pus Governing Assn.; Myrtice Conn, sophomore class presi
dent; Genevive Hogue, freshman class president; and. of
Sweetheart and Cadet Colonel Heye
. . . Miss Annaratone fleams in the MSC
Concessions, Game
Consolidated Fete
Slated Saturday
John H. Southern, president of
the A&M Consolidated Band Boos
ters Club, said today that “There’ll
be lots of fun and laughter for all
ages at the Band Boosters’ Car
nival this Saturday at the A&M
Consolidated Campus.”
Southern announced that activi
ties wil begin at 5:30 with a sup
per in the school cafeteria. Con
cessions, games and ather activi
ties will begin at 6. The carnival
is planned to include the whole
family. There’ll be a big variety
of games, shows and refreshments.
The school band under the direc
tion of James Atkins will present
a concert.
The carnival will include a coun
try store operated by Mrs. E. S.
Holdridge, a spook house operated
by John H. Southern, Ernest Tan
ner’s snake house, games operated
by the College Station Lions Club
with C. E. Cosper in charge and
a beauty bar operated by Mrs.
Joseph H. Bfusse.
Three shows will be given by
James Baldauf, charcoal .portraits
will be sketched by Keith Mc
Creary, the fish pond will be op
erated by Dr. and Mrs. Dale F.
Leipper and Mrs. James Atkins.
Dr. A. F. Isbell will sell balloons
and the Girl Scouts will conduct a
puppet show. There will be a for
tune teller and Richard Rasmussen
will be the carnival barker.
Mrs. P. H. Callahan is general
chairman of the foods committee.
Others include Mrs. M. M. Ras
mussen, Mr. and Mrs. Walter A.
Varvel, Mrs. Fred R. Brison, Dr.
and Mrs. John Sperry and Mr. and
Mrs. J. G. McGuire. Dr. W. N.
Williamson is publicity chairman,
L. P. Dulaney is in charge of light
ing. Dr. Charles LaMotte, grounds
and T. D. Ledbetter is ticket sales
All funds resulting from the an
nual carnival are used for instru
ments, uniforms and activities of
the A&M Consolidated Band.
Harrington Speaks
To Ross Volunteers
An address by Dr. M. T. Har
rington will be the feature of the
Ross Volunteer Initiation Banquet
to be held tonight in the Ballroom
of the Memorial Student Center.
Wade Dover, his year’s comman
der of the Ross Volunteers, com
mented that the seventy-three
Corps juniors being initiated were
the outstanding cadets of their
class and that the stiff grade point
requirements had been relaxed in
some cases due to outstanding
leadership traits and character.
course, Miss Annaratone as
representative of the junior
class. Dean of Women Sam-
mie Ross was also present.
Miss Annaratone expressed
appreciation to the Ags for her
selection and declaimed she was es
pecially proud to represent the
men of Aggieland. She also ex
tended an invitation to the Aggies
for the weekend activities.
All the class repesentatives of
fered invitations for the tradi
tional weekend. Miss Fitschen,
who acted as mistress of ceremon
ies also told of an open house
scheduled this weekend.
Class distinction was also in
serted into the gathering as each
of the classes brought out features
of their respective group.
Miss Hogue said she had noticed
that the freshmen “are the best
looking at A&M.” Miss Conn said
the sophomores here were “the
loudest,” and cordially invited the
Ags to Denton Friday.
Miss Minger declared the senior
class was the “proudest class,”
and wished the Aggies success in
their clash with the Toads of Tex
as Christian University in Fort
Worth Saturday afternoon.
Miss Annaratone in addition to
extending an invitation to TWU,
said she “was proud to be repre
senting the junior class, but es
pecially proud to be representing
the men of Aggieland.”
Miss Fitschen was escorted by
J. C. Burton, Commander of the
1st Wing; Miss Minger by Ed
Lux, commanding Officer of Squad
ron 8; Miss Conn by Allan Burns,
president of the Class of ’60; Miss
Hogue by Joe Leeper, head yell
leader; Miss Annaratone by Stan
ley Weid, commanding officer of
Squadron 10 and vice president of
the Class of ’60, and Miss Ross by
Bill Heye, colonel of the Corps.
Miss Annaratone is a clothing-
design and textiles major.
Salute To The
Cadet Colonel Bill Heye, followed by Byron
Blasche, gives a salute to the newly-elected
Aggie Sweetheart while marching into Dun
can Dining Hall yesterday. To Heye’s right
are, left to right, Stanley Weid, Sweetheart
Rose Anne Annaratone, Jeanine Fitschen,
Ed Lux, Dean of Women Dr. Sammie Ross
and W. D. (Pete) Hardesty.
Team Due Here
This Week
For Inspection
A joint inspection team repre
senting the Army and Air Force
ROTC’s will be on the campus
Thursday and Friday for the an
nual inspection to determine
A&M’s status as a military col
lege, Col. Joe E. Davis, comman
dant, told unit commanders Mon
day afternoon.
Each brancn will have two offi
cers conducting the informal in
spection, Col. Davis said.
The outcome of the inspection
will determine whether A&M keeps
the rating as a military college
which it was given last year.
There will be no planned activi
ties. The officers will inspect any
and all phases of the Corps of Ca
dets and military and air science
instruction, said Col. Davis.
Also discussed at the meeting
was the Corps Trip to Fort Worth
this weekend and the march-in to
the University of Houston game
Saturday night.
The Corps will wear fatigues as
uniform-of-the-day today and Wed
nesday to allow cadets to prepare
for the inspection, said Col. Davis.
