The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 30, 1959, Image 6
PAGE 6 Thursday, April oO, 1959 The Battalion College Station {Brazos CounfyJ, Texas Security Head Since 1945 Hickman Capably Maintains Campus Security Position By BOB EDGE Battalion Staff Writer Since Sept. 14, 1945, the diffi cult, thankless, but ever-interesting job of campus security for the col lege has been in the very capable hands of one John Fred Hickman. Coming to the college from the Army in 1945, Hickman was im mediately put in charge of the newly-organized Campus Security Office. Up until that time the re sponsibility for security had been with the office of the commandant, the Army in 1943, he was appointed Born in Whitesboro, Texas, in 1899, Hickman has followed the in teresting life of law enforcement. He began as a patrolman with the State Highway Patrol. He was la ter placed in charge of the first Highway Patrol training school which was established in Austin in 1930. From this he rose to the position of district captain and fi nally became head of the State Highway Patrol. Before entering House Turns Down Plan For State Spending Appropriations AUSTIN (AP) — The House turned down a plan Wednesday to cut state spending appropriations to one instead of two years. The vote was 117-9. The attempt, which has been rumored for several weeks as an economy. measure, came as the House refused to approve the Sen ate version of the appropriations bill. It is 3014 million dollars cheap er than the House bill HB210. The joint committee from the House and Senate will try now to work out a compromise acceptable to both houses before the May 12 adjournment date. Rep. W. S. Heathly, Paducah, ap propriations chairman, said the one-year appropriation plan ad vanced by Rep. Ben Lewis, Dallas, wouldn’t work. The Senate sent to its State Af fairs Committee the House-approv ed general tax bill HB727. It calls for about 77 million dollars for 1960-61 compared to the estimated 150 million in ne t w income. At a meeting this afternoon the Senate State Affairs Committee de cided to begin public hearings on the tax bill, article by article, on Monday. A schedule of hearings will be announced tomorrow. The House spent all morning on a bill SB19 to prohibit the sale of cars and trucks on Sunday. It was approved 73-61 in a much amended form that must be considered again by the Senate. The amendments cut out trucks, trailer and tractor sales on Sunday, and would allow all sales between 1:30 and 6 p.m. It also, would exempt Seventh Day Adventists, Buddhists, Mohamed- ans, Jews, Hindus, Atheists and Agnostics. Drill Team Plans Splash Day Trip A&M’s Freshman Drill Team will participate in the annual Gal veston Splash Day Parade Satur day, according to Ben Rice, team commander. A group of 34 of the team’s 42 members have been chosen to march in the parade. The group will leave for Galveston Friday evening. The team will probably return to A&M Sunday afternoon, Rice said. Mr. REPRESENTS THE Jefferson Standard Jefferson Standard, now guaranteeing 2%% on policies currently issued, has never paid less than 4% interest on dividend accumulations and on policy proceeds left on de posit to provide income. 4% IS THE HIGHEST RATE OP INTEREST PAID BY ANY MAJOR LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. This means EXTRA INCOME to Jefferson Standard policyholders and beneficiaries. Call or write for full In formation today. Albert W. Seiter, Jr. 2601 Texas Avenue Phone TA 2-0018 Representing LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Home Officei Greensboro, N.C Gov. Price Daniel banded the legislature three more emergency requests for legislation. He asked two legislative acts to back up his signing the increased truck load limit bill SB11 Monday night. The measure raises the load limit from 58,420 to 72,000 pounds. Daniel asked that the state high way commission be given strength ened authority to set lower weight limits on parts of the state high way system which are not capable of carrying present or future max imum weights. He asked increased appropria tions to double the present number of license and weight inspectors who will be enforcing the new load limit. Earlier, he asked passage of a law requiring the State Banking Commissioner to approve purchase of controlling interest in state banks. The Senate Constitutional Amendments Committee recom mended passage of a House ap proved proposal HJR41 to limit any one county to nine state rep resentatives unless its population is over 900,000. The House Agriculture Commit tee recommended