Ticket Sale Ends
Wednesday at 5
Date and student tickets to the
TCU game in Fort Worth will be
on sale until Wednesday at 5 p.m.,
according to Pat Dial, business
manager for the Department of
No student or student date tick
ets may be. purchased at the game,
Dial said.
Sweetheart Arrives
Arriving on the campus yesterday, newly-
elected Aggie Sweetheart Rose Anne An
naratone was escorted through a saber arch
by Cadet Colonel of the Corps Bill Heye.
Miss Annaratone was here with a delegation
from TWU inviting Aggies to pre-Corps
Trip activities in Denton this weekend.
Luedecke To Head
Atomic Talks Here
Alvin J. Luedecke, ’32, general
manager of the U. S. Atomic En
ergy Commission, will be general
chairman of the second annual.
Texas Conference on the Utiliza
tion of Atomic Energy, to be held
on the A&M campus, Nov. 12 and
Nuclear scientists from through
out the nation will present papers
on the latest developments in the
use of atomic energy during the
two-day meeting. The first day’s
papers will deal with nuclear de
velopments in the physical sciences
and the second day will be devoted
to the life sciences. The meetings
are open to representatives of ed
ucational, governmental and in
dustrial organizations throughout
Three members of the staff of
the A&M College System will serve
with Luedecke in operating the
conference. Dr. George M. Krise
of the Radiation Biological Divi
sion of the Texas Engineering Ex
periment Station, is local chair
man. Vice chairmen are R. G.
Bader and Dr. R. E. Wainerdi.
Papers scheduled for Thursday,
Nov. 12, include:
“The Determination of Trace
; I Love A&M’
Aggieland, Aggies Impress
Newly-Elected Sweetheart
Battalion Managing Editor
“I have always been impressed
with A&M, and I am even more
so now.”
These were the smiling words
of Rose Anne Annaratone, 1960
Aggie Sweetheart, as she gleamed
before popping flash bulbs in the
Memorial Student Center last night
following yell practice.
The lovely lass from Texas Wo
man’s University and Memphis,
Tenn., was here with a delegation
from Tessieland inviting the Ag
gies to pre-Corps Trip activities
at TWU this weekend.
The delegation included Miss
Annaratone, Jeanie Fitschen, sen
ior class representative; Murtice
Conn, sophomore class represen
tative; Genevieve Hogue, fresh
man class representative; Sandra
Minger, president of the Student
Campus Governing Assn, at
TWU; and Dr. Sammie Ross, dean
of women at TWU.
Arriving on the campus at 1:45
yesterday, the group was met by
Cadet Colonel of the Corps Bill
Heye • and Student Organization
Adviser W. D. (Pete) Hardesty.
Immediately the lovely sweetheart
was escorted by Heye through’ a
saber arch, a row of sixteen sen
iors pointing arching sabers in the
The sweetheart then checked in
at the MSC, Went to her room and
prepared to meet James P. Hanni-
gan, dean of students, in his of
fice on the second floor of the
From Hannigan’s office the
Sweetheart, along with Dean Ross
and Heye, visited A&M President
Earl Rudder. Here the group dis
cussed activities on both the A&M
campus and the TWU campus.
Then the group visited with Col.
Joe Davis, commandant of the
Corps. Following this visit the
Sweetheart was guest in Duncan
Dining Hall.
After the meal in Duncan, Miss
Annaratone and her delegation
moved to The Grove for yell prac
tice. Here the delegation officially
invited Aggies to the pre-Corps
Trip activities at TWU this week
Escorting Miss Annaratone was
Stanley Weid, Miss Conn by Allan
Burns; Miss Minger by Ed Lux;
Miss Hogue by Joe Leeper and
Miss Fitschen by J. C. Burton.
After yell practice the delega
tion, with the escorts, assembled
in the MSC to pose for pictures.
Then the ladies and their Aggie
escorts prepared for a night of en
Before leaving, Dean Ross asked
the girls if they would like a cur
‘The reply was simply, “no.”
Miss Annaratone left with Weid
saying, “I love A&M and all Ag
Elements by Activation Analysis,”
by Dr. George W. Leddicotte, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory;
“Chemistry of Fission Products in
Circulating Fuel Reactor Sys
tems,” by Dr. George Watson, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory; “The
Effect on the Residual Natural
Gas If Radioactive Waste Materials
were to be Stored in a Suitable
Abandoned Gas Reservoir,” by Dr.
George Crawford, University of
Texas; “Nuclear Power — How,
When, and If,” by W. Dickinson,
Bechtel Corporation; “Reactors
for the Propulsion of Manned Air
craft and Missiles,” by Lt. Col.
J. E. Bicknell, Missile Project
Branch, Division of Reactor De
velopment, U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission; “Design Considera
tions of the Nuclear Science Cen
ter Reactor Facility,” by Dr. R. E.
Wainerdi, Texas Engineering Ex
periment Station; and “The Prob
lem of Achieving Thermonuclear
Power,” by Dr. D. W. Kerst, Gen
eral Atomic, a division of General
Dynamics Corporation.
Luedecke will deliver the ban
quet address.
Two Positions
Open on CSC
Positions for Freshman and
Senior Class Representatives to
the Civilian Student Council are
now open, it was announced at
the last CSC meeting.
Filing for these positions will
begin today and end Monday.
Applicants for the positions
can file with their respective
dormitory counselors. The elec
tion will be hfeld Wednesday,
Oct. 21, in each dormitory.
Votes can be polled with the
designated dormitory council
member in his own particular
dormitory, or row representative
for College View and Project
Housing areas.