passage of a bill SB277 tightening milk import reg ulations. The measure earlier was passed in the Senate. Asistant Director of the Texas De partment of Public Safety. Hickman, a captain in the Army during World War II, served in the military government division, landing on D-Day with the 2nd British Army. He subsequently spent 22 months overseas before being sent back to the United States and discharged. He then came to A&M and took over the campus security post. Hickman states that the campus security department had no cars when he first took over. They la ter rented one from a college car pool. The campus security force is now comprised of 11 uniformed men, 2 automobiles, Hickman and a secretary. Hickman said that his office has the resporisibility for handling the traffic problems of a city of from 15-20,000 population and added that the last traffic fa tality on the campus was in 1946. The security chief lives on Throckmorton Street here on the campus with his wife Katherine. He has two sons. John, the older, is a Marine pilot. Richard is a junior here at A&M. Geology Prof Leads SEPM Field Trip Fred E. Smith, professor in the Department of Geology and Geo physics, will lead the joint annual field trip Saturday of the Gulf Coast Section of SEPM and the Houston Geological Society. At 7:30 a.m., the geology group will assemble at the west end of the Brazos River Bridge, on U.S. Highway 79, about five miles southwest of Hearne. From there they will proceed to study the Rek- law, Carrizo, Wilcox, Midway, Na varro and Taylor formations along the Brazos River Valley. E. H. Rainwater, of Houston, is the field trip chairman. S.I.C. E. V. Hetzel . . . opens revival Assembly of God Revival Sunday The College Heights Assembly of God Church will sponsor a revival beginning Sunday evening with S.I.C. E. V. Hetzel as the main speaker, the Rev. R. L. Tumlinson announced today. Sgt. Hetzel, who has been as signed to the basic branch of the U.S. Army Instructor Unit at A&M has recently returned from 13 months active duty with the head quarters of the U.S. Eighth Army in Korea. He is a native of Brown- wood. He will show slides that he has taken in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Ko rea and Japan and will tell of the adventui'es in faith that he has experienced during his 6 years in the Air Force and 10 years in the Army. Sgt. Hetzel has filled in for chaplains and has also served as retreat master for three Pentacost- al retreats at the Eighth Army Re treat Center. While he was in Korea and Ja pan he conducted 11 revivals and also organized a Pentacostal Fel lowship and Men of the Chapel (interdenominational). The Gilbert and Sullivan comic opera, “H.M.S. Pinafore,” satirizes naval officers who get rank by in fluence. A MAN SIZED VALUE WITH LADY LIKE FASHION This is just another way of saying that an extra telephone in color is big in beauty and small in cost. One of these sparkling, step saving conveniences will add a touch of high fashion to any room in your home or apartment. There’s sure to be one that will please you perfectly since we have them in all the latest decorator shades. And the cost is really low, too. But find out for yourself. Call our business office for full information, today. The Southwestern States Telephone Company MINIMAX Store Owner's ★ VEAL SHOULDER SQUARE CUT ROAST SALE! .49' Fresh Ground HAMBURGER 2uw. 79c Swift Premium FRANKS Lb 49c Rath Blackhawk Swift Premium, Sliced BACON Sliced r*A BOLOGNA .... Lb. 39c Veal Round Bone Boneless Veal ROAST Lb. 59c ROLLED ROAST Lb. 49c Maryland Club Coffee The Miracle Wash TIDE Lb. Can Gt. Box 59< 59< New Deluxe Minimax SHORTENING Q Lb. Can 65c Sunkist Pink or Regular LEMONADE Frozen 6-Oz. Can 10c New Light, Light KRAFT OIL Qt. Bottle 45= ★ LOOK WHAT ONE DOLLAR WILL BUY! Hunt’s Yellow Cling Sliced or Halves PEACHES No. 300 Cans 5 FOR 1.00 Hunt’s Bartlett PEAR HALVES No. 300 Cans 4 FOR 1.00 Hunt’s Solid Pack TOMATOES No. 300 Cans 6 for 1.00 Van Camp’s PORK and BEANS No. 300 Cans 8 for 1.00 Central American BANANAS lb. 9 Texas Yellow Fresh Red ONIONS n. 9c RADISHES 2^‘lk California Fresh CARROTS 2Bat 19c ARTICHOKES 2 For 27c FAIRLANE FRESH FROZEN STRAWBERRIES ^ 10-Oz. Pkgs. *1 u QQ Kraft Philadelphia CREAM CHEESE 8-°z. or . Pkg. £ JL Sanitary MELLORINE 39 Half Gallon Square Carton Sanitary or Carnation MILK O GaUon QO Cartons f Half Cartons OV c TWO CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 200 E. 24th St., Downtown Bryan 3516 Texas Ave., Ridgecrest SPECIALS GOOD AT BOTH STORES THUR., - FRL, - SAT.—APRIL 30—May 1 & 2